To enable recovery of parameter and output ordering by `ctrl2ept', the
Controllable-Nbac generation procedure now declares a new module
dedicated to the encapsulation of the controller functions yet to be
Handling of type declarations are probably buggy.
- Stripped portions of `myocamlbuild{,_config}.ml' that seem useless
when `-use-ocamlfind' is passed to ocamlbuild.
- Added some code in `' to be able to generate
documentation by merging interface and implementation files.
Added graphical simulator hepts
Added option -hepts to the compiler: this option formats the output of the simulation loop
to fit with hepts (currently working only on C target code). Typically, suppresses all
"decoration" output, like input or output names, and prints output on single lines.
Currently not implemented in hepts: array types.
Usage: to simulate the node Modulename.f:
heptc -target c -s f -hepts modulename.ept
gcc modulename_c/*.c -o ./f_sim
hepts -mod Modulename -node f -exec ./f_sim
Warn as error for partial match.
Warn for unused variables : added some TODO to check.
PS : I'll deal with callgraph which is doing things that Modules does.
-* Séparation du fichier minils avec création de mls_utils
-* Lexer et Parser qui fonctionnent (pas complets encore)
-* Use of menhir with --explain pour debug du parser
-* Quelques refactoring (ident/name...)