Sigali code generation
Sigali AST and Sigalimain module for sigali code generation from normalized and Boolean minils program
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 1216 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
(* *)
(* Sigali Library *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : INRIA Rennes, VerTeCs *)
(* *)
(* $Id: 2416 2011-01-13 17:00:15Z delaval $ *)
(* Sigali representation and output *)
type name = string
type var = name
type const = Cfalse | Cabsent | Ctrue | Cint of int
type exp =
| Sconst of const
| Svar of name
| Swhen of exp * exp (* e1 when e2 *)
| Sdefault of exp * exp (* e1 default e2 *)
| Sequal of exp * exp (* e1 = e2 *)
| Ssquare of exp (* e^2 *)
| Snot of exp (* not e *)
| Sand of exp * exp (* e1 and e2 *)
| Sor of exp * exp (* e1 or e2 *)
| Sprim of name * exp list (* f(e1,...,en) *)
| Slist of exp list (* [e1,...,en] *)
| Splus of exp * exp (* e1 + e2 *)
| Sminus of exp * exp (* e1 - e2 *)
| Sprod of exp * exp (* e1 * e2 *)
type statement = { (* name : definition *)
stmt_name : name;
stmt_def : exp;
type objective =
| Security of exp
| Reachability of exp
| Attractivity of exp
type processus = {
proc_dep : name list;
proc_name : name;
proc_inputs : var list;
proc_uncont_inputs : var list;
proc_outputs : var list;
proc_controllables : var list;
proc_states : var list;
proc_init : const list;
proc_constraints : exp list;
proc_body : statement list;
proc_objectives : objective list;
type program = processus list
let concat e1 e2 =
let evolutions = "evolutions"
let initialisations = "initialisations"
let constraints = "constraints"
let extend var e =
{ stmt_name = var ;
stmt_def = concat (Svar(var)) e }
let subst e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("subst",[e1;e2;e3])
let l_subst e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("l_subst",[e1;e2;e3])
let evolution p =
Sprim ("evolution",[p])
let initial p =
Sprim ("initial",[p])
let pconstraint p =
Sprim ("constraint",[p])
let ifthenelse e1 e2 e3 =
let (&~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Cfalse), _
| _, Sconst(Cfalse) -> Sconst(Cfalse)
| Sconst(Ctrue), e
| e, Sconst(Ctrue) -> e
| _ -> Sand(e1,e2)
let (|~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Ctrue), _
| _, Sconst(Ctrue) -> Sconst(Ctrue)
| Sconst(Cfalse), e
| e, Sconst(Cfalse) -> e
| _ -> Sor(e1,e2)
let (=>~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Ctrue), e -> e
| _, Sconst(Ctrue)
| Sconst(Cfalse), _ -> Sconst(Ctrue)
| _ -> Sor(Snot(e1),e2)
let a_const e =
Sprim ("a_const",[e])
let a_var e e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("a_var", [e;e1;e2;e3])
let a_part e e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("a_part", [e;e1;e2;e3])
let a_inf e1 e2 =
Sprim ("a_inf", [e1;e2])
let a_sup e1 e2 =
Sprim ("a_sup", [e1;e2])
module Printer =
open Format
let rec print_list ff print sep l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> print ff x
| x :: l ->
print ff x;
fprintf ff "%s@ " sep;
print_list ff print sep l
let print_string ff s =
fprintf ff "%s" s
let print_name ff n =
fprintf ff "%s" n
let print_const ff c =
match c with
| Cfalse -> fprintf ff "-1"
| Ctrue -> fprintf ff "1"
| Cabsent -> fprintf ff "0"
| Cint(v) -> fprintf ff "%d" v
let rec print_exp ff e =
match e with
| Sconst(c) -> print_const ff c
| Svar(v) -> print_name ff v
| Swhen(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ when %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sdefault(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ default %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sequal(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ = %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Ssquare(e) ->
fprintf ff "(%a^2)"
print_exp e
| Snot(e) ->
fprintf ff "(not %a)"
print_exp e
| Sand(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ and %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sor(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ or %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sprim(f,e_l) ->
fprintf ff "%s(@[" f;
print_list ff print_exp "," e_l;
fprintf ff "@])"
| Slist(e_l) ->
