Gros blop pour que Mlsc compile.
-* Séparation du fichier minils avec création de mls_utils -* Lexer et Parser qui fonctionnent (pas complets encore) -* Use of menhir with --explain pour debug du parser -* Quelques refactoring (ident/name...)
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 768 additions and 811 deletions
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
<**/*.ml>: debug, dtypes
<>: camlp4of, use_camlp4
<**/*.{byte,native}>: use_unix, use_str, debug
true: use_menhir
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ type param = { p_name : name }
(** Node signature *)
type node =
{ node_inputs : arg list;
node_outputs : arg list;
node_params : param list; (** Static parameters *)
node_params_constraints : size_constr list }
{ node_inputs : arg list;
node_outputs : arg list;
node_params : param list; (** Static parameters *)
node_params_constraints : size_constr list }
type field = { f_name : name; f_type : ty }
type structure = field list
@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ let names_of_arg_list l = (fun ad -> ad.a_name) l
let types_of_arg_list l = (fun ad -> ad.a_type) l
let mk_arg name ty =
{ a_type = ty; a_name = name }
let mk_param name =
{ p_name = name }
let mk_arg name ty = { a_type = ty; a_name = name }
let mk_param name = { p_name = name }
let print_param ff p = Names.print_name ff p.p_name
@ -15,11 +15,23 @@ open Location
let pp = Hept_printer.print stdout
let parse parsing_fun lexing_fun lexbuf =
parsing_fun lexing_fun lexbuf
| Hept_lexer.Lexical_error(err, pos1, pos2) ->
lexical_error err (Loc(pos1, pos2))
| Parsing.Parse_error ->
let pos1 = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf
and pos2 = Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf in
let l = Loc(pos1,pos2) in
syntax_error l
let parse_implementation lexbuf =
parse Parser.program Lexer.token lexbuf
parse Hept_parser.program Hept_lexer.token lexbuf
let parse_interface lexbuf =
parse Parser.interface Lexer.token lexbuf
parse Hept_parser.interface Hept_lexer.token lexbuf
let compile_impl modname filename =
(* input and output files *)
@ -114,20 +114,17 @@ let op_from_app loc app =
| _ -> Error.message loc Error.Estatic_exp_expected
let check_const_vars = ref true
let rec translate_size_exp const_env e =
match e.e_desc with
| Evar n ->
if !check_const_vars & not (NamesEnv.mem n const_env) then
Error.message e.e_loc (Error.Econst_var n)
SVar n
| Econst (Cint i) -> SConst i
| Eapp(app, [e1;e2]) ->
let op = op_from_app e.e_loc app in
translate_size_exp const_env e1,
translate_size_exp const_env e2)
| _ -> Error.message e.e_loc Error.Estatic_exp_expected
let rec translate_size_exp const_env e = match e.e_desc with
| Evar n ->
if !check_const_vars & not (NamesEnv.mem n const_env) then
Error.message e.e_loc (Error.Econst_var n)
SVar n
| Econst (Cint i) -> SConst i
| Eapp(app, [e1;e2]) ->
let op = op_from_app e.e_loc app in
SOp(op, translate_size_exp const_env e1, translate_size_exp const_env e2)
| _ -> Error.message e.e_loc Error.Estatic_exp_expected
let rec translate_type const_env = function
| Tprod ty_list -> Types.Tprod( (translate_type const_env) ty_list)
@ -160,10 +157,8 @@ and translate_op_desc const_env desc =
Heptagon.op_kind = translate_op_kind desc.op_kind }
and translate_array_op const_env env = function
| Eselect e_list ->
Heptagon.Eselect ( (translate_size_exp const_env) e_list)
| Eupdate e_list ->
Heptagon.Eupdate ( (translate_size_exp const_env) e_list)
| Eselect e_list -> Heptagon.Eselect ( (translate_size_exp const_env) e_list)
| Eupdate e_list -> Heptagon.Eupdate ( (translate_size_exp const_env) e_list)
| Erepeat -> Heptagon.Erepeat
| Eselect_slice -> Heptagon.Eselect_slice
| Econcat -> Heptagon.Econcat
@ -175,16 +170,14 @@ and translate_array_op const_env env = function
and translate_desc loc const_env env = function
| Econst c -> Heptagon.Econst (translate_const c)
| Evar x ->
if Rename.mem x env then
Heptagon.Evar ( loc env x)
if NamesEnv.mem x const_env then (* var not defined, maybe a const var*)
Heptagon.Econstvar x
Error.message loc (Error.Evar x)
if Rename.mem x env then (* defined var *)
Heptagon.Evar ( loc env x)
else if NamesEnv.mem x const_env then (* defined as const var *)
Heptagon.Econstvar x
else (* undefined var *)
Error.message loc (Error.Evar x)
| Elast x -> Heptagon.Elast ( loc env x)
| Etuple e_list ->
Heptagon.Etuple ( (translate_exp const_env env) e_list)
| Etuple e_list -> Heptagon.Etuple ( (translate_exp const_env env) e_list)
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Earray_op Erepeat)} as app, e_list) ->
let e_list = (translate_exp const_env env) e_list in
(match e_list with
@ -197,11 +190,9 @@ and translate_desc loc const_env env = function
Heptagon.Eapp (translate_app const_env env app, e_list)
| Efield (e, field) -> Heptagon.Efield (translate_exp const_env env e, field)
| Estruct f_e_list ->
let f_e_list =
|||| (fun (f,e) -> f, translate_exp const_env env e) f_e_list in
Heptagon.Estruct f_e_list
| Earray e_list ->
Heptagon.Earray ( (translate_exp const_env env) e_list)
let f_e_list = (fun (f,e) -> f, translate_exp const_env env e) f_e_list in
Heptagon.Estruct f_e_list
| Earray e_list -> Heptagon.Earray ( (translate_exp const_env env) e_list)
and translate_pat loc env = function
| Evarpat x -> Heptagon.Evarpat ( loc env x)
@ -221,9 +212,9 @@ and translate_eq_desc loc const_env env = function
| Eeq(p, e) ->
Heptagon.Eeq (translate_pat loc env p, translate_exp const_env env e)
| Epresent (present_handlers, b) ->
Heptagon.Epresent ( (translate_present_handler const_env env)
fst (translate_block const_env env b))
( (translate_present_handler const_env env) present_handlers
, fst (translate_block const_env env b))
| Eautomaton state_handlers ->
Heptagon.Eautomaton ( (translate_state_handler const_env env)
@ -302,8 +293,7 @@ let translate_typedec const_env ty =
| Type_enum(tag_list) -> Heptagon.Type_enum(tag_list)
| Type_struct(field_ty_list) ->
let translate_field_type (f,ty) =
Signature.mk_field f (translate_type const_env ty)
Signature.mk_field f (translate_type const_env ty) in
Heptagon.Type_struct ( translate_field_type field_ty_list)
{ Heptagon.t_name = ty.t_name;
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ open Format
open Printf
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Signature
module Error =
@ -11,25 +11,9 @@
open Misc
open Location
open Compiler_utils
open Heptcheck
let parse parsing_fun lexing_fun lexbuf =
parsing_fun lexing_fun lexbuf
| Hept_lexer.Lexical_error(err, pos1, pos2) ->
lexical_error err (Loc(pos1, pos2))
| Parsing.Parse_error ->
let pos1 = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf
and pos2 = Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf in
let l = Loc(pos1,pos2) in
syntax_error l
let parse_implementation lexbuf =
parse Hept_parser.program Hept_lexer.token lexbuf
let parse_interface lexbuf =
parse Hept_parser.interface Hept_lexer.token lexbuf
let interface modname filename =
(* input and output files *)
@ -17,23 +17,22 @@ open Types
open Location
open Printf
type error = | Etypeclash of ct * ct
(** Error Kind *)
type err_kind = | Etypeclash of ct * ct
exception TypingError of error
let err_message exp = function
| Etypeclash (actual_ct, expected_ct) ->
Printf.eprintf "%aClock Clash: this expression has clock %a, \n\
but is expected to have clock %a.\n"
print_exp exp
print_clock actual_ct
print_clock expected_ct;
raise Error
exception Unify
let error kind = raise (TypingError kind)
let message e kind =
match kind with | Etypeclash (actual_ct, expected_ct) ->
Printf.eprintf "%aClock Clash: this expression has clock %a, \n\
but is expected to have clock %a.\n"
Mls_printer.print_exp e
Mls_printer.print_clock actual_ct
Mls_printer.print_clock expected_ct;
raise Error
let index = ref 0
let gen_index () = (incr index; !index)
@ -42,65 +41,64 @@ let new_var () = Cvar { contents = Cindex (gen_index ()); }
let rec repr ck =
match ck with
| Cbase | Con _ | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> ck
| Cvar (({ contents = Clink ck } as link)) ->
let ck = repr ck in (link.contents <- Clink ck; ck)
| Cbase | Con _ | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> ck
| Cvar (({ contents = Clink ck } as link)) ->
let ck = repr ck in (link.contents <- Clink ck; ck)
