Contracts can now comprise a list of objectives (in any order).
One objective can be (e being a Boolean heptagon expression) :
- invariance, with the syntax "enforce e"
- reachability, "reachable e"
- attractivity, "attractive e"
Allowing additional inputs from abstractions within contracts. Thus,
calling non-inlined subnodes is allowed, as well as operations on
non-Boolean inputs or states (in contracts).
- Translation to z3z now evaluates constant expressions instead of
abstracting them. This non-feature could cause "false" synthesis
failures due to non-translatable yet constant expressions possibly
introduced by tomato (or manually), for instance `not false' in node
`n' bellow:
node n (a: bool) returns (ok: bool)
contract assume true enforce ok with ()
ok = a or not false;
- In Sigalimain: untranslatable non-boolean expressions should not be
added as inputs of the controller.
- Avoided some compiler warnings in the same module (with OCaml ≥ 4).
The -nosink option suppress the sink state of sigali equations.
This optimizes the controller synthesis, but work only
when the synthesis objective instantaneoulsy depends only
on the current state (and not on current inputs).
Added a "Contracts" pass, after inlining, taking care of the
contracts of the nodes called in the body of a node. This pass
"inlines" the code and assume/guarantee parts of these subcontracts.
The "Sigali" pass both generates the sigali ("z3z") code and add the call to
the controller (which is a node generated further by the sigali tool).
Therefore this pass has been included into the mls compiler, and removed
from the targets (a "z3z" dummy target has been kept for backward compatibility