Merge branch 'bzr' into decade
- Added Boolean module (enum types to boolean vectors) - Added Hept_clocking analysis, called before Boolean - Added z3z target from minils (sigali format) - Bug corrections in Normalize, Normalize_mem Conflicts: compiler/heptagon/analysis/ compiler/heptagon/ compiler/heptagon/parsing/hept_parser.mly compiler/heptagon/parsing/ compiler/heptagon/parsing/ compiler/main/ compiler/main/ compiler/main/ compiler/minils/ compiler/minils/transformations/ test/check
This commit is contained in:
33 changed files with 2725 additions and 87 deletions
@ -154,12 +154,14 @@ let print_interface_value ff (name,node) =
let print_interface ff =
let m = Modules.current_module () in
Format.fprintf ff "@[<v>";
(fun key typdesc -> print_interface_type ff (key,typdesc)) m.m_types;
(fun key constdec -> print_interface_const ff (key,constdec)) m.m_consts;
(fun key sigtype -> print_interface_value ff (key,sigtype)) m.m_values;
Format.fprintf ff "@]";
Format.fprintf ff "@."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* clock checking *)
(* v_clock is expected to contain correct clocks before entering here :
either explicit with Cbase representing the node activation clock
or fresh_clock() for unannoted variables.
Idem for e_ct : if explicit, it represents a clock annotation.
Unification is done on this mutable fields.
e_base_ck is set according to node signatures.
open Misc
open Idents
open Heptagon
open Hept_utils
open Global_printer
open Hept_printer
open Signature
open Types
open Clocks
open Location
open Format
(** Error Kind *)
type error_kind = | Etypeclash of ct * ct | Eclockclash of ck * ck | Edefclock
let error_message loc = function
| Etypeclash (actual_ct, expected_ct) ->
Format.eprintf "%aClock Clash: this expression has clock %a,@\n\
but is expected to have clock %a.@."
print_location loc
print_ct actual_ct
print_ct expected_ct;
raise Errors.Error
| Eclockclash (actual_ck, expected_ck) ->
Format.eprintf "%aClock Clash: this value has clock %a,@\n\
but is exprected to have clock %a.@."
print_location loc
print_ck actual_ck
print_ck expected_ck;
raise Errors.Error
| Edefclock ->
Format.eprintf "%aArguments defining clocks should be given as names@."
print_location loc;
raise Errors.Error
let ck_of_name h x =
if is_reset x
then fresh_clock()
else Env.find x h
let rec typing_pat h = function
| Evarpat x -> Ck (ck_of_name h x)
| Etuplepat pat_list -> Cprod ( (typing_pat h) pat_list)
let ident_list_of_pat pat =
let rec f acc pat = match pat with
| Evarpat id -> id::acc
| Etuplepat pat_l -> List.fold_left f acc pat_l
List.rev (f [] pat)
(* typing the expression, returns ct, ck_base *)
let rec typing h pat e =
let ct,base = match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ ->
let ck = fresh_clock() in
Ck ck, ck
| Evar x ->
let ck = ck_of_name h x in
Ck ck, ck
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
let ct,ck = typing h pat e1 in
expect h pat ct e2;
ct, ck
| Epre(_,e) ->
typing h pat e
| Ewhen (e,c,n) ->
let ck_n = ck_of_name h n in
let base = expect h pat (skeleton ck_n e.e_ty) e in
skeleton (Con (ck_n, c, n)) e.e_ty, Con (ck_n, c, n)
| Emerge (x, c_e_list) ->
let ck = ck_of_name h x in
List.iter (fun (c,e) -> expect h pat (Ck(Con (ck,c,x))) e) c_e_list;
Ck ck, ck
| Estruct l ->
let ck = fresh_clock () in
List.iter (fun (_, e) -> expect h pat (Ck ck) e) l;
Ck ck, ck
| Eapp({a_op = op}, args, _) -> (* hyperchronous reset *)
let base_ck = fresh_clock () in
let ct = typing_app h base_ck pat op args in
ct, base_ck
| Eiterator (it, {a_op = op}, nl, pargs, args, _) -> (* hyperchronous reset *)
let base_ck = fresh_clock() in
let ct = match it with
| Imap -> (* exactly as if clocking the node *)
typing_app h base_ck pat op (pargs@args)
| Imapi -> (* clocking the node with the extra i input on [ck_r] *)
let il (* stubs i as 0 *) =
|||| (fun x -> mk_exp
(Econst (Initial.mk_static_int 0))
) nl
typing_app h base_ck pat op (pargs@args@il)
| Ifold | Imapfold ->
(* clocking node with equality constaint on last input and last output *)
let ct = typing_app h base_ck pat op (pargs@args) in
Misc.optional (unify (Ck(Clocks.last_clock ct)))
(Misc.last_element args).e_ct_annot;
| Ifoldi -> (* clocking the node with the extra i and last in/out constraints *)
let il (* stubs i as 0 *) =
|||| (fun x -> mk_exp
(Econst (Initial.mk_static_int 0))
) nl
let rec insert_i args = match args with
| [] -> il
| [l] -> il @ [l]
| h::l -> h::(insert_i l)
let ct = typing_app h base_ck pat op (pargs@(insert_i args)) in
Misc.optional (unify (Ck (Clocks.last_clock ct)))
(Misc.last_element args).e_ct_annot;
ct, base_ck
| Esplit _ | Elast _ -> assert false
begin match e.e_ct_annot with
None -> ()
| Some e_ct ->
unify ct e_ct
with Unify ->
eprintf "Incoherent clock annotation.@\n";
error_message e.e_loc (Etypeclash (ct,e_ct));
e.e_ct_annot <- Some(ct);
ct, base
and expect h pat expected_ct e =
let actual_ct,base = typing h pat e in
(try unify actual_ct expected_ct
with Unify -> error_message e.e_loc (Etypeclash (actual_ct, expected_ct)))
and typing_app h base pat op e_list = match op with
| Etuple (* to relax ? *)
| Earrow
| Efun _ (* stateless functions: inputs and outputs on the same clock *)
| Earray_fill | Eselect | Eselect_dyn | Eselect_trunc | Eupdate
| Eselect_slice | Econcat | Earray | Efield | Efield_update | Eifthenelse ->
List.iter (expect h pat (Ck base)) e_list;
Ck base
| Enode f ->
let node = Modules.find_value f in
let pat_id_list = ident_list_of_pat pat in
let rec build_env a_l v_l env = match a_l, v_l with
| [],[] -> env
| a::a_l, v::v_l -> (match a.a_name with
| None -> build_env a_l v_l env
| Some n -> build_env a_l v_l ((n,v)::env))
| _ ->
Printf.printf "Fun/node : %s\n" (Names.fullname f);
Misc.internal_error "Clocking, non matching signature"
let env_pat = build_env node.node_outputs pat_id_list [] in
let env_args = build_env node.node_inputs e_list [] in
(* implement with Cbase as base, replace name dep by ident dep *)
let rec sigck_to_ck sck = match sck with
| Signature.Cbase -> base
| Signature.Con (sck,c,x) ->
(* find x in the envs : *)
let id = try List.assoc x env_pat
with Not_found ->
let e = List.assoc x env_args in
(match e.e_desc with
| Evar id -> id
| _ -> error_message e.e_loc Edefclock)
with Not_found ->
Misc.internal_error "Clocking, non matching signature 2"
Clocks.Con (sigck_to_ck sck, c, id)
(fun a e -> expect h pat (Ck(sigck_to_ck a.a_clock)) e)
node.node_inputs e_list;
|||| ( (fun a -> sigck_to_ck a.a_clock) node.node_outputs)
let append_env h vds =
List.fold_left (fun h { v_ident = n; v_clock = ck } -> Env.add n ck h) h vds
let rec typing_eq h ({ eq_desc = desc; eq_loc = loc } as eq) =
match desc with
| Eeq(pat,e) ->
let ct,_ = typing h pat e in
let pat_ct = typing_pat h pat in
(try unify ct pat_ct
with Unify ->
eprintf "Incoherent clock between right and left side of the equation.@\n";
error_message loc (Etypeclash (ct, pat_ct)))
| Eblock b ->
ignore(typing_block h b)
| _ -> assert false
and typing_eqs h eq_list = List.iter (typing_eq h) eq_list
and typing_block h
({ b_local = l; b_equs = eq_list; b_loc = loc } as b) =
let h' = append_env h l in
typing_eqs h' eq_list;
let typing_contract h contract =
match contract with
| None -> h
| Some { c_block = b;
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = c_list } ->
let h' = typing_block h b in
(* assumption *)
expect h' (Etuplepat []) (Ck Cbase) e_a;
(* property *)
expect h' (Etuplepat []) (Ck Cbase) e_g;
append_env h c_list
let args_of_var_decs =
|||| (fun vd -> Signature.mk_arg (Some (Idents.source_name vd.v_ident))
vd.v_type (Signature.ck_to_sck vd.v_clock))
let signature_of_node n =
{ node_inputs = args_of_var_decs n.n_input;
node_outputs = args_of_var_decs n.n_output;
node_stateful = n.n_stateful;
node_params = n.n_params;
node_param_constraints = n.n_param_constraints;
node_loc = n.n_loc }
let typing_node node =
let h0 = append_env Env.empty node.n_input in
let h0 = append_env h0 node.n_output in
let h = typing_contract h0 node.n_contract in
typing_block h node.n_block;
(* synchronize input and output on base : find the free vars and set them to base *)
Env.iter (fun _ ck -> unify_ck Cbase (root_ck_of ck)) h0;
(*update clock info in variables descriptions *)
let set_clock vd = { vd with v_clock = ck_repr (Env.find vd.v_ident h) } in
let node = { node with n_input = set_clock node.n_input;
n_output = set_clock node.n_output }
(* check signature causality and update it in the global env *)
let sign = signature_of_node node in
Signature.check_signature sign;
Modules.replace_value node.n_name sign;
let program p =
let program_desc pd = match pd with
| Pnode nd -> Pnode (typing_node nd)
| _ -> pd
{ p with p_desc = program_desc p.p_desc; }
@ -1112,14 +1112,14 @@ let typing_contract cenv h contract =
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = c }) ->
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block cenv h b in
let typed_b, defined_names, h' = typing_block cenv h b in
(* check that the equations do not define other unexpected names *)
included_env defined_names Env.empty;
(* assumption *)
let typed_e_a = expect cenv h (Tid Initial.pbool) e_a in
let typed_e_a = expect cenv h' (Tid Initial.pbool) e_a in
(* property *)
let typed_e_g = expect cenv h (Tid Initial.pbool) e_g in
let typed_e_g = expect cenv h' (Tid Initial.pbool) e_g in
let typed_c, (c_names, h) = build cenv h c in
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ let rec print_type_def ff { t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc } =
let print_contract ff { c_block = b;
c_assume = e_a; c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = c} =
fprintf ff "@[<v2>contract@\n%a@ assume %a@ enforce %a@ with (%a)@]"
fprintf ff "@[<v2>contract@\n%a@ assume %a@ enforce %a@ with (%a)@\n@]"
print_block b
print_exp e_a
print_exp e_g
@ -311,6 +311,8 @@ let print_open_module ff name = fprintf ff "open %s@." (modul_to_string name)
let print oc { p_opened = po; p_desc = pd; } =
let ff = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
List.iter (print_open_module ff) po;
List.iter (print_pdesc ff) pd;
fprintf ff "@]";
fprintf ff "@?"
