Insertion of call to controller(s) when exporting to Controllable-Nbac node.
To enable recovery of parameter and output ordering by `ctrl2ept', the Controllable-Nbac generation procedure now declares a new module dedicated to the encapsulation of the controller functions yet to be synthesized. Handling of type declarations are probably buggy.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 609 additions and 166 deletions
@ -160,6 +160,10 @@ let initialize modul =
List.iter open_module !default_used_modules
let current () = g_env.current_mod
let select modul = g_env.current_mod <- modul
(** {3 Add functions prevent redefinitions} *)
let _check_not_defined env f =
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ let rec modul_of_string_list = function
let qualname_of_string s =
let q_l_n = Misc.split_string s "." in
match List.rev q_l_n with
| [] -> Misc.internal_error "Names"
| [] -> (* Misc.internal_error "Names" *)raise Exit
| n::q_l -> { qual = modul_of_string_list q_l; name = n }
let modul_of_string s =
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
(* *)
open Signature
open Types
open Names
open Idents
@ -119,6 +120,17 @@ let eqrel: eqrel -> fun_name = function
| `Eq -> Initial.mk_pervasives "="
| `Ne -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<>"
let totrel t : totrel -> fun_name = function
| `Lt when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<"
| `Le when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<="
| `Gt when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">"
| `Ge when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">="
| `Lt -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<"
| `Le -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<="
| `Gt -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">"
| `Ge -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">="
| #eqrel as r -> eqrel r
let nuop t : nuop -> fun_name = function
| `Opp when t = Initial.tfloat -> Initial.mk_pervasives "~-."
| `Opp -> Initial.mk_pervasives "~-"
@ -161,13 +173,13 @@ let translate_expr gd e =
| `Buop (op, e) -> mkb (mk_uapp (Efun (buop op)) (tb e))
| `Bnop (op, e, f, l) -> mkb_bapp ?flag (Efun (bnop op)) tb e f l
| `Bcmp (re, e, f) -> mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (eqrel re)) (tb e) (tb f))
| `Ncmp _ -> assert false
| `Ecmp (re, e, f) -> mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (eqrel re)) (te e) (te f))
| `Pcmp (re, e, f) -> mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (eqrel re)) (tp e) (tp f))
| `Ncmp (re, e, f) -> mkb_ncmp re e f
| `Pin (e, f, l) -> mkb_bapp_eq ?flag tp e f l
| `Bin (e, f, l) -> mkb_bapp_eq ?flag tb e f l
| `Ein (e, f, l) -> mkb_bapp_eq ?flag te e f l
| `BIin _ -> assert false
| `BIin _ -> raise (Untranslatable ("bounded Integer membership", flag))
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb tb c
| #flag as e -> apply' tb e
and te ?flag = ignore flag; function
@ -183,11 +195,15 @@ let translate_expr gd e =
| `Int i -> mkp Initial.tint (Econst (Initial.mk_static_int i))
| `Real r -> mkp Initial.tfloat (Econst (Initial.mk_static_float r))
| `Mpq r -> tn ?flag (`Real (Mpqf.to_float r))
| `Bint _ -> assert false
| `Bint (s, w, _) -> raise (Untranslatable (Format.asprintf "constant of \
type %a" print_typ (`Bint (s, w)), flag))
| `Nuop (op, e) -> mk_nuapp ?flag op e
| `Nnop (op, e, f, l) -> mk_nnapp ?flag op e f l
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb tn c
| #flag as e -> apply' tn e
and mkb_ncmp ?flag re e f =
let { e_ty } as e = tn ?flag e and f = tn f in
mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (totrel e_ty re)) e f)
and mk_nuapp ?flag op e =
let { e_ty } as e = tn ?flag e in
mkp e_ty (mk_uapp (Efun (nuop e_ty op)) e)
@ -223,18 +239,26 @@ let decl_typs typdefs gd =
(* --- *)
let decl_var_acc gd v t acc =
let ident = ident_of_name (Symb.to_string v) in
let decl_var' gd v id t =
let vd = {
v_ident = ident;
v_type = translate_typ gd v t;
v_ident = id;
v_type = t;
v_linearity = Linearity.Ltop;
v_clock = Clocks.Cbase;
v_last = Var;
v_loc = Location.no_location;
} in
gd.env <- Env.add ident vd gd.env;
gd.var_names <- SMap.add v ident gd.var_names;
gd.env <- Env.add id vd gd.env;
gd.var_names <- SMap.add v id gd.var_names;
let decl_ident gd id t =
let v = mk_symb (name id) in
decl_var' gd v id t
let decl_symb_acc gd v t acc =
let ident = ident_of_name (Symb.to_string v) in
let vd = decl_var' gd v ident (translate_typ gd v t) in
vd :: acc
(* --- *)
@ -250,7 +274,7 @@ let translate_equ_acc gd v e acc =
(* --- *)
let block_of_func gd { fni_local_vars; fni_all_specs } =
let locals = SMap.fold (decl_var_acc gd) fni_local_vars [] in
let locals = SMap.fold (decl_symb_acc gd) fni_local_vars [] in
let equs = SMap.fold (translate_equ_acc gd) fni_all_specs [] in
