Instantiation of parametrized nodes (v2)
- Many changes to make Hept2mls, mls2obc, etc compile with the api changes - Added Callgraph_mapfold: starting from a main program, generates the list of instances of each node necessary and creates them. - Mls2seq deals with giving to the code generators the correct source (mls or obc, wit or without static parameters) It is now possible to use parametrized nodes that are defined in other files. For that to work, the first file has to be compiled to an object file: heptc -c mylib.ept which creates a mylib.epo file. Compiling the main file will then generate all the instances of parametrized nodes from the lib (only the called nodes will be compiled, but all the nodes in the main file are compiled).
This commit is contained in:
25 changed files with 692 additions and 430 deletions
@ -140,6 +140,14 @@ let add_const f n =
if NamesEnv.mem f current.consts then raise Already_defined;
current.consts <- NamesEnv.add f n current.consts
let add_value_by_longname ln signature =
match ln with
| Modname { qual = modname; id = f } ->
let m = NamesEnv.find modname modules.modules in
if NamesEnv.mem f m.values then raise Already_defined;
m.values <- NamesEnv.add f signature m.values
| Name _ -> raise Not_found
let find_value = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.values)
let find_type = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.types)
let find_constr = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.constr)
@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ struct
fold (fun key v env -> add key v env) env0 env
module LongNameEnv = Map.Make (struct
type t = longname
let compare = compare
module S = Set.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let rec static_exp_subst m se =
match se.se_desc with
| Svar ln ->
(match ln with
| Name n -> (try List.assoc n m with | Not_found -> se)
| Name n -> (try NamesEnv.find n m with | Not_found -> se)
| Modname _ -> se)
| Sop (op, se_list) ->
{ se with se_desc = Sop (op, (static_exp_subst m) se_list) }
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ let invalid_type = Tprod []
let mk_static_exp ?(loc = no_location) ?(ty = invalid_type) desc =
{ se_desc = desc; se_ty = ty; se_loc = loc }
let static_exp_of_int i =
mk_static_exp (Sint i)
open Pp_tools
open Format
@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ let simplify_type loc ty =
Instanciation_failed -> message loc (Etype_should_be_static ty)
let build_subst names values =
List.fold_left2 (fun m { p_name = n } v -> NamesEnv.add n v m)
NamesEnv.empty names values
let rec subst_type_vars m = function
| Tarray(ty, e) -> Tarray(subst_type_vars m ty, static_exp_subst m e)
| Tprod l -> Tprod ( (subst_type_vars m) l)
@ -621,8 +625,7 @@ let rec typing statefull const_env h e =
let { qualid = q; info = ty_desc } = find_value f in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list =
kind f statefull ty_desc in
let m = List.combine
( (fun p -> p.p_name) ty_desc.node_params) params in
let m = build_subst ty_desc.node_params params in
let expected_ty_list =
|||| (subst_type_vars m) expected_ty_list in
let result_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) result_ty_list in
@ -678,8 +681,7 @@ and typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list =
let { qualid = q; info = ty_desc } = find_value f in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list =
kind (Modname q) statefull ty_desc in
let m = List.combine ( (fun p -> p.p_name) ty_desc.node_params)
params in
let m = build_subst ty_desc.node_params params in
let expected_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) expected_ty_list in
let typed_e_list = typing_args statefull const_env h
expected_ty_list e_list in
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ type const_dec = {
c_loc : location }
type program = {
p_modname : name;
p_opened : name list;
p_types : type_dec list;
p_nodes : node_dec list;
@ -87,11 +87,12 @@ let mk_static_exp = mk_static_exp ~loc:(current_loc())
| pragma_headers open_modules const_decs type_decs node_decs EOF
{{ p_pragmas = $1;
p_opened = List.rev $2;
{{ p_modname = "";
p_pragmas = $1;
p_opened = List.rev $2;
p_types = $4;
p_nodes = $5;
p_consts = $3; }}
p_consts = $3; }}
@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ type const_dec =
c_loc : location; }
type program =
{ p_pragmas: (name * string) list;
{ p_modname : name;
p_pragmas: (name * string) list;
p_opened : name list;
p_types : type_dec list;
p_nodes : node_dec list;
@ -317,7 +317,8 @@ let translate_const_dec const_env cd =
let translate_program p =
let const_env = build_cd_list NamesEnv.empty p.p_consts in
{ Heptagon.p_opened = p.p_opened;
