Controllable-Nbac import&export now support relocation of alias types.
- Controllable-Nbac export (CtrlNbacGen): correct handling of float expressions, as well as alias types; - Controllable-Nbac controller importer (CtrlNbacAsEpt): Declaration of enumerated types and aliases that are relocated to controller modules is now performed based on the interface. Dependencies between type aliases are also taken into account now; - ctrl2ept tool: correct loading of pervasives module.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 123 additions and 61 deletions
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
(* *)
open Format
open Signature
open Types
open Names
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ let translate_typ gd vdecl = function
| `Int -> Initial.tint
| `Real -> Initial.tfloat
| `Enum tn -> Tid (SMap.find tn gd.tdefs)
| t -> raise (Untranslatable (Format.asprintf "type %a" print_typ t,
| t -> raise (Untranslatable (asprintf "type %a" print_typ t,
opt_decl_loc gd vdecl))
let symb_typ gd s = try match SMap.find s gd.decls with | typ, _, _ -> typ with
@ -83,9 +84,8 @@ let symb_typ' gd s = translate_typ gd s (symb_typ gd s)
let translate_label gd l = gd.qname (Symb.to_string (label_symb l))
let ts gd v = try SMap.find v gd.var_names with Not_found ->
failwith (Format.asprintf "Variable name `%a' unavailable; \
was it an output of the main node?"
Symb.print v)
failwith (asprintf "Variable name `%a' unavailable; \
was it an output of the main node?" Symb.print v)
let pat_of_var gd v = Evarpat (ts gd v)
@ -123,30 +123,43 @@ let eqrel: eqrel -> fun_name = function
| `Eq -> Initial.mk_pervasives "="
| `Ne -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<>"
let totrel t : totrel -> fun_name = function
| `Lt when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<"
| `Le when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<="
| `Gt when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">"
| `Ge when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">="
| `Lt -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<"
| `Le -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<="
| `Gt -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">"
| `Ge -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">="
| #eqrel as r -> eqrel r
let float_typ t = Modules.unalias_type t = Initial.tfloat
let nuop t : nuop -> fun_name = function
| `Opp when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "~-."
| `Opp -> Initial.mk_pervasives "~-"
let totrel t : totrel -> fun_name =
if float_typ t
then function
| `Lt -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<."
| `Le -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<=."
| `Gt -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">."
| `Ge -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">=."
| `Eq -> Initial.mk_pervasives "=." (* XXX: error case? *)
| `Ne -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<>." (* ibid *)
else function
| `Lt -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<"
| `Le -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<="
| `Gt -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">"
| `Ge -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">="
| #eqrel as r -> eqrel r
let nnop t : nnop -> fun_name = function
| `Sum when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "+."
| `Sub when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "-."
| `Mul when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "*."
| `Div when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "/."
| `Sum -> Initial.mk_pervasives "+"
| `Sub -> Initial.mk_pervasives "-"
| `Mul -> Initial.mk_pervasives "*"
| `Div -> Initial.mk_pervasives "/"
let nuop t : nuop -> fun_name =
if float_typ t
then function
| `Opp -> Initial.mk_pervasives "~-."
else function
| `Opp -> Initial.mk_pervasives "~-"
let nnop t : nnop -> fun_name =
if float_typ t
then function
| `Sum -> Initial.mk_pervasives "+."
| `Sub -> Initial.mk_pervasives "-."
| `Mul -> Initial.mk_pervasives "*."
| `Div -> Initial.mk_pervasives "/."