b_local = locals;
@ -269,26 +293,41 @@ let io_of_func gd { fni_io_vars } =
List.rev_append (SMap.bindings fnig_output_vars) o)) ([], []) fni_io_vars
let i = List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> scmp b a) i in (* rev. *)
let i = List.fold_left (fun acc (v, t) -> decl_var_acc gd v t acc) [] i in
let i = List.fold_left (fun acc (v, t) -> decl_symb_acc gd v t acc) [] i in
let o = List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> scmp b a) o in (* rev. *)
let o = List.fold_left (fun acc (v, t) -> decl_var_acc gd v t acc) [] o in
let o = List.fold_left (fun acc (v, t) -> decl_symb_acc gd v t acc) [] o in
i, o
(* --- *)
let node_of_func gd func =
let n_name = gd.qname "func" in
enter_node n_name;
(* /!\ Inputs omitted in the signature w.r.t the Controllable-Nbac model should
not appear anywhere in equations... *)
let io_of_func_match gd { node_inputs; node_outputs } =
let decl_arg = function
| { a_name = Some n; a_type = ty } -> decl_ident gd (ident_of_name n) ty
| _ -> failwith "Missing argument names in signature"
let i = decl_arg node_inputs in
let o = decl_arg node_outputs in
i, o
(* --- *)
let node_of_func gd ?node_sig n_name func =
enter_node n_name; (* ??? *)
let fi = gather_func_info func in
let n_input, n_output = io_of_func gd fi in
let n_input, n_output = match node_sig with
| None -> io_of_func gd fi
| Some s -> io_of_func_match gd s
let block = block_of_func gd fi in
Pnode {
n_stateful = false; (* ??? *)
n_unsafe = false; (* ??? *)
n_stateful = false;
n_unsafe = false;
n_contract = None; (* <- TODO *)
n_contract = None; (* <- TODO: assume? *)
n_block = block;
n_loc = Location.no_location;
n_params = [];
@ -297,14 +336,25 @@ let node_of_func gd func =
(* --- *)
let gen_func ~module_name func =
let gen_func ?node_sig ~node_name func =
let { fn_typs; fn_decls } = func_desc func in
let gd = mk_gen_data module_name (fn_decls:> ('f, 'f var_spec) decls) fn_typs in
let typs = decl_typs fn_typs gd in
let typs = List.rev_map (fun t -> Ptype t) typs in
let node = node_of_func gd func in
let modul = modul node_name in
let gd = mk_gen_data modul (fn_decls:> ('f, 'f var_spec) decls) fn_typs in
let typs = (fun t -> Ptype t) (decl_typs fn_typs gd) in
let node = node_of_func gd ?node_sig node_name func in
node, typs
(* --- *)
let create_prog modul =
p_modname = Module module_name;
p_modname = modul;
p_opened = [];
p_desc = List.rev (Pnode node :: typs);
p_desc = [];
let add_to_prog e ({ p_desc } as p) =
(* TODO: check typ duplicates *)
{ p with p_desc = List.rev (e :: List.rev p_desc); }
(* --- *)
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ let abort ?filename n msgs =
(** File extensions officially understood by the tool, with associated input
types. *)
let ityps_alist = [
(* "ctrln", `Ctrln; "cn", `Ctrln; *)
"ctrlf", `Ctrlf; "cf", `Ctrlf;
(* "ctrlr", `Ctrlr; "cr", `Ctrlr; *)
"ctrls", `Ctrlf; "cs", `Ctrlf; (* No need to discriminate between weaved and
split functions (for now). *)
(** Name of official input types as understood by the tool. *)
(** name of official input types as understood by the tool. *)
let ityps = fst ityps_alist
let set_input_type r t =
@ -38,16 +38,31 @@ let set_input_type r t =
let inputs = ref []
let output = ref ""
let input_type = ref None
let node = ref ""
exception Help
let usage = "Usage: ctrl2ept [options] { [-i] <filename> | -n <node> } \
[ -- { <filename> } ]"
let print_vers () =
fprintf err_formatter "ctrl2ept, version %s (compiled on %s)@." version date;
exit 0
let anon x = inputs := x :: !inputs
let options =
let it = Arg.Symbol (ityps, set_input_type input_type)
let options = Arg.align
"-v",Arg.Set verbose, doc_verbose;
"-version", Arg.Unit show_version, doc_version;
"-i", Arg.String anon, "<file> ";
"-input-type", Arg.Symbol (ityps, set_input_type input_type), "Input file type";
"--input-type", Arg.Symbol (ityps, set_input_type input_type), "";
"-o", Arg.Set_string output, "<file> ";
"-i", Arg.String anon, "<file> Input file (`-' means standard input)";
"-input-type", it, " Input file type";
"--input-type", it, "";
"-o", Arg.Set_string output, "<file> Select output file (`-' means \
standard output)";
"-n", Arg.Set_string node, "<node> Select base input node";
"--", Arg.Rest anon, " Treat all remaining arguments as input files";
"-where", Arg.Unit locate_stdlib, doc_locate_stdlib;
"-stdlib", Arg.String set_stdlib, doc_stdlib;
"-v",Arg.Set verbose, " Set verbose mode";
"-version", Arg.Unit print_vers, " Print the version of the compiler";
"--version", Arg.Unit print_vers, "";
"-h", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> raise Help), "";
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@ -63,7 +78,7 @@ type out =
let mk_oc basename =
out_exec = (fun ext ->
let filename = asprintf "%s.%s" basename ext in
