Added graphical simulator hepts
Added option -hepts to the compiler: this option formats the output of the simulation loop
to fit with hepts (currently working only on C target code). Typically, suppresses all
"decoration" output, like input or output names, and prints output on single lines.
Currently not implemented in hepts: array types.
Usage: to simulate the node Modulename.f:
heptc -target c -s f -hepts modulename.ept
gcc modulename_c/*.c -o ./f_sim
hepts -mod Modulename -node f -exec ./f_sim
The order switch then reset was wrong, since some reset reset slower inner blocks and equations, to have reset correct after switch it would have been necessary to sample the reset condition correctly (use r when c) using the level_ck... anyway the order seems now irrelevant considering code size.
The compiler still does not support unsafe functions that well. For example, putting an assert()/exit() in an automaton's state does not work correctly.
in the old fix was missing the renaming, and there was wrong equations
order :
f () returns x
[here rename x by mem_x]
mem_x = fby ...
x = mem_x
so the simplest was :
f () returns out_x
var x;
[ nothing to do]
out_x = x
x = fby ...
pay attention to the order of equations since we are after the
probably it should be done before the scheduling anyway ?
- Added "z3z" target language, calling sigali code generation
- a_id is application id, so as to identify node applications; added
to Minils AST. a_id is given on hept2mls pass.
This is needed for the controller execution from controller synthesis.
Correction of Boolean pass: correct translation of variable declarations,
including full clock translation (in two passes for variable declarations:
one to build the env, one for clock translation).