fprintf ff "[@[";
print_list ff print_exp "," e_l;
fprintf ff "]@]"
| Splus(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ + %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sminus(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ - %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sprod(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ * %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
let print_statement ff { stmt_name = name; stmt_def = e } =
fprintf ff "@[<hov 2>%a : %a;@]"
print_name name
print_exp e
let print_statements ff stmt_l =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff print_statement "" stmt_l;
fprintf ff "@]@ "
let print_objective name ff obj =
match obj with
| Security(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Security(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
| Reachability(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Reachable(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
| Attractivity(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Attractivity(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
let print_verification name ff obj =
match obj with
| Security(e) ->
fprintf ff "verif_result : verif_result andb notb Reachable(%s,B_False(%s,%a));"
name name
print_exp e
| Reachability(e) ->
fprintf ff "verif_result : verif_result andb Reachable(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name
print_exp e
| Attractivity(_) -> failwith("Attractivity verification not allowed")
let sigali_head = "
let sigali_foot = ""
let print_processus dir ({ proc_dep = dep_list;
proc_name = name;
proc_inputs = inputs;
proc_uncont_inputs = uncont_inputs;
proc_outputs = outputs;
proc_controllables = controllables;
proc_states = states;
proc_constraints = constraints;
proc_body = body;
proc_objectives = objectives;
}) =
let sigc = open_out (dir ^ "/" ^ name ^ ".z3z") in
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel sigc in
Compiler_utils.print_header_info ff "%" "%";
fprintf ff "%s" sigali_head;
let n = List.length states in
(* declare dummy variables d1...dn *)
fprintf ff "@[declare(@[<hov>d1";
for i = 2 to n do
fprintf ff ",@ d%d" i;
fprintf ff "@]);@]@\n@\n";
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
(* dependencies *)
fprintf ff "%% -- dependencies --- %%@\n@\n";
(fun dep_name ->
fprintf ff "read(\"%s.z3z\");@\n" dep_name)
(* head comment *)
fprintf ff "%% ---------- process %s ---------- %%@\n@\n" name;
(* variables declaration *)
fprintf ff "declare(@[<hov>";
print_list ff print_name "," (inputs@states);
fprintf ff "@]);@,";
(* inputs decl. *)
fprintf ff "conditions : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," inputs;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* states decl. *)
fprintf ff "states : [@[";
if states = [] then
(* dummy state var to avoid sigali segfault *)
fprintf ff "d1"
print_list ff print_name "," states;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* controllables : *)
fprintf ff "controllables : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," controllables;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* init evolutions, initialisations *)
if states = [] then
fprintf ff "evolutions : [d1];@,"
fprintf ff "evolutions : [];@,";
fprintf ff "initialisations : [];@,";
(* body statements *)
print_statements ff body;
(* constraints *)
fprintf ff "constraints : [@[";
print_list ff print_exp "," constraints;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* outputs : comment *)
fprintf ff "@,%% --- outputs : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," outputs;
fprintf ff "@]] --- %%@,";
(* process declaration *)
fprintf ff
("%s : processus(" ^^
"@[conditions," ^^
"@ states," ^^
"@ evolutions," ^^
"@ initialisations," ^^
"@ [gen(constraints)]," ^^
"@ controllables@]);@,")
match controllables with
[] ->
(* No controllable variables: verification *)
(* Initialisation of verification result *)
fprintf ff "verif_result : True;@,";
(* Verification of properties (update verif_result) *)
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff (print_verification name) "" objectives;