let filename = asprintf "%s%s" basename ext in
let oc = open_out filename in
info "Outputting into `%s'…" filename;
oc, (fun () -> flush oc; close_out oc));
@ -101,16 +116,100 @@ let parse_input ?filename (parse: ?filename:string -> _) =
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let handle_ctrlf ?filename mk_oc =
exception Error of string
(* let hack_filter_inputs = let open AST in function *)
(* | `Desc ({ fn_decls = decls } as f) -> *)
(* (\* TODO: we should actually _substitute_ these variables with ff in the *)
(* definitions; yet I think they are unlikely to appear anywhere in the *)
(* controller. *\) *)
(* let init_symb = Symb.of_string Ctrln_utils.init_cond_str *)
(* and sink_symb = Symb.of_string Ctrln_utils.sink_state_str in *)
(* let decls = SMap.remove init_symb decls in *)
(* let decls = SMap.remove sink_symb decls in *)
(* `Desc { f with fn_decls = decls } *)
(* | _ -> failwith "should be given an unchecked function!" *)
let parse_n_gen_ept_node ?filename ?node_name ?node_sig () =
let name, func = parse_input ?filename CtrlNbac.Parser.Unsafe.parse_func in
let name = match name with None -> "ctrlr" | Some n -> n ^"_ctrlr" in
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.gen_func ~module_name:name func in
let node_name = match node_name with Some n -> n
| None -> match name with None -> assert false
| Some n -> Names.local_qn (n ^ "_ctrlr")
(* let name = match name with None -> "ctrlr" | Some n -> n ^"_ctrlr" in *)
(* let func = hack_filter_inputs func in *)
name, CtrlNbacAsEpt.gen_func ~node_name ?node_sig func
let handle_ctrlf ?filename mk_oc =
let _, (node, typs) = parse_n_gen_ept_node ?filename () in
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.create_prog Names.LocalModule in (* don't care? *)
let prog = List.fold_right CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog typs prog in
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog node prog in
let oc, close = mk_oc.out_exec "ept" in
Hept_printer.print oc prog;
close ()
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let parse_nodename nn = try Names.qualname_of_string nn with
| Exit -> raise (Error (sprintf "Invalid node name: `%s'" nn))
let output_prog prog modul =
|||| modul;
let filename = String.uncapitalize (Names.modul_to_string modul) ^ ".ept" in
let oc = open_out filename in
info "Outputting into `%s'…" filename;
Hept_printer.print oc prog;
close_out oc
let input_function prog filename node_name node_sig =
info "Reading function from `%s'…" filename;
let res = parse_n_gen_ept_node ~filename ~node_name ~node_sig () in
let node, typs = snd res in
let prog = List.fold_right CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog typs prog in
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog node prog in
let try_ctrlf nn prog =
let node_name = Ctrln_utils.controller_node nn in
if Modules.check_value node_name then
let filename = Ctrln_utils.ctrlf_for_node nn in
let node_sig = Modules.find_value node_name in
input_function prog filename node_name node_sig
raise (Error "Unable to load any controller function.")
let try_ctrls nn prog =
let rec try_ctrls num prog =
let node_name = Ctrln_utils.controller_node ~num nn in
if Modules.check_value node_name then
let filename = Ctrln_utils.ctrls_for_node nn num in
let node_sig = Modules.find_value node_name in
let prog = input_function prog filename node_name node_sig in
try_ctrls (succ num) prog
try_ctrls 0 prog
let handle_node arg =
let nn = parse_nodename arg in
let mo = Names.modul nn in
if mo = Names.Pervasives || mo = Names.LocalModule then
raise (Error (sprintf "Invalid node specification: `%s'." arg));
Initial.initialize Names.Pervasives;
info "Loading module of controllers for node %s…" (Names.fullname nn);
let om = Ctrln_utils.controller_modul mo in
Modules.open_module om;
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.create_prog om in
let prog = try_ctrls nn prog in
let prog = if prog.Heptagon.p_desc = [] then try_ctrlf nn prog else prog in
output_prog prog om
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let ityp_name_n_handle = function
(* | `Ctrln -> "node", handle_ctrln *)
| `Ctrlf -> "function", handle_ctrlf
@ -137,11 +236,8 @@ let guesstyp_n_output filename =
| Not_found ->
raise (Arg.Bad (sprintf "Cannot guess input type of `%s'" filename))
let handle_input_file ?ityp filename =
let ityp, mk_oc = match ityp with
| None -> guesstyp_n_output filename
| Some ityp -> ityp, snd (guesstyp_n_output filename)
let handle_input_file filename =
let ityp, mk_oc = guesstyp_n_output filename in
let itypname, handle = ityp_name_n_handle ityp in
info "Reading %s from `%s'…" itypname filename;
handle ~filename mk_oc
@ -157,10 +253,12 @@ let handle_input_stream = function
(** [main] function to be launched *)