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ let mk_exp desc ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(level_ck = Cbase) ?(ct_annot = None) ?(loc
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_ct_annot = ct_annot; e_linearity = linearity;
e_level_ck = level_ck; e_loc = loc; }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_unsafe = unsafe }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) ?(inlined=false) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_unsafe = unsafe; a_inlined = inlined }
let mk_op_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) ?(reset=None) op args =
Eapp(mk_app ~params:params ~unsafe:unsafe op, args, reset)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type iterator_type =
type exp = {
e_desc : desc;
e_ty : ty;
e_ct_annot : ct option; (* exists when a source annotation exists *)
mutable e_ct_annot : ct option; (* exists when a source annotation exists *)
e_level_ck : ck; (* set by the switch pass, represents the activation base of the expression *)
mutable e_linearity : linearity;
e_loc : location }
@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ and desc =
and app = {
a_op : op;
a_params : static_exp list;
a_unsafe : bool }
a_unsafe : bool;
a_inlined : bool }
and op =
| Etuple
@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ let compile_program p =
(* Normalization *)
let p = pass "Normalization" true Normalize.program p pp in
(* Boolean pass *)
let p = pass "Clocking(Heptagon)" !boolean Hept_clocking.program p pp in
let p = pass "Boolean" !boolean Boolean.program p pp in
let p = pass "Normalization" !boolean Normalize.program p pp in
(* Block flatten *)
let p = pass "Block" true Block.program p pp in
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ List.iter (fun (str,tok) -> Hashtbl.add keyword_table str tok) [
"assume", ASSUME;
"enforce", ENFORCE;
"with", WITH;
"when", WHEN;
"whenot", WHENOT;
"merge", MERGE;
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ open Hept_parsetree
%token ENFORCE
%token WITH
%token INLINED
%token POWER
@ -456,6 +457,9 @@ _simple_exp:
/* TODO : conflict with Eselect_dyn and or const*/
| q=qualname c=call_params { mk_app (Enode q) c false }
| INLINED q=qualname c=call_params { mk_app (Enode q) c true }
| hs=nonempty_list(merge_handler) { hs }
@ -471,8 +475,8 @@ _exp:
| PRE exp
{ Epre (None, $2) }
/* node call*/
| n=qualname p=call_params LPAREN args=exps RPAREN
{ Eapp(mk_app (Enode n) p , args) }
| n=node_name LPAREN args=exps RPAREN
{ Eapp(n, args) }
| SPLIT n=ident LPAREN e=exp RPAREN
{ Esplit(n, e) }
| NOT exp
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ and edesc =
| Emerge of var_name * (constructor_name * exp) list
| Esplit of var_name * exp
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: exp list; }
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: exp list; a_inlined: bool }
and op =
| Etuple
@ -234,17 +234,17 @@ and interface_desc =
let mk_exp desc ?(ct_annot = None) loc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ct_annot = ct_annot; e_loc = loc }
let mk_app op params =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; }
let mk_app op params inlined =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_inlined = inlined }
let mk_call ?(params=[]) op exps =
Eapp (mk_app op params, exps)
let mk_call ?(params=[]) ?(inlined=false) op exps =
Eapp (mk_app op params inlined, exps)
let mk_op_call ?(params=[]) s exps =
mk_call ~params:params (Efun (Q (Names.pervasives_qn s))) exps
let mk_iterator_call it ln params n_list pexps exps =
Eiterator (it, mk_app (Enode ln) params, n_list, pexps, exps)
Eiterator (it, mk_app (Enode ln) params false, n_list, pexps, exps)
let mk_static_exp desc loc =
{ se_desc = desc; se_loc = loc }
@ -165,8 +165,11 @@ struct
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) op =
{ Heptagon.a_op = op; Heptagon.a_params = params; Heptagon.a_unsafe = unsafe }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) ?(inlined = false) op =
{ Heptagon.a_op = op;
Heptagon.a_params = params;
Heptagon.a_unsafe = unsafe;
Heptagon.a_inlined = inlined }
let mk_signature name ins outs stateful params constraints loc =
{ Heptagon.sig_name = name;
@ -287,10 +290,10 @@ and translate_desc loc env = function
||| (fun (f,e) -> qualify_field f, translate_exp env e)
f_e_list in
Heptagon.Estruct f_e_list
| Eapp ({ a_op = op; a_params = params; }, e_list) ->
| Eapp ({ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_inlined = inl }, e_list) ->
let e_list = (translate_exp env) e_list in
let params = (expect_static_exp) params in
let app = mk_app ~params:params (translate_op op) in
let app = mk_app ~params:params ~inlined:inl (translate_op op) in
Heptagon.Eapp (app, e_list, None)
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = op; a_params = params }, n_list, pe_list, e_list) ->
@ -420,12 +423,17 @@ and translate_last = function
| Last (None) -> Heptagon.Last None
| Last (Some e) -> Heptagon.Last (Some (expect_static_exp e))
let translate_contract env ct =
let b, _ = translate_block env ct.c_block in
{ Heptagon.c_assume = translate_exp env ct.c_assume;
Heptagon.c_enforce = translate_exp env ct.c_enforce;
Heptagon.c_controllables = translate_vd_list env ct.c_controllables;
Heptagon.c_block = b }
let translate_contract env opt_ct =
match opt_ct with
| None -> None, env
| Some ct ->
let env' = Rename.append env ct.c_controllables in
let b, env = translate_block env ct.c_block in
{ Heptagon.c_assume = translate_exp env ct.c_assume;
Heptagon.c_enforce = translate_exp env ct.c_enforce;
Heptagon.c_controllables = translate_vd_list env' ct.c_controllables;
Heptagon.c_block = b }, env'
let params_of_var_decs env p_l =
let pofvd env vd =
@ -461,9 +469,9 @@ let translate_node node =
(* Inputs and outputs define the initial local env *)
let env0 = Rename.append env node.n_output in
let outputs = translate_vd_list env0 node.n_output in
let b, env = translate_block env0 node.n_block in
(* the env of the block is used in the contract translation *)
let contract = Misc.optional (translate_contract env) node.n_contract in
(* Enrich env with controllable variables (used in block) *)
let contract, env = translate_contract env0 node.n_contract in
let b, _ = translate_block env node.n_block in
(* add the node signature to the environment *)
let nnode = { Heptagon.n_name = n;
Heptagon.n_stateful = node.n_stateful;
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ let no_strong_transition state_handlers =
let translate_automaton v eq_list handlers =
let type_name = Modules.fresh_type "automata" "state" in
let type_name = Modules.fresh_type "automata" "st" in
(* the state env associate a name to a qualified constructor *)
let state_env =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon/BZR *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : INRIA Rennes, VerTeCs *)
(* *)
Translate enumerated types (state variables) into boolean
type t = A | B | C | D
A --> 00
B --> 01
C --> 10
D --> 11
x : t --> x1,x2,x2_0,x2_1 : bool (x2_i for keeping correct clocks)
x = B;
(x1,x2) = (0,1);
x2_0 = x2 when False(x1);
x2_1 = x2 when True(x1);
(e when A(x))
(e when False(x1)) when False(x2_0)
ck on A(x)
ck on False(x1) on False(x2_0)
merge x (A -> e0) (B -> e1) (C -> e2) (D -> e3)
merge x1 (False -> merge x2_0 (False -> e0) (True -> e1))
(True -> merge x2_1 (False -> e2) (True -> e3))
(* $Id: 833 2010-02-10 14:15:00Z delaval $ *)
open Names
open Location
open Idents
open Signature
open Types
open Clocks
open Heptagon
open Hept_utils
let fresh = Idents.gen_fresh "bool" (fun s -> s)
let ty_bool = Tid({ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool"})
let strue = mk_static_exp ty_bool (Sbool(true))
let sfalse = mk_static_exp ty_bool (Sbool(false))
let sbool = function
| true -> strue
| false -> sfalse
let ctrue = { qual = Pervasives; name = "true" }
let cfalse = { qual = Pervasives; name = "false" }
let mk_tuple e_l =
Eapp((mk_app Etuple),e_l,None)
(* boolean decision tree ; left branch for true ; nodes are constructors *)
type btree = Node of constructor_name option | Tree of btree * btree
(* Debug
let print_indent n =
for i = 1 to n do
Printf.printf " "
let rec print_btree indent bt =
match bt with
| Node(None) ->
print_indent indent;
Printf.printf "None\n"
| Node(Some c) ->
print_indent indent;
Printf.printf "%s\n" (fullname c)
| Tree(t1,t2) ->
print_indent indent;
Printf.printf "0\n";
print_btree (indent+2) t1;
print_indent indent;
Printf.printf "1\n";
print_btree (indent+2) t2
(* info associated to each enum type *)
type enuminfo =
ty_nb_var : int; (* nb of boolean var representing this type *)
ty_assoc : bool list QualEnv.t;
ty_tree : btree
let rec print_bl bl =
match bl with
| [] -> ()
| b::bl ->
Printf.printf "%s" (if b then "1" else "0");
print_bl bl
let print_enuminfo info =
Printf.printf "{ ty_nb_var = %d;\n ty_assoc = " info.ty_nb_var;
(fun c l () ->
Printf.printf "(%s : " (fullname c);
print_bl l;
Printf.printf "), ")
info.ty_assoc ();
Printf.printf ";\n ty_tree =\n";
print_btree 0 info.ty_tree
(* ty_nb_var = n : var x of enum type will be represented by
boolean variables x_1,...,x_n
ty_assoc(A) = [b_1,...,b_n] : constant A will be represented by
x_1,...,x_n where x_i = b_i
assert length(ty_assoc(A)) = ty_nb_var
(* Type var_tree : variable binary tree, each variable being of clock
of its direct father (false clock for left son, true for right son).