let rec occur_check index ck =
let ck = repr ck
match ck with
| Cbase -> ()
| Cvar { contents = Cindex n } when index <> n -> ()
| Con (ck, _, _) -> occur_check index ck
| _ -> raise Unify
| Cbase -> ()
| Cvar { contents = Cindex n } when index <> n -> ()
| Con (ck, _, _) -> occur_check index ck
| _ -> raise Unify
let rec ck_value ck =
match ck with
| Cbase | Con _ | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> ck
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> ck_value ck
| Cbase | Con _ | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> ck
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> ck_value ck
let rec unify t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2
then ()
(match (t1, t2) with
| (Ck ck1, Ck ck2) -> unify_ck ck1 ck2
| (Cprod ct_list1, Cprod ct_list2) ->
(try List.iter2 unify ct_list1 ct_list2 with | _ -> raise Unify)
| _ -> raise Unify)
| (Ck ck1, Ck ck2) -> unify_ck ck1 ck2
| (Cprod ct_list1, Cprod ct_list2) ->
(try List.iter2 unify ct_list1 ct_list2 with | _ -> raise Unify)
| _ -> raise Unify)
and unify_ck ck1 ck2 =
let ck1 = repr ck1 in
let ck2 = repr ck2
let ck2 = repr ck2 in
if ck1 == ck2
then ()
(match (ck1, ck2) with
| (Cbase, Cbase) -> ()
| (Cvar { contents = Cindex n1 }, Cvar { contents = Cindex n2 }) when
n1 = n2 -> ()
| (Cvar (({ contents = Cindex n1 } as v)), _) ->
(occur_check n1 ck2; v.contents <- Clink ck2)
| (_, Cvar (({ contents = Cindex n2 } as v))) ->
(occur_check n2 ck1; v.contents <- Clink ck1)
| (Con (ck1, c1, n1), Con (ck2, c2, n2)) when (c1 = c2) & (n1 = n2) ->
unify_ck ck1 ck2
| _ -> raise Unify)
| (Cbase, Cbase) -> ()
| (Cvar { contents = Cindex n1 }, Cvar { contents = Cindex n2 }) when
n1 = n2 -> ()
| (Cvar (({ contents = Cindex n1 } as v)), _) ->
(occur_check n1 ck2; v.contents <- Clink ck2)
| (_, Cvar (({ contents = Cindex n2 } as v))) ->
(occur_check n2 ck1; v.contents <- Clink ck1)
| (Con (ck1, c1, n1), Con (ck2, c2, n2)) when (c1 = c2) & (n1 = n2) ->
unify_ck ck1 ck2
| _ -> raise Unify)
let rec eq ck1 ck2 =
match ((repr ck1), (repr ck2)) with
| (Cbase, Cbase) -> true
| (Cvar { contents = Cindex n1 }, Cvar { contents = Cindex n2 }) -> true
| (Con (ck1, _, n1), Con (ck2, _, n2)) when n1 = n2 -> eq ck1 ck2
| _ -> false
| (Cbase, Cbase) -> true
| (Cvar { contents = Cindex n1 }, Cvar { contents = Cindex n2 }) -> true
| (Con (ck1, _, n1), Con (ck2, _, n2)) when n1 = n2 -> eq ck1 ck2
| _ -> false
let rec unify t1 t2 =
match (t1, t2) with
| (Ck ck1, Ck ck2) -> unify_ck ck1 ck2
| (Cprod t1_list, Cprod t2_list) -> unify_list t1_list t2_list
| _ -> raise Unify
| (Ck ck1, Ck ck2) -> unify_ck ck1 ck2
| (Cprod t1_list, Cprod t2_list) -> unify_list t1_list t2_list
| _ -> raise Unify
and unify_list t1_list t2_list =
try List.iter2 unify t1_list t2_list with | _ -> raise Unify
@ -119,45 +117,45 @@ let typ_of_name h x = Env.find x h
let rec typing h e =
let ct =
match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ | Econstvar _ -> Ck (new_var ())
| Evar x -> Ck (typ_of_name h x)
| Efby (c, e) -> typing h e
| Etuple e_list -> Cprod ( (typing h) e_list)
| Ecall(_, e_list, r) ->
let ck_r = match r with
| None -> new_var()
| Some(reset) -> typ_of_name h reset
in (List.iter (expect h (Ck ck_r)) e_list; skeleton ck_r e.e_ty)
| Ecall(_, e_list, Some(reset)) ->
let ck_r = typ_of_name h reset
in (List.iter (expect h (Ck ck_r)) e_list; skeleton ck_r e.e_ty)
| Ewhen (e, c, n) ->
let ck_n = typ_of_name h n
in (expect h (skeleton ck_n e.e_ty) e;
skeleton (Con (ck_n, c, n)) e.e_ty)
| Eifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
let ck = new_var () in
let ct = skeleton ck e.e_ty
in (expect h (Ck ck) e1; expect h ct e2; expect h ct e3; ct)
| Emerge (n, c_e_list) ->
let ck_c = typ_of_name h n
in (typing_c_e_list h ck_c n c_e_list; skeleton ck_c e.e_ty)
| Efield (e1, n) ->
let ck = new_var () in
let ct = skeleton ck e1.e_ty in (expect h (Ck ck) e1; ct)
| Efield_update (_, e1, e2) ->
let ck = new_var () in
let ct = skeleton ck e.e_ty
in (expect h (Ck ck) e1; expect h ct e2; ct)
| Estruct l ->
let ck = new_var () in
(fun (n, e) -> let ct = skeleton ck e.e_ty in expect h ct e) l;
Ck ck)
| Earray e_list ->
let ck = new_var ()
in (List.iter (expect h (Ck ck)) e_list; skeleton ck e.e_ty)
| Earray_op(op) -> typing_array_op h e op
| Econst _ | Econstvar _ -> Ck (new_var ())
| Evar x -> Ck (typ_of_name h x)
| Efby (c, e) -> typing h e
| Etuple e_list -> Cprod ( (typing h) e_list)
| Ecall(_, e_list, r) ->
let ck_r = match r with
| None -> new_var()
| Some(reset) -> typ_of_name h reset
in (List.iter (expect h (Ck ck_r)) e_list; skeleton ck_r e.e_ty)
| Ecall(_, e_list, Some(reset)) ->
let ck_r = typ_of_name h reset
in (List.iter (expect h (Ck ck_r)) e_list; skeleton ck_r e.e_ty)
| Ewhen (e, c, n) ->
let ck_n = typ_of_name h n
in (expect h (skeleton ck_n e.e_ty) e;
skeleton (Con (ck_n, c, n)) e.e_ty)
| Eifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
let ck = new_var () in
let ct = skeleton ck e.e_ty
in (expect h (Ck ck) e1; expect h ct e2; expect h ct e3; ct)
| Emerge (n, c_e_list) ->
let ck_c = typ_of_name h n
in (typing_c_e_list h ck_c n c_e_list; skeleton ck_c e.e_ty)
| Efield (e1, n) ->
let ck = new_var () in
let ct = skeleton ck e1.e_ty in (expect h (Ck ck) e1; ct)
| Efield_update (_, e1, e2) ->
let ck = new_var () in
let ct = skeleton ck e.e_ty
in (expect h (Ck ck) e1; expect h ct e2; ct)
| Estruct l ->
let ck = new_var () in
(fun (n, e) -> let ct = skeleton ck e.e_ty in expect h ct e) l;
Ck ck)
| Earray e_list ->
let ck = new_var ()
in (List.iter (expect h (Ck ck)) e_list; skeleton ck e.e_ty)
| Earray_op(op) -> typing_array_op h e op
in (e.e_ck <- ckofct ct; ct)
and typing_array_op h e = function
@ -186,97 +184,76 @@ and typing_array_op h e = function
and expect h expected_ty e =
let actual_ty = typing h e
try unify actual_ty expected_ty
with | Unify -> message e (Etypeclash (actual_ty, expected_ty))
try unify actual_ty expected_ty
with | Unify -> err_message e (Etypeclash (actual_ty, expected_ty))
and typing_c_e_list h ck_c n c_e_list =
let rec typrec =
| [] -> ()
| (c, e) :: c_e_list ->
(expect h (skeleton (Con (ck_c, c, n)) e.e_ty) e; typrec c_e_list)
| [] -> ()
| (c, e) :: c_e_list ->
(expect h (skeleton (Con (ck_c, c, n)) e.e_ty) e; typrec c_e_list)
in typrec c_e_list
let rec typing_pat h =
| Evarpat x -> Ck (typ_of_name h x)
| Etuplepat pat_list -> Cprod ( (typing_pat h) pat_list)
let typing_eqs h eq_list =
(fun { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } ->
match e.e_desc with (*TODO FIXME*)
| _ ->
let ty_pat = typing_pat h pat
(try expect h ty_pat e
| Error ->
(* TODO remettre en route quand Printer fonctionne
(* DEBUG *)
Printf.eprintf "Complete expression: %a\n"
Printer.print_exp e;
Printf.eprintf "Clock pattern: %a\n"
Printer.print_clock ty_pat; *)
raise Error))
| Evarpat x -> Ck (typ_of_name h x)
| Etuplepat pat_list -> Cprod ( (typing_pat h) pat_list)
let typing_eqs h eq_list = (*TODO FIXME*)
let typing_eq { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } = match e.e_desc with
| _ -> let ty_pat = typing_pat h pat in
(try expect h ty_pat e with
| Error -> (* DEBUG *)
Printf.eprintf "Complete expression: %a\nClock pattern: %a\n"
Mls_printer.print_exp e
Mls_printer.print_clock ty_pat;
raise Error) in
List.iter typing_eq eq_list
let build h dec =
List.fold_left (fun h { v_name = n } -> Env.add n (new_var ()) h) h dec
List.fold_left (fun h { v_ident = n } -> Env.add n (new_var ()) h) h dec
let sbuild h dec base =
List.fold_left (fun h { v_name = n } -> Env.add n base h) h dec
List.fold_left (fun h { v_ident = n } -> Env.add n base h) h dec
let typing_contract h contract base =
match contract with
| None -> h
| Some
c_local = l_list;
c_eq = eq_list;
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = c_list
} ->
let h = sbuild h c_list base in
let h' = build h l_list
(* assumption *)
(* property *)
(typing_eqs h' eq_list;
expect h' (Ck base) e_a;
expect h' (Ck base) e_g;
| None -> h
| Some { c_local = l_list;
c_eq = eq_list;
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = c_list } ->
let h = sbuild h c_list base in
let h' = build h l_list in
(* assumption *)
(* property *)
(typing_eqs h' eq_list;
expect h' (Ck base) e_a;
expect h' (Ck base) e_g;
let typing_node (({
n_name = f;
let typing_node ({ n_name = f;
n_input = i_list;
n_output = o_list;