let main () =
Arg.parse options anon errmsg;
Arg.parse options anon usage;
match List.rev !inputs with
| [] when !node <> "" -> handle_node !node
| [] -> handle_input_stream !input_type
| lst -> List.iter (handle_input_file ?ityp:!input_type) lst
| lst -> (if !node <> "" then handle_node !node;
List.iter handle_input_file lst)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** Launch the [main] *)
@ -168,5 +266,6 @@ let _ =
main ()
| Help -> Arg.usage options usage
| Errors.Error -> error "aborted."; exit 2
| Arg.Bad s | Sys_error s -> error "%s" s; exit 2
| Error s | Arg.Bad s | Sys_error s -> error "%s" s; exit 2
@ -114,7 +114,9 @@ let compile source_f =
(** [main] function to be launched *)
let main () =
let read_qualname f = Arg.String (fun s -> f (Names.qualname_of_string s)) in
let read_qualname f =
Arg.String (fun s -> f (try Names.qualname_of_string s with
| Exit -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Invalid name: "^ s)))) in
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Ctrln_utils
open Signature
open Types
open Names
@ -48,34 +49,56 @@ exception Untranslatable of string (* XXX not catched yet! *)
(* --- *)
let tt = mk_bcst' true
let ff = mk_bcst' false
(* --- *)
(** Private record gathering temporary generation data *)
type 'f gen_data =
typdefs: 'f typdefs;
decls: 'f node_decls;
outputs: SSet.t;
base: (var_ident * ty) SMap.t;
local: (var_ident * ty) SMap.t;
contrs: (var_ident * ty) SMap.t;
output: IdentSet.t;
init_cond: 'f bexp;
init_state: 'f bexp;
assertion: 'f bexp;
invariant: 'f bexp;
(* reachable: bexp; *)
remaining_contrs: SSet.t; (* All controllable inputs that has not yet
been assigned to a U/C group. *)
local_contr_deps: SSet.t SMap.t; (* All variables that depend on a
controllable. *)
extra_inputs: SSet.t;
uc_groups: (SSet.t * SSet.t) list;
(* --- *)
let tt = mk_bcst' true
let ff = mk_bcst' false
let init_cond_str = "__init__" (* XXX uniqueness? *)
and sink_state_str = "__sink__"
let ref_of_typ = function
| `Bool -> mk_bref
| `Enum _ -> mk_eref
| `Int | `Real -> mk_nref
let mk_gen_data typdefs decls input local output init_cond =
base = input;
contrs = SMap.empty;
remaining_contrs = SSet.empty;
local_contr_deps = SMap.empty;
extra_inputs = SSet.empty;
uc_groups = [];
init_state = tt;
assertion = tt;
invariant = tt;
(* --- *)
let translate_constr { name } = mk_label & mk_symb name (* XXX use module name (?) *)
let translate_constr { name } = mk_label & mk_symb name (* XXX use qual name? *)
let translate_constrs cl = mk_etyp ( translate_constr cl)
(* --- *)
@ -91,18 +114,23 @@ let translate_typ typ = match Modules.unalias_type typ with
| Tarray _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("array type")
| Tinvalid -> failwith "Encountered an invalid type!"
let ref_of_ty ty = match translate_typ ty with
| `Bool -> mk_bref
| `Enum _ -> mk_eref
| `Int | `Real -> mk_nref
(* --- *)
let simplify_static_exp se = (Static.simplify QualEnv.empty se).se_desc
let translate_static_bexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sbool true | Sconstructor { qual=Pervasives; name="true" } -> tt
| Sbool false | Sconstructor { qual=Pervasives; name="false" } -> ff
| Sbool true | Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "true" } -> tt
| Sbool false | Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "false" } -> ff
| _ -> failwith ("Boolean static expression expected!")
let translate_static_eexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sconstructor { qual=Pervasives; name="true" as n }
| Sconstructor { qual=Pervasives; name="false" as n } ->
| Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "true" as n }
| Sconstructor { qual = Pervasives; name = "false" as n } ->
failwith ("Enum static expression expected! (found `"^n^"')")
| Sconstructor c -> `Enum (translate_constr c)
| _ -> failwith ("Enum static expression expected!")
@ -110,8 +138,8 @@ let translate_static_eexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
let translate_static_nexp se = match simplify_static_exp se with
| Sint v -> `Int v
| Sfloat v -> `Real v
| Sop ({ qual=Pervasives; name="~-" },[{ se_desc=Sint v }]) -> `Int (-v)
| Sop ({ qual=Pervasives; name="~-." },[{ se_desc=Sfloat v }]) -> `Real (-.v)
| Sop ({ qual = Pervasives; name="~-" },[{ se_desc = Sint v }]) -> `Int (-v)
| Sop ({ qual = Pervasives; name="~-." },[{ se_desc=Sfloat v }]) -> `Real (-.v)
| _ -> failwith ("Numerical static expression expected!")
(* --- *)
@ -162,15 +190,14 @@ let translate_app ~pref op el =
match op, (translate_ext ~pref) el with
| Eequal, [e;f] -> mk_eq e f
| Efun { qual=Pervasives; name }, el -> pervasives (name, el)
(* *)
| Efun { qual = Pervasives; name }, el -> pervasives (name, el)
| Eifthenelse, [c;t;e] -> mk_cond c t e
| _ -> failwith "Unsupported application!"