{ Heptagon.p_modname = p.p_modname;
Heptagon.p_opened = p.p_opened;
Heptagon.p_types = (translate_typedec const_env) p.p_types;
Heptagon.p_nodes =
|||| (translate_node const_env Rename.empty) p.p_nodes;
@ -205,26 +205,27 @@ let rec translate_op env = function
| Heptagon.Econcat -> Econcat
| Heptagon.Earray -> Earray
| Heptagon.Etuple -> Etuple
| Heptagon.Earrow -> Earrow
| Heptagon.Earrow ->
Error.message no_location Error.Eunsupported_language_construct
let translate_app env app =
mk_app ~params:app.a_params
~unsafe:app.a_unsafe (translate_op env app.a_op)
mk_app ~params:app.Heptagon.a_params
~unsafe:app.Heptagon.a_unsafe (translate_op env app.Heptagon.a_op)
let rec translate env
{ Heptagon.e_desc = desc; Heptagon.e_ty = ty;
Heptagon.e_loc = loc } =
match desc with
| Heptagon.Econst c ->
Env.const env (mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Econst (const c)))
Env.const env (mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Econst c))
| Heptagon.Evar x ->
Env.con env x (mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Evar x))
| Heptagon.Epre(None), [e] ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(None, e))
| Heptagon.Epre(None, e) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(None, translate env e))
| Heptagon.Epre(Some c, e) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(Some c, e))
| Heptagon.Efby ({ e_desc = Econst c }, e) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(Some c, e))
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(Some c, translate env e))
| Heptagon.Efby ({ Heptagon.e_desc = Heptagon.Econst c }, e) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Efby(Some c, translate env e))
| Heptagon.Efield(e, field) ->
assert false (**TODO *)
| Heptagon.Estruct f_e_list ->
@ -232,14 +233,15 @@ let rec translate env
(fun (f, e) -> (f, translate env e)) f_e_list in
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Estruct f_e_list)
| Heptagon.Eapp(app, e_list, reset) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (translate_app env app,
|||| (translate env) e_list,
translate_reset env reset)
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty (Eapp (translate_app env app,
|||| (translate env) e_list,
translate_reset reset))
| Heptagon.Eiterator(it, app, n, e_list, reset) ->
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty Eiterator(translate_iterator_type it,
translate_app env app, n,
|||| (translate env) e_list,
translate_reset reset)
mk_exp ~loc:loc ~exp_ty:ty
(Eiterator (translate_iterator_type it,
translate_app env app, n,
|||| (translate env) e_list,
translate_reset reset))
| Heptagon.Elast _ ->
Error.message loc Error.Eunsupported_language_construct
@ -341,7 +343,6 @@ let translate_contract env contract =
Heptagon.c_eq = eq_list;
Heptagon.c_assume = e_a;
Heptagon.c_enforce = e_g} ->
let env = Env.add cl env in
let env' = Env.add v env in
let locals = translate_locals [] v in
let locals, l_eqs, s_eqs =
@ -392,17 +393,19 @@ let typedec
{ t_name = n; t_desc = onetype tdesc; t_loc = loc }
let const_dec cd =
{ c_name = cd.Heptagon.c_name;
c_value = cd.Heptagon.c_value;
c_loc = cd.Heptagon.c_loc; }
{ Minils.c_name = cd.Heptagon.c_name;
Minils.c_value = cd.Heptagon.c_value;
Minils.c_type = cd.Heptagon.c_type;
Minils.c_loc = cd.Heptagon.c_loc; }
let program
{ Heptagon.p_pragmas = pragmas;
{ Heptagon.p_modname = modname;
Heptagon.p_opened = modules;
Heptagon.p_types = pt_list;
Heptagon.p_nodes = n_list;
Heptagon.p_consts = c_list; } =
{ p_pragmas = pragmas;
{ p_modname = modname;
p_format_version = minils_format_version;
p_opened = modules;
p_types = typedec pt_list;
p_nodes = node n_list;
@ -19,22 +19,16 @@ let compile_impl modname filename =
(* input and output files *)
let source_name = filename ^ ".ept"
and obj_interf_name = filename ^ ".epci"
and mls_name = filename ^ ".mls"
and obc_name = filename ^ ".obc"
and ml_name = filename ^ ".ml" in
and mls_name = filename ^ ".mls" in
let ic = open_in source_name
and itc = open_out_bin obj_interf_name
and mlsc = open_out mls_name
and obc = open_out obc_name
and mlc = open_out ml_name in
and mlsc = open_out mls_name in
let close_all_files () =
close_in ic;
close_out itc;
close_out mlsc;
close_out obc;
close_out mlc in
close_out mlsc in
init_compiler modname source_name ic;
@ -42,6 +36,7 @@ let compile_impl modname filename =
(* Parsing of the file *)
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
let p = parse_implementation lexbuf in
let p = { p with Hept_parsetree.p_modname = modname } in
(* Convert the parse tree to Heptagon AST *)
let p = Hept_scoping.translate_program p in
@ -61,18 +56,10 @@ let compile_impl modname filename =
Mls_printer.print mlsc p;