Then if x translates to (x1,x2)
the corresponding var_tree is
/ \
x2_0 x2_1
x2_0 being on clock False(x1)
x2_1 being on clock True(x1)
type var_tree = Vempty | VNode of var_ident * var_tree * var_tree
let rec print_var_tree indent t =
match t with
| Vempty ->
print_indent indent;
Printf.printf "Empty\n"
| VNode(v,t1,t2) ->
print_indent indent;
Printf.printf "0 : %s\n" (name v);
print_var_tree (indent+2) t1;
print_var_tree (indent+2) t2
type varinfo =
var_enum : enuminfo;
var_list : var_ident list;
clocked_var : var_tree;
let print_varinfo info =
Printf.printf "{ var_enum = \n";
print_enuminfo info.var_enum;
Printf.printf ";\n var_list = ";
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf "%s, " (name v)) info.var_list;
Printf.printf ";\n clocked_var =\n";
print_var_tree 0 info.clocked_var
type type_info = Type of type_dec_desc | Enum of enuminfo
let enum_types : type_info QualEnv.t ref = ref QualEnv.empty
let print_enum_types () =
(fun t ti () ->
match ti with
| Enum info ->
Printf.printf "type %s :\n" (fullname t);
print_enuminfo info
| _ -> ()
) !enum_types ()
let get_enum name =
QualEnv.find name !enum_types
(* split2 k [x1;...;xn] = ([x1;...;xk],[xk+1;...;xn]) *)
let split2 n l =
let rec splitaux k acc l =
if k = 0 then (acc,l) else
match l with
| x::t -> splitaux (k-1) (x::acc) t
| _ -> assert false
end in
let (l1,l2) = splitaux n [] l in
(List.rev l1,l2)
(* create an info from the elements of a name list *)
let rec var_list clist =
match clist with
| [] -> (0,QualEnv.empty,Node(None))
| [c] -> (1, QualEnv.add c [false] QualEnv.empty, Tree(Node(Some c),Node(None)))
| [c1;c2] -> (1,
QualEnv.add c1 [false] (QualEnv.add c2 [true] QualEnv.empty),
Tree(Node(Some c1),Node(Some c2)))
| l ->
let n = List.length l in
let n1 = n asr 1 in
let l1,l2 = split2 n1 l in
let (nv1,vl1,t1) = var_list l1
and (nv2,vl2,t2) = var_list l2 in
(* test and debug *)
(* assert ((nv1 = nv2) or (nv1 = nv2 - 1)); *)
(* QualEnv.iter (fun _ l -> assert ((List.length l) = nv1)) vl1; *)
(* QualEnv.iter (fun _ l -> assert ((List.length l) = nv2)) vl2; *)
(* let nt1 = *)
(* begin *)
(* match (count t1) with *)
(* None -> assert false *)
(* | Some n -> n *)
(* end in *)
(* assert (nt1 = nv1); *)
(* let nt2 = *)
(* begin *)
(* match (count t2) with *)
(* | None -> assert false *)
(* | Some n -> n *)
(* end in *)
(* assert (nt2 = nv2); *)
let vl =
QualEnv.fold (fun c l m -> QualEnv.add c (true::l) m) vl2
(if nv1 = nv2
then (fun c l m -> QualEnv.add c (false::l) m)
else (fun c l m -> QualEnv.add c (false::false::l) m))
QualEnv.empty) in
let t1 = if nv1 = nv2 then t1 else Tree(t1,Node(None)) in
let t = Tree(t1,t2) in
nv2 + 1, vl, t
let nvar_list prefix n =
let rec varl acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| n ->
let acc = (prefix ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)) :: acc in
varl acc (n-1) in
varl [] n
let translate_pat env pat =
let rec trans = function
| Evarpat(name) ->
let info = Env.find name env in
match info.var_enum.ty_nb_var with
| 1 ->
Evarpat(List.nth info.var_list 0)
| _ ->
let varpat_list = info.var_list in
Etuplepat( (fun v -> Evarpat(v)) varpat_list)
with Not_found -> Evarpat(name)
| Etuplepat(pat_list) -> Etuplepat( trans pat_list) in
trans pat
let translate_ty ty =
let rec trans ty =
match ty with
| Tid({ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" }) -> ty
| Tid(name) ->
let info = get_enum name in
begin match info with
| Type(_) -> ty
| Enum { ty_nb_var = 1 } -> ty_bool
| Enum { ty_nb_var = n } ->
let strlist = nvar_list "" n in
Tprod( (fun _ -> ty_bool) strlist)
with Not_found -> ty
| Tprod(ty_list) -> Tprod( trans ty_list)
| Tarray(ty,se) -> Tarray(trans ty,se)
| Tinvalid -> assert false
trans ty
let rec on_list ck bl vtree =
match bl, vtree with
| [], _ -> ck
| b::bl', VNode(v,t0,t1) ->
let (c,t) = if b then (ctrue,t1) else (cfalse,t0) in
on_list (Con(ck,c,v)) bl' t
| _::_, Vempty -> failwith("on_list: non-coherent boolean list and tree")
let rec translate_ck env ck =
match ck with
| Cbase -> Cbase
| Cvar {contents = Clink(ck)} -> translate_ck env ck
| Cvar {contents = Cindex(_)} -> ck
| Con(ck,c,n) ->
let ck = translate_ck env ck in
let info = Env.find n env in
let bl = QualEnv.find c info.var_enum.ty_assoc in
on_list ck bl info.clocked_var
with Not_found ->
(* Boolean clock *)
let rec translate_ct env ct =
match ct with
| Ck(ck) -> Ck(translate_ck env ck)
| Cprod(l) -> Cprod( (translate_ct env) l)
let translate_const c ty e =
match c.se_desc,ty with
| _, Tid({ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" }) -> Econst(c)
| Sconstructor(cname),Tid(tname) ->
match (get_enum tname) with
| Type _ -> Econst(c)
| Enum { ty_assoc = assoc } ->
let bl = QualEnv.find cname assoc in
let b_list = (fun b -> Econst(sbool b)) bl in
match b_list with
| [] -> assert false
| [b] -> b
| _::_ ->
(fun b -> {e with
e_desc = b;
e_ty = ty_bool })
with Not_found -> Econst(c)
| _ -> Econst(c)
let new_var_list d_list ty ck n =
let rec varl acc d_list = function
| 0 -> acc,d_list
| n ->
let v = fresh "bool" in
let acc = v :: acc in
let d_list = (mk_var_dec ~clock:ck v ty) :: d_list in
varl acc d_list (n-1) in
varl [] d_list n
let assert_ck = function
Some(Ck(ck)) -> ck
| _ -> assert false
let intro_tuple context e =
let n =
match e.e_ty with
| Tprod(l) -> List.length l
| _ -> assert false in
match e.e_desc with
Eapp({a_op=Etuple},e_l,None) -> context,e_l
| _ ->
let (d_list,eq_list) = context in
(* e is not a tuple, therefore e.e_ct_annot = Ck(ck) *)
let ck = assert_ck e.e_ct_annot in
let v_list,d_list = new_var_list d_list ty_bool ck n in
let pat = Etuplepat( (fun v -> Evarpat(v)) v_list) in
let eq_list = (mk_equation (Eeq(pat,e))) :: eq_list in
let e_list = (fun v -> { e with e_ty = ty_bool; e_desc = Evar(v) }) v_list in
let rec when_list e bl vtree =
match bl, vtree with
| [], _ -> e
| b::bl', VNode(v,t0,t1) ->
let (c,t) = if b then (ctrue,t1) else (cfalse,t0) in
let ck = assert_ck e.e_ct_annot in
(* let e_v = mk_exp (Evar v) ~ct_annot:(Some(Ck(ck))) ty_bool in *)
let e_when = { e with
e_ct_annot = Some (Ck(Con(ck,c,v)));
e_desc = Ewhen(e,c,v) } in
when_list e_when bl' t
| _::_, Vempty -> failwith("when_list: non-coherent boolean list and tree")
let rec when_ck desc li ty ck =
match ck with
| Cbase | Cvar _ ->
{ e_desc = desc;
e_level_ck = ck;
e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck));
e_linearity = li;
e_ty = ty;
e_loc = no_location }
| Con(ck',c,v) ->
let e = when_ck desc li ty ck' in
(* let e_v = mk_exp (Evar v) ~ct_annot:(Some(Ck(ck'))) ty_bool in *)
{ e_desc = Ewhen(e,c,v);
e_level_ck = ck;
e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck));
e_linearity = li;
e_ty = ty;
e_loc = no_location }
let rec base_value ck li ty =
match ty with
| Tid({qual = Pervasives; name = "int" }) ->
when_ck (Econst(mk_static_exp ty (Sint(0)))) li ty ck
| Tid({qual = Pervasives; name = "float"}) ->
when_ck (Econst(mk_static_exp ty (Sfloat(0.)))) li ty ck
| Tid({qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" }) ->
when_ck (Econst(strue)) li ty ck
| Tid(sname) ->
let info = get_enum sname in
(* boolean tuple *)
match info with
| Type(Type_abs) -> failwith("Abstract types not implemented")
| Type(Type_alias aty) -> base_value ck li aty
| Type(Type_enum(l)) ->
(Econst(mk_static_exp ty (Sconstructor(List.hd l))))
li ty ck
| Type(Type_struct(l)) ->
let fields =
(fun {f_name = name; f_type = ty} ->
name,(base_value ck li ty))
l in
when_ck (Estruct(fields)) li ty ck
| Enum { ty_nb_var = 1 } ->
when_ck (Econst(strue)) li ty_bool ck
| Enum { ty_nb_var = n } ->
let e = when_ck (Econst(strue)) li ty_bool ck in
let rec aux acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| n -> aux (e::acc) (n-1) in
let e_list = aux [] n in
{ e_desc = mk_tuple e_list;
e_ty = Tprod( (fun _ -> ty_bool) e_list);
e_level_ck = Cbase;
e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck));
e_linearity = li;
e_loc = no_location }
with Not_found ->
Printf.printf "Name : %s\n"; assert false
| Tprod(ty_list) ->
let e_list = (base_value ck li) ty_list in
{ e_desc = mk_tuple e_list;
e_ty = Tprod( (fun e -> e.e_ty) e_list);
e_level_ck = Cbase;
e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck));
e_linearity = li;
e_loc = no_location;
| Tarray(ty,se) ->
let e = base_value ck li ty in
{ e_desc = Eapp((mk_app ~params:[se] Earray_fill), [e], None);
e_ty = Tarray(e.e_ty,se);
e_level_ck = Cbase;
e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck));
e_linearity = li;
e_loc = no_location;
| Tinvalid -> failwith("Boolean: invalid type")
let rec merge_tree ck ty li e_map btree vtree =
match btree, vtree with
| Node(None), _ -> base_value ck li ty
| Node(Some name), _ ->
let e = QualEnv.find name e_map in
{ e with e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck)) }
| Tree(t1,t2), VNode(v,vt1,vt2) ->
let e1 = merge_tree (Con(ck,cfalse,v)) ty li e_map t1 vt1
and e2 = merge_tree (Con(ck,ctrue,v)) ty li e_map t2 vt2
(* let e_v = mk_exp (Evar v) ~ct_annot:(Some(Ck(ck))) ty_bool in *)
{ e_desc = Emerge(v,[(cfalse,e1);(ctrue,e2)]);
e_ty = ty;
e_level_ck = Cbase;
e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck));
e_linearity = li;
e_loc = no_location }
| Tree (_,_), Vempty -> failwith("merge_tree: non-coherent trees")
let rec translate env context ({e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_ct_annot = ct} as e) =
let ct = Misc.optional (translate_ct env) ct in
let context,desc =
match desc with
| Econst(c) ->
context, translate_const c ty e
| Evar(name) ->
let desc = begin
let info = Env.find name env in
if info.var_enum.ty_nb_var = 1 then
Evar(List.nth info.var_list 0)
let ident_list = info.var_list in
mk_tuple (
(fun v -> { e with
e_ty = ty_bool;
e_ct_annot = ct;
e_desc = Evar(v); })
with Not_found -> Evar(name)
end in
| Efby(e1,e2) ->
let context,e1 = translate env context e1 in
let context,e2 = translate env context e2 in
| Epre(None, e) ->
let context,e = translate env context e in
| Epre(Some c,e) ->
let e_c = translate_const c ty e in
let context,e = translate env context e in
match e_c with
| Econst(c) -> context,Epre(Some c,e)
| Eapp({ a_op = Etuple },e_c_l,None) ->
let context,e_l = intro_tuple context e in
let c_l = (function
| { e_desc = Econst(c) } -> c
| _ -> assert false) e_c_l in
(fun c e -> { e with
e_ty = ty_bool;
e_desc = Epre(Some c,e)})
c_l e_l)
| _ -> assert false
| Eapp(app, e_list, r) ->
let context,e_list = translate_list env context e_list in
context, Eapp(app, e_list, r)
| Ewhen(e,c,ck) ->
let context,e = translate env context e in
let info = Env.find ck env in
let bl = QualEnv.find c info.var_enum.ty_assoc in
let e_when = when_list e bl info.clocked_var in
with Not_found ->
(* Boolean clock *)
| Emerge(ck,l) (* of name * (longname * exp) list *)
let info = Env.find ck env in
let context,e_map = List.fold_left
(fun (context,e_map) (n,e) ->
let context,e = translate env context e in
context,QualEnv.add n e e_map)
(context,QualEnv.empty) l in
let e_merge =
merge_tree (assert_ck ct) ty e.e_linearity e_map
info.clocked_var in
with Not_found ->
(* Boolean clock *)
let context, l =
(fun (context,acc_l) (n,e) ->
let context,e = translate env context e in
context, (n,e)::acc_l)
(context,[]) l in
| Esplit(e1,e2) ->
let context,e1 = translate env context e1 in
let context,e2 = translate env context e2 in
| Estruct(l) ->
let context,acc =
(fun (context,acc) (c,e) ->
let context,e = translate env context e in
(context,[]) l in
context,Estruct(List.rev acc)
| Eiterator(it,app,se,pe_list,e_list,r) ->
let context,pe_list = translate_list env context pe_list in
let context,e_list = translate_list env context e_list in
| Elast _ ->
failwith("Boolean: not supported expression (abstract tree should be normalized)")