fprintf ff "@]@,";
(* Print result *)
fprintf ff "if verif_result then@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: property true.\")@," name;
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: property false.\");@," name;
| _::_ ->
(* At least one controllable variable: synthesis *)
(* Store the initial state for further check *)
fprintf ff "%s_init : initial(%s);@," name name;
(* Controller synthesis *)
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff (print_objective name) "" objectives;
fprintf ff "@]@,";
(* Check that synthesis succeeded : initial state not modified *)
fprintf ff "dcs_result : equal(%s_init,initial(%s));@," name name;
(* Print result *)
fprintf ff "if dcs_result then@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: synthesis succeeded.\")@," name;
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: synthesis failed.\");@," name;
fprintf ff "@\nif dcs_result then@,";
(* Controller output *)
(* fprintf ff " simul(%s,\"%s.res\",\"%s.sim\")@\n" name name name; *)
fprintf ff " print(\"Triangulation and controller generation...\")@\n";
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " quit(1);@,";
(* Triangulation *)
(* phantoms : *)
let phantom_vars = (fun n -> "p_" ^ n) controllables in
(* phantom variables declaration *)
fprintf ff "declare(@[<hov>";
print_list ff print_name "," phantom_vars;
fprintf ff "@]);@,";
fprintf ff "phantom_vars : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," phantom_vars;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
fprintf ff "%s_triang : Triang(constraint(%s),controllables,phantom_vars);@," name name;
(* controller vars *)
fprintf ff "controller_inputs : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," (uncont_inputs
(fun n -> "p_" ^ n)
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* Controller generation *)
fprintf ff "heptagon_controller(\"%s_controller.ept\",\"%s\",controller_inputs,controllables,%s_triang);@," name name name;
(* Footer and close file *)
fprintf ff "@]@.";
fprintf ff "%s" sigali_foot;
fprintf ff "@?";
close_out sigc
let print dir p_l =
List.iter (print_processus dir) p_l
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
(* *)
(* Sigali Library *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : INRIA Rennes, VerTeCs *)
(* *)
(* $Id: sigali.mli 2324 2010-12-05 10:22:36Z delaval $ *)
(* Sigali representation and output *)
type name = string
type var = name
type const = Cfalse | Cabsent | Ctrue | Cint of int
type exp =
| Sconst of const
| Svar of name
| Swhen of exp * exp (* e1 when e2 *)
| Sdefault of exp * exp (* e1 default e2 *)
| Sequal of exp * exp (* e1 = e2 *)
| Ssquare of exp (* e^2 *)
| Snot of exp (* not e *)
| Sand of exp * exp (* e1 and e2 *)
| Sor of exp * exp (* e1 or e2 *)
| Sprim of name * exp list (* f(e1,...,en) *)
| Slist of exp list (* [e1,...,en] *)
| Splus of exp * exp (* e1 + e2 *)
| Sminus of exp * exp (* e1 - e2 *)
| Sprod of exp * exp (* e1 * e2 *)
type statement = { (* name : definition *)
stmt_name : name;
stmt_def : exp;
type objective =
| Security of exp
| Reachability of exp
| Attractivity of exp
type processus = {
proc_dep : name list;
proc_name : name;
proc_inputs : var list;
proc_uncont_inputs : var list;
proc_outputs : var list;
proc_controllables : var list;
proc_states : var list;
proc_init : const list;
proc_constraints : exp list;
proc_body : statement list;
proc_objectives : objective list;
type program = processus list
val concat : exp -> exp -> exp
val evolutions : string
val initialisations : string
val constraints : string
val extend : name -> exp -> statement
val subst : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val l_subst : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val evolution : exp -> exp
val initial : exp -> exp
val pconstraint : exp -> exp
val ifthenelse : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val ( &~ ) : exp -> exp -> exp
val ( |~ ) : exp -> exp -> exp
val ( =>~ ) : exp -> exp -> exp
val a_const : exp -> exp
val a_var : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val a_part : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