n_contract = contract;
n_local = l_list;
n_equs = eq_list
} as node))
} as node) =
let base = Cbase in
let h = sbuild Env.empty i_list base in
let h = sbuild h o_list base in
let h = typing_contract h contract base in
let h = build h l_list
let h = build h l_list in
(typing_eqs h eq_list;
(*update clock info in variables descriptions *)
let set_clock vd =
{ (vd) with v_clock = ck_value (Env.find vd.v_name h); }
(*update clock info in variables descriptions *)
let set_clock vd = { vd with v_clock = ck_value (Env.find vd.v_ident h) } in
{ (node) with
n_input = set_clock i_list;
n_output = set_clock o_list;
n_local = set_clock l_list;
n_local = set_clock l_list })
let program (({ p_nodes = p_node_list } as p)) =
{ (p) with p_nodes = typing_node p_node_list; }
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ let build h eq_list =
let sbuild h dec =
(fun h { v_name = n } -> Env.add n { t_init = izero; t_value = None; } h)
(fun h { v_ident = n } -> Env.add n { t_init = izero; t_value = None; } h)
h dec
let typing_contract h contract =
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
(* The internal MiniLustre representation *)
open Location
open Dep
open Misc
open Names
open Ident
open Signature
@ -45,11 +43,9 @@ and edesc =
| Econstvar of name
| Efby of const option * exp
| Etuple of exp list
| Ecall of op_desc * exp list * ident option (** [op_desc] is the function
called [exp list] is the
passed arguments [ident
option] is the optional reset
condition *)
| Ecall of op_desc * exp list * ident option (** [op_desc] is the function called
[exp list] is the passed arguments
[ident option] is the optional reset condition *)
| Ewhen of exp * longname * ident
| Emerge of ident * (longname * exp) list
@ -69,10 +65,11 @@ and array_op =
| Eselect_slice of size_exp * size_exp * exp (*lower bound, upper bound,
| Econcat of exp * exp
| Eiterator of iterator_type * op_desc * size_exp * exp list * ident option
(** [op_desc] is the function iterated, [size_exp] is the size of the
iteration, [exp list] is the passed arguments, [ident option] is the
optional reset condition *)
| Eiterator of iterator_type * op_desc * size_exp * exp list * ident option (**
[op_desc] is the function iterated,
[size_exp] is the size of the iteration,
[exp list] is the passed arguments,
[ident option] is the optional reset condition *)
and op_desc = { op_name: longname; op_params: size_exp list; op_kind: op_kind }
and op_kind = | Eop | Enode
@ -106,7 +103,7 @@ type eq =
eq_loc : location }
type var_dec =
{ v_name : ident;
{ v_ident : ident;
v_type : ty;
v_clock : ck }
@ -146,190 +143,35 @@ type program =
(*Helper functions to build the AST*)
let mk_exp ?(exp_ty = Tprod []) ?(clock = Cbase) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = exp_ty; e_ck = clock; e_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(clock = Cbase) name ty =
{ v_name = name; v_type = ty;
let mk_var_dec ?(clock = Cbase) ident ty =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty;
v_clock = clock }
let mk_equation ?(loc = no_location) pat exp =
{ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = exp; eq_loc = loc }
let mk_node
?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(local = []) ?(eq = [])
?(loc = no_location) ?(param = []) ?(constraints = []) ?(pinst = []) name =
{ n_name = name;
n_input = input;
n_output = output;
n_contract = contract;
n_local = local;
n_equs = eq;
n_loc = loc;
n_params = param;
n_params_constraints = constraints;
n_params_instances = pinst; }
?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(local = []) ?(eq = [])
?(loc = no_location) ?(param = []) ?(constraints = []) ?(pinst = []) name =
{ n_name = name;
n_input = input;
n_output = output;
n_contract = contract;
n_local = local;
n_equs = eq;
n_loc = loc;
n_params = param;
n_params_constraints = constraints;
n_params_instances = pinst; }
let mk_type_dec ?(type_desc = Type_abs) ?(loc = no_location) name =
{ t_name = name; t_desc = type_desc; t_loc = loc }
let rec size_exp_of_exp e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econstvar n -> SVar n
| Econst (Cint i) -> SConst i
| Ecall(op, [e1;e2], _) ->
let sop = op_from_app_name op.op_name in
SOp(sop, size_exp_of_exp e1, size_exp_of_exp e2)
| _ -> raise Not_static
(** @return the list of bounds of an array type*)
let rec bounds_list ty =
match ty with
| Tarray(ty, n) -> n::(bounds_list ty)
| _ -> []
(** @return the [var_dec] object corresponding to the name [n]
in a list of [var_dec]. *)
let rec vd_find n = function
| [] -> Format.printf "Not found var %s\n" (name n); raise Not_found
| vd::l ->
if vd.v_name = n then vd else vd_find n l
(** @return whether an object of name [n] belongs to
a list of [var_dec]. *)
let rec vd_mem n = function
| [] -> false
| vd::l -> vd.v_name = n or (vd_mem n l)
(** @return whether [ty] corresponds to a record type. *)
let is_record_type ty = match ty with
| Tid n ->
ignore (Modules.find_struct n); true
Not_found -> false)
| _ -> false
module Vars =
let add x acc =
if List.mem x acc then acc else x :: acc
let rec vars_pat acc = function
| Evarpat x -> x :: acc
| Etuplepat pat_list -> List.fold_left vars_pat acc pat_list
let rec vars_ck acc = function
| Con(ck, c, n) -> add n acc
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> acc
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> vars_ck acc ck
let rec read is_left acc e =
let acc =
match e.e_desc with
| Evar n -> add n acc
| Emerge(x, c_e_list) ->
let acc = add x acc in
List.fold_left (fun acc (_, e) -> read is_left acc e) acc c_e_list
| Eifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) ->
read is_left (read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2) e3
| Ewhen(e, c, x) ->
let acc = add x acc in
read is_left acc e
| Etuple(e_list) -> List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Ecall(_, e_list, None) ->
List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Ecall(_, e_list, Some x) ->
let acc = add x acc in
List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Efby(_, e) ->
if is_left then vars_ck acc e.e_ck else read is_left acc e
| Efield(e, _) -> read is_left acc e
| Estruct(f_e_list) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (_, e) -> read is_left acc e) acc f_e_list
| Econst _ | Econstvar _ -> acc
| Efield_update (_, e1, e2) ->
read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2
(*Array operators*)
| Earray e_list -> List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Earray_op op -> read_array_op is_left acc op
vars_ck acc e.e_ck
and read_array_op is_left acc = function
| Erepeat (_,e) -> read is_left acc e
| Eselect (_,e) -> read is_left acc e
| Eselect_dyn (e_list, _, e1, e2) ->
let acc = List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list in
read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2
| Eupdate (_, e1, e2) ->
read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2
| Eselect_slice (_ , _, e) -> read is_left acc e
| Econcat (e1, e2) ->
read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2
| Eiterator (_, _, _, e_list, None) ->
List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Eiterator (_, _, _, e_list, Some x) ->
let acc = add x acc in
List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
let rec remove x = function
| [] -> []
| y :: l -> if x = y then l else y :: remove x l
let def acc { eq_lhs = pat } = vars_pat acc pat
let read is_left { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } =
match pat, e.e_desc with
| Evarpat(n), Efby(_, e1) ->
if is_left
then remove n (read is_left [] e1)
else read is_left [] e1
| _ -> read is_left [] e
let antidep { eq_rhs = e } =
match e.e_desc with Efby _ -> true | _ -> false
let clock { eq_rhs = e } =
match e.e_desc with
| Emerge(_, (_, e) :: _) -> e.e_ck
| _ -> e.e_ck
let head ck =
let rec headrec ck l =
match ck with
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> l
| Con(ck, c, n) -> headrec ck (n :: l)
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> headrec ck l
headrec ck []
(** Returns a list of memory vars (x in x = v fby e)
appearing in an equation. *)
let memory_vars ({ eq_lhs = _; eq_rhs = e } as eq) =
match e.e_desc with
| Efby(_, _) -> def [] eq
| _ -> []
(* data-flow dependences. pre-dependences are discarded *)
module DataFlowDep = Make
