[ctrl-n] Suppression of type declarations in Heptagon controller
TODO : move type declarations in separated module.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 35 additions and 3 deletions
@ -117,6 +117,24 @@ let parse_input ?filename (parse: ?filename:string -> _) =
exception Error of string
let suppress_typedecl ?mo prog =
let open Heptagon in
let p_desc =
(fun acc d -> match d with
Ptype _ -> acc
| _ -> d::acc)
prog.p_desc in
let p_opened =
match mo with
None -> prog.p_opened
| Some m -> m :: prog.p_opened in
{ prog with
p_desc = List.rev p_desc;
let parse_n_gen_ept_node ?filename ?node_name ?node_sig ?typ_symbs () =
let name, func = parse_input ?filename CtrlNbac.Parser.Unsafe.parse_func in
let node_name = match node_name with Some n -> n
@ -129,6 +147,7 @@ let handle_ctrlf ?filename mk_oc =
let _, decls = parse_n_gen_ept_node ?filename () in
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.create_prog Names.LocalModule in (* don't care? *)
let prog = List.fold_right CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog decls prog in
let prog = suppress_typedecl prog in
let oc, close = mk_oc.out_exec "ept" in
Hept_printer.print oc prog;
close ()
@ -193,7 +212,9 @@ let handle_node arg =
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.create_prog ~open_modul:[ ] om in
let prog = List.fold_right CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog typs prog in
let prog = try try_ctrls typ_symbs nn prog with
| Exit -> try_ctrlf typ_symbs nn prog in
| Exit -> try_ctrlf typ_symbs nn prog in
(* Suppress type declarations in controller *)
let prog = suppress_typedecl ~mo prog in
output_prog prog om
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ let translate_node ~requal_types typdefs = function
types of expressions to avoid some errors in code generation later on. *)
let requal_declared_types prog =
let cmodul = controller_modul prog.p_modname in
let cmodul = types_modul prog.p_modname in
let requal m = m = prog.p_modname in
let requal_constr ({ qual; name } as cstr) =
@ -120,7 +120,10 @@ let translate_constructor_name_2 q q_ty =
{ qual = QualModule classe; name = String.uppercase q.name }
let translate_constructor_name q =
match Modules.unalias_type (Types.Tid (Modules.find_constrs q)) with
Format.eprintf "lala %a@." Global_printer.print_qualname q;
let x = Modules.find_constrs q in
Format.eprintf "ok@.";
match Modules.unalias_type (Types.Tid x) with
| Types.Tid q_ty when q_ty = Initial.pbool -> q |> shortname |> local_qn
| Types.Tid q_ty -> translate_constructor_name_2 q q_ty
| _ -> assert false
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ open Names
let ctrlr_mod_suffix = "_controller"
let types_mod_suffix = "_types"
let dirname_for_modul modul =
build_path (filename_of_name (modul_to_string modul) ^ "_ctrln")
@ -50,6 +52,12 @@ let controller_modul = function
QualModule { q with name = n ^ ctrlr_mod_suffix }
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected module"
let types_modul = function
| Module n -> Module (n ^ types_mod_suffix)
| QualModule ({ name = n } as q) ->
QualModule { q with name = n ^ types_mod_suffix }
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected module"
let controller_node ?num { qual; name } = match num with
| Some num -> { qual = controller_modul qual;
name = Printf.sprintf "%s_ctrlr%d" name num }
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