Inline pass re-activated
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 20 additions and 11 deletions
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ let compile_program p =
(* Completion of partial definitions *)
let p = pass "Completion" true Completion.program p pp in
(* Inlining *)(*
(* Inlining *)
let p =
let call_inline_pass = (List.length !inline > 0) || !Misc.flatten in
pass "Inlining" call_inline_pass Inline.program p pp in *)
let call_inline_pass = (List.length !inline > 0) || !flatten in
pass "Inlining" call_inline_pass Inline.program p pp in
(* Automata *)
let p = pass "Automata" true Automata.program p pp in
@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ open Heptagon
open Hept_utils
open Hept_mapfold
let to_be_inlined s = !Misc.flatten || (List.mem s !Misc.inline)
let to_be_inlined s = !Compiler_options.flatten || (List.mem s !Compiler_options.inline)
let fresh = Idents.gen_fresh "automata" (fun s -> s)
let mk_unique_node nd =
let mk_bind vd =
let id = Idents.fresh (Idents.sourcename vd.v_ident) in
let id = fresh ( vd.v_ident) in
(vd.v_ident, { vd with v_ident = id; }) in
let subst = mk_bind (nd.n_block.b_local
@ nd.n_input @ nd.n_output) in
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ let mk_unique_node nd =
({ vd with v_ident = (List.assoc vd.v_ident subst).v_ident; }, ()) in
let subst_edesc funs () ed = match ed with
| Evar vn -> (Evar (List.assoc vn subst).v_ident, ())
| _ -> raise Fallback in
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback in
let subst_eqdesc funs () eqd =
let (eqd, ()) = Hept_mapfold.eqdesc funs () eqd in
match eqd with
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ let mk_unique_node nd =
with Not_found -> vn)
| Etuplepat patl -> Etuplepat ( subst_pat patl) in
(Eeq (subst_pat pat, e), ())
| _ -> raise Fallback in
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback in
let funs = { defaults with
var_dec = subst_var_dec;
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ let mk_unique_node nd =
fst (Hept_mapfold.node_dec funs () nd)
let exp funs (env, newvars, newequs) exp = match exp.e_desc with
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = Enode nn; }, _, _, _) when to_be_inlined nn ->
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = Enode nn; }, _, _, _, _) when to_be_inlined nn ->
"WARN: inlining iterators (\"%s %s\" here) is unsupported.@."
(Hept_printer.iterator_to_string it) (fullname nn);
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ let exp funs (env, newvars, newequs) exp = match exp.e_desc with
let ni = mk_unique_node (env nn) in
let static_subst =
List.combine ( (fun p -> Name p.p_name) ni.n_params)
List.combine ( (fun p -> (local_qn p.p_name)) ni.n_params)
op.a_params in
(* Perform [static_exp] substitution. *)
@ -114,8 +116,15 @@ let node_dec funs (env, newvars, newequs) nd =
let program p =
let env n =
let mk_ln s = Modname { qual = p.p_modname; id = s; } in
List.find (fun nd -> mk_ln nd.n_name = n) p.p_nodes in
let d =
| Pnode nd -> nd.n_name = n
| _ -> false)
p.p_desc in
match d with
| Pnode nd -> nd
| _ -> assert false in
let funs =
{ defaults with exp = exp; block = block; node_dec = node_dec; eq = eq; } in
let (p, (_, newvars, newequs)) = Hept_mapfold.program funs (env, [], []) p in
Reference in a new issue