context,{ e with
e_desc = desc;
e_ty = translate_ty ty;
e_ct_annot = ct}
and translate_list env context e_list =
let context,acc_e =
(fun (context,acc_e) e ->
let context,e = translate env context e in
(context,[]) e_list in
context,List.rev acc_e
(* Tranlate variable declaration list : outputs
- new declaration list
- added local variables suffixed with "(_(1|0))*" for clock coherence
- equations of these added variables
let var_dec_list (acc_vd,acc_loc,acc_eq) var_from n =
(* when_ck [v3_1_0;v2_1;v1] (ck on True(v1) on False(v2_1) on True(v3_1_0)) v4
= ((v4 when True(v1)) when False(v2_1)) when True(v3_1_0)
-> builds v4_1_0_1
let rec when_ck ckvar_list ck var =
match ckvar_list,ck with
| [], _ ->
{ e_desc = Evar(var);
e_level_ck = ck;
e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck));
e_ty = ty_bool;
e_linearity = var_from.v_linearity;
e_loc = no_location }
| _ckvar::l, Con(ck',c,v) ->
(* assert v = _ckvar *)
let e = when_ck l ck' var in
(* let e_v = mk_exp (Evar v) ~ct_annot:(Some(Ck(ck'))) ty_bool in *)
{ e_desc = Ewhen(e,c,v);
e_level_ck = ck;
e_ct_annot = Some(Ck(ck));
e_ty = ty_bool;
e_linearity = var_from.v_linearity;
e_loc = no_location }
| _ -> failwith("when_ck: non coherent clock and var list")
let prefix = name var_from.v_ident in
(* From v, build of *)
let rec varl acc_vd k =
if k>n
then acc_vd
let var_prefix = prefix ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int k) in
let var = fresh var_prefix in
(* addition of var_k *)
let acc_vd = { var_from with
v_ident = var;
v_type = ty_bool } :: acc_vd in
varl acc_vd (k+1)
end in
let vd_list = varl [] 1 in
(* v_list = [vn;...;v1] *)
let acc_vd = List.rev_append vd_list acc_vd in
let v_list = List.rev_map (fun vd -> vd.v_ident) vd_list in
(* From, build clocked tree
( vi_(0|1)* on ... on (True|False) (v1) ) *)
let rec clocked_tree (acc_loc,acc_eq) acc_var suffix v_list ck =
begin match v_list, acc_var with
[], _ ->
(* Leafs *)
| v1::v_list, [] ->
(* Root : no new id, only rec calls for sons *)
(* Build left son (ck on False(vi_...)) *)
let ck_0 = Con(ck,cfalse,v1) in
let acc_loc,acc_eq,t0 =
v_list ck_0 in
(* Build right son (ck on True(vi_...))*)
let ck_1 = Con(ck,ctrue,v1) in
let acc_loc,acc_eq,t1 =
v_list ck_1 in
| vi::v_list, _ ->
(* Build name vi_(0|1)* *)
let v = (name vi) ^ suffix in
(* Build ident from this name *)
let id = fresh v in
let acc_loc = { v_ident = id;
v_type = ty_bool;
v_linearity = var_from.v_linearity;
v_clock = ck;
v_last = Var;
v_loc = no_location } :: acc_loc in
(* vi_... = vi when ... when (True|False)(v1) *)
let acc_eq =
(mk_equation (Eeq(Evarpat(id),(when_ck acc_var ck vi))))
::acc_eq in
(* Build left son (ck on False(vi_...)) *)
let ck_0 = Con(ck,cfalse,id) in
let acc_loc,acc_eq,t0 =
(suffix ^ "_0")
v_list ck_0 in
(* Build right son (ck on True(vi_...))*)
let ck_1 = Con(ck,ctrue,id) in
let acc_loc,acc_eq,t1 =
(suffix ^ "_1")
v_list ck_1 in
let acc_loc,acc_eq,t =
clocked_tree (acc_loc,acc_eq) [] "" v_list var_from.v_clock in
let buildenv_var_dec (acc_vd,acc_loc,acc_eq,env) ({v_type = ty} as v) =
match ty with
| Tprod _ | Tarray _ ->
v::acc_vd, acc_loc, acc_eq, env
| Tid(tname) ->
match tname with
| { qual = Pervasives; name = ("bool" | "int" | "float") } ->
v::acc_vd, acc_loc, acc_eq, env
| _ ->
match (get_enum tname) with
| Type _ -> v::acc_vd, acc_loc, acc_eq ,env
| Enum(info) ->
let (acc_vd,acc_loc,acc_eq,vl,t) =
v info.ty_nb_var in
let vi = { var_enum = info;
var_list = vl;
clocked_var = t } in
let env =
{ var_enum = info;
var_list = vl;
clocked_var = t }
env in
acc_vd, acc_loc, acc_eq, env
with Not_found -> v::acc_vd, acc_loc, acc_eq, env
| Tinvalid -> failwith("Boolean: invalid type")
let buildenv_var_dec_list env vlist =
List.fold_left buildenv_var_dec ([],[],[],env) vlist
let translate_var_dec env ({ v_clock = ck } as v) =
{ v with v_clock = translate_ck env ck }
let translate_var_dec_list env vlist =
|||| (translate_var_dec env) vlist
let rec translate_block env add_locals add_eqs ({ b_local = v;
b_equs = eq_list; } as b) =
let v, v',v_eq,env = buildenv_var_dec_list env v in
let v = v@v'@add_locals in
let v = translate_var_dec_list env v in
let eq_list = eq_list@v_eq@add_eqs in
let context = translate_eqs env eq_list in
let d_list,eq_list = context in
{ b with
b_local = v@d_list;
b_equs = eq_list }, env
and translate_eq env context ({eq_desc = desc} as eq) =
let desc,(d_list,eq_list) =
match desc with
| Eblock block ->
let block, _ = translate_block env [] [] block in
Eblock block,
| Eeq(pat,e) ->
let pat = translate_pat env pat in
let context,e = translate env context e in
| _ -> failwith("Boolean pass: control structures should be removed")
d_list,{ eq with eq_desc = desc }::eq_list
and translate_eqs env eq_list =
(fun context eq ->
translate_eq env context eq) ([],[]) eq_list
let translate_contract env contract =
match contract with
| None -> None, env
| Some { c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = cl;
c_block = b } ->
let cl, cl_loc, cl_eq, env = buildenv_var_dec_list env cl in
let cl = translate_var_dec_list env cl in
let ({ b_local = v;
b_equs = eqs } as b), env'
= translate_block env cl_loc cl_eq b in
let context, e_a = translate env' (v,eqs) e_a in
let context, e_g = translate env' context e_g in
let (d_list,eq_list) = context in
Some { c_block = { b with
b_local = d_list;
b_equs = eq_list };
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = cl },
let node ({ n_input = inputs;
n_output = outputs;
n_contract = contract;
n_block = b } as n) =
let inputs,in_loc,in_eq,env = buildenv_var_dec_list Env.empty inputs in
let outputs,out_loc,out_eq,env = buildenv_var_dec_list env outputs in
let contract, env = translate_contract env contract in
let add_locals = in_loc@out_loc in
let add_eqs = in_eq@out_eq in
let b,_ = translate_block env add_locals add_eqs b in
{ n with
n_input = List.rev inputs;
n_output = List.rev outputs;
n_contract = contract;
n_block = b }
let program_desc p_desc =
match p_desc with
| Pnode(n) -> Pnode(node n)
| _ -> p_desc
let build p_desc =
match p_desc with
| Ptype(type_dec) ->
let tenv =
match type_dec.t_desc with
| Type_enum clist ->
let (n,env,t) = var_list clist in
Enum({ ty_nb_var = n;
ty_assoc = env;
ty_tree = t})
| tdesc -> Type(tdesc) in
enum_types := QualEnv.add type_dec.t_name tenv !enum_types
| _ -> ()
let program ({ p_desc = d_list } as p) =
List.iter build d_list;
{ p with p_desc = program_desc d_list }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon/BZR *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : INRIA Rennes, VerTeCs *)
(* *)
Translate enumerated types (state variables) into boolean
type t = A | B | C | D
A --> 00
B --> 01
C --> 10
D --> 11
x : t --> x1,x2 : bool
(e when A(x))
(e when False(x1)) when False(x2)
merge x (A -> e0) (B -> e1) (C -> e2) (D -> e3)
merge x1 (False -> merge x2 (False -> e0) (True -> e1))
(True -> merge x2 (False -> e2) (True -> e3))
(* $Id: boolean.mli 74 2009-03-11 10:21:25Z delaval $ *)
val program : Heptagon.program -> Heptagon.program
@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ let equation (d_list, eq_list) e =
(d_list, eq_list), Evar n
(* [(e1,...,ek) when C(n) = (e1 when C(n),...,ek when C(n))] *)
let rec whenc context e c n =
let rec whenc context e c n e_orig =
let when_on_c c n e =
{ e with e_desc = Ewhen(e, c, n) }
{ e_orig with e_desc = Ewhen(e, c, n); }
if is_list e then (
let e_list = (when_on_c c n) (e_to_e_list e) in
context, { e with e_desc = Eapp(mk_app Etuple, e_list, None) }
context, { e_orig with e_desc = Eapp(mk_app Etuple, e_list, None) }
) else
context, when_on_c c n e
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ let rec translate kind context e =
context, { e with e_desc = Estruct l }
| Ewhen(e1, c, n) ->
let context, e1 = translate kind context e1 in
whenc context e1 c n
whenc context e1 c n e
| Emerge(n, tag_e_list) ->
merge context e n tag_e_list
| Eapp({ a_op = Eifthenelse }, [e1; e2; e3], _) ->
@ -226,24 +226,43 @@ and merge context e x c_e_list =
let context, e = translate ExtValue context e in
(tag, e), context
let mk_merge x c_list e_list =
let ty = (List.hd e_list).e_ty in
let t_e_list = List.map2 (fun t e -> (t,e)) c_list e_list in
mk_exp ~loc:e.e_loc (Emerge(x, t_e_list)) ty
let rec mk_merge x c_list e_lists =
let ty = (List.hd (List.hd e_lists)).e_ty in
let rec build_c_e_list c_list e_lists =
match c_list, e_lists with
| [], [] -> [], []
| c::c_l, (e::e_l)::e_ls ->
let c_e_list, e_lists = build_c_e_list c_l e_ls in
(c,e)::c_e_list, e_l::e_lists
| _ -> assert false in
let rec build_merge_list c_list e_lists =
match e_lists with
[] -> assert false
| []::_ -> []
| _ ::_ ->
let c_e_list, e_lists = build_c_e_list c_list e_lists in
let e_merge = mk_exp ~loc:e.e_loc (Emerge(x, c_e_list)) ty in
let e_merge_list = build_merge_list c_list e_lists in
e_merge::e_merge_list in
build_merge_list c_list e_lists
let c_e_list, context = mapfold translate_tag context c_e_list in
match c_e_list with
| [] -> assert false
| (_,e)::_ ->
if is_list e then (
| (_,e1)::_ ->
if is_list e1 then (
let c_list = (fun (t,_) -> t) c_e_list in
let e_lists = (fun (_,e) -> e_to_e_list e) c_e_list in
let e_lists, context =
mapfold (fun context e_list -> add_list context ExtValue e_list) context e_lists in
let e_list = (mk_merge x c_list) e_lists in
context, { e with e_desc = Eapp(mk_app Etuple, e_list, None) }
(fun context e_list -> add_list context ExtValue e_list)
context e_lists in
let e_list = mk_merge x c_list e_lists in
context, { e with
e_desc = Eapp(mk_app Etuple, e_list, None) }
) else
context, { e with e_desc = Emerge(x, c_e_list) }
context, { e with
e_desc = Emerge(x, c_e_list) }
(* applies distribution rules *)
(* [(p1,...,pn) = (e1,...,en)] into [p1 = e1;...;pn = en] *)
@ -293,7 +312,23 @@ let block funs _ b =
let _, (v_acc, eq_acc) = Hept_mapfold.block funs ([],[]) b in
{ b with b_local = v_acc@b.b_local; b_equs = eq_acc}, ([], [])
let contract funs context c =
let ({ c_block = b } as c), void_context =
Hept_mapfold.contract funs context c in
(* Non-void context could mean lost equations *)
assert (void_context=([],[]));
let context, e_a = translate ExtValue ([],[]) c.c_assume in
let context, e_e = translate ExtValue context c.c_enforce in
let (d_list, eq_list) = context in
{ c with
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_e;
c_block = { b with
b_local = d_list@b.b_local;
b_equs = eq_list@b.b_equs; }
}, void_context
let program p =
let funs = { defaults with block = block; eq = eq } in
let funs = { defaults with block = block; eq = eq; contract = contract } in
let p, _ = Hept_mapfold.program funs ([], []) p in
@ -44,6 +44,16 @@ struct
raise Errors.Error
let fresh = Idents.gen_fresh "hept2mls"
(function Heptagon.Enode f -> (shortname f)
| _ -> "n")
(* add an equation *)
let equation locals eqs e =
let n = Idents.gen_var "hept2mls" "ck" in
(mk_var_dec n e.e_ty) :: locals,
(mk_equation (Evarpat n) e):: eqs
let translate_var { Heptagon.v_ident = n; Heptagon.v_type = ty; Heptagon.v_linearity = linearity;
Heptagon.v_loc = loc; Heptagon.v_clock = ck } =
@ -80,7 +90,9 @@ let rec translate_op = function
let translate_app app =
mk_app ~params:app.Heptagon.a_params
~unsafe:app.Heptagon.a_unsafe (translate_op app.Heptagon.a_op)
~id:(Some (fresh app.Heptagon.a_op))
(translate_op app.Heptagon.a_op)
let rec translate_extvalue e =
let mk_extvalue =
@ -174,6 +186,7 @@ let node n =
n_input = translate_var n.Heptagon.n_input;
n_output = translate_var n.Heptagon.n_output;
n_contract = translate_contract n.Heptagon.n_contract;
n_controller_call = ([],[]);
n_local = translate_var n.Heptagon.n_block.Heptagon.b_local;
n_equs = translate_eq n.Heptagon.n_block.Heptagon.b_equs;
n_loc = n.Heptagon.n_loc ;