val a_inf : exp -> exp -> exp
val a_sup : exp -> exp -> exp
module Printer :
val print : string -> processus list -> unit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon/BZR *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : INRIA Rennes, VerTeCs *)
(* *)
(* Translation from the source language to Sigali polynomial systems *)
(* $Id: 2652 2011-03-11 16:26:17Z delaval $ *)
open Misc
open Compiler_utils
open Names
open Idents
open Types
open Clocks
open Sigali
type mtype = Tint | Tbool | Tother
let actual_ty = function
| Tid({ qual = "Pervasives"; name = "bool"}) -> Tbool
| Tid({ qual = "Pervasives"; name = "int"}) -> Tint
| _ -> Tother
let var_list prefix n =
let rec varl acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| n ->
let acc = (prefix ^ (string_of_int n)) :: acc in
varl acc (n-1) in
varl [] n
let dummy_prefix = "d"
let translate_static_exp se =
match se.se_desc with
| Sint(v) -> Cint(v)
| Sfloat(_) -> failwith("Sigali: floats not implemented")
| Sbool(true) -> Ctrue
| Sbool(false) -> Cfalse
| _ -> failwith("Sigali: untranslatable constant")
let rec translate_pat = function
| Minils.Evarpat(x) -> [name x]
| Minils.Etuplepat(pat_list) ->
List.fold_right (fun pat acc -> (translate_pat pat) @ acc) pat_list []
let rec translate_ck pref e = function
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } ->
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> translate_ck pref e ck
| Con(ck,c,var) ->
let e = translate_ck pref e ck in
match (shortname c) with
"true" -> Svar(pref ^ (name var))
| "false" -> Snot(Svar(pref ^ (name var)))
| _ -> assert false)
(* [translate e = c] *)
let rec translate prefix ({ Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_ty = ty } as e) =
match desc with
| Minils.Econst(v) ->
begin match (actual_ty ty) with
| Tbool -> Sconst(translate_static_exp v)
| Tint -> a_const (Sconst(translate_static_exp v))
| Tother -> failwith("Sigali: untranslatable type")
| Minils.Evar(n) -> Svar(prefix ^ (name n))
| Minils.Eapp (* pervasives binary or unary stateless operations *)
({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun({qual="Pervasives";name=n})},
e_list, _) ->
match n, e_list with
| "not", [e] -> Snot(translate prefix e)
| "or", [e1;e2] -> Sor((translate prefix e1),(translate prefix e2))
| "&", [e1;e2] -> Sand((translate prefix e1),(translate prefix e2))
(* a_inf and a_sup : +1 to translate ideals to boolean
polynomials *)
| ("<="|"<"|">="|">"), [e1;e2] ->
let op,modv =
begin match n with
| "<=" -> a_inf,0
| "<" -> a_inf,-1
| ">=" -> a_sup,0
| _ -> a_sup,1
end in
let e1 = translate prefix e1 in
begin match e2.Minils.e_desc with
| Minils.Econst({se_desc = Sint(v)}) ->
let e = op e1 (Sconst(Cint(v+modv))) in
| _ ->
let e2 = translate prefix e2 in
let e = op (Sminus(e1,e2)) (Sconst(Cint(modv))) in
| "+", [e1;e2] -> Splus((translate prefix e1),(translate prefix e2))
| "-", [e1;e2] -> Sminus((translate prefix e1),(translate prefix e2))
| "*", [e1;e2] -> Sprod((translate prefix e1),(translate prefix e2))
| ("="
| "<>"),_ -> failwith("Sigali: '=' or '<>' not yet implemented")
| _ -> assert false
| Minils.Ewhen(e, c, var) when ((actual_ty e.Minils.e_ty) = Tbool) ->
let e = translate prefix e in
match (shortname c) with
"true" -> Svar(prefix ^ (name var))
| "false" -> Snot(Svar(prefix ^ (name var)))
| _ -> assert false)
| Minils.Ewhen(e, _c, _var) ->
translate prefix e
| Minils.Emerge(ck,[(c1,e1);(_c2,e2)]) ->
let e1 = translate prefix e1 in
let e2 = translate prefix e2 in
let e1,e2 =
match (shortname c1) with
"true" -> e1,e2
| "false" -> e2,e1
| _ -> assert false
end in
let var_ck = Svar(prefix ^ (name ck)) in
begin match (actual_ty e.Minils.e_ty) with
| Tbool -> Sdefault(Swhen(e1,var_ck),e2)
| Tint -> a_part var_ck (a_const (Sconst(Cint(0)))) e1 e2
| Tother -> assert false
| Minils.Estruct(_) ->
failwith("Sigali: structures not implemented")
| Minils.Eiterator(_,_,_,_,_) ->
failwith("Sigali: iterators not implemented")
| Minils.Eapp({Minils.a_op = Minils.Enode(_)},_,_) ->
failwith("Sigali: node in expressions; programs should be normalized")
| Minils.Efby(_,_) ->
failwith("Sigali: fby in expressions; programs should be normalized")
