* Several controllers by module : added option "-m <Module>" in ctrl2ept
Generate controllers for each node of one module in <module>_controller.ept
* Types of <Module> no longer moved to <Module>_controller
* Added "_types" suffix for type dependencies for C target
These changes allow to handle the case where contracts are only used
for verification purposes, in which case the functions generated by
ReaX have no outputs and are not functions stricto sensu. Indeed, in
this case the new controller module still needs to be declared and
compiled as we may have re-qualified types during the generation of
the Controllable-Nbac code: we moved all types declared in the
original module into the controller module to break cyclic module
dependencies that would otherwise be introduced if the controller is
expressed using data of such types.
- Controllable-Nbac export (CtrlNbacGen): correct handling of float
expressions, as well as alias types;
- Controllable-Nbac controller importer (CtrlNbacAsEpt): Declaration
of enumerated types and aliases that are relocated to controller
modules is now performed based on the interface. Dependencies
between type aliases are also taken into account now;
- ctrl2ept tool: correct loading of pervasives module.
To avoid cyclic module dependencies (that show up when trying to
compile, e.g, the generated C code), enumerated types declared in the
main program are now "moved" into the module containing the generated
To enable recovery of parameter and output ordering by `ctrl2ept', the
Controllable-Nbac generation procedure now declares a new module
dedicated to the encapsulation of the controller functions yet to be
Handling of type declarations are probably buggy.