@ -181,6 +194,7 @@ let node n =
n_param_constraints = n.Heptagon.n_param_constraints;
n_mem_alloc = [] }
let typedec
{Heptagon.t_name = n; Heptagon.t_desc = tdesc; Heptagon.t_loc = loc} =
let onetype = function
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ let main () =
"-c", Arg.Set create_object_file, doc_object_file;
"-s", Arg.String set_simulation_node, doc_sim;
"-hepts", Arg.Set hepts_simulation, doc_hepts;
"-bool", Arg.Set boolean, doc_boolean;
"-deadcode", Arg.Set deadcode, doc_deadcode;
"-tomato", Arg.Set tomato, doc_tomato;
"-tomanode", read_qualname add_tomato_node, doc_tomato;
"-tomacheck", read_qualname add_tomato_check, "";
@ -533,7 +533,12 @@ and mk_node_call map call_context app loc (name_list : Obc.pattern list) args ty
v @ nd.Minils.n_local, si, j, subst_act_list env s
| Minils.Enode f | Minils.Efun f ->
let o = mk_obj_call_from_context call_context (gen_obj_ident f) in
let id =
begin match app.Minils.a_id with
None -> gen_obj_ident f
| Some id -> id
end in
let o = mk_obj_call_from_context call_context id in
let obj =
{ o_ident = obj_ref_name o; o_class = f;
o_params = app.Minils.a_params;
@ -665,12 +670,12 @@ let translate_contract map mem_var_tys =
(** Returns a map, mapping variables names to the variables
where they will be stored. *)
let subst_map inputs outputs locals mem_tys =
let subst_map inputs outputs controllables c_locals locals mem_tys =
(* Create a map that simply maps each var to itself *)
let map =
(fun m { Minils.v_ident = x; Minils.v_type = ty } -> Env.add x (mk_pattern ty (Lvar x)) m)
Env.empty (inputs @ outputs @ locals)
Env.empty (inputs @ outputs @ controllables @ c_locals @ locals)
List.fold_left (fun map (x, x_ty) -> Env.add x (mk_pattern x_ty (Lmem x)) map) map mem_tys
@ -682,7 +687,11 @@ let translate_node
} as n) =
Idents.enter_node f;
let mem_var_tys = Mls_utils.node_memory_vars n in
let subst_map = subst_map i_list o_list d_list mem_var_tys in
let c_list, c_locals =
match contract with
| None -> [], []
| Some c -> c.Minils.c_controllables, c.Minils.c_local in
let subst_map = subst_map i_list o_list c_list c_locals d_list mem_var_tys in
let (v, si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list subst_map empty_call_context eq_list in
let (si', j', s_list', d_list') = translate_contract subst_map mem_var_tys contract in
let i_list = translate_var_dec i_list in
@ -41,11 +41,13 @@ let write_obc_file p =
let no_conf () = ()
let targets = [ "c",(Obc_no_params Cmain.program, no_conf);
"java", (Obc Java_main.program, no_conf);
"java", (Obc Java_main.program, no_conf);
"z3z", (Minils_no_params Sigalimain.program, no_conf);
"obc", (Obc write_obc_file, no_conf);
"obc_np", (Obc_no_params write_obc_file, no_conf);
"epo", (Minils write_object_file, no_conf) ]
let generate_target p s =
(* let print_unfolded p_list =
comment "Unfolding";
@ -1 +1,2 @@
<analysis> or <transformations> or <main> or <parsing>:include
@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ let typing_eq h { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e; eq_loc = loc } =
e.e_base_ck <- base;
(try unify ct e.e_ct
with Unify ->
eprintf "Incoherent clock annotation.@\n";
eprintf "Incoherent clock annotation for exp %a.@\n"
Mls_printer.print_exp e;
error_message e.e_loc (Etypeclash (ct,e.e_ct)));
e.e_ct <- ct;
ct, base
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let compile_program p =
let p =
pass "Automata minimization checks" true Tomato.tomato_checks p pp in
(* Scheduling *)
let p =
if !Compiler_options.use_interf_scheduler then
@ -77,7 +77,11 @@ and edesc =
* extvalue list * extvalue list * var_ident option
(** map f <<n>> <(extvalue)> (extvalue) reset ident *)
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: static_exp list; a_unsafe: bool }
and app = { a_op: op;
a_params: static_exp list;
a_unsafe: bool;
a_id: ident option;
a_inlined: bool }
(** Unsafe applications could have side effects
and be delicate about optimizations, !be careful! *)
@ -126,6 +130,8 @@ type node_dec = {
n_input : var_dec list;
n_output : var_dec list;
n_contract : contract option;
(* GD: inglorious hack for controller call *)
mutable n_controller_call : string list * string list;
n_local : var_dec list;
n_equs : eq list;
n_loc : location;
@ -173,7 +179,8 @@ let mk_equation ?(loc = no_location) pat exp =
{ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = exp; eq_loc = loc }
let mk_node
?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(local = []) ?(eq = [])
?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(pinst = ([],[]))
?(local = []) ?(eq = [])
?(stateful = true) ?(loc = no_location) ?(param = []) ?(constraints = [])
name =
@ -182,6 +189,7 @@ let mk_node
n_input = input;
n_output = output;
n_contract = contract;
n_controller_call = pinst;
n_local = local;
n_equs = eq;
n_loc = loc;
@ -195,6 +203,7 @@ let mk_type_dec type_desc name loc =
let mk_const_dec id ty e loc =
{ c_name = id; c_type = ty; c_value = e; c_loc = loc }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_unsafe = unsafe }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) ?(id=None) ?(inlined=false) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_unsafe = unsafe;
a_id = id; a_inlined = inlined }
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ let rec print_pat ff = function
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_pat """,""") pat_list
let print_vd ff { v_ident = n; v_type = ty; v_linearity = lin; v_clock = ck } =
(* if !Compiler_options.full_type_info then*)
if !Compiler_options.full_type_info then
fprintf ff "%a : %a%a :: %a" print_ident n print_type ty print_linearity lin print_ck ck
(*else fprintf ff "%a : %a" print_ident n print_type ty*)
else fprintf ff "%a : %a" print_ident n print_type ty
let print_local_vars ff = function
| [] -> ()
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ let rec print_type_dec ff { t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc } =
let print_contract ff { c_local = l; c_eq = eqs;
c_assume = e_a; c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = c;} =
fprintf ff "@[<v2>contract@\n%a%a@ assume %a@ enforce %a@ with (%a)@]"
fprintf ff "@[<v2>contract@\n%a%a@ assume %a@ enforce %a@ with %a@\n@]"
print_local_vars l
print_eqs eqs
print_extvalue e_a
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
(* *)
(* Sigali Library *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : INRIA Rennes, VerTeCs *)
(* *)
(* $Id: 2416 2011-01-13 17:00:15Z delaval $ *)
(* Sigali representation and output *)
type name = string
type var = name
type const = Cfalse | Cabsent | Ctrue | Cint of int
type exp =
| Sconst of const
| Svar of name
| Swhen of exp * exp (* e1 when e2 *)
| Sdefault of exp * exp (* e1 default e2 *)
| Sequal of exp * exp (* e1 = e2 *)
| Ssquare of exp (* e^2 *)
| Snot of exp (* not e *)
| Sand of exp * exp (* e1 and e2 *)
| Sor of exp * exp (* e1 or e2 *)
| Sprim of name * exp list (* f(e1,...,en) *)
| Slist of exp list (* [e1,...,en] *)
| Splus of exp * exp (* e1 + e2 *)
| Sminus of exp * exp (* e1 - e2 *)
| Sprod of exp * exp (* e1 * e2 *)
type statement = { (* name : definition *)
stmt_name : name;
stmt_def : exp;
type objective =
| Security of exp
| Reachability of exp
| Attractivity of exp
type processus = {
proc_dep : name list;
proc_name : name;
proc_inputs : var list;
proc_uncont_inputs : var list;
proc_outputs : var list;
proc_controllables : var list;
proc_states : var list;
proc_init : const list;
proc_constraints : exp list;
proc_body : statement list;
proc_objectives : objective list;
type program = processus list
let concat e1 e2 =
let evolutions = "evolutions"
let initialisations = "initialisations"
let constraints = "constraints"
let extend var e =
{ stmt_name = var ;
stmt_def = concat (Svar(var)) e }
let subst e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("subst",[e1;e2;e3])
let l_subst e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("l_subst",[e1;e2;e3])
let evolution p =
Sprim ("evolution",[p])
let initial p =
Sprim ("initial",[p])
let pconstraint p =
Sprim ("constraint",[p])
let ifthenelse e1 e2 e3 =
let (&~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Cfalse), _
| _, Sconst(Cfalse) -> Sconst(Cfalse)
| Sconst(Ctrue), e
| e, Sconst(Ctrue) -> e
| _ -> Sand(e1,e2)
let (|~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Ctrue), _
| _, Sconst(Ctrue) -> Sconst(Ctrue)
| Sconst(Cfalse), e
| e, Sconst(Cfalse) -> e
| _ -> Sor(e1,e2)
let (=>~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Ctrue), e -> e
| _, Sconst(Ctrue)
| Sconst(Cfalse), _ -> Sconst(Ctrue)
| _ -> Sor(Snot(e1),e2)
let a_const e =
Sprim ("a_const",[e])
let a_var e e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("a_var", [e;e1;e2;e3])
let a_part e e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("a_part", [e;e1;e2;e3])
let a_inf e1 e2 =
Sprim ("a_inf", [e1;e2])
let a_sup e1 e2 =
Sprim ("a_sup", [e1;e2])
module Printer =
open Format
let rec print_list ff print sep l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> print ff x
| x :: l ->
print ff x;
fprintf ff "%s@ " sep;
print_list ff print sep l
let print_string ff s =
fprintf ff "%s" s
let print_name ff n =
fprintf ff "%s" n
let print_const ff c =
match c with
| Cfalse -> fprintf ff "-1"
| Ctrue -> fprintf ff "1"
| Cabsent -> fprintf ff "0"
| Cint(v) -> fprintf ff "%d" v
let rec print_exp ff e =
match e with
| Sconst(c) -> print_const ff c
| Svar(v) -> print_name ff v
| Swhen(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ when %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sdefault(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ default %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sequal(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ = %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Ssquare(e) ->
fprintf ff "(%a^2)"
print_exp e
| Snot(e) ->
fprintf ff "(not %a)"
print_exp e
| Sand(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ and %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sor(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ or %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sprim(f,e_l) ->
fprintf ff "%s(@[" f;
print_list ff print_exp "," e_l;
fprintf ff "@])"
| Slist(e_l) ->
fprintf ff "[@[";
print_list ff print_exp "," e_l;
fprintf ff "]@]"
| Splus(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ + %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sminus(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ - %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sprod(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ * %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
let print_statement ff { stmt_name = name; stmt_def = e } =
fprintf ff "@[<hov 2>%a : %a;@]"
print_name name
print_exp e
let print_statements ff stmt_l =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff print_statement "" stmt_l;
fprintf ff "@]@ "
let print_objective name ff obj =
match obj with
| Security(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Security(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
| Reachability(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Reachable(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
| Attractivity(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Attractivity(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
let print_verification name ff obj =
match obj with
| Security(e) ->
fprintf ff "verif_result : verif_result andb notb Reachable(%s,B_False(%s,%a));"
name name
print_exp e
| Reachability(e) ->
fprintf ff "verif_result : verif_result andb Reachable(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name
print_exp e