type equation = eq
let read eq = true eq
let def = Vars.def
let antidep = Vars.antidep
(* all dependences between variables *)
module AllDep = Make
type equation = eq
let read eq = false eq
let def = Vars.def
let antidep eq = false
let mk_op ?(op_params = []) ?(op_kind = Enode) lname =
{ op_name = lname; op_params = op_params; op_kind = op_kind }
let void = mk_exp (Etuple [])
@ -20,14 +20,10 @@ let keyword_table = ((Hashtbl.create 149) : (string, token) Hashtbl.t);;
List.iter (fun (str,tok) -> Hashtbl.add keyword_table str tok) [
"node", NODE;
"fun", FUN;
"safe", SAFE;
"returns", RETURNS;
"var", VAR;
"val", VAL;
"unsafe", UNSAFE;
"let", LET;
"tel", TEL;
"end", END;
"fby", FBY;
"switch", SWITCH;
"when", WHEN;
@ -140,16 +136,18 @@ rule token = parse
| "||" {BARBAR}
| "," {COMMA}
| "->" {ARROW}
(* | "->" {ARROW} *)
| "|" {BAR}
| "-" {SUBTRACTIVE "-"}
| "-." {SUBTRACTIVE "-."}
| "<<" {DOUBLE_LESS}
| (['A'-'Z']('_' ? ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' ''' '0'-'9']) * as id)
{Constructor id}
| (['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']('_' ? ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' ''' '0'-'9']) * as id)
{ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
try Hashtbl.find keyword_table s
with Not_found -> IDENT id }
with Not_found -> NAME id }
| '-'? ['0'-'9']+
| '-'? '0' ['x' 'X'] ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f']+
| '-'? '0' ['o' 'O'] ['0'-'7']+
@ -7,16 +7,15 @@ open Ident
open Types
open Location
open Minils
open Mls_utils
let mk_exp = mk_exp ~loc:(current_loc())
let mk_node = mk_node ~loc:(current_loc())
let mk_equation p e = mk_equation ~loc:(current_loc()) p e
let mk_type name desc = mk_type_dec ~loc:(current_loc()) ~type_desc: desc name
let mk_var name ty = mk_var_dec name ty
@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ let mk_var name ty = mk_var_dec name ty
%token WITH
%token INLINED
%token AT
%token <string> PREFIX
%token <string> INFIX0
%token <string> INFIX1
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ let mk_var name ty = mk_var_dec name ty
%left OR
%right INFIX1
%left INFIX4
@ -97,23 +97,22 @@ let mk_var name ty = mk_var_dec name ty
/** Tools **/
/* Redefinitions */
%inline option_list(x) : l=list(x) {l}
%inline list(x) : l=nonempty_list(x) {l}
%inline option_slist(S, x) : l=separated_list(S, x) {l}
%inline slist(S, x) : l=separated_nonempty_list(S, x) {l}
%inline nuple(L, R, S, x) : L h=x S t=slist(S,x) R { h::t }
%inline stuple(S, x) : LPAREN h=x S t=slist(S,x) RPAREN { h::t }
%inline tuple(x) : t=stuple(COMMA,x) { t }
%inline option2(P,x) : /* empty */ { None } | P v=x { Some(v)}
%inline slist(S, x) : l=separated_list(S, x) {l}
%inline snlist(S, x) : l=separated_nonempty_list(S, x) {l}
%inline tuple(x) : LPAREN h=x COMMA t=snlist(COMMA,x) RPAREN { h::t }
%inline option(P,x):
|/* empty */ { None }
| P v=x { Some(v) }
%inline option2(L,x,R):
|/* empty */ { None }
| L v=x R { Some(v) }
qualified(x) :
| n=x { Name(n) } %prec prec_ident
| n=x { Name(n) }
| m=CONSTRUCTOR DOT n=x { Modname({ qual = m; id = n }) }
structure(field): s=nuple(LBRACE, RBRACE, SEMICOL, field) {s}
structure(field): LBRACE s=snlist(SEMICOL,field) RBRACE {s}
| pragma_headers open_modules type_decs node_decs EOF
@ -123,53 +122,52 @@ program:
p_nodes = $4;
p_consts = []}} /*TODO consts dans program*/
pragma_headers: l=option_list(pragma) {l}
pragma: p=PRAGMA {p}
pragma_headers: l=list(PRAGMA) {l}
open_modules: l=option_list(opens) {l}
open_modules: l=list(opens) {l}
ident: n=NAME | LPAREN n=infix RPAREN | LPAREN n=prefix RPAREN { n }
name: n=NAME | LPAREN n=infix_ RPAREN | LPAREN n=prefix_ RPAREN { n }
ident: n=name { ident_of_name n }
field_type : n=NAME COLON t=type_ident { (n, t) }
field_type : n=NAME COLON t=type_ident { mk_field n t }
type_ident: NAME { Tid(Name($1)) }
type_decs: t=option_list(type_dec) {t}
type_decs: t=list(type_dec) {t}
| TYPE n=NAME { mk_type n Type_abs }
| TYPE n=NAME EQUAL e=slist(BAR,NAME) { mk_type n (Type_enum e) }
| TYPE n=NAME EQUAL e=snlist(BAR,NAME) { mk_type n (Type_enum e) }
| TYPE n=NAME EQUAL s=structure(field_type) { mk_type n (Type_struct s) }
node_decs: ns=option_list(node_dec) {ns}
node_decs: ns=list(node_dec) {ns}
NODE id=ident LPAREN args=params RPAREN RETURNS LPAREN out=params RPAREN
vars=loc_vars LET eqs=equs TEL
{ mk_node
~input: args
~output: out
~local: vars
~eq: eqs
id }
NODE n=name p=params(n_param) LPAREN args=args RPAREN
RETURNS LPAREN out=args RPAREN vars=loc_vars eqs=equs
{ mk_node ~input:args ~output:out ~local:vars ~eq:eqs n }
params: p=option_slist(SEMICOL, var) {p}
args_t: SEMICOL p=args {p}
| /* empty */ {[]}
| h=var t=loption(args_t) {h@t}
| /* empty */ { [] }
| VAR vs=slist(SEMICOL, var) { vs }
loc_vars_t: SEMICOL h=var t=loc_vars_t {h@t}
loc_vars_h: VAR h=var t=loc_vars_t {h@t}
loc_vars: l=loption(loc_vars_h) {l}
| ns=slist(COMMA, NAME) COLON t=type_ident
{ (fun id -> mk_var id t) ns }
| ns=snlist(COMMA, NAME) COLON t=type_ident
{ (fun id -> mk_var (ident_of_name id) t) ns }
equs: e=option_slist(SEMICOL, equ) ?SEMICOL {e}
equ: p=pat EQUAL e=exp { mk_eq p e }
equs: LET e=slist(SEMICOL, equ) TEL { e }
equ: p=pat EQUAL e=exp { mk_equation p e }
| n=NAME {Evarpat (ident_of_name n)}
| LPAREN p=slist(COMMA, pat) RPAREN {Etuplepat p}
| LPAREN p=snlist(COMMA, pat) RPAREN {Etuplepat p}
longname: l=qualified(ident) {l}
longname: l=qualified(name) {l}
| ln=qualified(CONSTRUCTOR) {ln}
@ -180,40 +178,46 @@ const:
| FLOAT { Cfloat($1) }
| constructor { Cconstr($1) }
exps: LPAREN e=option_slist(COMMA, exp) RPAREN {e}
tuple_exp: LPAREN e=option_slist(COMMA, exp) RPAREN {e}
exps: LPAREN e=slist(COMMA, exp) RPAREN {e}
field_exp: longname EQUAL exp { ($1, $3) }
| NAME { mk_exp (Evar (ident_of_name $1)) }
| c=const { mk_exp (Econst c) }
| s=structure(field_exp) { mk_exp (Estruct s) }
| t=tuple_exp { mk_exp (Etuple t) }
| t=tuple(exp) { mk_exp (Etuple t) }
| LPAREN e=exp RPAREN { e }
| e=simple_exp { e }
| const FBY exp
{ make_exp (Efby(Some($1),$3)) }
| PRE exp
{ make_exp (Efby(None,$2)) }
| longname LPAREN exps RPAREN %prec prec_apply
{ make_exp (Eapp(make_app $1 Ino, $3)) }
| INLINED longname LPAREN exps RPAREN %prec prec_apply
{ make_exp (Eapp(make_app $2 Irec, $4)) }
| e1=exp op=infix e2=exp
{ make_exp (Eop(Name(op), [e1; e2])) }
| op=prefix e=exp %prec prefixs
{ make_exp (Eop(Name(op), [e])) }
| IF exp THEN exp ELSE exp
{ make_exp (Eifthenelse($2, $4, $6)) }
| exp DOT longname
{ make_exp (Efield($1, $3)) }
| e=simple_exp { e }
| c=const { mk_exp (Econst c) }
| const FBY exp { mk_exp (Efby(Some($1),$3)) }
| PRE exp { mk_exp (Efby(None,$2)) }
| op=node_app a=exps r=reset { mk_exp (Ecall(op, a, r)) }
| e1=exp i_op=infix e2=exp
{ mk_exp (Ecall(mk_op ~op_kind:Eop i_op, [e1; e2], None)) }
| p_op=prefix e=exp %prec prefixs
{ mk_exp (Ecall(mk_op ~op_kind:Eop p_op, [e], None)) }
| IF e1=exp THEN e2=exp ELSE e3=exp { mk_exp (Eifthenelse(e1, e2, e3)) }
| e=simple_exp DOT m=longname { mk_exp (Efield(e, m)) }
%inline infix:
reset: r=option(RESET,ident) { r }
node_app: ln=longname p=params(e_param) { mk_op ~op_kind:Enode ~op_params:p ln }
e_param: e=exp { size_exp_of_exp e }
n_param: n=NAME { mk_param n }
| /*empty*/ { [] }
| DOUBLE_LESS p=slist(COMMA, param) DOUBLE_GREATER { p }
/*Inlining is compulsory in order to preserve priorities*/
%inline infix: op=infix_ { Name(op) }
%inline infix_:
| op=INFIX0 | op=INFIX1 | op=INFIX2 | op=INFIX3 | op=INFIX4 { op }
| STAR { "*" }
| EQUAL { "=" }
@ -221,7 +225,8 @@ exp:
| AMPERSAND { "&" } | AMPERAMPER { "&&" }
| OR { "or" } | BARBAR { "||" }
prefix: op=prefix_ { Name(op) }
| op = PREFIX { op }
| NOT { "not" }
| op = SUBTRACTIVE { "~" ^ op } /*TODO test 3 * -2 and co */
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let rec print_clock ff = function
| Cprod ct_list ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_clock "("" *"")") ct_list
let print_vd ff { v_name = n; v_type = ty; v_clock = ck } =
let print_vd ff { v_ident = n; v_type = ty; v_clock = ck } =
if !Misc.full_type_info then
fprintf ff "%a : %a :: %a" print_ident n print_type ty print_ck ck
else fprintf ff "%a : %a" print_ident n print_type ty
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
open Minils
open Mls_printer
open Location
open Names
open Ident
open Signature
open Static
open Types
open Misc