(* Process the MiniLS AST *)
let p = Mls_compiler.compile pp p in
(* let p = Mls_compiler.compile pp p in *)
(* Compile MiniLS to Obc *)
let o = Mls2obc.program p in
comment "Translation into Obc";
Obc_printer.print obc o;
let pp = Obc_printer.print stdout in
if !verbose then pp o;
(* Translation into dataflow and sequential languages *)
Mls2seq.targets filename p o !target_languages;
(* Generate the sequential code *)
Mls2seq.program p;
close_all_files ()
@ -91,6 +78,7 @@ let main () =
"-I", Arg.String add_include, doc_include;
"-where", Arg.Unit locate_stdlib, doc_locate_stdlib;
"-stdlib", Arg.String set_stdlib, doc_stdlib;
"-c", Arg.Set create_object_file, doc_object_file;
"-s", Arg.String set_simulation_node, doc_sim;
"-assert", Arg.String add_assert, doc_assert;
"-nopervasives", Arg.Unit set_no_pervasives, doc_no_pervasives;
@ -13,32 +13,24 @@ open Names
open Ident
open Signature
open Obc
open Types
open Control
open Static
let gen_obj_name n =
(shortname n) ^ "_mem" ^ (gen_symbol ())
let rec encode_name_params n = function
| [] -> n
| p :: params -> encode_name_params (n ^ ("__" ^ (string_of_int p))) params
let encode_longname_params n params = match n with
| Name n -> Name (encode_name_params n params)
| Modname { qual = qual; id = id } ->
Modname { qual = qual; id = encode_name_params id params; }
let op_from_string op = Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = op; }
let rec lhs_of_idx_list e = function
| [] -> e | idx :: l -> Array (lhs_of_idx_list e l, idx)
| [] -> e | idx :: l -> mk_lhs (Larray (lhs_of_idx_list e l, idx))
let array_elt_of_exp idx e =
match e with
| Const (Carray (_, c)) ->
Const c
match e.e_desc with
| Econst ({ se_desc = Sarray_power (c, _) }) ->
mk_exp (Econst c)
| _ ->
Lhs (Array(lhs_of_exp e, Lhs idx))
mk_lhs_exp (Larray(lhs_of_exp e, mk_exp (Elhs idx)))
(** Creates the expression that checks that the indices
in idx_list are in the bounds. If idx_list=[e1;..;ep]
@ -46,34 +38,18 @@ let array_elt_of_exp idx e =
e1 <= n1 && .. && ep <= np *)
let rec bound_check_expr idx_list bounds =
match (idx_list, bounds) with
| ([ idx ], [ n ]) -> Op (op_from_string "<", [ idx; Const (Cint n) ])
| [idx], [n] ->
mk_exp (Eop (op_from_string "<",
[ idx; mk_exp (Econst n)]))
| (idx :: idx_list, n :: bounds) ->
Op (op_from_string "&",
[ Op (op_from_string "<", [ idx; Const (Cint n) ]);
bound_check_expr idx_list bounds ])
let e = mk_exp (Eop (op_from_string "<",
[idx; mk_exp (Econst n)])) in
mk_exp (Eop (op_from_string "&",
[e; bound_check_expr idx_list bounds]))
| (_, _) -> assert false
let rec translate_type const_env = function
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pint -> Tint
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pfloat -> Tfloat
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pbool -> Tbool
| Types.Tid id -> Tid id
| Types.Tarray (ty, n) ->
Tarray (translate_type const_env ty, int_of_static_exp const_env n)
| Types.Tprod ty -> assert false
let rec translate_const const_env = function
| Minils.Sint v -> Cint v
| Minils.Sbool v -> Cbool v
| Minils.Sfloat v -> Cfloat v
| Minils.Sconstructor c -> Cconstr c
| Minils.Sarray_power (n, c) ->
Carray_power (int_of_static_exp const_env n, translate_const const_env c)
| Minils.Sarray se_list ->
Carray ( (translate_const const_env) se_list)
| Minils.Stuple se_list ->
Ctuple ( (translate_const const_env) se_list)
| Minils.Svar n -> simplify const_env (SVar n)
let reinit o =
Acall ([], o, Mreset, [])
let rec translate_pat map = function
| Minils.Evarpat x -> [ var_from_name map x ]
@ -82,64 +58,66 @@ let rec translate_pat map = function
pat_list []
(* [translate e = c] *)
let rec translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)
(({ Minils.e_desc = desc } as e)) =
match desc with
| Minils.Econst v -> Const (translate_const const_env v)
| Minils.Evar n -> Lhs (var_from_name map n)
| Minils.Ecall ({ Minils.op_name = n; Minils.op_kind = Minils.Efun },
e_list, _) when Mls_utils.is_op n ->
Op (n, (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Ewhen (e, _, _) -> translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e
| Minils.Efield (e, field) ->
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e
in Lhs (Field (lhs_of_exp e, field))
let rec translate map (m, si, j, s) e =
let desc = match e.Minils.e_desc with
| Minils.Econst v -> Econst v
| Minils.Evar n -> Elhs (var_from_name map n)
| Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun n },
e_list, _) when Mls_utils.is_op n ->
Eop (n, (translate map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Ewhen (e, _, _) ->
let e = translate map (m, si, j, s) e in
| Minils.Estruct f_e_list ->
let type_name =
