Correct typing of numericals when translating Controllable-Nbac nodes

Without this change one could end up with inconsistent numerical types
when expressions like 1 + xx /. 3.0 >= 0 (with xx being a float), that
is correctly handled in ReaTK's frontend, are translated into the
heptagon's internal representation.
Nicolas Berthier 9 years ago
parent 20d9ff7184
commit 755b570a96

@ -132,8 +132,7 @@ let totrel t : totrel -> fun_name =
| `Le -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<=."
| `Gt -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">."
| `Ge -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">=."
| `Eq -> Initial.mk_pervasives "=." (* XXX: error case? *)
| `Ne -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<>." (* ibid *)
| #eqrel as r -> eqrel r
else function
| `Lt -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<"
| `Le -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<="
@ -169,6 +168,31 @@ let bnop: bnop -> fun_name = function
| `Disj -> Initial.por
| `Excl -> failwith "TODO: translation of exclusion operator"
(* --- *)
let rec flttyp_exp ({ e_desc; e_ty } as e) =
if e_ty = Initial.tfloat then e
else { e with e_ty = Initial.tfloat; e_desc = flttyp_desc e_desc }
and flttyp_desc = function
| Econst s -> Econst (flttyp_sexp s)
| Eapp ({ a_op = Efun { qual = Pervasives; name } } as op, el, None) ->
(* NB: very hackish stuff *)
begin match name with
| "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "~-" ->
let a_op = Efun (Initial.mk_pervasives (name^".")) in
Eapp ({ op with a_op }, flttyp_exp el, None)
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> assert false
and flttyp_sexp ({ se_desc; se_ty } as e) =
if se_ty = Initial.tfloat then e
else { e with se_ty = Initial.tfloat; se_desc = flttyp_sdesc se_desc }
and flttyp_sdesc = function
| Sint i -> Sfloat (float_of_int i)
| _ -> assert false
(* --- *)
let translate_expr gd e =
let mkb_bapp_eq ?flag tr e f l =
let e = tr ?flag e in
@ -198,7 +222,7 @@ let translate_expr gd e =
| `BIin _ -> raise (Untranslatable ("bounded Integer membership", flag))
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb tb c
| #flag as e -> apply' tb e
and te ?flag = ignore flag; function
and te ?flag = function
| `Ref v -> mkp (symb_typ' gd v) (Evar (ts gd v))
| `Enum l -> let s = label_symb l in
let t = symb_typ' gd s in
@ -218,15 +242,25 @@ let translate_expr gd e =
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb tn c
| #flag as e -> apply' tn e
and mkb_ncmp ?flag re e f =
let { e_ty } as e = tn ?flag e and f = tn f in
mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (totrel e_ty re)) e f)
let { e_ty = et } as e = tn ?flag e
and { e_ty = ft } as f = tn ?flag f in
(* NB: these coercions may not be needed, but let's keep it in case *)
if et = Initial.tfloat && ft = Initial.tint
then mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (totrel et re)) e (flttyp_exp f))
else if et = Initial.tint && ft = Initial.tfloat
then mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (totrel ft re)) (flttyp_exp e) f)
else mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (totrel et re)) e f)
and mk_nuapp ?flag op e =
let { e_ty } as e = tn ?flag e in
mkp e_ty (mk_uapp (Efun (nuop e_ty op)) e)
and mk_nnapp ?flag op e f l =
let { e_ty } as e = tn ?flag e in
let op = mk_bapp (Efun (nnop e_ty op)) in
List.fold_left (fun acc e -> mkp e_ty (op acc (tn ?flag e))) e (f::l)
let el = List.rev_map (tn ?flag) (e :: f :: l) in
(* NB: manual coercion from ints to floats *)
let flt = List.exists (fun { e_ty } -> e_ty = Initial.tfloat) el in
let typ = if flt then Initial.tfloat else Initial.tint in
let el = List.rev_map flttyp_exp el in
let op = mk_bapp (Efun (nnop typ op)) in
List.fold_left (fun acc e -> mkp typ (op acc e)) (List.hd el) ( el)
and tp ?flag : 'f AST.exp -> _ = function
| `Bexp e -> tb ?flag e
| `Eexp e -> te ?flag e