(** Error Kind *)
type err_kind = | Enot_size_exp
let err_message ?(exp=void) ?(loc=exp.e_loc) = function
| Enot_size_exp ->
Printf.eprintf "The expression %a should be a size_exp.@." print_exp exp;
raise Error
let rec size_exp_of_exp e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econstvar n -> SVar n
| Econst (Cint i) -> SConst i
| Ecall(op, [e1;e2], _) ->
let sop = op_from_app_name op.op_name in
SOp(sop, size_exp_of_exp e1, size_exp_of_exp e2)
| _ -> err_message ~exp:e Enot_size_exp
(** @return the list of bounds of an array type*)
let rec bounds_list ty =
match ty with
| Tarray(ty, n) -> n::(bounds_list ty)
| _ -> []
(** @return the [var_dec] object corresponding to the name [n]
in a list of [var_dec]. *)
let rec vd_find n = function
| [] -> Format.printf "Not found var %s\n" (name n); raise Not_found
| vd::l ->
if vd.v_ident = n then vd else vd_find n l
(** @return whether an object of name [n] belongs to
a list of [var_dec]. *)
let rec vd_mem n = function
| [] -> false
| vd::l -> vd.v_ident = n or (vd_mem n l)
(** @return whether [ty] corresponds to a record type. *)
let is_record_type ty = match ty with
| Tid n ->
ignore (Modules.find_struct n); true
Not_found -> false)
| _ -> false
module Vars =
let add x acc =
if List.mem x acc then acc else x :: acc
let rec vars_pat acc = function
| Evarpat x -> x :: acc
| Etuplepat pat_list -> List.fold_left vars_pat acc pat_list
let rec vars_ck acc = function
| Con(ck, c, n) -> add n acc
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> acc
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> vars_ck acc ck
let rec read is_left acc e =
let acc =
match e.e_desc with
| Evar n -> add n acc
| Emerge(x, c_e_list) ->
let acc = add x acc in
List.fold_left (fun acc (_, e) -> read is_left acc e) acc c_e_list
| Eifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) ->
read is_left (read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2) e3
| Ewhen(e, c, x) ->
let acc = add x acc in
read is_left acc e
| Etuple(e_list) -> List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Ecall(_, e_list, None) ->
List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Ecall(_, e_list, Some x) ->
let acc = add x acc in
List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Efby(_, e) ->
if is_left then vars_ck acc e.e_ck else read is_left acc e
| Efield(e, _) -> read is_left acc e
| Estruct(f_e_list) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (_, e) -> read is_left acc e) acc f_e_list
| Econst _ | Econstvar _ -> acc
| Efield_update (_, e1, e2) ->
read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2
(*Array operators*)
| Earray e_list -> List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Earray_op op -> read_array_op is_left acc op
vars_ck acc e.e_ck
and read_array_op is_left acc = function
| Erepeat (_,e) -> read is_left acc e
| Eselect (_,e) -> read is_left acc e
| Eselect_dyn (e_list, _, e1, e2) ->
let acc = List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list in
read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2
| Eupdate (_, e1, e2) ->
read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2
| Eselect_slice (_ , _, e) -> read is_left acc e
| Econcat (e1, e2) ->
read is_left (read is_left acc e1) e2
| Eiterator (_, _, _, e_list, None) ->
List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
| Eiterator (_, _, _, e_list, Some x) ->
let acc = add x acc in
List.fold_left (read is_left) acc e_list
let rec remove x = function
| [] -> []
| y :: l -> if x = y then l else y :: remove x l
let def acc { eq_lhs = pat } = vars_pat acc pat
let read is_left { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } =
match pat, e.e_desc with
| Evarpat(n), Efby(_, e1) ->
if is_left
then remove n (read is_left [] e1)
else read is_left [] e1
| _ -> read is_left [] e
let antidep { eq_rhs = e } =
match e.e_desc with Efby _ -> true | _ -> false
let clock { eq_rhs = e } =
match e.e_desc with
| Emerge(_, (_, e) :: _) -> e.e_ck
| _ -> e.e_ck
let head ck =
let rec headrec ck l =
match ck with
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> l
| Con(ck, c, n) -> headrec ck (n :: l)
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> headrec ck l
headrec ck []
(** Returns a list of memory vars (x in x = v fby e)
appearing in an equation. *)
let memory_vars ({ eq_lhs = _; eq_rhs = e } as eq) =
match e.e_desc with
| Efby(_, _) -> def [] eq
| _ -> []
(* data-flow dependences. pre-dependences are discarded *)
module DataFlowDep = Dep.Make
type equation = eq
let read eq = true eq
let def = Vars.def
let antidep = Vars.antidep
(* all dependences between variables *)
module AllDep = Dep.Make
type equation = eq
let read eq = false eq
let def = Vars.def
let antidep eq = false
@ -27,31 +27,26 @@ struct
| Eno_unnamed_output
| Ederef_not_pointer
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Evar name ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : The variable name '%s' is unbound.\n"
output_location loc
| Enode name ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : The node name '%s' is unbound.\n"
output_location loc
| Eno_unnamed_output ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : Unnamed outputs are not supported.\n"
output_location loc
| Ederef_not_pointer ->
"%aCode generation : Trying to deference a non pointer type.\n"
output_location loc
let message loc kind = (match kind with
| Evar name ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : The variable name '%s' is unbound.\n"
output_location loc name
| Enode name ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : The node name '%s' is unbound.\n"
output_location loc name
| Eno_unnamed_output ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : Unnamed outputs are not supported.\n"
output_location loc
| Ederef_not_pointer ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : Trying to deference a non pointer type.\n"
output_location loc );
raise Misc.Error
let rec struct_name ty =
match ty with
| Cty_id n -> n
| _ -> assert false
| Cty_id n -> n
| _ -> assert false
let cname_of_name' name = match name with
| Name n -> Name (cname_of_name n)
@ -151,7 +146,7 @@ let ctype_of_heptty ty =
let cvarlist_of_ovarlist vl =
let cvar_of_ovar vd =
let ty = ctype_of_otype vd.v_type in
name vd.v_name, ty
name vd.v_ident, ty
|||| cvar_of_ovar vl
@ -165,7 +160,7 @@ let copname = function
(** Translates an Obc var_dec to a tuple (name, cty). *)
let cvar_of_vd vd =
name vd.v_name, ctype_of_otype vd.v_type
name vd.v_ident, ctype_of_otype vd.v_type
(** If idx_list = [e1;..;ep], returns the lhs e[e1]...[ep] *)
let rec csubscript_of_e_list e idx_list =
@ -212,9 +207,8 @@ let rec assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env =
array_base_ctype ty [1]
| Cderef lhs ->
(match assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env with
| Cty_ptr ty -> ty
| _ -> Error.message no_location Error.Ederef_not_pointer
| Cty_ptr ty -> ty
| _ -> Error.message no_location Error.Ederef_not_pointer)
| Cfield(Cderef (Cvar "self"), x) -> assoc_type x var_env
| Cfield(x, f) ->
let ty = assoc_type_lhs x var_env in
@ -268,12 +262,12 @@ let rec cexpr_of_exp var_env exp =
(** Constants, the easiest translation. *)
| Const lit ->
(match lit with
| Cint i -> Cconst (Ccint i)
| Cfloat f -> Cconst (Ccfloat f)
| Cconstr c -> Cconst (Ctag (shortname c))
| Obc.Carray(n,c) ->
let cc = cexpr_of_exp var_env (Const c) in
Carraylit (repeat_list cc n)
| Cint i -> Cconst (Ccint i)
| Cfloat f -> Cconst (Ccfloat f)
| Cconstr c -> Cconst (Ctag (shortname c))
| Obc.Carray(n,c) ->
let cc = cexpr_of_exp var_env (Const c) in
Carraylit (repeat_list cc n)
(** Operators *)
| Op(op, exps) ->
@ -551,7 +545,7 @@ let fun_def_of_step_fun name obj_env mem sf =
let args_inputs_state =
|||| (fun (arg_name,_) -> Clhs(Cvar(arg_name))) args in
let addr_controllables =
let addrof { v_name = c_name } =
let addrof { v_ident = c_name } =
Caddrof (Cvar ( c_name)) in
|||| addrof c_list in
let args_ctrlr =
@ -570,7 +564,7 @@ let fun_def_of_step_fun name obj_env mem sf =
let epilogue = match sf.out with
| [] -> []
| [vd] when Obc.is_scalar_type (List.hd sf.out) ->
[Creturn (Clhs (Cvar ( vd.v_name)))]
[Creturn (Clhs (Cvar ( vd.v_ident)))]
| out -> [] in
(** Substitute the return value variables with the corresponding
@ -2,25 +2,24 @@ open C
