New option to force abstraction of infinite-domain state variables in ctrln export
Also add an option to silence related warnings
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 32 additions and 11 deletions
@ -157,8 +157,11 @@ let main () =
"-O", Arg.Unit do_optim, doc_optim;
"-mall", Arg.Set interf_all, doc_interf_all;
"-time", Arg.Set time_passes, doc_time_passes;
"-abstract-infinite", Arg.Set abstract_infinite, doc_abstract_infinite;
("-Wno-untranslatable", Arg.Clear warn_untranslatable,
("-Wno-abstract", Arg.Clear warn_abstractions,
compile errmsg;
@ -119,6 +119,14 @@ let rec translate_typ typ = match Modules.unalias_type typ with
| Tarray _ -> raise & Untranslatable ("array type")
| Tinvalid -> failwith "Encountered an invalid type!"
let rec fintypp typ = match Modules.unalias_type typ with
| Tid ({ qual = Pervasives; name = "bool" }) -> true
| Tid t -> (match Modules.find_type t with
| Tenum _ -> true
| Talias t -> fintypp t (* XXX? *)
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let ref_of_ty ty = match translate_typ ty with
| `Bool -> mk_bref
| `Enum _ -> mk_eref
@ -326,18 +334,25 @@ let translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat _f args =
if SSet.is_empty depc then gd else close_uc_group gd depc
(* declare extra inputs. *)
(List.fold_left (declare_additional_input ~pref) gd results, [])
List.fold_left (declare_additional_input ~pref) gd results
(* --- *)
let translate_eq ~pref (gd, equs)
({ eq_lhs = pat;
eq_rhs = { e_desc = exp; e_ty = ty } as rhs;
eq_base_ck = clk } as eq)
let abstract_infinite_state = !Compiler_options.abstract_infinite in
match pat with
| Evarpat id ->
begin match exp with
| Efby _ when (abstract_infinite_state && not (fintypp ty)) ->
warn ~cond:(!Compiler_options.warn_abstractions)
"Abstracting@ %a@ state@ variable@ %s@ as@ non-controllable@ \
input." Global_printer.print_type ty (name id);
(declare_additional_input ~pref gd id, eq :: equs)
| Efby (init, ev) ->
let v = pref & mk_symb & name id in
let ev = translate_ext ~pref ev in
@ -345,21 +360,19 @@ let translate_eq ~pref (gd, equs)
(add_state_var ~pref gd id ty ev init, eq :: equs)
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode f | Efun f) }, args, None)
when f.qual <> Pervasives ->
let gd, equs' = translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat f args in
(gd, eq :: equs' @ equs)
(translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat f args, eq :: equs)
| _ when IdentSet.mem id gd.output ->
(add_output_var ~pref gd id ty (translate_exp ~pref rhs),
eq :: equs)
let exp = translate_exp ~pref rhs in
(add_output_var ~pref gd id ty exp, eq :: equs)
| _ ->
(add_local_var ~pref gd id ty (translate_exp ~pref rhs),
eq :: equs)
let exp = translate_exp ~pref rhs in
(add_local_var ~pref gd id ty exp, eq :: equs)
| Etuplepat _ ->
begin match exp with
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode f | Efun f) }, args, None)
when f.qual <> Pervasives ->
let gd, equs' = translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat f args in
(gd, eq :: equs' @ equs)
(translate_abstract_app ~pref gd pat f args, eq :: equs)
| _ -> failwith "TODO: Minils.Etuplepat construct!"
@ -280,7 +280,8 @@ let translate_eq f
| _ ->
untranslatable_warn e;
(* Mark n as input: unusable as local variable *)
Format.printf "Adding non-bool variable %s in current_inputs@\n" (name n);
warn ~cond:(!Compiler_options.warn_abstractions)
"Adding non-bool variable %s in current_inputs@\n" (name n);
current_inputs := IdentSet.add n !current_inputs;
@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ let do_optim () =
deadcode := true
let warn_untranslatable = ref true (* z3z | ctrln *)
let abstract_infinite = ref false (* ctrln *)
let warn_abstractions = ref true (* ctrln *)
let check_options () =
let err m = raise (Arg.Bad m) in
@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ and doc_no_pervasives = "\tDo not load the pervasives module"
and doc_flatten = "\t\tInline everything."
and doc_target =
"<lang>\tGenerate code in language <lang>\n\t\t\t(with <lang>=c,"
^ " java or z3z)"
^ " java, z3z or ctrln)"
and doc_full_type_info = "\t\t\tPrint full type information"
and doc_stateful_info = "\t\tPrint stateful information"
and doc_full_name = "\t\tPrint full variable name information"
@ -215,4 +217,6 @@ and doc_optim = "\t\t\tOptimize with deadcode, tomato, itfusion and memalloc"
and doc_interf_all = "\t\tPerform memory allocation on all types"
and doc_unroll = "\t\tUnroll all loops"
and doc_time_passes = "\t\tTime compilation passes"
and doc_abstract_infinite = "\tAbstract infinite state (implied for z3z target)"
and doc_no_warn_untranslat = "\tSuppress warnings about untranslatable constructs"
and doc_no_warn_abstractions = "\tSuppress abstraction warnings"
Reference in a new issue