(match e.Minils.e_ty with
| Types.Tid name -> name
| Tid name -> name
| _ -> assert false) in
let f_e_list =
(fun (f, e) -> (f, (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e)))
(fun (f, e) -> (f, (translate map (m, si, j, s) e)))
in Struct_lit (type_name, f_e_list)
(*Array operators*)
| Minils.Earray e_list ->
Array_lit ( (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect (idx, e)) ->
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e in
let idx_list =
|||| (fun e -> Const (Cint (int_of_static_exp const_env e))) idx
Lhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e) idx_list)
in Estruct (type_name, f_e_list)
| Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efield;
Minils.a_params = [{ se_desc = Sconstructor f }] },
[e], _) ->
let e = translate map (m, si, j, s) e in
Elhs (mk_lhs (Lfield (lhs_of_exp e, f)))
(*Array operators*)
| Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Earray }, e_list, _) ->
Earray ( (translate map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Eselect;
Minils.a_params = idx }, [e], _) ->
let e = translate map (m, si, j, s) e in
let idx_list = (fun idx -> mk_exp (Econst idx)) idx in
Elhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e) idx_list)
| _ -> (*Minils_printer.print_exp stdout e; flush stdout;*) assert false
mk_exp ~ty:e.Minils.e_ty desc
(* [translate pat act = si, j, d, s] *)
and translate_act const_env map ((m, _, _, _) as context) pat
and translate_act map ((m, _, _, _) as context) pat
({ Minils.e_desc = desc } as act) =
match pat, desc with
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list, Minils.Etuple act_list ->
comp (List.map2 (translate_act const_env map context) p_list act_list)
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list,
Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Etuple }, act_list, _) ->
List.flatten (List.map2 (translate_act map context) p_list act_list)
| pat, Minils.Ewhen (e, _, _) ->
translate_act const_env map context pat e
translate_act map context pat e
| pat, Minils.Emerge (x, c_act_list) ->
let lhs = var_from_name map x in
Case (Lhs lhs
, translate_c_act_list const_env map context pat c_act_list)
[Acase (mk_exp (Elhs lhs),
translate_c_act_list map context pat c_act_list)]
| Minils.Evarpat n, _ ->
Assgn (var_from_name map n, translate const_env map context act)
[Aassgn (var_from_name map n, translate map context act)]
| _ -> (*Minils_printer.print_exp stdout act;*) assert false
and translate_c_act_list const_env map context pat c_act_list =
and translate_c_act_list map context pat c_act_list =
(fun (c, act) -> (c, (translate_act const_env map context pat act)))
(fun (c, act) -> (c, (translate_act map context pat act)))
and comp s_list =
List.fold_right (fun s rest -> Comp (s, rest)) s_list Nothing
let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
let rec translate_eq map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
(m, si, j, s) =
let { Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_ty = ty; Minils.e_ck = ck } = e in
match (pat, desc) with
@ -148,195 +126,200 @@ let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e }
let si = (match opt_c with
| None -> si
| Some c ->
(Assgn (x,
Const (translate_const const_env c))) :: si) in
let ty = translate_type const_env ty in
(Aassgn (x,
mk_exp (Econst c))) :: si) in
let m = (n, ty) :: m in
let action = Assgn (var_from_name map n,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e)
let action = Aassgn (var_from_name map n,
translate map (m, si, j, s) e)
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| pat, Minils.Ecall ({ Minils.op_name = n; Minils.op_params = params;
Minils.op_kind = (Minils.Enode
| Minils.Efun) as op_kind },
| pat, Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun n | Minils.Enode n;
Minils.a_params = params } as app,
e_list, r) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list = (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = gen_obj_name n in
let c_list = (translate map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = Oobj (gen_obj_name n) in
let si =
(match op_kind with
| Minils.Enode -> (Reinit o) :: si
| Minils.Efun -> si) in
let params = (int_of_static_exp const_env) params in
let j = (o, (encode_longname_params n params), 1) :: j in
let action = Step_ap (name_list, Context o, c_list) in
let s = (match r, op_kind with
| Some r, Minils.Enode ->
(match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Enode _ -> (reinit o) :: si
| Minils.Efun _ -> si) in
let j = (o, n, None) :: j in
let action = Acall (name_list, o, Mstep, c_list) in
let s = (match r, app.Minils.a_op with
| Some r, Minils.Enode _ ->
let ra =