open Ident
open Names
let rec subst_stm map stm =
match stm with
| Csexpr e -> Csexpr (subst_exp map e)
| Cskip -> Cskip
| Creturn e -> Creturn (subst_exp map e)
| Csblock cblock ->
Csblock (subst_block map cblock)
| Caffect (lhs, e) ->
Caffect(subst_lhs map lhs, subst_exp map e)
| Cif (e, truel, falsel) ->
Cif (subst_exp map e, subst_stm_list map truel,
subst_stm_list map falsel)
| Cswitch (e, l) ->
Cswitch (subst_exp map e,
|||| (fun (s, sl) -> s, subst_stm_list map sl) l)
| Cwhile (e, l) ->
Cwhile (subst_exp map e, subst_stm_list map l)
| Cfor (x, i1, i2, l) ->
Cfor (x, i1, i2, subst_stm_list map l)
let rec subst_stm map stm = match stm with
| Csexpr e -> Csexpr (subst_exp map e)
| Cskip -> Cskip
| Creturn e -> Creturn (subst_exp map e)
| Csblock cblock ->
Csblock (subst_block map cblock)
| Caffect (lhs, e) ->
Caffect(subst_lhs map lhs, subst_exp map e)
| Cif (e, truel, falsel) ->
Cif (subst_exp map e, subst_stm_list map truel,
subst_stm_list map falsel)
| Cswitch (e, l) ->
Cswitch (subst_exp map e
, (fun (s, sl) -> s, subst_stm_list map sl) l)
| Cwhile (e, l) ->
Cwhile (subst_exp map e, subst_stm_list map l)
| Cfor (x, i1, i2, l) ->
Cfor (x, i1, i2, subst_stm_list map l)
and subst_stm_list map =
|||| (subst_stm map)
@ -28,10 +27,7 @@ and subst_stm_list map =
and subst_lhs map lhs =
match lhs with
| Cvar n ->
if NamesEnv.mem n map then
NamesEnv.find n map
if NamesEnv.mem n map then NamesEnv.find n map else lhs
| Cfield (lhs, s) -> Cfield (subst_lhs map lhs, s)
| Carray (lhs, n) -> Carray (subst_lhs map lhs, n)
| Cderef lhs -> Cderef (subst_lhs map lhs)
@ -59,8 +55,8 @@ let assoc_map_for_fun sf =
| out ->
let fill_field map vd =
NamesEnv.add (name vd.Obc.v_name)
(Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), name vd.Obc.v_name)) map
List.fold_left fill_field NamesEnv.empty out
NamesEnv.add (name vd.Obc.v_ident)
(Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), name vd.Obc.v_ident)) map
List.fold_left fill_field NamesEnv.empty out
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ let print_vd ff vd =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_name ff jty;
fprintf ff " %s = %s;"
(jname_of_name (name vd.v_name))
(jname_of_name (name vd.v_ident))
fprintf ff "@]"
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ let print_ans_struct ff name fields =
let print_vd' ff vd =
fprintf ff "@[";
print_type ff vd.v_type;
fprintf ff "@ %s" (jname_of_name (name vd.v_name));
fprintf ff "@ %s" (jname_of_name (name vd.v_ident));
fprintf ff "@]"
let rec print_in ff = function
@ -500,10 +500,10 @@ let print_step ff n s objs ts single =
if single then fprintf ff "@ "
else fprintf ff "%sAnswer step_ans = new %sAnswer();@ @ " n n;
print_act ff objs
( (fun vd -> vd.v_name) s.out) ts single;
( (fun vd -> vd.v_ident) s.out) ts single;
fprintf ff "@ @ return ";
if single
then fprintf ff "%s" (jname_of_name ( (List.hd s.out).v_name))
then fprintf ff "%s" (jname_of_name ( (List.hd s.out).v_ident))
else fprintf ff "step_ans";
fprintf ff ";@]@ }@ @]"
@ -16,17 +16,15 @@ open Obc
open Control
open Static
let rec encode_name_params n =
| [] -> n
| p :: params -> encode_name_params (n ^ ("__" ^ (string_of_int p))) params
let encode_longname_params n params =
match n with
| Name n -> Name (encode_name_params n params)
| Modname { qual = qual; id = id } ->
Modname { qual = qual; id = encode_name_params id params; }
let rec encode_name_params n = function
| [] -> n
| p :: params -> encode_name_params (n ^ ("__" ^ (string_of_int p))) params
let encode_longname_params n params = match n with
| Name n -> Name (encode_name_params n params)
| Modname { qual = qual; id = id } ->
Modname { qual = qual; id = encode_name_params id params; }
let is_op = function
| Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = _ } -> true | _ -> false
@ -48,89 +46,84 @@ let array_elt_of_exp idx e =
e1 <= n1 && .. && ep <= np *)
let rec bound_check_expr idx_list bounds =
match (idx_list, bounds) with
| ([ idx ], [ n ]) -> Op (op_from_string "<", [ idx; Const (Cint n) ])
| (idx :: idx_list, n :: bounds) ->
Op (op_from_string "&",
[ Op (op_from_string "<", [ idx; Const (Cint n) ]);
bound_check_expr idx_list bounds ])
| (_, _) -> assert false
let rec translate_type const_env =
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pint -> Tint
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pfloat -> Tfloat
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pbool -> Tbool
| Types.Tid id -> Tid id
| Types.Tarray (ty, n) ->
Tarray (translate_type const_env ty, int_of_size_exp const_env n)
| Types.Tprod ty -> assert false
let rec translate_const const_env =
| Minils.Cint v -> Cint v
| Minils.Cfloat v -> Cfloat v
| Minils.Cconstr c -> Cconstr c
| Minils.Carray (n, c) ->
Carray (int_of_size_exp const_env n, translate_const const_env c)
let rec translate_pat map =
| Minils.Evarpat x -> [ var_from_name map x ]
| Minils.Etuplepat pat_list ->
List.fold_right (fun pat acc -> (translate_pat map pat) @ acc)
pat_list []
| ([ idx ], [ n ]) -> Op (op_from_string "<", [ idx; Const (Cint n) ])
| (idx :: idx_list, n :: bounds) ->
Op (op_from_string "&",
[ Op (op_from_string "<", [ idx; Const (Cint n) ]);
bound_check_expr idx_list bounds ])
| (_, _) -> assert false
let rec translate_type const_env = function
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pint -> Tint
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pfloat -> Tfloat
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pbool -> Tbool
| Types.Tid id -> Tid id
| Types.Tarray (ty, n) ->
Tarray (translate_type const_env ty, int_of_size_exp const_env n)
| Types.Tprod ty -> assert false
let rec translate_const const_env = function
| Minils.Cint v -> Cint v
| Minils.Cfloat v -> Cfloat v
| Minils.Cconstr c -> Cconstr c
| Minils.Carray (n, c) ->
Carray (int_of_size_exp const_env n, translate_const const_env c)
let rec translate_pat map = function
| Minils.Evarpat x -> [ var_from_name map x ]
| Minils.Etuplepat pat_list ->
List.fold_right (fun pat acc -> (translate_pat map pat) @ acc)
pat_list []
(* [translate e = c] *)
let rec
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) (({ Minils.e_desc = desc } as e)) =
let rec translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)
(({ Minils.e_desc = desc } as e)) =
match desc with
| Minils.Econst v -> Const (translate_const const_env v)
| Minils.Evar n -> Lhs (var_from_name map n)
| Minils.Econstvar n -> Const (Cint (int_of_size_exp const_env (SVar n)))
| Minils.Ecall ( { Minils.op_name = n;
Minils.op_kind = Minils.Eop }, e_list, _) ->
Op (n, (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Ewhen (e, _, _) -> translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e
| Minils.Efield (e, field) ->
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e
in Lhs (Field (lhs_of_exp e, field))
| Minils.Estruct f_e_list ->
let type_name =
(match e.Minils.e_ty with
| Types.Tid name -> name
| _ -> assert false) in
let f_e_list =
(fun (f, e) -> (f, (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e)))
in Struct_lit (type_name, f_e_list)
(*Array operators*)
| Minils.Earray e_list ->
Array_lit ( (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect (idx, e)) ->
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e in
let idx_list =
|||| (fun e -> Const (Cint (int_of_size_exp const_env e))) idx
Lhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e) idx_list)
| _ -> (*Minils_printer.print_exp stdout e; flush stdout;*) assert false
| Minils.Econst v -> Const (translate_const const_env v)
| Minils.Evar n -> Lhs (var_from_name map n)
| Minils.Econstvar n -> Const (Cint (int_of_size_exp const_env (SVar n)))
| Minils.Ecall ( { Minils.op_name = n; Minils.op_kind = Minils.Eop }, e_list, _) ->
Op (n, (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Ewhen (e, _, _) -> translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e
| Minils.Efield (e, field) ->
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e
in Lhs (Field (lhs_of_exp e, field))
| Minils.Estruct f_e_list ->
let type_name =
(match e.Minils.e_ty with
| Types.Tid name -> name
| _ -> assert false) in
let f_e_list =
(fun (f, e) -> (f, (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e)))
in Struct_lit (type_name, f_e_list)
(*Array operators*)
| Minils.Earray e_list ->