| Attractivity(_) -> failwith("Attractivity verification not allowed")
let sigali_head = "
let sigali_foot = ""
let print_processus dir ({ proc_dep = dep_list;
proc_name = name;
proc_inputs = inputs;
proc_uncont_inputs = uncont_inputs;
proc_outputs = outputs;
proc_controllables = controllables;
proc_states = states;
proc_constraints = constraints;
proc_body = body;
proc_objectives = objectives;
}) =
let sigc = open_out (dir ^ "/" ^ name ^ ".z3z") in
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel sigc in
Compiler_utils.print_header_info ff "%" "%";
fprintf ff "%s" sigali_head;
let n = List.length states in
(* declare dummy variables d1...dn *)
fprintf ff "@[declare(@[<hov>d1";
for i = 2 to n do
fprintf ff ",@ d%d" i;
fprintf ff "@]);@]@\n@\n";
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
(* dependencies *)
fprintf ff "%% -- dependencies --- %%@\n@\n";
(fun dep_name ->
fprintf ff "read(\"%s.z3z\");@\n" dep_name)
(* head comment *)
fprintf ff "%% ---------- process %s ---------- %%@\n@\n" name;
(* variables declaration *)
fprintf ff "declare(@[<hov>";
print_list ff print_name "," (inputs@states);
fprintf ff "@]);@,";
(* inputs decl. *)
fprintf ff "conditions : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," inputs;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* states decl. *)
fprintf ff "states : [@[";
if states = [] then
(* dummy state var to avoid sigali segfault *)
fprintf ff "d1"
print_list ff print_name "," states;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* controllables : *)
fprintf ff "controllables : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," controllables;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* init evolutions, initialisations *)
if states = [] then
fprintf ff "evolutions : [d1];@,"
fprintf ff "evolutions : [];@,";
fprintf ff "initialisations : [];@,";
(* body statements *)
print_statements ff body;
(* constraints *)
fprintf ff "constraints : [@[";
print_list ff print_exp "," constraints;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* outputs : comment *)
fprintf ff "@,%% --- outputs : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," outputs;
fprintf ff "@]] --- %%@,";
(* process declaration *)
fprintf ff
("%s : processus(" ^^
"@[conditions," ^^
"@ states," ^^
"@ evolutions," ^^
"@ initialisations," ^^
"@ [gen(constraints)]," ^^
"@ controllables@]);@,")
match controllables with
[] ->
(* No controllable variables: verification *)
(* Initialisation of verification result *)
fprintf ff "verif_result : True;@,";
(* Verification of properties (update verif_result) *)
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff (print_verification name) "" objectives;
fprintf ff "@]@,";
(* Print result *)
fprintf ff "if verif_result then@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: property true.\")@," name;
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: property false.\");@," name;
| _::_ ->
(* At least one controllable variable: synthesis *)
(* Store the initial state for further check *)
fprintf ff "%s_init : initial(%s);@," name name;
(* Controller synthesis *)
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff (print_objective name) "" objectives;
fprintf ff "@]@,";
(* Check that synthesis succeeded : initial state not modified *)
fprintf ff "dcs_result : equal(%s_init,initial(%s));@," name name;
(* Print result *)
fprintf ff "if dcs_result then@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: synthesis succeeded.\")@," name;
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: synthesis failed.\");@," name;
fprintf ff "@\nif dcs_result then@,";
(* Controller output *)
(* fprintf ff " simul(%s,\"%s.res\",\"%s.sim\")@\n" name name name; *)
fprintf ff " print(\"Triangulation and controller generation...\")@\n";
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " quit(1);@,";
(* Triangulation *)
(* phantoms : *)
let phantom_vars = (fun n -> "p_" ^ n) controllables in
(* phantom variables declaration *)
fprintf ff "declare(@[<hov>";
print_list ff print_name "," phantom_vars;
fprintf ff "@]);@,";
fprintf ff "phantom_vars : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," phantom_vars;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
fprintf ff "%s_triang : Triang(constraint(%s),controllables,phantom_vars);@," name name;
(* controller vars *)
fprintf ff "controller_inputs : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," (uncont_inputs
(fun n -> "p_" ^ n)
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* Controller generation *)
fprintf ff "heptagon_controller(\"%s_controller.ept\",\"%s\",controller_inputs,controllables,%s_triang);@," name name name;
(* Footer and close file *)
fprintf ff "@]@.";
fprintf ff "%s" sigali_foot;
fprintf ff "@?";
close_out sigc
let print dir p_l =
List.iter (print_processus dir) p_l
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
(* *)
(* Sigali Library *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : INRIA Rennes, VerTeCs *)
(* *)
(* $Id: sigali.mli 2324 2010-12-05 10:22:36Z delaval $ *)
(* Sigali representation and output *)
type name = string
type var = name
type const = Cfalse | Cabsent | Ctrue | Cint of int
type exp =
| Sconst of const
| Svar of name
| Swhen of exp * exp (* e1 when e2 *)
| Sdefault of exp * exp (* e1 default e2 *)
| Sequal of exp * exp (* e1 = e2 *)
| Ssquare of exp (* e^2 *)
| Snot of exp (* not e *)
| Sand of exp * exp (* e1 and e2 *)
| Sor of exp * exp (* e1 or e2 *)
| Sprim of name * exp list (* f(e1,...,en) *)
| Slist of exp list (* [e1,...,en] *)
| Splus of exp * exp (* e1 + e2 *)
| Sminus of exp * exp (* e1 - e2 *)
| Sprod of exp * exp (* e1 * e2 *)
type statement = { (* name : definition *)
stmt_name : name;
stmt_def : exp;
type objective =
| Security of exp
| Reachability of exp
| Attractivity of exp
type processus = {
proc_dep : name list;
proc_name : name;
proc_inputs : var list;
proc_uncont_inputs : var list;
proc_outputs : var list;
proc_controllables : var list;
proc_states : var list;
proc_init : const list;
proc_constraints : exp list;
proc_body : statement list;
proc_objectives : objective list;
type program = processus list
val concat : exp -> exp -> exp
val evolutions : string
val initialisations : string
val constraints : string
val extend : name -> exp -> statement
val subst : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val l_subst : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val evolution : exp -> exp
val initial : exp -> exp
val pconstraint : exp -> exp
val ifthenelse : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val ( &~ ) : exp -> exp -> exp
val ( |~ ) : exp -> exp -> exp
val ( =>~ ) : exp -> exp -> exp
val a_const : exp -> exp
val a_var : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val a_part : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val a_inf : exp -> exp -> exp
val a_sup : exp -> exp -> exp
module Printer :
val print : string -> processus list -> unit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon/BZR *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : UJF, LIG *)
(* *)
(* Translation from the source language to Sigali polynomial systems *)
(* $Id: 2652 2011-03-11 16:26:17Z delaval $ *)
open Misc
open Compiler_utils
open Names
open Idents
open Types
open Clocks
open Sigali
type mtype = Tint | Tbool | Tother
let actual_ty = function
| Tid({ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool"}) -> Tbool
| Tid({ qual = Pervasives; name = "int"}) -> Tint
| _ -> Tother
let var_list prefix n =
let rec varl acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| n ->
let acc = (prefix ^ (string_of_int n)) :: acc in
varl acc (n-1) in
varl [] n
let dummy_prefix = "d"
let translate_static_exp se =
match se.se_desc with
| Sint(v) -> Cint(v)
| Sfloat(_) -> failwith("Sigali: floats not implemented")
| Sbool(true) -> Ctrue
| Sbool(false) -> Cfalse
| Sop({ qual = Pervasives; name = "~-" },[{se_desc = Sint(v)}]) ->
| _ ->
Format.printf "Constant %a@\n"
Global_printer.print_static_exp se;
failwith("Sigali: untranslatable constant")
let rec translate_pat = function
| Minils.Evarpat(x) -> [name x]
| Minils.Etuplepat(pat_list) ->
List.fold_right (fun pat acc -> (translate_pat pat) @ acc) pat_list []
let rec translate_ck pref e = function
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } ->
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> translate_ck pref e ck
| Con(ck,c,var) ->
let e = translate_ck pref e ck in
match (shortname c) with
"true" -> Svar(pref ^ (name var))
| "false" -> Snot(Svar(pref ^ (name var)))
| _ -> assert false)
let rec translate_ext prefix ({ Minils.w_desc = desc; Minils.w_ty = ty } as e) =
match desc with
| Minils.Wconst(v) ->
begin match (actual_ty ty) with
| Tbool -> Sconst(translate_static_exp v)
| Tint -> a_const (Sconst(translate_static_exp v))
| Tother -> failwith("Sigali: untranslatable type")
| Minils.Wvar(n) -> Svar(prefix ^ (name n))
| Minils.Wwhen(e, c, var) when ((actual_ty e.Minils.w_ty) = Tbool) ->
let e = translate_ext prefix e in
match (shortname c) with
"true" -> Svar(prefix ^ (name var))
| "false" -> Snot(Svar(prefix ^ (name var)))
| _ -> assert false)
| Minils.Wwhen(e, _c, _var) ->
translate_ext prefix e
| Minils.Wfield(_) ->
failwith("Sigali: structures not implemented")
(* [translate e = c] *)
let rec translate prefix ({ Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_ty = ty } as e) =
match desc with
| Minils.Eextvalue(ext) -> translate_ext prefix ext
| Minils.Eapp (* pervasives binary or unary stateless operations *)
({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun({qual=Pervasives;name=n})},
e_list, _) ->
match n, e_list with
| "not", [e] -> Snot(translate_ext prefix e)
| "or", [e1;e2] -> Sor((translate_ext prefix e1),
(translate_ext prefix e2))
| "&", [e1;e2] -> Sand((translate_ext prefix e1),
(translate_ext prefix e2))
| ("<="|"<"|">="|">"), [e1;e2] ->
let op,modv =
begin match n with
| "<=" -> a_inf,0
| "<" -> a_inf,-1
| ">=" -> a_sup,0
| _ -> a_sup,1
end in
let e1 = translate_ext prefix e1 in
let sig_e =
begin match e2.Minils.w_desc with
| Minils.Wconst({se_desc = Sint(v)}) ->
op e1 (Sconst(Cint(v+modv)))
| _ ->
let e2 = translate_ext prefix e2 in
op (Sminus(e1,e2)) (Sconst(Cint(modv)))
end in
(* a_inf and a_sup : +1 to translate ideals to boolean
polynomials *)
| "+", [e1;e2] -> Splus((translate_ext prefix e1),
(translate_ext prefix e2))
| "-", [e1;e2] -> Sminus((translate_ext prefix e1),
(translate_ext prefix e2))
| "*", [e1;e2] -> Sprod((translate_ext prefix e1),
(translate_ext prefix e2))
| ("="
| "<>"),_ -> failwith("Sigali: '=' or '<>' not yet implemented")
| _ -> assert false
| Minils.Ewhen(e, c, var) when ((actual_ty e.Minils.e_ty) = Tbool) ->
let e = translate prefix e in
match (shortname c) with
"true" -> Svar(prefix ^ (name var))
| "false" -> Snot(Svar(prefix ^ (name var)))
| _ -> assert false)
| Minils.Ewhen(e, _c, _var) ->
translate prefix e
| Minils.Emerge(ck,[(c1,e1);(_c2,e2)]) ->
let e1 = translate_ext prefix e1 in
let e2 = translate_ext prefix e2 in
let e1,e2 =
match (shortname c1) with
"true" -> e1,e2
| "false" -> e2,e1
| _ -> assert false
end in
let var_ck = Svar(prefix ^ (name ck)) in
begin match (actual_ty e.Minils.e_ty) with
| Tbool -> Sdefault(Swhen(e1,var_ck),e2)
| Tint -> a_part var_ck (a_const (Sconst(Cint(0)))) e1 e2
| Tother -> assert false
| Minils.Eapp({Minils.a_op = Minils.Eifthenelse},[e1;e2;e3],_) ->
let e1 = translate_ext prefix e1 in
let e2 = translate_ext prefix e2 in
let e3 = translate_ext prefix e3 in
begin match (actual_ty e.Minils.e_ty) with
| Tbool -> Sdefault(Swhen(e2,e1),e3)
| Tint -> a_part e1 (a_const (Sconst(Cint(0)))) e2 e3
| Tother -> assert false
| Minils.Estruct(_) ->