control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r))
(Reinit o) in
(reinit o) in
ra :: (control map ck action) :: s
| _, _ -> (control map ck action) :: s) in
m, si, j, s
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list, Minils.Etuple act_list ->
| Minils.Etuplepat p_list,
Minils.Eapp({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Etuple }, act_list, _) ->
(fun pat e ->
translate_eq const_env map
translate_eq map
(Minils.mk_equation pat e))
p_list act_list (m, si, j, s)
| Minils.Evarpat x, Minils.Efield_update (f, e1, e2) ->
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efield_update;
Minils.a_params = [{ se_desc = Sconstructor f }] },
[e1; e2], _) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let copy = Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let copy = Aassgn (x, translate map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let action =
Assgn (Field (x, f), translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2)
Aassgn (mk_lhs (Lfield (x, f)), translate map (m, si, j, s) e2)
m, si, j, (control map ck copy) :: (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect_slice (idx1, idx2, e)) ->
let idx1 = int_of_static_exp const_env idx1 in
let idx2 = int_of_static_exp const_env idx2 in
Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Eselect_slice;
Minils.a_params = [idx1; idx2] }, [e], _) ->
let cpt = Ident.fresh "i" in
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e in
let idx =
Op (op_from_string "+", [ Lhs (Var cpt); Const (Cint idx1) ]) in
let e = translate map (m, si, j, s) e in
let idx = mk_exp (Eop (op_from_string "+",
[mk_evar cpt;
mk_exp (Econst idx1) ])) in
(* bound = (idx2 - idx1) + 1*)
let bound =
mk_static_exp (Sop(op_from_string "+",
[ mk_static_exp (Sint 1);
mk_static_exp (Sop (op_from_string "-",
[idx2;idx1])) ])) in
let action =
For (cpt, 0, (idx2 - idx1) + 1,
Assgn (Array (var_from_name map x, Lhs (Var cpt)),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e, idx))))
Afor (cpt, mk_static_exp (Sint 0), bound,
[Aassgn (mk_lhs (Larray (var_from_name map x, mk_evar cpt)),
mk_lhs_exp (Larray (lhs_of_exp e, idx)))] )
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eselect_dyn (idx, e1, e2)) ->
Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Eselect_dyn }, e1::e2::idx, _) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let bounds = Mls_utils.bounds_list e1.Minils.e_ty in
let e1 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let bounds = (int_of_static_exp const_env) bounds in
let idx = (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) idx in
let e1 = translate map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let idx = (translate map (m, si, j, s)) idx in
let true_act =
Assgn (x, Lhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e1) idx)) in
let false_act =
Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2) in
Aassgn (x, mk_exp (Elhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e1) idx))) in
let false_act = Aassgn (x, translate map (m, si, j, s) e2) in
let cond = bound_check_expr idx bounds in
let action =
Case (cond,
[ ((Name "true"), true_act); ((Name "false"), false_act) ])
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
let action = Acase (cond, [ Name "true", [true_act];
Name "false", [false_act] ]) in
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Eupdate (idx, e1, e2)) ->
Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Eupdate;
Minils.a_params = idx }, [e1; e2], _) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let copy = Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let idx =
|||| (fun se -> Const (Cint (int_of_static_exp const_env se)))
idx in
let action = Assgn (lhs_of_idx_list x idx,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2)
let copy = Aassgn (x, translate map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let idx = (fun idx -> mk_exp (Econst idx)) idx in
let action = Aassgn (lhs_of_idx_list x idx,
translate map (m, si, j, s) e2)
m, si, j, (control map ck copy) :: (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Erepeat (n, e)) ->
Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Earray_fill;
Minils.a_params = [n] }, [e], _) ->
let cpt = Ident.fresh "i" in
let action =
For (cpt, 0, int_of_static_exp const_env n,
Assgn (Array (var_from_name map x, Lhs (Var cpt)),
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e))
Afor (cpt, mk_static_exp (Sint 0), n,
[Aassgn (mk_lhs (Larray (var_from_name map x,
mk_evar cpt)),
translate map (m, si, j, s) e) ])
m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s
| Minils.Evarpat x,
Minils.Earray_op (Minils.Econcat (e1, e2)) ->
Minils.Eapp ({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Econcat }, [e1; e2], _) ->