| Minils.Eapp(_,_,_) -> failwith("Sigali: not supported application")
| Minils.Emerge(_, _) -> assert false
let rec translate_eq env f
{ Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } =
let prefix = f ^ "_" in
let prefixed n = prefix ^ n in
let { Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_ck = ck } = e in
match pat, desc with
| Minils.Evarpat(n), Minils.Efby(opt_c, e) ->
let sn = prefixed (name n) in
let sm = prefix ^ "mem_" ^ (name n) in
(* let acc_eqs = *)
(* (extend *)
(* constraints *)
(* (Slist[Sequal(Ssquare(Svar(sn)),Sconst(Ctrue))]))::acc_eqs in *)
let acc_eqs,acc_init =
match opt_c with
| None -> acc_eqs,Cfalse::acc_init
| Some(c) ->
let c = translate_static_exp c in
let e_next = translate prefix e in
let e_next = translate_ck prefix e_next ck in
(* TODO *)
(* ::{ stmt_name = sn; *)
(* stmt_def = translate_ck prefix (Svar(sm)) ck } *)
| pat, Minils.Eapp({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Enode g_name;
Minils.a_id = Some a_id;
Minils.a_inlined = inlined }, e_list, None) ->
g : n states (gq1,...,gqn), p inputs (gi1,...,gip), m outputs (go1,...,gom)
case inlined :
var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip]
var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en]
case non inlined :
add inputs go1',...,gom'
var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip,go1,...,gom]
var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en,go1',...,gom']
d : [d1,...,dn]
% q1 = if ck then d1 else hq1 %
q1 : d1 when ck default hq1
qn : dn when ck default hqn
% P_inst = P[var_inst_g/var_g] %
evol_g : l_subst(evolution(g),var_g,var_inst_g);
evolutions : concat(evolutions,l_subst([q1,...,qn],[d1,...,dn],evol_g)
initialisations : concat(initialisations, [subst(initial(g),var_g,var_inst_g)])
constraints : concat(constraints, [subst(constraint(g),var_g,var_inst_g)])
case inlined :
ho1 : subst(go1,var_g,var_inst_g)
hom : subst(gom,var_g,var_inst_g)
case non inlined :
let g_name = shortname g_name in
let (g_p,g_p_contract) = NamesEnv.find g_name env in
let g = if inlined then g_name else g_name ^ "_contract" in
(* add dependency *)
let acc_dep = g :: acc_dep in
let name_list = translate_pat pat in
let g_p = if inlined then g_p else g_p_contract in
(* var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip] *)
let var_g = "var_" ^ g in
let vars =
match inlined with
| true -> g_p.proc_states @ g_p.proc_inputs
| false -> g_p.proc_states @ g_p.proc_inputs @ g_p.proc_outputs in
let acc_eqs =
{ stmt_name = var_g;
stmt_def = Slist( (fun v -> Svar(v)) vars) }::acc_eqs in
(* var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en] *)
let var_inst_g = "var_inst_" ^ g in
(* Coding contract states : S_n_id_s *)
(* id being the id of the application *)
(* n being the length of id *)
(* s being the name of the state*)
let a_id = (name a_id) in
let id_length = String.length a_id in
let s_prefix = "S_" ^ (string_of_int id_length) ^ "_" ^ a_id ^ "_" in
let new_states_list =
(fun g_state ->
(* Remove "g_" prefix *)
let l = String.length g in
let s =
g_state (l+1)
((String.length g_state)-(l+1)) in
prefixed (s_prefix ^ s))
g_p.proc_states in
let e_states = (fun hq -> Svar(hq)) new_states_list in
let e_list = (translate prefix) e_list in
let e_outputs,acc_inputs =
match inlined with
| true -> [],acc_inputs
| false ->
let new_outputs =
|||| (fun name -> prefixed name) name_list in
( (fun v -> Svar(v)) new_outputs),(acc_inputs@new_outputs) in
let vars_inst = e_states@e_list@e_outputs in
let acc_eqs =
{ stmt_name = var_inst_g;
stmt_def = Slist(vars_inst); }::acc_eqs in
let acc_states = List.rev_append new_states_list acc_states in
let acc_init = List.rev_append g_p.proc_init acc_init in
(* declare(d1,...,dn) *)
let dummy_list = var_list dummy_prefix (List.length g_p.proc_states) in
(* d : [d1,...dn] *)
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = dummy_prefix;
stmt_def = Slist( (fun di -> Svar(di)) dummy_list)}::acc_eqs in
(* qi = di when ck default hqi *)
let q_list = (fun _ -> "q_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) g_p.proc_states in
let e_list =
(fun hq d ->
let e = Svar(d) in
