Minils.CtrlNbacGen relies on such type annotations to generat
Controllable-Nbac nodes. This fix allows the use of ReaX to enforce
contracts of nodes involving merge operations on tuples over multiple
data types, such as:
(a, b) = merge c
(true -> ((true when c), (0 when c)))
(false -> ((false whenot c), (2 whenot c)));
This kind of code previously led to erroneous Controllable-Nbac code.
Leave only comments about compilation passes.
Remove output of intermediate code on standard output: added
generation of <module>.log containing all intermediate code.
The following node was accepted by the causality analysis:
node m(x:int) = (y,z:int)
state A
y = x + z;
z = x + 1;
until x = 3 then B
state B
y = x + 3;
z = y * x;
until x = 10 then A
Each state is indeed causal, but once the automaton is translated to equations
(which is the systematic way in the current version), the node is not
Correction: all "Or" of dependency constraints translated to "And".
This constraint could be relaxed if code generation is done from Heptagon code,
before translation to minils equations.
Bug [#14076]:
node sum(x:int) returns (y:int) let y = x + (0 fby y); tel
node main(x : int) returns (y : int)
y = 0 -> sum(pre x);
is accepted whereas the node "sum" will memorize an absent value (pre x)
and use it at next instant.
Removed auto2.ept (duplicate of auto.ept)
- contrenum.ept includes contracts and controllable variable: moved to sdc test directory
- lnum_simple.ept: added "enforce true" contract (at least one objective in the syntax)
- script compile_sdc_run: heptc options to point to local Heptagon library
Test script compile_sdc_run: handling of different controller
synthesis algorithms.
In a test file, put a special comment :
(* SDC algorithm *)
on a single line, to activate synthesis algorithm "algorithm"
for this test file.
(* SDC sB *)
(* SDC sS *)
(* SDC sS:d={P:D} *)
NB: assertions not yet handled.
Changes in CtrlNbac back-end :
- systematic sink state, only in ctrln code
- sink state "ok" removed (useless as was coded)
- no sink state in minils code
- outputs in ctrln are local variables, no longer state variables
* Several controllers by module : added option "-m <Module>" in ctrl2ept
Generate controllers for each node of one module in <module>_controller.ept
* Types of <Module> no longer moved to <Module>_controller
* Added "_types" suffix for type dependencies for C target
Attempts to compile a pervasives.epi containing functions with multiple
outputs or nodes now fail with an informative error message.
* The following files demonstrate the problem:
type bool = true | false
external val node test(bool;bool) returns bool
node broken() returns (y : bool)
y = test(false, false);
heptc -nopervasives pervasives.epi
heptc -stdlib . -target c broken.ept
Fails with:
Internal compiler error
Passe : Static evaluation failed of the pervasive operator test
Fatal error: exception Misc.Assert_false
* A different error occurs for nodes that return multiple outputs:
type bool = true | false
external val node test(bool;bool) returns (bool;bool)
node broken() returns (y : bool)
var l1 : bool;
(y,l1) = test(false, false);
heptc -nopervasives pervasives.epi
heptc -stdlib . broken.ept
Inconsistent clock annotation for exp test(false, false).
File "broken.ept", line 4, characters 11-29:
> (y,l1) = test(false, false);
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Clock Clash: this expression has clock 'a3,
but is expected to have clock ('a4 * 'a5).
The name "test" is parsed as an Eextvalue (rather than an Eapp), and there
is an implicit assumption in compiler/minils/analysis/ that such
values have a simple clock.
Without this change one could end up with inconsistent numerical types
when expressions like 1 + xx /. 3.0 >= 0 (with xx being a float), that
is correctly handled in ReaTK's frontend, are translated into the
heptagon's internal representation.