let cpt1 = Ident.fresh "i" in
let cpt2 = Ident.fresh "i" in
let x = var_from_name map x in
(match e1.Minils.e_ty, e2.Minils.e_ty with
| Types.Tarray (_, n1), Types.Tarray (_, n2) ->
let e1 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let e2 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2 in
let n1 = int_of_static_exp const_env n1 in
let n2 = int_of_static_exp const_env n2 in
| Tarray (_, n1), Tarray (_, n2) ->
let e1 = translate map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let e2 = translate map (m, si, j, s) e2 in
let a1 =
For (cpt1, 0, n1,
Assgn (Array (x, Lhs (Var cpt1)),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e1, Lhs (Var cpt1))))) in
let idx =
Op (op_from_string "+", [ Const (Cint n1); Lhs (Var cpt2) ]) in
Afor (cpt1, mk_static_exp (Sint 0), n1,
[Aassgn (mk_lhs (Larray (x, mk_evar cpt1)),
mk_lhs_exp (Larray (lhs_of_exp e1,
mk_evar cpt1)))] ) in
let idx = mk_exp (Eop (op_from_string "+",
[ mk_exp (Econst n1); mk_evar cpt2])) in
let a2 =
For (cpt2, 0, n2,
Assgn (Array (x, idx),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e2, Lhs (Var cpt2)))))
Afor (cpt2, static_exp_of_int 0, n2,
[Aassgn (mk_lhs (Larray (x, idx)),
mk_lhs_exp (Larray (lhs_of_exp e2,
mk_evar cpt2)))] )
m, si, j, (control map ck a1) :: (control map ck a2) :: s
| _ -> assert false )
| pat, Minils.Earray_op (
Minils.Eiterator (it,
{ Minils.op_name = f; Minils.op_params = params;
Minils.op_kind = k },
n, e_list, reset)) ->
| pat, Minils.Eiterator (it,
({ Minils.a_op = Minils.Efun f | Minils.Enode f;
Minils.a_params = params } as app),
n, e_list, reset) ->
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let c_list =
|||| (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = gen_obj_name f in
let n = int_of_static_exp const_env n in
let si =
(match k with
| Minils.Efun -> si
| Minils.Enode -> (Reinit o) :: si) in
let params = (int_of_static_exp const_env) params in
let j = (o, (encode_longname_params f params), n) :: j in
|||| (translate map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let x = Ident.fresh "i" in
let action =
translate_iterator const_env map it x name_list o n c_list in
let o = Oarray (gen_obj_name f, mk_lhs (Lvar x)) in
let si =
(match app.Minils.a_op with
| Minils.Efun _ -> si
| Minils.Enode _ -> (reinit o) :: si) in
let j = (o, f, Some n) :: j in
let action = translate_iterator map it x name_list o n c_list in
let action = (control map ck) action in
let s =
(match reset with
| None -> (control map ck action) :: s
| Some r ->
(control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r)) (Reinit o)) ::
(control map ck action) :: s )
(match reset, app.Minils.a_op with
| Some r, Minils.Enode _ ->
(control map (Minils.Con (ck, Name "true", r)) (reinit o)) ::
action @ s
| _, _ -> action @ s)
in (m, si, j, s)
| (pat, _) ->
let action = translate_act const_env map (m, si, j, s) pat e
in (m, si, j, ((control map ck action) :: s))
let action = translate_act map (m, si, j, s) pat e in
let action = (control map ck) action in
m, si, j, action @ s
and translate_iterator map it x name_list objn n c_list =
let array_of_output name_list =
|||| (fun l -> mk_lhs (Larray (l, mk_evar x))) name_list in
let array_of_input c_list =
|||| (array_elt_of_exp (mk_lhs (Lvar x))) c_list in
and translate_iterator const_env map it x name_list o n c_list =
match it with
| Minils.Imap ->
let c_list =
|||| (array_elt_of_exp (Var x)) c_list in
let name_list = (fun l -> Array (l, Lhs (Var x))) name_list in
let objn = Array_context (o, Var x) in
For (x, 0, n, Step_ap (name_list, objn, c_list))
let c_list = array_of_input c_list in
let name_list = array_of_output name_list in
[ Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n,
[Acall (name_list, objn, Mstep, c_list)]) ]
| Minils.Imapfold ->
let (c_list, acc_in) = split_last c_list in
let c_list = (array_elt_of_exp (Var x)) c_list in
let objn = Array_context (o, Var x) in
let c_list = array_of_input c_list in
let (name_list, acc_out) = split_last name_list in
let name_list = (fun l -> Array (l, Lhs (Var x))) name_list in
Comp (Assgn (acc_out, acc_in),
For (x, 0, n,
Step_ap (name_list @ [ acc_out ], objn,
c_list @ [ Lhs acc_out ])))
let name_list = array_of_output name_list in
[Aassgn (acc_out, acc_in);
Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n,
[Acall (name_list @ [ acc_out ], objn, Mstep,
c_list @ [ mk_exp (Elhs acc_out) ])] )]
| Minils.Ifold ->
let (c_list, acc_in) = split_last c_list in
let c_list = (array_elt_of_exp (Var x)) c_list in
let objn = Array_context (o, Var x) in
let c_list = array_of_input c_list in
let acc_out = last_element name_list in
Comp (Assgn (acc_out, acc_in),