else function
| `Sum -> Initial.mk_pervasives "+"
| `Sub -> Initial.mk_pervasives "-"
| `Mul -> Initial.mk_pervasives "*"
| `Div -> Initial.mk_pervasives "/"
let buop: buop -> fun_name = function
| `Neg -> Initial.pnot
@ -198,8 +211,8 @@ let translate_expr gd e =
| `Int i -> mkp Initial.tint (Econst (Initial.mk_static_int i))
| `Real r -> mkp Initial.tfloat (Econst (Initial.mk_static_float r))
| `Mpq r -> tn ?flag (`Real (Mpqf.to_float r))
| `Bint (s, w, _) -> raise (Untranslatable (Format.asprintf "constant of \
type %a" print_typ (`Bint (s, w)), flag))
| `Bint (s, w, _) -> raise (Untranslatable (asprintf "constant of type \
%a" print_typ (`Bint (s, w)), flag))
| `Nuop (op, e) -> mk_nuapp ?flag op e
| `Nnop (op, e, f, l) -> mk_nnapp ?flag op e f l
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb tn c
@ -228,17 +241,56 @@ let translate_expr gd e =
(* --- *)
let decl_typs typdefs gd =
fold_typdefs begin fun tname tdef typs ->
let name = gd.qname (Symb.to_string tname |> String.uncapitalize) in
match tdef with
| EnumDef labels ->
let constrs = (fun (l, _) -> translate_label gd l) labels in
gd.tdefs <- SMap.add tname name gd.tdefs;
{ t_name = name;
t_desc = Type_enum constrs;
t_loc = Location.no_location }:: typs
end typdefs []
(* let decl_typs typdefs gd = *)
(* fold_typdefs begin fun tname tdef typs -> *)
(* let name = gd.qname (Symb.to_string tname |> String.uncapitalize) in *)
(* match tdef with *)
(* | EnumDef labels -> *)
(* let constrs = (fun (l, _) -> translate_label gd l) labels in *)
(* gd.tdefs <- SMap.add tname name gd.tdefs; *)
(* Ptype { t_name = name; *)
(* t_desc = Type_enum constrs; *)
(* t_loc = Location.no_location } :: typs *)
(* end typdefs [] *)
let decl_typs_from_module_itf gd =
(* Note we need to sort type declarations according to their respective
dependencies; hence the implicit topological traversal of the type
definitions. *)
let rec decl_types rem types =
if QualEnv.is_empty rem then
let t_name, tdef = QualEnv.choose rem in
let rem, types = decl_typ t_name tdef rem types in
decl_types rem types
and decl_typ t_name tdef rem types =
let rem = QualEnv.remove t_name rem in
if tdef = Tabstract || t_name.qual = Names.Pervasives then
rem, types
let t_desc, rem, types = match tdef with
| Tenum cl ->
(* "declaring enum type %s" (shortname t_name); *)
let name = Symb.of_string (String.capitalize (shortname t_name)) in
gd.tdefs <- SMap.add name t_name gd.tdefs;
(Type_enum cl, rem, types)
| Talias (Tid tn) when tn.qual = t_name.qual -> (* declare deps 1st *)
(* "declaring alias type %s" (shortname t_name); *)
let tdef = QualEnv.find tn rem in
let rem, types = decl_typ tn tdef (QualEnv.remove tn rem) types in
(Type_alias (Tid tn), rem, types)
| Talias t ->
(* "declaring alias type %s" (shortname t_name); *)
(Type_alias t, rem, types)
| Tstruct _ ->
failwith (asprintf "Unexpected struct type `%s' in module interface"
(shortname t_name))
| Tabstract -> assert false
rem, Ptype { t_name; t_desc; t_loc = Location.no_location; } :: types
decl_types Modules.g_env.Modules.types []
(* --- *)
@ -343,13 +395,15 @@ let gen_func ?node_sig ~node_name func =
let { fn_typs; fn_decls } = func_desc func in
let modul = modul node_name in
let gd = mk_gen_data modul (fn_decls:> ('f, 'f var_spec) decls) fn_typs in
let typs = (fun t -> Ptype t) (decl_typs fn_typs gd) in
(* let typs = decl_typs fn_typs gd in *)
let typs = decl_typs_from_module_itf gd in
let node = node_of_func gd ?node_sig node_name func in
node, typs
(* --- *)
let create_prog ?(open_modul = []) modul =
Modules.open_module modul;
p_modname = modul;
p_opened = open_modul;
@ -204,10 +204,9 @@ let handle_node arg =
if mo = Names.Pervasives || mo = Names.LocalModule then
raise (Error (sprintf "Invalid node specification: `%s'." arg));
Initial.initialize Names.Pervasives;
Modules.open_module Names.Pervasives;
info "Loading module of controllers for node %s…" (Names.fullname nn);
let om = Ctrln_utils.controller_modul mo in
Modules.open_module om;
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.create_prog ~open_modul:[ ] om in
let prog = try try_ctrls nn prog with Exit -> try_ctrlf nn prog in
output_prog prog om
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Compiler_utils
open Ctrln_utils
open Signature
open Types
@ -103,12 +104,13 @@ let translate_constrs cl = mk_etyp ( translate_constr cl)
(* --- *)
let translate_typ typ = match Modules.unalias_type typ with
let rec translate_typ typ = match Modules.unalias_type typ with
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" }) -> `Bool
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "int" }) -> `Int
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "real" }) -> `Real (* XXX? *)
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "float" }) -> `Real
| Tid ({ name = tn } as t) -> (match Modules.find_type t with
| Tenum _ -> `Enum (mk_typname (mk_symb tn))
| Talias t -> translate_typ t (* XXX? *)
| _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("type "^ fullname t))
| Tprod _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("product type")
| Tarray _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("array type")
@ -126,21 +128,24 @@ let simplify_static_exp se = (Static.simplify QualEnv.empty se).se_desc
let translate_static_bexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sbool true | Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "true" } -> tt
| Sbool false | Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "false" } -> ff
| _ -> failwith ("Boolean static expression expected!")