failwith("Sigali: structures not implemented")
| Minils.Eiterator(_,_,_,_,_,_) ->
failwith("Sigali: iterators not implemented")
| Minils.Eapp({Minils.a_op = Minils.Enode(_)},_,_) ->
failwith("Sigali: node in expressions; programs should be normalized")
| Minils.Efby(_,_) ->
failwith("Sigali: fby in expressions; programs should be normalized")
| Minils.Eapp(_,_,_) ->
Format.printf "Application : %a@\n"
Mls_printer.print_exp e;
failwith("Sigali: not supported application")
| Minils.Emerge(_, _) -> assert false
let rec translate_eq env f
{ Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } =
let prefix = f ^ "_" in
let prefixed n = prefix ^ n in
let { Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_base_ck = ck } = e in
match pat, desc with
| Minils.Evarpat(n), Minils.Efby(opt_c, e) ->
let sn = prefixed (name n) in
let sm = prefix ^ "mem_" ^ (name n) in
(* let acc_eqs = *)
(* (extend *)
(* constraints *)
(* (Slist[Sequal(Ssquare(Svar(sn)),Sconst(Ctrue))]))::acc_eqs in *)
let acc_eqs,acc_init =
match opt_c with
| None -> acc_eqs,Cfalse::acc_init
| Some(c) ->
let c = translate_static_exp c in
let e_next = translate_ext prefix e in
let e_next = translate_ck prefix e_next ck in
(* TODO *)
(* ::{ stmt_name = sn; *)
(* stmt_def = translate_ck prefix (Svar(sm)) ck } *)
| pat, Minils.Eapp({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Enode g_name;
Minils.a_id = Some a_id;
Minils.a_inlined = inlined }, e_list, None) ->
g : n states (gq1,...,gqn), p inputs (gi1,...,gip), m outputs (go1,...,gom)
case inlined :
var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip]
var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en]
case non inlined :
add inputs go1',...,gom'
var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip,go1,...,gom]
var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en,go1',...,gom']
d : [d1,...,dn]
% q1 = if ck then d1 else hq1 %
q1 : d1 when ck default hq1
qn : dn when ck default hqn
% P_inst = P[var_inst_g/var_g] %
evol_g : l_subst(evolution(g),var_g,var_inst_g);
evolutions : concat(evolutions,l_subst([q1,...,qn],[d1,...,dn],evol_g)
initialisations : concat(initialisations, [subst(initial(g),var_g,var_inst_g)])
constraints : concat(constraints, [subst(constraint(g),var_g,var_inst_g)])
case inlined :
ho1 : subst(go1,var_g,var_inst_g)
hom : subst(gom,var_g,var_inst_g)
case non inlined :
let g_name = shortname g_name in
let (g_p,g_p_contract) = NamesEnv.find g_name env in
let g = if inlined then g_name else g_name ^ "_contract" in
(* add dependency *)
let acc_dep = g :: acc_dep in
let name_list = translate_pat pat in
let g_p = if inlined then g_p else g_p_contract in
(* var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip] *)
let var_g = "var_" ^ g in
let vars =
match inlined with
| true -> g_p.proc_states @ g_p.proc_inputs
| false -> g_p.proc_states @ g_p.proc_inputs @ g_p.proc_outputs in
let acc_eqs =
{ stmt_name = var_g;
stmt_def = Slist( (fun v -> Svar(v)) vars) }::acc_eqs in
(* var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en] *)
let var_inst_g = "var_inst_" ^ g in
(* Coding contract states : S_n_id_s *)
(* id being the id of the application *)
(* n being the length of id *)
(* s being the name of the state*)
let a_id = (name a_id) in
let id_length = String.length a_id in
let s_prefix = "S_" ^ (string_of_int id_length) ^ "_" ^ a_id ^ "_" in
let new_states_list =
(fun g_state ->
(* Remove "g_" prefix *)
let l = String.length g in
let s =
g_state (l+1)
((String.length g_state)-(l+1)) in
prefixed (s_prefix ^ s))
g_p.proc_states in
let e_states = (fun hq -> Svar(hq)) new_states_list in
let e_list = (translate_ext prefix) e_list in
let e_outputs,acc_inputs =
match inlined with
| true -> [],acc_inputs
| false ->
let new_outputs =
|||| (fun name -> prefixed name) name_list in
( (fun v -> Svar(v)) new_outputs),(acc_inputs@new_outputs) in
let vars_inst = e_states@e_list@e_outputs in
let acc_eqs =
{ stmt_name = var_inst_g;
stmt_def = Slist(vars_inst); }::acc_eqs in
let acc_states = List.rev_append new_states_list acc_states in
let acc_init = List.rev_append g_p.proc_init acc_init in
(* declare(d1,...,dn) *)
let dummy_list = var_list dummy_prefix (List.length g_p.proc_states) in
(* d : [d1,...dn] *)
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = dummy_prefix;
stmt_def = Slist( (fun di -> Svar(di)) dummy_list)}::acc_eqs in
(* qi = di when ck default hqi *)
let q_list = (fun _ -> "q_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) g_p.proc_states in
let e_list =
(fun hq d ->
let e = Svar(d) in
let e = translate_ck (prefixed "") e ck in
new_states_list dummy_list in
let acc_eqs =
(fun acc_eqs q e -> {stmt_name = q; stmt_def = e}::acc_eqs)
acc_eqs q_list e_list in
(* evol_g : l_subst(evolution(g),var_g,var_inst_g); *)
let evol_g = "evol_" ^ g in
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = evol_g;
stmt_def = l_subst (evolution (Svar g)) (Svar var_g) (Svar var_inst_g)}
::acc_eqs in
(* evolutions : concat(evolutions,l_subst([q1,...,qn],[d1,...,dn],evol_g) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend evolutions (l_subst
(Slist ( (fun q -> Svar(q)) q_list))
(Slist ( (fun d -> Svar(d)) dummy_list))
(Svar evol_g)))
::acc_eqs in
(* initialisations : concat(initialisations, [subst(initial(g),var_g,var_inst_g)]) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend initialisations (Slist[subst
(initial (Svar g))
(Svar var_g)
(Svar var_inst_g)]))
:: acc_eqs in
(* constraints : concat(constraints, [subst(constraint(g),var_g,var_inst_g)]) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend constraints (Slist[subst
(pconstraint (Svar g))
(Svar var_g)
(Svar var_inst_g)]))
::acc_eqs in
(* if inlined, hoi : subst(goi,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
let acc_eqs =
match inlined with
| true ->
(fun acc_eqs o go ->
{stmt_name = prefixed o;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(go)) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))}
acc_eqs name_list g_p.proc_outputs
| false -> acc_eqs in
(* assume & guarantee *)
(* f_g_assume_x : subst(g_assume,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
(* f_g_guarantee_x : subst(g_guarantee,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
let var_assume = prefixed (g ^ "_assume_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) in
let var_guarantee = prefixed (g ^ "_guarantee_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) in
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = var_assume;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(g ^ "_assume")) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))} ::
{stmt_name = var_guarantee;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(g ^ "_guarantee")) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))} ::
acc_eqs in
let acc_cont =
(Svar(var_assume),Svar(var_guarantee)) :: acc_cont in
| pat, Minils.Eapp({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Enode g_name;
Minils.a_id = Some a_id;
Minils.a_inlined = inlined }, e_list, Some r) ->
g : n states (gq1,...,gqn), p inputs (gi1,...,gip),
n init states (gq1_0,...,gqn_0)
case inlined :
var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip]
var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en]
case non inlined :
add inputs go1',...,gom'
var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip,go1,...,gom]
var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en,go1',...,gom']
d : [d1,...,dn]
% q1 = if ck then (if r then gq1_0 else d1) else hq1 %
q1 : (gq1_0 when r default d1) when ck default hq1
qn : (gqn_0 when r default dn) when ck default hqn
% P_inst = P[var_inst_g/var_g] %
evol_g : l_subst(evolution(g),var_g,var_inst_g);
evolutions : concat(evolutions,l_subst([q1,...,qn],[d1,...,dn],evol_g)
initialisations : concat(initialisations, [subst(initial(g),var_g,var_inst_g)])
constraints : concat(constraints, [subst(constraint(g),var_g,var_inst_g)])
case inlined :
ho1 : subst(go1,var_g,var_inst_g)
hom : subst(gom,var_g,var_inst_g)
case non inlined :
let g_name = shortname g_name in
let (g_p,g_p_contract) = NamesEnv.find g_name env in
let g = if inlined then g_name else g_name ^ "_contract" in
(* add dependency *)
let acc_dep = g :: acc_dep in
let name_list = translate_pat pat in
let g_p = if inlined then g_p else g_p_contract in
(* var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip] *)
let var_g = "var_" ^ g in
let vars =
match inlined with
| true -> g_p.proc_states @ g_p.proc_inputs
| false -> g_p.proc_states @ g_p.proc_inputs @ g_p.proc_outputs in
let acc_eqs =
{ stmt_name = var_g;
stmt_def = Slist( (fun v -> Svar(v)) vars) }::acc_eqs in
(* var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en] *)
let var_inst_g = "var_inst_" ^ g in
(* Coding contract states : S_n_id_s *)
(* id being the id of the application *)
(* n being the length of id *)
(* s being the name of the state*)
let a_id = name a_id in
let id_length = String.length a_id in
let s_prefix = "S_" ^ (string_of_int id_length) ^ "_" ^ a_id ^ "_" in
let new_states_list =
(fun g_state ->
(* Remove "g_" prefix *)
let l = (String.length g) in
let s =
g_state (l+1)
((String.length g_state)-(l+1)) in
prefixed (s_prefix ^ s))
g_p.proc_states in
let e_states = (fun hq -> Svar(hq)) new_states_list in
let e_list = (translate_ext prefix) e_list in
let e_outputs,acc_inputs =
match inlined with
| true -> [],acc_inputs
| false ->
let new_outputs =
|||| (fun name -> prefixed name) name_list in
( (fun v -> Svar(v)) new_outputs),(acc_inputs@new_outputs) in
let vars_inst = e_states@e_list@e_outputs in
let acc_eqs =
{ stmt_name = var_inst_g;
stmt_def = Slist(vars_inst); }::acc_eqs in
let acc_states = List.rev_append new_states_list acc_states in
let acc_init = List.rev_append g_p.proc_init acc_init in
(* declare(d1,...,dn) *)
let dummy_list = var_list dummy_prefix (List.length g_p.proc_states) in
(* d : [d1,...dn] *)
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = dummy_prefix;
stmt_def = Slist( (fun di -> Svar(di)) dummy_list)}::acc_eqs in
(* qi = (gqi_0 when r default di) when ck default hqi *)
let q_list = (fun _ -> "q_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) g_p.proc_states in
let e_list =
(fun (q0,hq) d ->
let e = Sdefault(Swhen(Sconst(q0),
Svar(prefixed (name r))),Svar(d)) in
let e = translate_ck (prefixed "") e ck in
(List.combine g_p.proc_init new_states_list) dummy_list in
let acc_eqs =
(fun acc_eqs q e -> {stmt_name = q; stmt_def = e}::acc_eqs)
acc_eqs q_list e_list in
(* evol_g : l_subst(evolution(g),var_g,var_inst_g); *)
let evol_g = "evol_" ^ g in
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = evol_g;
stmt_def = l_subst (evolution (Svar g)) (Svar var_g) (Svar var_inst_g)}
::acc_eqs in
(* evolutions : concat(evolutions,l_subst([q1,...,qn],[d1,...,dn],evol_g) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend evolutions (l_subst
(Slist ( (fun q -> Svar(q)) q_list))
(Slist ( (fun d -> Svar(d)) dummy_list))
(Svar evol_g)))
::acc_eqs in
(* initialisations : concat(initialisations, [subst(initial(g),var_g,var_inst_g)]) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend initialisations (Slist[subst
(initial (Svar g))
(Svar var_g)
(Svar var_inst_g)]))
:: acc_eqs in
(* constraints : concat(constraints, [subst(constraint(g),var_g,var_inst_g)]) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend constraints (Slist[subst
(pconstraint (Svar g))
(Svar var_g)
(Svar var_inst_g)]))
::acc_eqs in
(* if inlined, hoi : subst(goi,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
let acc_eqs =
match inlined with
| true ->
(fun acc_eqs o go ->
{stmt_name = prefixed o;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(go)) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))}