Array_lit ( (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect (idx, e)) ->
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e in
let idx_list =
|||| (fun e -> Const (Cint (int_of_size_exp const_env e))) idx
Lhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e) idx_list)
| _ -> (*Minils_printer.print_exp stdout e; flush stdout;*) assert false
(* [translate pat act = si, j, d, s] *)
and translate_act const_env map ((m, _, _, _) as context) pat
({ Minils.e_desc = desc } as act) =
({ Minils.e_desc = desc } as act) =
match pat, desc with
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list, Minils.Etuple act_list ->
comp (List.map2 (translate_act const_env map context) p_list act_list)
| pat, Minils.Ewhen (e, _, _) ->
translate_act const_env map context pat e
| pat, Minils.Emerge (x, c_act_list) ->
let lhs = var_from_name map x
Case (Lhs lhs,
translate_c_act_list const_env map context pat c_act_list)
| Minils.Evarpat n, _ ->
Assgn (var_from_name map n, translate const_env map context act)
| _ -> (*Minils_printer.print_exp stdout act;*) assert false
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list, Minils.Etuple act_list ->
comp (List.map2 (translate_act const_env map context) p_list act_list)
| pat, Minils.Ewhen (e, _, _) ->
translate_act const_env map context pat e
| pat, Minils.Emerge (x, c_act_list) ->
let lhs = var_from_name map x in
Case (Lhs lhs
, translate_c_act_list const_env map context pat c_act_list)
| Minils.Evarpat n, _ ->
Assgn (var_from_name map n, translate const_env map context act)
| _ -> (*Minils_printer.print_exp stdout act;*) assert false
and translate_c_act_list const_env map context pat c_act_list =
@ -140,177 +133,165 @@ and translate_c_act_list const_env map context pat c_act_list =
and comp s_list =
List.fold_right (fun s rest -> Comp (s, rest)) s_list Nothing
let rec
translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
(m, si, j, s) =
let { Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_ty = ty; Minils.e_ck = ck } = e
let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
(m, si, j, s) =
let { Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_ty = ty; Minils.e_ck = ck } = e in
match (pat, desc) with
| Minils.Evarpat n, Minils.Efby (opt_c, e) ->
let x = var_from_name map n in
let si =
(match opt_c with
| None -> si
| Some c ->
(Assgn (x, Const (translate_const const_env c))) :: si) in
let ty = translate_type const_env ty in
let m = (n, ty) :: m in
let action =
Assgn (var_from_name map n,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e)
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat n, Minils.Efby (opt_c, e) ->
let x = var_from_name map n in
let si = (match opt_c with
| None -> si
| Some c ->
(Assgn (x, Const (translate_const const_env c))) :: si) in
let ty = translate_type const_env ty in
let m = (n, ty) :: m in
let action = Assgn (var_from_name map n,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e)
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| pat, Minils.Ecall ({ Minils.op_name = n; Minils.op_params = params;
Minils.op_kind = Minils.Enode },
| pat, Minils.Ecall ({ Minils.op_name = n; Minils.op_params = params;
Minils.op_kind = Minils.Enode },
e_list, r) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list =
|||| (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = gen_symbol () in
let si = (Reinit o) :: si in
let params = (int_of_size_exp const_env) params in
let j = (o, (encode_longname_params n params), 1) :: j in
let action = Step_ap (name_list, Context o, c_list) in
let s =
(match r with
| None -> (control map ck action) :: s
| Some r ->
let ra =
control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r)) (Reinit o)
in ra :: (control map ck action) :: s
m, si, j, s
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list = (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = gen_symbol () in
let si = (Reinit o) :: si in
let params = (int_of_size_exp const_env) params in
let j = (o, (encode_longname_params n params), 1) :: j in
let action = Step_ap (name_list, Context o, c_list) in
let s = (match r with
| None -> (control map ck action) :: s
| Some r ->
let ra =
control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r)) (Reinit o) in
ra :: (control map ck action) :: s ) in
m, si, j, s
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list, Minils.Etuple act_list ->
(fun pat e ->
translate_eq const_env map
(Minils.mk_equation pat e))
p_list act_list (m, si, j, s)
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list, Minils.Etuple act_list ->
(fun pat e ->
translate_eq const_env map
(Minils.mk_equation pat e))
p_list act_list (m, si, j, s)
| Minils.Evarpat x, Minils.Efield_update (f, e1, e2) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let copy = Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let action =
Assgn (Field (x, f), translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2)
m, si, j, (control map ck copy) :: (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x, Minils.Efield_update (f, e1, e2) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let copy = Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let action =
Assgn (Field (x, f), translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2)
m, si, j, (control map ck copy) :: (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect_slice (idx1, idx2, e)) ->
let idx1 = int_of_size_exp const_env idx1 in
let idx2 = int_of_size_exp const_env idx2 in
let cpt = Ident.fresh "i" in
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e in
let idx =
Op (op_from_string "+", [ Lhs (Var cpt); Const (Cint idx1) ]) in
let action =
For (cpt, 0, (idx2 - idx1) + 1,
Assgn (Array (var_from_name map x, Lhs (Var cpt)),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e, idx))))
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect_slice (idx1, idx2, e)) ->
let idx1 = int_of_size_exp const_env idx1 in
let idx2 = int_of_size_exp const_env idx2 in
let cpt = Ident.fresh "i" in
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e in
let idx =
Op (op_from_string "+", [ Lhs (Var cpt); Const (Cint idx1) ]) in
let action =
For (cpt, 0, (idx2 - idx1) + 1,
Assgn (Array (var_from_name map x, Lhs (Var cpt)),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e, idx))))
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect_dyn (idx, bounds, e1, e2)) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let e1 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let bounds = (int_of_size_exp const_env) bounds in
let idx = (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) idx in
let true_act =
Assgn (x, Lhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e1) idx)) in
let false_act =
Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2) in
let cond = bound_check_expr idx bounds in
let action =
Case (cond,
[ ((Name "true"), true_act); ((Name "false"), false_act) ])
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect_dyn (idx, bounds, e1, e2)) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let e1 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let bounds = (int_of_size_exp const_env) bounds in
let idx = (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) idx in
let true_act =
Assgn (x, Lhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e1) idx)) in
let false_act =
Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2) in
let cond = bound_check_expr idx bounds in
let action =
Case (cond,
[ ((Name "true"), true_act); ((Name "false"), false_act) ])
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eupdate (idx, e1, e2)) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let copy = Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let idx =
|||| (fun se -> Const (Cint (int_of_size_exp const_env se)))
idx in
let action = Assgn (lhs_of_idx_list x idx,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2)
m, si, j, (control map ck copy) :: (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eupdate (idx, e1, e2)) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let copy = Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let idx =
|||| (fun se -> Const (Cint (int_of_size_exp const_env se)))
idx in
let action = Assgn (lhs_of_idx_list x idx,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2)