let e = translate_ck (prefixed "") e ck in
new_states_list dummy_list in
let acc_eqs =
(fun acc_eqs q e -> {stmt_name = q; stmt_def = e}::acc_eqs)
acc_eqs q_list e_list in
(* evol_g : l_subst(evolution(g),var_g,var_inst_g); *)
let evol_g = "evol_" ^ g in
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = evol_g;
stmt_def = l_subst (evolution (Svar g)) (Svar var_g) (Svar var_inst_g)}
::acc_eqs in
(* evolutions : concat(evolutions,l_subst([q1,...,qn],[d1,...,dn],evol_g) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend evolutions (l_subst
(Slist ( (fun q -> Svar(q)) q_list))
(Slist ( (fun d -> Svar(d)) dummy_list))
(Svar evol_g)))
::acc_eqs in
(* initialisations : concat(initialisations, [subst(initial(g),var_g,var_inst_g)]) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend initialisations (Slist[subst
(initial (Svar g))
(Svar var_g)
(Svar var_inst_g)]))
:: acc_eqs in
(* constraints : concat(constraints, [subst(constraint(g),var_g,var_inst_g)]) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend constraints (Slist[subst
(pconstraint (Svar g))
(Svar var_g)
(Svar var_inst_g)]))
::acc_eqs in
(* if inlined, hoi : subst(goi,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
let acc_eqs =
match inlined with
| true ->
(fun acc_eqs o go ->
{stmt_name = prefixed o;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(go)) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))}
acc_eqs name_list g_p.proc_outputs
| false -> acc_eqs in
(* assume & guarantee *)
(* f_g_assume_x : subst(g_assume,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
(* f_g_guarantee_x : subst(g_guarantee,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
let var_assume = prefixed (g ^ "_assume_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) in
let var_guarantee = prefixed (g ^ "_guarantee_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) in
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = var_assume;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(g ^ "_assume")) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))} ::
{stmt_name = var_guarantee;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(g ^ "_guarantee")) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))} ::
acc_eqs in
let acc_cont =
(Svar(var_assume),Svar(var_guarantee)) :: acc_cont in
| pat, Minils.Eapp({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Enode g_name;
Minils.a_id = Some a_id;
Minils.a_inlined = inlined }, e_list, Some r) ->
g : n states (gq1,...,gqn), p inputs (gi1,...,gip),
n init states (gq1_0,...,gqn_0)
case inlined :
var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip]
var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en]
case non inlined :
add inputs go1',...,gom'
var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip,go1,...,gom]
var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en,go1',...,gom']
d : [d1,...,dn]
% q1 = if ck then (if r then gq1_0 else d1) else hq1 %
q1 : (gq1_0 when r default d1) when ck default hq1
qn : (gqn_0 when r default dn) when ck default hqn
% P_inst = P[var_inst_g/var_g] %
evol_g : l_subst(evolution(g),var_g,var_inst_g);
evolutions : concat(evolutions,l_subst([q1,...,qn],[d1,...,dn],evol_g)
initialisations : concat(initialisations, [subst(initial(g),var_g,var_inst_g)])
constraints : concat(constraints, [subst(constraint(g),var_g,var_inst_g)])
case inlined :
ho1 : subst(go1,var_g,var_inst_g)
hom : subst(gom,var_g,var_inst_g)
case non inlined :
let g_name = shortname g_name in
let (g_p,g_p_contract) = NamesEnv.find g_name env in
let g = if inlined then g_name else g_name ^ "_contract" in
(* add dependency *)
let acc_dep = g :: acc_dep in
let name_list = translate_pat pat in
let g_p = if inlined then g_p else g_p_contract in
(* var_g : [gq1,...,gqn,gi1,...,gip] *)
let var_g = "var_" ^ g in
let vars =
match inlined with
| true -> g_p.proc_states @ g_p.proc_inputs
| false -> g_p.proc_states @ g_p.proc_inputs @ g_p.proc_outputs in
let acc_eqs =
{ stmt_name = var_g;
stmt_def = Slist( (fun v -> Svar(v)) vars) }::acc_eqs in
(* var_inst_g : [hq1,...,hqn,e1,...,en] *)
let var_inst_g = "var_inst_" ^ g in
(* Coding contract states : S_n_id_s *)