| _ -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Boolean static expression expected! (found@ \
`%a')" Global_printer.print_static_exp se)
let translate_static_eexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "true" as n }
| Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "false" as n } ->
failwith ("Enum static expression expected! (found `"^n^"')")
| Sconstructor c -> `Enum (translate_constr c)
| _ -> failwith ("Enum static expression expected!")
| _ -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Enum static expression expected! (found@ \
`%a')" Global_printer.print_static_exp se)
let translate_static_nexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sint v -> `Int v
| Sfloat v -> `Real v
| Sop ({ qual = Pervasives; name="~-" },[{ se_desc = Sint v }]) -> `Int (-v)
| Sop ({ qual = Pervasives; name="~-." },[{ se_desc=Sfloat v }]) -> `Real (-.v)
| _ -> failwith ("Numerical static expression expected!")
| _ -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Numerical static expression expected! (found\
@ `%a')" Global_printer.print_static_exp se)
(* --- *)
@ -173,6 +178,7 @@ let translate_ext ~pref ext = match translate_typ ext.w_ty with
let translate_app ~pref op el =
let pervasives = function
| "not", [e] -> mk_neg e
|("~-" | "~-."), [e] -> mk_opp e
| "or", e::l -> mk_disj e l
| "&", e::l -> mk_conj e l
| "xor", [e;f] -> mk_xor e f
@ -564,9 +570,8 @@ let translate_node ~requal_types typdefs = function
(* --- *)
(** Moves all type declarations into the given module, declare aliases for them
(in cases). Also requalifies constructor names in the program, FIXME: as
well as types of expressions to avoid some errors in code generation later
on. *)
(in cases). Also requalifies constructor names in the program, as well as
types of expressions to avoid some errors in code generation later on. *)
let requal_declared_types prog =
let cmodul = controller_modul prog.p_modname in
@ -575,25 +580,29 @@ let requal_declared_types prog =
let requal_constr ({ qual; name } as cstr) =
if requal qual then { qual = cmodul; name } else cstr in
let requal_type = function (* requalify enum and alias types. *)
| Tid ({ qual; name } as ty) as t when requal qual ->
(match Modules.find_type ty with
| Tenum _ | Talias _ -> Tid { qual = cmodul; name }
| _ -> t)
| t -> t
let requal_type_dec = function
| { t_name = tn; t_desc = Type_enum cl } as t when requal tn.qual ->
| { t_name = tn; t_desc } as t when requal tn.qual ->
let new_type = match t_desc with
| Type_enum cl -> Signature.Tenum ( requal_constr cl)
| Type_alias t -> Signature.Talias (requal_type t)
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let tn' = { tn with qual = cmodul } in
let t = { t with t_name = tn; t_desc = Type_alias (Tid tn') } in
Modules.replace_type tn (Signature.Talias (Tid tn'));
Modules.add_type tn' (Signature.Tenum ( requal_constr cl));
Modules.add_type tn' new_type;
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let requal_type = function (* requalify only enum types. *)
| Tid ({ qual; name } as ty) as t when requal qual ->
begin match Modules.find_type ty with
| Tenum _ -> Tid { qual = cmodul; name }
| _ -> t
| t -> t
let open Mls_mapfold in
let open Global_mapfold in
let funcs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
Reference in a new issue