m, si, j, (control map ck copy) :: (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Erepeat (n, e)) ->
let cpt = Ident.fresh "i" in
let action =
For (cpt, 0, int_of_size_exp const_env n,
Assgn (Array (var_from_name map x, Lhs (Var cpt)),
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e))
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Erepeat (n, e)) ->
let cpt = Ident.fresh "i" in
let action =
For (cpt, 0, int_of_size_exp const_env n,
Assgn (Array (var_from_name map x, Lhs (Var cpt)),
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e))
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Econcat (e1, e2)) ->
let cpt1 = Ident.fresh "i" in
let cpt2 = Ident.fresh "i" in
let x = var_from_name map x
(match e1.Minils.e_ty, e2.Minils.e_ty with
| Types.Tarray (_, n1), Types.Tarray (_, n2) ->
let e1 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let e2 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2 in
let n1 = int_of_size_exp const_env n1 in
let n2 = int_of_size_exp const_env n2 in
let a1 =
For (cpt1, 0, n1,
Assgn (Array (x, Lhs (Var cpt1)),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e1, Lhs (Var cpt1))))) in
let idx =
Op (op_from_string "+", [ Const (Cint n1); Lhs (Var cpt2) ]) in
let a2 =
For (cpt2, 0, n2,
Assgn (Array (x, idx),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e2, Lhs (Var cpt2)))))
m, si, j,
(control map ck a1) :: (control map ck a2) :: s
| _ -> assert false
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Econcat (e1, e2)) ->
let cpt1 = Ident.fresh "i" in
let cpt2 = Ident.fresh "i" in
let x = var_from_name map x in
(match e1.Minils.e_ty, e2.Minils.e_ty with
| Types.Tarray (_, n1), Types.Tarray (_, n2) ->
let e1 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let e2 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2 in
let n1 = int_of_size_exp const_env n1 in
let n2 = int_of_size_exp const_env n2 in
let a1 =
For (cpt1, 0, n1,
Assgn (Array (x, Lhs (Var cpt1)),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e1, Lhs (Var cpt1))))) in
let idx =
Op (op_from_string "+", [ Const (Cint n1); Lhs (Var cpt2) ]) in
let a2 =
For (cpt2, 0, n2,
Assgn (Array (x, idx),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e2, Lhs (Var cpt2)))))
m, si, j, (control map ck a1) :: (control map ck a2) :: s
| _ -> assert false )
| pat, Minils.Earray_op (
Minils.Eiterator (it,
{ Minils.op_name = f; Minils.op_params = params;
Minils.op_kind = k },
n, e_list, reset)) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list =
|||| (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = gen_symbol () in
let n = int_of_size_exp const_env n in
let si =
(match k with
| Minils.Eop -> si
| Minils.Enode -> (Reinit o) :: si) in
let params = (int_of_size_exp const_env) params in
let j = (o, (encode_longname_params f params), n) :: j in
let x = Ident.fresh "i" in
let action =
translate_iterator const_env map it x name_list o n c_list in
let s =
(match reset with
| None -> (control map ck action) :: s
| Some r ->
(control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r)) (Reinit o)) ::
(control map ck action) :: s
in (m, si, j, s)
| pat, Minils.Earray_op (
Minils.Eiterator (it,
{ Minils.op_name = f; Minils.op_params = params;
Minils.op_kind = k },
n, e_list, reset)) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list =
|||| (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = gen_symbol () in
let n = int_of_size_exp const_env n in
let si =
(match k with
| Minils.Eop -> si
| Minils.Enode -> (Reinit o) :: si) in
let params = (int_of_size_exp const_env) params in
let j = (o, (encode_longname_params f params), n) :: j in
let x = Ident.fresh "i" in
let action =
translate_iterator const_env map it x name_list o n c_list in
let s =
(match reset with
| None -> (control map ck action) :: s
| Some r ->
(control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r)) (Reinit o)) ::
(control map ck action) :: s )
in (m, si, j, s)
| (pat, _) ->
let action = translate_act const_env map (m, si, j, s) pat e
in (m, si, j, ((control map ck action) :: s))
| (pat, _) ->
let action = translate_act const_env map (m, si, j, s) pat e
in (m, si, j, ((control map ck action) :: s))
and translate_iterator const_env map it x name_list o n c_list =
match it with
@ -345,7 +326,7 @@ let translate_eq_list const_env map act_list =
List.fold_right (translate_eq const_env map) act_list ([], [], [], [])
let remove m d_list =
List.filter (fun { Minils.v_name = n } -> not (List.mem_assoc n m)) d_list
List.filter (fun { Minils.v_ident = n } -> not (List.mem_assoc n m)) d_list
let var_decl l =
|||| (fun (x, t) -> mk_var_dec x t) l
@ -353,7 +334,7 @@ let var_decl l =
let obj_decl l = (fun (x, t, i) -> { obj = x; cls = t; size = i; }) l
let translate_var_dec const_env map l =
let one_var { Minils.v_name = x; Minils.v_type = t } =
let one_var { Minils.v_ident = x; Minils.v_type = t } =
mk_var_dec x (translate_type const_env t)
|||| one_var l
@ -380,22 +361,22 @@ let translate_contract const_env map =
let subst_map inputs outputs locals mems =
(* Create a map that simply maps each var to itself *)
let m =
List.fold_left (fun m { Minils.v_name = x } -> Env.add x (Var x) m)
List.fold_left (fun m { Minils.v_ident = x } -> Env.add x (Var x) m)
Env.empty (inputs @ outputs @ locals)
List.fold_left (fun m x -> Env.add x (Mem x) m) m mems
let translate_node_aux const_env
Minils.n_name = f;
Minils.n_input = i_list;
Minils.n_output = o_list;
Minils.n_local = d_list;
Minils.n_equs = eq_list;
Minils.n_contract = contract;
Minils.n_params = params
} =
let mem_vars = List.flatten ( Minils.Vars.memory_vars eq_list) in
Minils.n_name = f;
Minils.n_input = i_list;
Minils.n_output = o_list;
Minils.n_local = d_list;
Minils.n_equs = eq_list;
Minils.n_contract = contract;
Minils.n_params = params
} =
let mem_vars = List.flatten ( Mls_utils.Vars.memory_vars eq_list) in
let subst_map = subst_map i_list o_list d_list mem_vars in
let (m, si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list const_env subst_map eq_list in
let (m', si', j', s_list', d_list', c_list) =
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ type act =
| Nothing
type var_dec =
{ v_name : var_name;
{ v_ident : var_name;
v_type : ty; }
type obj_dec =
@ -103,15 +103,14 @@ type program =
o_defs : class_def list }
let mk_var_dec name ty =
{ v_name = name; v_type = ty }
{ v_ident = name; v_type = ty }
(** [is_scalar_type vd] returns whether the type corresponding
to this variable declaration is scalar (ie a type that can
be returned by a C function). *)
let is_scalar_type vd =
match vd.v_type with
| Tint | Tfloat | Tbool -> true
| _ -> false
let is_scalar_type vd = match vd.v_type with
| Tint | Tfloat | Tbool -> true
| _ -> false
let rec var_name x =
match x with
@ -124,14 +123,14 @@ let rec var_name x =
a list of var_dec. *)
let rec vd_mem n = function
| [] -> false
| vd::l -> vd.v_name = n or (vd_mem n l)
| vd::l -> vd.v_ident = n or (vd_mem n l)
(** Returns the var_dec object corresponding to the name n
in a list of var_dec. *)
let rec vd_find n = function
| [] -> Format.printf "Not found var %s\n" (name n); raise Not_found
| vd::l ->
if vd.v_name = n then vd else vd_find n l
if vd.v_ident = n then vd else vd_find n l
let lhs_of_exp = function
| Lhs l -> l
@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ struct
let print_vd ff vd =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_ident ff vd.v_name;
print_ident ff vd.v_ident;
fprintf ff ": ";
print_type ff vd.v_type;
fprintf ff "@]"
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ open Names
open Ident
open Signature
open Minils
open Mls_utils
let ctrue = Name "true"
and cfalse = Name "false"
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
(* scheduling of equations *)
(* $Id$ *)
open Misc
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Graph
open Dep
@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ let df = function
dep ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "use_preproc"] ["preproc.cmo"];
(* LablGTK use for graphical simulator *)
ocaml_lib ~extern:true ~dir:"+lablgtk2" "lablgtk"
ocaml_lib ~extern:true ~dir:"+lablgtk2" "lablgtk";
flag ["ocaml"; "parser" ; "menhir" ; "use_menhir"] (S[A"--explain"]);
| _ -> ()
let _ = dispatch df
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