(* id being the id of the application *)
(* n being the length of id *)
(* s being the name of the state*)
let a_id = name a_id in
let id_length = String.length a_id in
let s_prefix = "S_" ^ (string_of_int id_length) ^ "_" ^ a_id ^ "_" in
let new_states_list =
(fun g_state ->
(* Remove "g_" prefix *)
let l = (String.length g) in
let s =
g_state (l+1)
((String.length g_state)-(l+1)) in
prefixed (s_prefix ^ s))
g_p.proc_states in
let e_states = (fun hq -> Svar(hq)) new_states_list in
let e_list = (translate prefix) e_list in
let e_outputs,acc_inputs =
match inlined with
| true -> [],acc_inputs
| false ->
let new_outputs =
|||| (fun name -> prefixed name) name_list in
( (fun v -> Svar(v)) new_outputs),(acc_inputs@new_outputs) in
let vars_inst = e_states@e_list@e_outputs in
let acc_eqs =
{ stmt_name = var_inst_g;
stmt_def = Slist(vars_inst); }::acc_eqs in
let acc_states = List.rev_append new_states_list acc_states in
let acc_init = List.rev_append g_p.proc_init acc_init in
(* declare(d1,...,dn) *)
let dummy_list = var_list dummy_prefix (List.length g_p.proc_states) in
(* d : [d1,...dn] *)
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = dummy_prefix;
stmt_def = Slist( (fun di -> Svar(di)) dummy_list)}::acc_eqs in
(* qi = (gqi_0 when r default di) when ck default hqi *)
let q_list = (fun _ -> "q_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) g_p.proc_states in
let e_list =
(fun (q0,hq) d ->
let e = Sdefault(Swhen(Sconst(q0),
Svar(prefixed (name r))),Svar(d)) in
let e = translate_ck (prefixed "") e ck in
(List.combine g_p.proc_init new_states_list) dummy_list in
let acc_eqs =
(fun acc_eqs q e -> {stmt_name = q; stmt_def = e}::acc_eqs)
acc_eqs q_list e_list in
(* evol_g : l_subst(evolution(g),var_g,var_inst_g); *)
let evol_g = "evol_" ^ g in
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = evol_g;
stmt_def = l_subst (evolution (Svar g)) (Svar var_g) (Svar var_inst_g)}
::acc_eqs in
(* evolutions : concat(evolutions,l_subst([q1,...,qn],[d1,...,dn],evol_g) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend evolutions (l_subst
(Slist ( (fun q -> Svar(q)) q_list))
(Slist ( (fun d -> Svar(d)) dummy_list))
(Svar evol_g)))
::acc_eqs in
(* initialisations : concat(initialisations, [subst(initial(g),var_g,var_inst_g)]) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend initialisations (Slist[subst
(initial (Svar g))
(Svar var_g)
(Svar var_inst_g)]))
:: acc_eqs in
(* constraints : concat(constraints, [subst(constraint(g),var_g,var_inst_g)]) *)
let acc_eqs =
(extend constraints (Slist[subst
(pconstraint (Svar g))
(Svar var_g)
(Svar var_inst_g)]))
::acc_eqs in
(* if inlined, hoi : subst(goi,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
let acc_eqs =
match inlined with
| true ->
(fun acc_eqs o go ->
{stmt_name = prefixed o;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(go)) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))}
acc_eqs name_list g_p.proc_outputs
| false -> acc_eqs in
(* assume & guarantee *)
(* f_g_assume_x : subst(g_assume,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
(* f_g_guarantee_x : subst(g_guarantee,var_g,var_inst_g) *)
let var_assume = prefixed (g ^ "_assume_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) in
let var_guarantee = prefixed (g ^ "_guarantee_" ^ (gen_symbol ())) in
let acc_eqs =
{stmt_name = var_assume;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(g ^ "_assume")) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))} ::
{stmt_name = var_guarantee;
stmt_def = subst (Svar(g ^ "_guarantee")) (Svar(var_g)) (Svar(var_inst_g))} ::
acc_eqs in
let acc_cont =
(Svar(var_assume),Svar(var_guarantee)) :: acc_cont in
| Minils.Evarpat(n), _ ->
(* assert : no fby, no node application in e *)
let e' = translate prefix e in
let e' =
begin match (actual_ty e.Minils.e_ty) with
| Tbool -> translate_ck prefix e' ck
| _ -> e'
end in
{ stmt_name = prefixed (name n);
stmt_def = e' }::acc_eqs
| _ -> assert false
let translate_eq_list env f eq_list =
(fun (acc_dep,acc_states,acc_init,
acc_inputs,acc_ctrl,acc_cont,acc_eqs) eq ->
env f
let translate_contract env f contract =
let prefix = f ^ "_" in