For (x, 0, n,
Step_ap (name_list, objn, c_list @ [ Lhs acc_out ])))
[ Aassgn (acc_out, acc_in);
Afor (x, static_exp_of_int 0, n,
[Acall (name_list, objn, Mstep,
c_list @ [ mk_exp (Elhs acc_out) ])]) ]
let translate_eq_list const_env map act_list =
List.fold_right (translate_eq const_env map) act_list ([], [], [], [])
let translate_eq_list map act_list =
List.fold_right (translate_eq map) act_list ([], [], [], [])
let remove m d_list =
List.filter (fun { Minils.v_ident = n } -> not (List.mem_assoc n m)) d_list
@ -344,42 +327,44 @@ let remove m d_list =
let var_decl l =
|||| (fun (x, t) -> mk_var_dec x t) l
let obj_decl l = (fun (x, t, i) -> { obj = x; cls = t; size = i; }) l
let obj_decl l =
|||| (fun (x, t, i) ->
{ o_name = obj_call_name x; o_class = t;
o_size = i; o_loc = Location.no_location (*TODO*) }) l
let translate_var_dec const_env map l =
let translate_var_dec map l =
let one_var { Minils.v_ident = x; Minils.v_type = t } =
mk_var_dec x (translate_type const_env t)
mk_var_dec x t
|||| one_var l
let translate_contract const_env map =
let translate_contract map =
| None -> ([], [], [], [], [], [])
| None -> ([], [], [], [], [])
| Some
Minils.c_eq = eq_list;
Minils.c_local = d_list;
Minils.c_controllables = c_list;
Minils.c_assume = e_a;
Minils.c_enforce = e_c
} ->
let (m, si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list const_env map eq_list in
let (m, si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list map eq_list in
let d_list = remove m d_list in
let d_list = translate_var_dec const_env map d_list in
let c_list = translate_var_dec const_env map c_list
in (m, si, j, s_list, d_list, c_list)
let d_list = translate_var_dec map d_list in
(m, si, j, s_list, d_list)
(** Returns a map, mapping variables names to the variables
where they will be stored. *)
let subst_map inputs outputs locals mems =
(* Create a map that simply maps each var to itself *)
let m =
List.fold_left (fun m { Minils.v_ident = x } -> Env.add x (Var x) m)
(fun m { Minils.v_ident = x } -> Env.add x (mk_lhs (Lvar x)) m)
Env.empty (inputs @ outputs @ locals)
List.fold_left (fun m x -> Env.add x (Mem x) m) m mems
List.fold_left (fun m x -> Env.add x (mk_lhs (Lmem x)) m) m mems
let translate_node_aux const_env
let translate_node
Minils.n_name = f;
Minils.n_input = i_list;
@ -387,80 +372,62 @@ let translate_node_aux const_env
Minils.n_local = d_list;
Minils.n_equs = eq_list;
Minils.n_contract = contract;
Minils.n_params = params
Minils.n_params = params;
Minils.n_loc = loc;
} =
let mem_vars = List.flatten ( Mls_utils.Vars.memory_vars eq_list) in
let subst_map = subst_map i_list o_list d_list mem_vars in
let (m, si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list const_env subst_map eq_list in
let (m', si', j', s_list', d_list', c_list) =
translate_contract const_env subst_map contract in
let (m, si, j, s_list) = translate_eq_list subst_map eq_list in
let (m', si', j', s_list', d_list') =
translate_contract subst_map contract in
let d_list = remove m d_list in
let i_list = translate_var_dec const_env subst_map i_list in
let o_list = translate_var_dec const_env subst_map o_list in
let d_list = translate_var_dec const_env subst_map d_list in
let i_list = translate_var_dec subst_map i_list in
let o_list = translate_var_dec subst_map o_list in
let d_list = translate_var_dec subst_map d_list in
let s = joinlist (s_list @ s_list') in
let m = var_decl (m @ m') in
let j = obj_decl (j @ j') in
let si = joinlist (si @ si') in
let step =
inp = i_list;
out = o_list;
local = d_list @ (d_list' @ c_list);
controllables = c_list;
bd = s;
{ cl_id = f; mem = m; objs = j; reset = si; step = step; }
let stepm = {
m_name = Mstep; m_inputs = i_list; m_outputs = o_list;
m_locals = d_list @ d_list'; m_body = s } in
let resetm = {
m_name = Mreset; m_inputs = []; m_outputs = [];
m_locals = []; m_body = si } in
{ cd_name = f; cd_mems = m;
cd_objs = j; cd_methods = [stepm; resetm];
cd_loc = loc }
let build_params_list env params_names params_values =
List.fold_left2 (fun env { p_name = n } v -> NamesEnv.add n (Sconst v) env)
env params_names params_values
let translate_node const_env n =
let translate_one p =
let const_env = build_params_list const_env n.Minils.n_params p in
let c = translate_node_aux const_env n
{ c with cl_id = encode_name_params c.cl_id p; }
match n.Minils.n_params_instances with
| [] -> [ translate_node_aux const_env n ]
| params_lists -> translate_one params_lists
let translate_ty_def const_env { Minils.t_name = name; Minils.t_desc = tdesc
} =
let translate_ty_def { Minils.t_name = name; Minils.t_desc = tdesc;
Minils.t_loc = loc } =
let tdesc =
match tdesc with
| Minils.Type_abs -> Type_abs