(** [translate_exp gd e] translates the {e memoryless} expression [e] into its
Controllable Nbac representation. *)
let rec translate_exp ~pref t ({ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty }) = (* XXX clock? *)
let typ = translate_typ ty in assert (t = typ); match desc with
let rec translate_exp ~pref ({ e_desc = desc }) = (* XXX clock? *)
match desc with
| Eextvalue ext -> translate_ext ~pref ext
| Eapp ({ a_op }, el, _) -> translate_app ~pref a_op el
| Emerge (v, (_c, e) :: l) ->
@ -181,7 +208,7 @@ let rec translate_exp ~pref t ({ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty }) = (* XXX clock? *)
(translate_ext ~pref e) x)
(translate_ext ~pref e)
| Ewhen (exp, _, _) -> translate_exp ~pref t exp
| Ewhen (exp, _, _) -> translate_exp ~pref exp
| Efby _ -> failwith "TODO: translate_exp (fby)"
| Estruct _ -> failwith "TODO: translate_exp (struct)"
| _ -> failwith "TODO: translate_exp"
@ -198,7 +225,18 @@ let rec translate_clk ~pref on off = function
(* --- *)
let add_state_var gd v typ exp init =
let acc_dependencies_on vars deps_on_vars i e = fold_exp_dependencies
(fun v s ->
if SSet.mem v vars then SSet.add v s
else try SSet.union s (SMap.find v deps_on_vars) with
| Not_found -> s)
e i
(* --- *)
let add_state_var' ~pref gd id ty exp init =
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
let typ = translate_typ ty in
let mk_init = match typ, init with
| _, None -> (fun b -> b)
| `Bool, Some i -> mk_and' (mk_beq' (mk_bref' v) (translate_static_bexp i))
@ -207,119 +245,299 @@ let add_state_var gd v typ exp init =
{ gd with
decls = SMap.add v (typ, `State (exp, None), None) gd.decls;
init_state = mk_init gd.init_state; }
init_state = mk_init gd.init_state; }, v
let add_output_var gd v typ exp = add_state_var gd v typ exp None
let add_state_var ~pref gd id ty exp init =
let gd, v = add_state_var' ~pref gd id ty exp init in
{ gd with base = SMap.add v (id, ty) gd.base; }
let add_local_var gd v typ exp =
{ gd with decls = SMap.add v (typ, `Local (exp, None), None) gd.decls; }
let add_output_var ~pref gd id ty exp =
add_state_var' ~pref gd id ty exp None |> fst
let add_local_var ~pref gd id ty exp =
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
let typ = translate_typ ty in
let ldeps = fold_exp_dependencies (fun v acc ->
if SSet.mem v gd.remaining_contrs then SSet.add v acc
else try SSet.union acc (SMap.find v gd.local_contr_deps) with
| Not_found -> acc)
let local_contr_deps = SMap.add v ldeps gd.local_contr_deps in
{ gd with
decls = SMap.add v (typ, `Local (exp, None), None) gd.decls;
local_contr_deps; }
let declare_additional_input ~pref gd id =
let l = mk_symb & name id in
let v = pref l in
let t = SMap.find l gd.local |> snd |> translate_typ in
{ gd with
decls = SMap.add v (t, `Input one, None) gd.decls;
extra_inputs = SSet.add v gd.extra_inputs; }
| Not_found -> (* output of the main node. *)
assert (IdentSet.mem id gd.output);
(* --- *)
let translate_eq ~pref gd ({ eq_lhs = pat;
eq_rhs = { e_desc = exp; e_ty = typ } as rhs;
eq_base_ck = clk }) =
let typ = translate_typ typ in
let close_uc_group gd defined_contrs =
let rem = SSet.diff gd.remaining_contrs defined_contrs in
let lcd = (SSet.inter rem) gd.local_contr_deps in
let lcd = SMap.filter (fun _ d -> not (SSet.is_empty d)) lcd in
{ gd with
remaining_contrs = rem;
extra_inputs = SSet.empty;
local_contr_deps = lcd;
uc_groups = (gd.extra_inputs, defined_contrs) :: gd.uc_groups; }
(* --- *)
let pat_ids pat =
let rec acc_pat acc = function
| Evarpat id -> ((* pref & *)(* mk_symb & name *)id) :: acc
| Etuplepat pats -> List.fold_left acc_pat acc pats
acc_pat [] pat |> List.rev
let translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat _f args =
let results = pat_ids (* ~pref *) pat in
let args = (translate_ext ~pref) args in
let gd =
(* in case of dependencies on remainging controllable variables, switch to
next U/C group. *)
let depc = List.fold_left
(acc_dependencies_on gd.remaining_contrs gd.local_contr_deps)
SSet.empty args
if SSet.is_empty depc then gd else close_uc_group gd depc
(* declare extra inputs. *)
(List.fold_left (declare_additional_input ~pref) gd results, [])
(* --- *)
let translate_eq ~pref (gd, equs)
({ eq_lhs = pat;
eq_rhs = { e_desc = exp; e_ty = ty } as rhs;
eq_base_ck = clk } as eq)
match pat with
| Evarpat id ->
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
match exp with
| Efby (init, ev) ->
let ev = translate_ext ~pref ev in
let ev = translate_clk ~pref ev (ref_of_typ typ v) clk in
add_state_var gd v typ ev init
| _ when SSet.mem v gd.outputs ->
add_output_var gd v typ (translate_exp ~pref typ rhs)
| _ ->
add_local_var gd v typ (translate_exp ~pref typ rhs)
begin match exp with
| Efby (init, ev) ->
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
let ev = translate_ext ~pref ev in
let ev = translate_clk ~pref ev (ref_of_ty ty v) clk in
(add_state_var ~pref gd id ty ev init, eq :: equs)
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode f | Efun f) }, args, None)
when f.qual <> Pervasives ->
let gd, equs' = translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat f args in
(gd, eq :: equs' @ equs)
| _ when IdentSet.mem id gd.output ->
(add_output_var ~pref gd id ty (translate_exp ~pref rhs),
eq :: equs)
| _ ->
(add_local_var ~pref gd id ty (translate_exp ~pref rhs),
eq :: equs)
| Etuplepat _ ->
begin match exp with
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode f | Efun f) }, args, None)
when f.qual <> Pervasives ->
let gd, equs' = translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat f args in
(gd, eq :: equs' @ equs)
| _ -> failwith "TODO: Minils.Etuplepat construct!"
| Etuplepat _ -> failwith "TODO: Minils.Etuplepat!"
let translate_eqs ~pref = List.fold_left (translate_eq ~pref)
let translate_eqs ~pref acc equs =
let gd, equs = List.fold_left (translate_eq ~pref) acc equs in
gd, List.rev equs
(* --- *)
let prefix_vars ~pref vars : symb -> symb =
let vars = List.fold_left
(fun acc { v_ident = id } -> (* XXX "_" only? *)
let v = mk_symb & name id in
SMap.add v (mk_symb ("_" ^ Symb.to_string v)) acc)
(SMap.empty) vars
let vars = List.fold_left begin fun acc { v_ident = id } ->
let v = mk_symb & name id in
SMap.add v (mk_symb ("c_" ^ Symb.to_string v)) acc
end (SMap.empty) vars in
fun p -> pref (try SMap.find p vars with Not_found -> p)
let declare_contr (decls, contrs, vds)
({ v_ident = id; v_type = ty } as vd) rank =
let v = mk_symb & name id in
SMap.add v (translate_typ ty, `Contr (one, rank, None), None) decls,
SMap.add v (id, ty) contrs,
vd :: vds
(** Contract translation *)
let translate_contract ~pref gd
({ c_local; c_eq = equs;
c_assume = a; c_enforce = g;
c_assume_loc = a'; c_enforce_loc = g';
c_controllables = cl }) =
let declare_contr decls { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } rank =
let v = mk_symb & name id in
SMap.add v (translate_typ typ, `Contr (, rank, None), None) decls in
let declare_contrs decls cl =
c_controllables = cl } as contract) =
let declare_contrs acc cl =
fst & List.fold_left
(fun (decls, rank) c -> (declare_contr decls c rank, AST.succ rank))
(decls, one) cl
(fun (acc, rank) c -> (declare_contr acc c rank, AST.succ rank))
(acc, one) cl
let pref = prefix_vars ~pref c_local in
let gd = { gd with decls = declare_contrs gd.decls cl } in
let gd = translate_eqs ~pref gd equs in
let decls, contrs, locals = declare_contrs (gd.decls, SMap.empty, []) cl in
let c = SMap.fold (fun v _ -> SSet.add v) contrs SSet.empty in
let gd = { gd with decls; contrs; remaining_contrs = c; } in
let gd, equs' = translate_eqs ~pref (gd, []) equs in
let ak = as_bexp & mk_and (translate_ext ~pref a) (translate_ext ~pref a')
and ok = as_bexp & mk_and (translate_ext ~pref g) (translate_ext ~pref g') in
let gd, ok =
if !Compiler_options.nosink
then (gd, ok)
else let sink = pref & mk_symb sink_state_str in
let ok = `Bexp (mk_bcond' gd.init_cond tt ok) in
(add_state_var gd sink `Bool ok None, mk_bref' sink)
else let sink = gen_var "" sink_state_str in
let sink_expr = mk_bref' & pref & mk_symb & name sink in
let ok = `Bexp ((* mk_bcond' gd.init_cond tt *) ok) in
(add_state_var ~pref gd sink Initial.tbool ok None, sink_expr)
{ gd with
assertion = mk_and' gd.assertion ak;
invariant = mk_and' gd.invariant ok; }
let assertion = mk_and' gd.assertion ak
and invariant = mk_and' gd.invariant ok in
({ gd with assertion; invariant; }, { contract with c_eq = equs'; }, locals)
(* --- *)
let declare_output s { v_ident = id } =
IdentSet.add id s
let declare_input m { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } =
SMap.add (mk_symb & name id) (translate_typ typ, `Input one, None) m
let register_var_typ m { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } =
SMap.add (mk_symb & name id) (id, typ) m
(* --- *)
let finalize_uc_groups gd =
let gd = if SSet.is_empty gd.remaining_contrs then gd else
(* switch to last U/C group here, and declare controller call. *)
close_uc_group gd gd.remaining_contrs
if SSet.is_empty gd.extra_inputs then gd else
{ gd with
extra_inputs = SSet.empty;
uc_groups = (gd.extra_inputs, SSet.empty) :: gd.uc_groups; }
(* Note uc_groups are reversed in gd BEFORE the call to this function. *)
let assign_uc_groups gd =
let gd = finalize_uc_groups gd in
let uc_groups = List.rev gd.uc_groups in (* start from the first group *)
let decls, _ = List.fold_left begin fun (decls, group) (u, c) ->
let decls = SSet.fold (fun u decls -> match SMap.find u decls with
| (t, `Input _, l) ->
SMap.add u (t, `Input group, l) decls
| _ -> decls) u decls
let decls = SSet.fold (fun c decls -> match SMap.find c decls with
| (t, `Contr (_, r, l'), l) ->
SMap.add c (t, `Contr (group, r, l'), l) decls
| _ -> decls) c decls
decls, AST.succ group
end (gd.decls, AST.succ one) ( uc_groups) in
{ gd with decls; uc_groups }
(* --- *)
let scmp a b = (Symb.to_string a) (Symb.to_string b)
let var_exp v ty =
mk_extvalue ~ty ~clock:Clocks.Cbase ~linearity:Linearity.Ltop (Wvar v)
let decl_arg (v, t) =
mk_arg (Some (name v)) t Linearity.Ltop Signature.Cbase
let gen_ctrlf_calls gd node_name equs =
let equs, _, _ = List.fold_left begin fun (equs, ubase, num) (u, c) ->
(* Controllable inputs of the current U/C group *)
let c = SSet.elements c in
let c = List.sort scmp c in (* XXX now optional (x) *)
let o = (fun v -> SMap.find v gd.contrs) c in
let os = decl_arg o in
let ov, ot = List.split o in
let ov = Etuplepat ( (fun v -> Evarpat v) ov) in
(* Accumulate state variables and all non-controllable inputs from the
beginning, plus all controllables from previous U/C groups *)
let u = SSet.fold (fun v -> SMap.add v (SMap.find v gd.local)) u ubase in
let i = SMap.bindings u in
let i = List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> scmp b a) i in (* rev. i + ibid (x) *)
let is = List.rev_map (fun (_, p) -> decl_arg p) i in
let i = List.rev_map (fun (_, (v, t)) -> var_exp v t) i in
(* Build controller call *)
let func_name = controller_node ~num node_name in
let app = Eapp (mk_app (Efun func_name), i, None) in
let exp = mk_exp ~linearity:Linearity.Ltop Clocks.Cbase (Tprod ot) app in
let equ = mk_equation false ov exp in
(* Declare new node *)
let node_sig = Signature.mk_node Location.no_location ~extern:false is os
false false [] in
Modules.add_value func_name node_sig;
(* Augment base non-controllble inputs with current controllables *)
let u = List.fold_left (fun u v -> SMap.add v (SMap.find v gd.contrs) u) u c in
(equ :: equs, u, num + 1)
end (equs, gd.base, 0) gd.uc_groups in
(* --- *)
(** Node translation. Note the given node is not expored if it does not comprize a
contract. *)
let translate_node typdefs : 'n -> 'n * (name * 'f AST.node) option = function
let translate_node typdefs : 'n -> 'n * (qualname * 'f AST.node) option = function
| ({ n_contract = None } as node) -> node, None
| ({ n_name; n_input; n_output; n_equs; n_contract = Some contr } as node) ->
let declare_output s { v_ident = id } = SSet.add (mk_symb & name id) s in
let declare_input decls { v_ident = id; v_type = typ } =
SMap.add (mk_symb & name id) (translate_typ typ, `Input one, None)
decls in
| ({ n_name; n_input; n_output; n_local; n_equs;
n_contract = Some contr } as node) ->
let pref p = p in
let outputs = List.fold_left declare_output SSet.empty n_output in
let local = List.fold_left register_var_typ SMap.empty n_local in
let input = List.fold_left register_var_typ SMap.empty n_input in
let output = List.fold_left declare_output IdentSet.empty n_output in
let decls = List.fold_left declare_input SMap.empty n_input in
let init_cond_var = mk_symb init_cond_str in
let init_cond = mk_bref' init_cond_var in
let decls = SMap.add init_cond_var
(`Bool, `State (`Bexp ff, None), None) decls in
(* let init_cond = tt in *)
let init_cond = mk_bref' init_cond_var in (* XXX what about gd.base? *)
let init_cond_spec = (`Bool, `State (`Bexp ff, None), None) in
let decls = SMap.add init_cond_var init_cond_spec decls in
let gd = { typdefs; decls; outputs;
init_cond; init_state = tt;
assertion = tt; invariant = tt; } in
let gd = translate_contract ~pref gd contr in
let gd = translate_eqs ~pref gd n_equs in
let gd = mk_gen_data typdefs decls input local output init_cond in
let gd, contract, locals' = translate_contract ~pref gd contr in
let gd, equs' = translate_eqs ~pref (gd, []) n_equs in
let gd = assign_uc_groups gd in
let equs' = gen_ctrlf_calls gd n_name equs' in
let ctrln_node_desc = {
cn_typs = typdefs;
cn_decls = gd.decls;
cn_init = mk_and' gd.init_state init_cond;
cn_assertion = (* mk_or' init_cond *)gd.assertion;
cn_invariant = Some (mk_or' init_cond gd.invariant);
cn_reachable = None;
cn_attractive = None;
} in
node, Some (, (`Desc ctrln_node_desc : 'f AST.node))
let ctrln_node_desc =
{ cn_typs = typdefs;
cn_decls = gd.decls;
cn_init = mk_and' gd.init_state init_cond;
cn_assertion = (* mk_or' init_cond *)gd.assertion;
cn_invariant = Some (mk_or' init_cond gd.invariant);
cn_reachable = None;
cn_attractive = None; }
and node =
{ node with
n_equs = equs';
n_local = List.rev_append locals' n_local;
n_contract = Some contract; }
(node, Some (n_name, (`Desc ctrln_node_desc : 'f AST.node)))
(* --- *)
@ -330,9 +548,7 @@ let translate_node typdefs : 'n -> 'n * (name * 'f AST.node) option = function
necessitating controller synthesis), (TODO: and a new Minils program, in
which those nodes have been transformed so that they "call" their respective
controller). *)
let gen ({ p_desc = desc } as p) =
(* Highly insprited by Sigalimain.program. *)
let gen ({ p_desc } as p) =
let _cnp_typs, nodes, descs =
(* XXX Should we gather all the type definitions before translating any
node? *)
@ -347,8 +563,7 @@ let gen ({ p_desc = desc } as p) =
let typdefs = declare_typ tn typ typdefs in
(typdefs, nodes, descs)
| p -> (typdefs, nodes, p :: descs)
end (empty_typdefs, [], []) desc
end (empty_typdefs, [], []) p_desc
(* let cnp_name = Names.modul_to_string p.p_modname *)
let cnp_nodes = List.rev nodes and p_desc = List.rev descs in
cnp_nodes, { p with p_desc }
@ -31,4 +31,5 @@
(* Interface documentation is in `' only. *)
(** *)
val gen: Minils.program -> (string * 'f CtrlNbac.AST.node) list * Minils.program
val gen: Minils.program ->
(Names.qualname * 'f CtrlNbac.AST.node) list * Minils.program
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Nicolas Berthier, SUMO, INRIA *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
@ -41,10 +42,10 @@ let pp p = if !verbose then Mls_printer.print stdout p
output into a file called "f_ctrln/n.nbac" *)
let gen_n_output_ctrln p =
let nodes, p = CtrlNbacGen.gen p in
let filename = filename_of_name (Names.modul_to_string p.Minils.p_modname) in
let dir = clean_dir (build_path (filename ^"_ctrln")) in
Ctrln_utils.save_controller_modul_for p.Minils.p_modname;
ignore (clean_dir (Ctrln_utils.dirname_for_modul p.Minils.p_modname));
List.iter begin fun (node_name, node) ->
let oc = open_out (dir ^"/"^ node_name ^".ctrln") in
let oc = open_out (Ctrln_utils.ctrln_for_node node_name) in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
CtrlNbac.AST.print_node ~print_header:print_header_info fmt node;
close_out oc
@ -53,12 +54,11 @@ let gen_n_output_ctrln p =
let maybe_ctrln_pass p =
let ctrln = List.mem "ctrln" !target_languages in
let _p = pass "Controllable Nbac generation" ctrln gen_n_output_ctrln p pp in
pass "Controllable Nbac generation" ctrln gen_n_output_ctrln p pp
let maybe_ctrln_pass p = p
let maybe_ctrln_pass p = None
;; END
@ -101,20 +101,23 @@ let compile_program p =
pass "Scheduling" true Schedule.program p pp
let _p = maybe_ctrln_pass p in
(* NB: XXX _p is ignored for now... *)
let z3z = List.mem "z3z" !target_languages in
let ctrln = List.mem "ctrln" !target_languages in
let ctrl = z3z || ctrln in
if z3z && ctrln then
warn "ignoring target `ctrln' (incompatible with target `z3z').";
let p = maybe_ctrln_pass p in
let p = pass "Sigali generation" z3z Sigalimain.program p pp in
(* Re-scheduling after sigali generation *)
(* Re-scheduling after generation *)
let p =
if not !Compiler_options.use_old_scheduler then
pass "Scheduling (with minimization of interferences)" z3z Schedule_interf.program p pp
pass "Scheduling (with minimization of interferences)" ctrl Schedule_interf.program p pp
pass "Scheduling" z3z Schedule.program p pp
pass "Scheduling" ctrl Schedule.program p pp
(* Memory allocation *)
let p = pass "Memory allocation" !do_mem_alloc Interference.program p pp in
@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ let df = function
flag ["ocaml"; "parser" ; "menhir" ; "use_menhir"] (S[A"--explain";
flag ["ocaml"; "compile" ] (S[A"-w"; A"Ae"; A"-warn-error"; A"PU"; A"-w"; A"-9"]);
flag ["ocaml"; "compile" ] (S[A"-w"; A"Ae"; A"-warn-error"; A"PU";
A"-w"; A"-9-48"]);
| _ -> ()
@ -1 +1 @@
<global> or <minils>:include
<global> or <minils> or <ctrln>:include
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Nicolas Berthier, SUMO, INRIA *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2014 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
open Compiler_utils
open Names
let dirname_for_modul modul =
build_path (filename_of_name (modul_to_string modul) ^ "_ctrln")
let ctrln_for_node { qual; name } =
dirname_for_modul qual ^"/"^ name ^".ctrln"
let ctrls_for_node { qual; name } =
Printf.sprintf "%s/%s.%d.ctrls" (dirname_for_modul qual) name
let ctrlf_for_node { qual; name } =
Printf.sprintf "%s/%s.ctrlf" (dirname_for_modul qual) name
let controller_modul = function
| Module n -> Module (n ^ "_ctrls")
| QualModule ({ name = n } as q) -> QualModule { q with name = n ^ "_ctrls" }
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected module"
let controller_node ?num { qual; name } = match num with
| Some num -> { qual = controller_modul qual;
name = Printf.sprintf "%s_ctrlr%d" name num }
| None -> { qual = controller_modul qual;
name = Printf.sprintf "%s_ctrlr0" name }
let save_controller_modul_for modul =
let om = Modules.current () in
let cm = controller_modul modul in
let epci = String.uncapitalize (Names.modul_to_string cm) ^ ".epci" in
|||| cm;
let oc = open_out_bin epci in
output_value oc (Modules.current_module ());
close_out oc;
|||| om
let init_cond_str = "__init__" (* XXX uniqueness? *)
and sink_state_str = "__sink__"
@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ and add_include d =
(* where is the standard library *)
let locate_stdlib () =
print_string (try Sys.getenv "HEPTLIB" with Not_found -> standard_lib);
print_newline ()
print_newline ();
exit 0
let show_version () =
Format.printf "The Heptagon compiler, version %s (%s)@."
Reference in a new issue