Nicolas Berthier 74b94c9718 Fix handling of nodes without actual controllers by ctrl2ept
These changes allow to handle the case where contracts are only used
for verification purposes, in which case the functions generated by
ReaX have no outputs and are not functions stricto sensu.  Indeed, in
this case the new controller module still needs to be declared and
compiled as we may have re-qualified types during the generation of
the Controllable-Nbac code: we moved all types declared in the
original module into the controller module to break cyclic module
dependencies that would otherwise be introduced if the controller is
expressed using data of such types.
2015-09-18 09:51:41 +02:00

260 lines
8.7 KiB

open Format
open Filename
open CtrlNbac
open Compiler_utils
open Compiler_options
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let report_msgs ?filename =
let report_msg = Parser.Reporting.report_msg ?filename err_formatter in
List.iter begin function
| #CtrlNbac.Parser.msg as msg -> report_msg msg
| `TError info -> report_msg (`MError info)
let abort ?filename n msgs =
report_msgs ?filename msgs;
error "Aborting due to errors in %s" n;
exit 1
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** File extensions officially understood by the tool, with associated input
types. *)
let ityps_alist = [
"ctrlf", `Ctrlf; "cf", `Ctrlf;
"ctrls", `Ctrlf; "cs", `Ctrlf; (* No need to discriminate between weaved and
split functions (for now). *)
(** name of official input types as understood by the tool. *)
let ityps = List.map fst ityps_alist
let set_input_type r t =
try r := Some (List.assoc t ityps_alist) with
| Not_found -> raise (Arg.Bad (asprintf "Unknown input file type: `%s'" t))
let inputs = ref []
let output = ref ""
let input_type = ref None
let node = ref ""
exception Help
let usage = "Usage: ctrl2ept [options] { [-i] <filename> | -n <node> } \
[ -- { <filename> } ]"
let print_vers () =
fprintf err_formatter "ctrl2ept, version %s (compiled on %s)@." version date;
exit 0
let anon x = inputs := x :: !inputs
let it = Arg.Symbol (ityps, set_input_type input_type)
let options = Arg.align
"-i", Arg.String anon, "<file> Input file (`-' means standard input)";
"-input-type", it, " Input file type";
"--input-type", it, "";
"-o", Arg.Set_string output, "<file> Select output file (`-' means \
standard output)";
"-n", Arg.Set_string node, "<node> Select base input node";
"--", Arg.Rest anon, " Treat all remaining arguments as input files";
"-where", Arg.Unit locate_stdlib, doc_locate_stdlib;
"-stdlib", Arg.String set_stdlib, doc_stdlib;
"-v",Arg.Set verbose, " Set verbose mode";
"-version", Arg.Unit print_vers, " Print the version of the compiler";
"--version", Arg.Unit print_vers, "";
"-h", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> raise Help), "";
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type out =
out_mult: bool; (* Are multiple calls to `out_exec' allowed? *)
out_exec: string -> out_channel * (unit -> unit); (* oc * close *)
(* --- *)
let mk_oc basename =
out_exec = (fun ext ->
let filename = asprintf "%s%s" basename ext in
let oc = open_out filename in
info "Outputting into `%s'…" filename;
oc, (fun () -> flush oc; close_out oc));
out_mult = true;
let mk_oc' filename =
out_exec = (fun _ ->
let oc = open_out filename in
info "Outputting into `%s'…" filename;
oc, (fun () -> flush oc; close_out oc));
out_mult = false;
let mk_std_oc =
out_exec = (fun _ ->
info "Outputting onto standard output…";
stdout, (fun () -> flush stdout));
out_mult = true;
(* --- *)
(** Parses the given input file. *)
let parse_input ?filename (parse: ?filename:string -> _) =
CtrlNbac.Symb.reset ();
let s, n, msgs = parse ?filename () in
report_msgs ?filename msgs;
s, n
| CtrlNbac.Parser.Error (n, msgs) -> abort ?filename n msgs
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception Error of string
let parse_n_gen_ept_node ?filename ?node_name ?node_sig ?typ_symbs () =
let name, func = parse_input ?filename CtrlNbac.Parser.Unsafe.parse_func in
let node_name = match node_name with Some n -> n
| None -> match name with None -> assert false
| Some n -> Names.local_qn (n ^ "_ctrlr")
name, CtrlNbacAsEpt.gen_func ?typ_symbs ~node_name ?node_sig func
let handle_ctrlf ?filename mk_oc =
let _, decls = parse_n_gen_ept_node ?filename () in
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.create_prog Names.LocalModule in (* don't care? *)
let prog = List.fold_right CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog decls prog in
let oc, close = mk_oc.out_exec "ept" in
Hept_printer.print oc prog;
close ()
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let parse_nodename nn = try Names.qualname_of_string nn with
| Exit -> raise (Error (sprintf "Invalid node name: `%s'" nn))
let output_prog prog modul =
Modules.select modul;
let filename = String.uncapitalize (Names.modul_to_string modul) ^ ".ept" in
let oc = open_out filename in
info "Outputting into `%s'…" filename;
Hept_printer.print oc prog;
close_out oc
let input_function prog typ_symbs filename node_name node_sig =
info "Reading function from `%s'…" filename;
let _, decls = parse_n_gen_ept_node ~filename ~node_name ~node_sig ~typ_symbs () in
(* XXX: check types are also in signature? actually, we only use the types
declared in the signature instead, as long as the controller synthesis tool
does not introduce new types. *)
List.fold_right CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog decls prog
let try_ctrlf typ_symbs nn prog =
let node_name = Ctrln_utils.controller_node nn in
if Modules.check_value node_name then
let filename = Ctrln_utils.ctrlf_for_node nn in
let node_sig = Modules.find_value node_name in
input_function prog typ_symbs filename node_name node_sig
raise (Error "Unable to load any controller function.")