| Minils.Type_enum tag_name_list -> Type_enum tag_name_list
| Minils.Type_struct field_ty_list ->
(fun { f_name = f; f_type = ty } ->
(f, translate_type const_env ty))
in { t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc; }
Type_struct field_ty_list
in { t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc; t_loc = loc }
let build_const_env cd_list =
(fun env cd -> NamesEnv.add cd.Minils.c_name cd.Minils.c_value env)
NamesEnv.empty cd_list
let translate_const_def { Minils.c_name = name; Minils.c_value = se;
Minils.c_type = ty; Minils.c_loc = loc } =
{ c_name = name;
c_value = se;
c_type = ty;
c_loc = loc }
let program {
Minils.p_pragmas = p_pragmas_list;
Minils.p_modname = p_modname;
Minils.p_opened = p_module_list;
Minils.p_types = p_type_list;
Minils.p_nodes = p_node_list;
Minils.p_consts = p_const_list
} =
let const_env = build_const_env p_const_list
o_pragmas = p_pragmas_list;
o_opened = p_module_list;
o_types = (translate_ty_def const_env) p_type_list;
o_defs = List.flatten ( (translate_node const_env) p_node_list);
p_modname = p_modname;
p_opened = p_module_list;
p_types = translate_ty_def p_type_list;
p_consts = translate_const_def p_const_list;
p_defs = translate_node p_node_list;
@ -8,51 +8,67 @@
open Compiler_utils
open Obc
open Minils
open Misc
(** Generation of a dataflow target *)
let dataflow_target filename p target_languages =
let rec one_target = function
(* | "z3z" :: others ->
let dirname = build_path (filename ^ "_z3z") in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
let p = Dynamic_system.program p in
if !verbose then
comment "Translation into dynamic system (Z/3Z equations)";
Sigali.Printer.print dir p;
one_target others
| ("vhdl_df" | "vhdl") :: others ->
let dirname = build_path (filename ^ "_vhdl") in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
let vhdl = Mls2vhdl.translate (Filename.basename filename) p in
Vhdl.print dir vhdl;
one_target others *)
| unknown_lg :: others -> unknown_lg :: one_target others
| [] -> [] in
one_target target_languages
type target_source =
| Obc
| Obc_no_params
| Minils
| Minils_no_params
(** Generation of a sequential target *)
let sequential_target filename o target_languages =
let rec one_target = function
| "java" :: others ->
let dirname = build_path filename in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
Java.print dir o;
one_target others
| "c" :: others ->
let dirname = build_path (filename ^ "_c") in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
let c_ast = Cmain.translate filename o in
C.output dir c_ast;
one_target others
| unknown_lg :: others -> unknown_lg :: one_target others
| [] -> [] in
one_target target_languages
type convert_fun =
| Obc_fun of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Mls_fun of (Minils.program -> unit)
(** Whole translation. *)
let targets filename df obc target_languages =
let target_languages = dataflow_target filename df target_languages in
let target_languages = sequential_target filename obc target_languages in
match target_languages with
| [] -> ()
| target :: _ -> language_error target
let write_object_file p =
let filename = (filename_of_name p.Minils.p_modname)^".epo" in
let epoc = open_out_bin filename in
comment "Generating of object file";
output_value epoc p;
close_out epoc
let write_obc_file p =
let obc_name = (filename_of_name p.Obc.p_modname)^".obc" in
let obc = open_out obc_name in
comment "Generation of Obc code";
Obc_printer.print obc p;
close_out obc
let targets = [ ("obc", (Obc, Obc_fun write_obc_file));
("epo", (Minils, Mls_fun write_object_file));
("c", (Obc_no_params, Obc_fun Cmain.program));
(* ("java", (Obc, Javamain.program));
("vhdl", (Minils_no_params, Vhdl.program)) *)]
let generate_target p s =
let source, convert_fun = List.assoc s targets in
match source, convert_fun with
| Minils, Mls_fun convert_fun ->
convert_fun p
| Obc, Obc_fun convert_fun ->
let o = Mls2obc.program p in
convert_fun o
| Minils_no_params, Mls_fun convert_fun ->
let p_list = Callgraph_mapfold.program p in
List.iter convert_fun p_list
| Obc_no_params, Obc_fun convert_fun ->
let p_list = Callgraph_mapfold.program p in
let o_list = Mls2obc.program p_list in
List.iter convert_fun o_list
| Not_found -> language_error s
let program p =
(* Translation into dataflow and sequential languages *)
let targets =
if !create_object_file then
match !target_languages with
| [] -> ["obc"];
| l -> l
List.iter (generate_target p) targets;
@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ open Signature
open Static
open Types
(** Warning: Whenever Minils ast is modified,
minils_format_version should be incremented. *)
let minils_format_version = "1"
type iterator_type =
| