Java bugfix
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 26 additions and 12 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open Misc
open Names
open Signature
open Java
open Java_printer
@ -45,10 +46,16 @@ let program p =
let args1 = Eval(Parray_elem(pat_args, Sint 1)) in
let out = Eval(Pclass(Names.qualname_of_string "java.lang.System.out")) in
let jarrays = Eval(Pclass(Names.qualname_of_string "java.util.Arrays")) in
let jint = Eval(Pclass(Names.qualname_of_string "Integer")) in
let jfloat = Eval(Pclass(Names.qualname_of_string "Float")) in
let jbool = Eval(Pclass(Names.qualname_of_string "Boolean")) in
let ret = Emethod_call(e_main, "step", []) in
let print_ret = match ty_main with
| Types.Tarray (Types.Tarray _, _) -> Emethod_call(jarrays, "deepToString", [ret])
| Types.Tarray _ -> Emethod_call(jarrays, "toString", [ret])
| t when t = Initial.tint -> Emethod_call(jint, "toString", [ret])
| t when t = Initial.tfloat -> Emethod_call(jfloat, "toString", [ret])
| t when t = Initial.tbool -> Emethod_call(jbool, "toString", [ret])
| _ -> Emethod_call(ret, "toString", [])
[ Anewvar(vd_main, Enew (Tclass q_main, []));
@ -35,16 +35,19 @@ let static ff s = if s then fprintf ff "static " else ()
let final ff f = if f then fprintf ff "final " else ()
let rec _ty size ff t = match t with
let rec _ty news ff t = match t with
| Tbool -> fprintf ff "boolean"
| Tint -> fprintf ff "int"
| Tfloat -> fprintf ff "float"
| Tclass n -> class_name ff n
| Tgeneric (n, ty_l) -> fprintf ff "%a<@[%a@]>" class_name n (print_list_r ty """,""") ty_l
| Tarray (t,s) -> if size then fprintf ff "%a[%a]" full_ty t exp s else fprintf ff "%a[]" ty t
| Tgeneric (n, ty_l) ->
if news
then fprintf ff "%a" class_name n
else fprintf ff "%a<@[%a@]>" class_name n (print_list_r ty """,""") ty_l
| Tarray (t,s) -> if news then fprintf ff "%a[%a]" new_ty t exp s else fprintf ff "%a[]" ty t
| Tunit -> pp_print_string ff "void"
and full_ty ff t = _ty true ff t
and new_ty ff t = _ty true ff t
and ty ff t = _ty false ff t
@ -72,10 +75,10 @@ and exp ff = function
| Eval p -> pattern ff p
| Efun (f,e_l) -> op ff (f, e_l)
| Emethod_call (o,m,e_l) -> fprintf ff "%a.%a%a" exp o method_name m args e_l
| Enew (c,e_l) -> fprintf ff "new %a%a" full_ty c args e_l
| Enew (c,e_l) -> fprintf ff "new %a%a" new_ty c args e_l
| Enew_array (t,e_l) ->
(match e_l with
| [] -> fprintf ff "new %a" full_ty t
| [] -> fprintf ff "new %a" new_ty t
| _ -> fprintf ff "new %a@[<2>%a@]" ty t (print_list_r exp "{"",""}") e_l )
| Evoid -> ()
| Ecast (t,e) -> fprintf ff "(%a)(%a)" ty t exp e
@ -114,7 +117,8 @@ and op ff (f, e_l) =
| "~-" ->
let e = Misc.assert_1 e_l in
fprintf ff "-%a" exp e
| s -> fprintf ff "jeptagon.Pervasives.%s%a" s args e_l) (* TODO java deal with this correctly
| s -> fprintf ff "jeptagon.Pervasives.%s%a" s args e_l)
(* TODO java deal with this correctly
bug when using Pervasives.ggg in the code but works when using ggg directly *)
| _ -> fprintf ff "%a%a" Global_printer.print_qualname f args e_l
@ -134,7 +138,8 @@ let rec block ff b =
and switch_hack ff c_b_l =
fprintf ff "@[<hv 2> default :\\Dead code. Hack to prevent \"may not be initialized\" java error.@ %a@ break;@]"
fprintf ff "@[<hv 2> default :
\\Dead code. Hack to prevent \"may not be initialized\" java error.@ %a@ break;@]"
block (c_b_l |> List.hd |> snd)
@ -143,10 +148,12 @@ and act ff = function
| Aassgn (p,e) -> fprintf ff "@[<4>%a =@ %a;@]" pattern p exp e
| Amethod_call (o,m,e_l) -> fprintf ff "@[%a.%a%a;@]" exp o method_name m args e_l
| Aswitch (e, c_b_l) ->
let pcb ff (c,b) = fprintf ff "@[<v4>case %a:@ %a@ break;@]" bare_constructor_name c block b in
let pcb ff (c,b) =
fprintf ff "@[<v4>case %a:@ %a@ break;@]" bare_constructor_name c block b in
(* let switch_hack ff c_b_l = (* TODO java : better thing to do ? *)
fprintf ff "@[<2>default ://Dead code. Hack to prevent \
\"may not be initialized\" java error.@ %a@ break;@]" block (c_b_l |> List.hd |> snd)
\"may not be initialized\"
java error.@ %a@ break;@]" block (c_b_l |> List.hd |> snd)
fprintf ff "@[<v4>switch (%a) {@ %a@]@\n}"
exp e
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let rec translate_modul m = m (*match m with
| Pervasives
| LocalModule -> m
| _ when m = g_env.current_mod -> m
| Module n -> Module (String.lowercase n)
| Module n -> Module n
| QualModule { qual = q; name = n} ->
QualModule { qual = translate_modul q; name = String.lowercase n }
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ and boxed_ty param_env t = match t with
| Types.Tid t when t = Initial.pint -> Tclass (Names.local_qn "Integer")
| Types.Tid t when t = Initial.pfloat -> Tclass (Names.local_qn "Float")
| Types.Tid t -> Tclass (qualname_to_class_name t)
| Types.Tarray (t,size) -> Tarray (boxed_ty param_env t, static_exp param_env size)
| Types.Tarray (t,size) -> Tarray (ty param_env t, static_exp param_env size)
| Types.Tinvalid -> Misc.internal_error "obc2java invalid type" 1
and tuple_ty param_env ty_l =
Reference in a new issue