let try_ctrls typ_symbs nn prog =
let rec try_ctrls num prog =
let node_name = Ctrln_utils.controller_node ~num nn in
if Modules.check_value node_name then
let filename = Ctrln_utils.ctrls_for_node nn num in
if num = 0 && not (Sys.file_exists filename) then
raise Exit; (* abort *)
let node_sig = Modules.find_value node_name in
let prog = input_function prog typ_symbs filename node_name node_sig in
try_ctrls (succ num) prog
try_ctrls 0 prog
let handle_node arg =
let nn = parse_nodename arg in
let mo = Names.modul nn in
if mo = Names.Pervasives || mo = Names.LocalModule then
raise (Error (sprintf "Invalid node specification: `%s'." arg));
Modules.open_module Names.Pervasives;
info "Loading module of controllers for node %s…" (Names.fullname nn);
let om = Ctrln_utils.controller_modul mo in
info "Translating type declarations of module %s…" (Names.modul_to_string om);
let typs, typ_symbs = CtrlNbacAsEpt.decl_typs_from_module_itf om in
let prog = CtrlNbacAsEpt.create_prog ~open_modul:[ ] om in
let prog = List.fold_right CtrlNbacAsEpt.add_to_prog typs prog in
let prog = try try_ctrls typ_symbs nn prog with
| Exit -> try_ctrlf typ_symbs nn prog in
output_prog prog om
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let ityp_name_n_handle = function
(* | `Ctrln -> "node", handle_ctrln *)
| `Ctrlf -> "function", handle_ctrlf
(* | `Ctrlr -> "predicate", handle_ctrlr *)
let guesstyp_n_output filename =
let typ = match !input_type with
| Some t -> t
| None -> snd (List.find (fun (suff, _) -> check_suffix filename suff)
let basename_extra = match typ with
| `Ctrlf -> "_ctrlr"
(match !output with
| "-" -> mk_std_oc
| "" -> (try chop_extension filename ^ basename_extra |> mk_oc with
| Invalid_argument _ when filename <> "" -> mk_oc filename
| Invalid_argument _ -> mk_std_oc)
| o -> mk_oc' o)
| Not_found ->
raise (Arg.Bad (sprintf "Cannot guess input type of `%s'" filename))
let handle_input_file filename =
let ityp, mk_oc = guesstyp_n_output filename in
let itypname, handle = ityp_name_n_handle ityp in
info "Reading %s from `%s'…" itypname filename;
handle ~filename mk_oc
let handle_input_stream = function
| None ->
info "Reading function from standard input…";
handle_ctrlf mk_std_oc
| Some ityp ->
let itypname, handle = ityp_name_n_handle ityp in
info "Reading %s from standard input…" itypname;
handle mk_std_oc
(** [main] function to be launched *)
let main () =
Arg.parse options anon usage;
match List.rev !inputs with
| [] when !node <> "" -> handle_node !node
| [] -> handle_input_stream !input_type
| lst -> (if !node <> "" then handle_node !node;
List.iter handle_input_file lst)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** Launch the [main] *)
let _ =
main ()
| Help -> Arg.usage options usage
| Errors.Error -> error "aborted."; exit 2
| Error s | Arg.Bad s | Sys_error s -> error "%s" s; exit 2