let var_a = prefix ^ "assume" in
let var_g = prefix ^ "guarantee" in
match contract with
| None ->
let body =
[{ stmt_name = var_g; stmt_def = Sconst(Ctrue) };
{ stmt_name = var_a; stmt_def = Sconst(Ctrue) }] in
| Some {Minils.c_local = _locals;
Minils.c_eq = l_eqs;
Minils.c_assume = e_a;
Minils.c_enforce = e_g;
Minils.c_controllables = cl} ->
let dep,states,init,inputs,
controllables,_contracts,body =
translate_eq_list env f l_eqs in
assert (inputs = []);
assert (controllables = []);
let e_a = translate prefix e_a in
let e_g = translate prefix e_g in
let body =
{stmt_name = var_g; stmt_def = e_g} ::
{stmt_name = var_a; stmt_def = e_a} ::
body in
let controllables =
|||| (fun { Minils.v_ident = id } -> prefix ^ (name id)) cl in
let rec build_environment contracts =
match contracts with
| [] -> [],Sconst(Ctrue)
| [a,g] -> [a =>~ g],g
| (a,g)::l ->
let conts,assumes = build_environment l in
((a =>~ g) :: conts),(g &~ assumes)
let translate_node env
({ Minils.n_name = {name = f};
Minils.n_input = i_list; Minils.n_output = o_list;
Minils.n_local = _d_list; Minils.n_equs = eq_list;
Minils.n_contract = contract } as node) =
(* every variable is prefixed by its node name *)
let inputs =
(fun { Minils.v_ident = v } -> f ^ "_" ^ (name v)) i_list in
let outputs =
(fun { Minils.v_ident = v } -> f ^ "_" ^ (name v)) o_list in
let dep,states,init,add_inputs,add_controllables,contracts,body =
translate_eq_list env f eq_list in
let dep_c,states_c,init_c,body_c,(a_c,g_c),controllables =
translate_contract env f contract in
let inputs = inputs @ add_inputs in
let controllables = controllables @ add_controllables in
let body = List.rev body in
let states = List.rev states in
let body_c = List.rev body_c in
let states_c = List.rev states_c in
let constraints =
(fun v -> Sequal(Ssquare(Svar(v)),Sconst(Ctrue)))
(inputs@controllables) in
let contracts_components,assumes_components =
build_environment contracts in
let constraints = constraints @
contracts_components @ [Sequal (a_c,Sconst(Ctrue))] in
let impl = g_c &~ assumes_components in
let obj = Security(impl) in
let p = { proc_dep = unique (dep @ dep_c);
proc_name = f;
proc_inputs = inputs@controllables;
proc_uncont_inputs = inputs;
proc_outputs = outputs;
proc_controllables = controllables;
proc_states = states@states_c;
proc_init = init@init_c;
proc_constraints = constraints;
proc_body = body@body_c;
proc_objectives = [obj] } in
(* Hack : save inputs and states names for controller call *)
let remove_prefix =
let n = String.length f in
fun s ->
String.sub s (n+1) ((String.length s) - (n+1)) in
node.Minils.n_controller_call <-
( remove_prefix inputs,
|||| remove_prefix (states@states_c));
let f_contract = f ^ "_contract" in
let inputs_c =
(fun { Minils.v_ident = v } -> f_contract ^ "_" ^ (name v)) i_list in
let outputs_c =
(fun { Minils.v_ident = v } -> f_contract ^ "_" ^ (name v)) o_list in
let dep_c,states_c,init_c,body_c,(_a_c,_g_c),_controllables =
translate_contract env f_contract contract in
let states_c = List.rev states_c in
let body_c = List.rev body_c in
let constraints_c =
(fun v -> Sequal(Ssquare(Svar(v)),Sconst(Ctrue)))
(inputs_c@outputs_c) in
let p_c = { proc_dep = dep_c;
proc_name = f ^ "_contract";
proc_inputs = inputs_c@outputs_c;
proc_uncont_inputs = inputs_c@outputs_c;
proc_outputs = [];
proc_controllables = [];
proc_states = states_c;
proc_init = init_c;
proc_constraints = constraints_c;
proc_body = body_c;
proc_objectives = [] } in
(NamesEnv.add f (p,p_c) env), (p,p_c)
let program p =
let _env,acc_proc =
(fun (env,acc) node ->
let env,(proc,contract) = translate_node env node in
p.Minils.p_nodes in
let procs = List.rev acc_proc in
let filename = filename_of_name p.Minils.p_modname in
let dirname = build_path (filename ^ "_z3z") in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
Sigali.Printer.print dir procs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon/BZR *)
(* *)
(* Author : Gwenaël Delaval *)
(* Organization : Univ. Grenoble, LIG *)
(* *)
(* Translation from the source language to Sigali polynomial systems *)
(* $Id$ *)
val program : Minils.program -> unit
Reference in a new issue