acc_eqs name_list g_p.proc_outputs
| false -> acc_eqs in
(* assume & guarantee *)
(* f_g_assume_x : subst(g_assume,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
(* f_g_guarantee_x : subst(g_guarantee,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
let var_assume = prefixed (g ^ "_assume_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) in
let var_guarantee = prefixed (g ^ "_guarantee_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) in
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = var_assume;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(g ^ "_assume")) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))} ::
{stmt_name = var_guarantee;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(g ^ "_guarantee")) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))} ::
acc_eqs in
let acc_cont =
(Svar(var_assume),Svar(var_guarantee)) :: acc_cont in
| Minils.Evarpat(n), _ ->
(* assert : no fby, no node application in e *)
let e' = translate prefix e in
let e' =
begin match (actual_ty e.Minils.e_ty) with
| Tbool -> translate_ck prefix e' ck
| _ -> e'
end in
{ stmt_name = prefixed (name n);
stmt_def = e' }::acc_eqs
| _ -> assert false
let translate_eq_list env f eq_list =
(fun (acc_dep,acc_states,acc_init,
acc_inputs,acc_ctrl,acc_cont,acc_eqs) eq ->
env f
let translate_contract env f contract =
let prefix = f ^ "_" in
let var_a = prefix ^ "assume" in
let var_g = prefix ^ "guarantee" in
match contract with
| None ->
let body =
[{ stmt_name = var_g; stmt_def = Sconst(Ctrue) };
{ stmt_name = var_a; stmt_def = Sconst(Ctrue) }] in
| Some {Minils.c_local = _locals;
Minils.c_eq = l_eqs;
Minils.c_assume = e_a;
Minils.c_enforce = e_g;
Minils.c_controllables = cl} ->
let dep,states,init,inputs,
controllables,_contracts,body =
translate_eq_list env f l_eqs in
assert (inputs = []);
assert (controllables = []);
let e_a = translate_ext prefix e_a in
let e_g = translate_ext prefix e_g in
let body =
{stmt_name = var_g; stmt_def = e_g} ::
{stmt_name = var_a; stmt_def = e_a} ::
body in
let controllables =
|||| (fun { Minils.v_ident = id } -> prefix ^ (name id)) cl in
let rec build_environment contracts =
match contracts with
| [] -> [],Sconst(Ctrue)
| [a,g] -> [a =>~ g],g
| (a,g)::l ->
let conts,assumes = build_environment l in
((a =>~ g) :: conts),(g &~ assumes)
let translate_node env
({ Minils.n_name = {name = f};
Minils.n_input = i_list; Minils.n_output = o_list;
Minils.n_local = _d_list; Minils.n_equs = eq_list;
Minils.n_contract = contract } as node) =
(* every variable is prefixed by its node name *)
let inputs =
(fun { Minils.v_ident = v } -> f ^ "_" ^ (name v)) i_list in
let outputs =
(fun { Minils.v_ident = v } -> f ^ "_" ^ (name v)) o_list in
let dep,states,init,add_inputs,add_controllables,contracts,body =
translate_eq_list env f eq_list in
let dep_c,states_c,init_c,body_c,(a_c,g_c),controllables =
translate_contract env f contract in
let inputs = inputs @ add_inputs in
let controllables = controllables @ add_controllables in
let body = List.rev body in
let states = List.rev states in
let body_c = List.rev body_c in
let states_c = List.rev states_c in
let constraints =
(fun v -> Sequal(Ssquare(Svar(v)),Sconst(Ctrue)))
(inputs@controllables) in
let contracts_components,assumes_components =
build_environment contracts in
let constraints = constraints @
contracts_components @ [Sequal (a_c,Sconst(Ctrue))] in
let impl = g_c &~ assumes_components in
let obj = Security(impl) in
let p = { proc_dep = unique (dep @ dep_c);
proc_name = f;
proc_inputs = inputs@controllables;
proc_uncont_inputs = inputs;
proc_outputs = outputs;
proc_controllables = controllables;
proc_states = states@states_c;
proc_init = init@init_c;
proc_constraints = constraints;
proc_body = body@body_c;
proc_objectives = [obj] } in
(* Hack : save inputs and states names for controller call *)
let remove_prefix =
let n = String.length f in
fun s ->
String.sub s (n+1) ((String.length s) - (n+1)) in
node.Minils.n_controller_call <-
( remove_prefix inputs,
|||| remove_prefix (states@states_c));
let f_contract = f ^ "_contract" in
let inputs_c =
(fun { Minils.v_ident = v } -> f_contract ^ "_" ^ (name v)) i_list in
let outputs_c =
(fun { Minils.v_ident = v } -> f_contract ^ "_" ^ (name v)) o_list in
let dep_c,states_c,init_c,body_c,(_a_c,_g_c),_controllables =
translate_contract env f_contract contract in
let states_c = List.rev states_c in
let body_c = List.rev body_c in
let constraints_c =
(fun v -> Sequal(Ssquare(Svar(v)),Sconst(Ctrue)))
(inputs_c@outputs_c) in
let p_c = { proc_dep = dep_c;
proc_name = f ^ "_contract";
proc_inputs = inputs_c@outputs_c;
proc_uncont_inputs = inputs_c@outputs_c;
proc_outputs = [];
proc_controllables = [];
proc_states = states_c;
proc_init = init_c;
proc_constraints = constraints_c;
proc_body = body_c;
proc_objectives = [] } in
(NamesEnv.add f (p,p_c) env), (p,p_c)
let program p =
let _env,acc_proc =
(fun (env,acc) p_desc ->
match p_desc with
| Minils.Pnode(node) ->
let env,(proc,contract) = translate_node env node in
| _ -> env,acc)
p.Minils.p_desc in
let procs = List.rev acc_proc in
let filename = filename_of_name (modul_to_string p.Minils.p_modname) in
let dirname = build_path (filename ^ "_z3z") in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
Sigali.Printer.print dir procs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon/BZR *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : Univ. Grenoble, LIG *)
(* *)
(* Translation from the source language to Sigali polynomial systems *)
(* $Id$ *)
val program : Minils.program -> unit
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ let eq _ (outputs, eqs, env) eq = match eq.eq_lhs, eq.eq_rhs.e_desc with
| _, _ ->
eq, (outputs, eq::eqs, env)
(* Leave contract unchanged (no output defined in it) *)
let contract funs acc c = c, acc
let node funs acc nd =
let nd, (_, eqs, env) = Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs (nd.n_output, [], Env.empty) nd in
let v = Env.fold
@ -46,6 +49,7 @@ let node funs acc nd =
{ nd with n_local = v; n_equs = List.rev eqs; n_output = o }, acc
let program p =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with eq = eq; node_dec = node } in
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
eq = eq; node_dec = node; contract = contract } in
let p, _ = Mls_mapfold.program_it funs ([], [], Env.empty) p in
@ -60,10 +60,13 @@ let hepts_simulation = ref false
let create_object_file = ref false
let boolean = ref false
(* Target languages list for code generation *)
let target_languages : string list ref = ref []
let add_target_language s =
if s = "z3z" then boolean := true;
target_languages := s :: !target_languages
(* Optional path for generated files (C or Java) *)
@ -84,6 +87,8 @@ let add_inlined_node s = inline := s :: !inline
let flatten = ref false
let deadcode = ref false
let tomato = ref false
let tomato_nodes : qualname list ref = ref []
@ -121,6 +126,8 @@ and doc_full_name = "\t\t\tPrint full variable name information"
and doc_target_path =
"<path>\tGenerated files will be placed in <path>\n\t\t\t(the directory is"
^ " cleaned)"
and doc_boolean = "\t\tTranslate enumerated values towards boolean vectors"
and doc_deadcode = "\t\tDeadcode removal"
and doc_nocaus = "\t\tDisable causality analysis"
and doc_noinit = "\t\tDisable initialization analysis"
and doc_assert = "<node>\t\tInsert run-time assertions for boolean node <node>"
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ module DotG = struct
let name = ref ""
let color_to_graphviz_color i =
(i * 8364263947 + 855784368)
(* (i * 8364263947 + 855784368) *)
(i * 2 + 1)
(*Functions for printing the graph *)
let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
@ -226,30 +226,30 @@ let fold_righti f l acc =
exception Assert_false
let internal_error passe =
Format.eprintf "@.---------\n
Internal compiler error\n
Passe : %s\n
Format.eprintf "@.---------@\n
Internal compiler error@\n
Passe : %s@\n
----------@." passe;
raise Assert_false
exception Unsupported
let unsupported passe =
Format.eprintf "@.---------\n
Unsupported feature, please report it\n
Passe : %s\n
Format.eprintf "@.---------@\n
Unsupported feature, please report it@\n
Passe : %s@\n
----------@." passe;
raise Unsupported
(* Functions to decompose a list into a tuple *)
let _arity_error i l =
Format.eprintf "@.---------\n
Internal compiler error: wrong list size (found %d, expected %d).\n
Format.eprintf "@.---------@\n
Internal compiler error: wrong list size (found %d, expected %d).@\n
----------@." (List.length l) i;
raise Assert_false
let _arity_min_error i l =
Format.eprintf "@.---------\n
Internal compiler error: wrong list size (found %d, expected %d at least).\n
Format.eprintf "@.---------@\n
Internal compiler error: wrong list size (found %d, expected %d at least).@\n
----------@." (List.length l) i;
raise Assert_false
@ -17,13 +17,16 @@ coption=-memalloc
CC="gcc -std=c99 -I../../../lib/c"
CC="gcc -std=c99 -I../../../lib/c -I../t1_c"
# par defaut : pas de test de generation de code
@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ launch_check () {
echo "Tests goods"
for f in ../good/*.ept ../image_filters/*.ept; do
for f in ../good/*.ept; do
if [ $verbose = 0 ]; then
echo -n "."
@ -115,18 +118,26 @@ launch_check () {
# Compil. java ?
#if [[ ($echec == 0) && ($java == 1) ]]; then
# pushd "${base_f}_java" > /dev/null
# for java_file in *.java ; do
# if $JAVAC -warn:-unused -sourcepath .:..:../t1 ${java_file} > /dev/null
# then
# echec=0
# else
# echec=3
# fi
# done
# popd > /dev/null
if [[ ($echec == 0) && ($java == 1) ]]; then
pushd "${base_f}" > /dev/null
for java_file in *.java ; do
if $JAVAC -warn:-unused -sourcepath .:..:../t1 ${java_file} > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
# Compil. caml ?
if [[ ($echec == 0) && ($caml == 1) ]]; then
if $CAMLC -c ${base_f}.ml > /dev/null; then
# Compil. c ?
if [[ ($echec == 0) && ($c == 1) ]]; then
pushd ${base_f}_c >/dev/null
@ -163,6 +174,18 @@ launch_check () {
popd >/dev/null
# Compil. VHDL ?
if [[ ($echec == 0) && ($vhdl == 1) ]]; then
pushd ${base_f}_vhdl > /dev/null
for vhdl_file in *.vhd; do
if $VHDLC -a ${vhdl_file} && $VHDLC -e ${vhdl_file} > /dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $echec == 0 ]]; then
score=`expr $score + 1`;
@ -172,8 +195,12 @@ launch_check () {
case $echec in
1 )
echo "Compilation failed.";;
2 )
echo "Compilation to Minils failed.";;
3 )
echo "Java compilation failed.";;
echo "Compilation to Java failed.";;
4 )
echo "Compilation to Caml failed.";;
5 )
echo "C compilation failed.";;
6 )
@ -203,6 +230,16 @@ activate_java () {
coption="$coption -target java"
activate_caml () {
coption="$coption -target caml"
activate_vhdl () {
coption="$coption -target vhdl"
activate_c () {
coption="$coption -target c"
@ -218,6 +255,14 @@ activate_all () {
activate_boolean () {
coption="$coption -bool"
activate_deadcode () {
coption="$coption -deadcode"
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
"-clean" )
@ -235,17 +280,35 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
"-c" )
"-caml" )
"-vhdl" )
"-mls" )
"-tomato" )
"-bool" )
"-deadcode" )
"-h" )
echo "usage : $0 <options> <compilo>"
echo "options : "
echo "-clean : clean build dir"
echo "-java : test of code generation (java code)"
echo "-caml : test of code generation (caml code)"
echo "-lustre : test of code generation (lustre code)"
echo "-vhdl : test of code generation (vhdl)"
echo "-bool : test of boolean translation"
echo "-deadcode : test of deadcode removal"
echo "-tomato : test of automata minimization"
echo "-c : test of code generation (c code)"
echo "-all : test all"
echo "-v : verbose"
Reference in a new issue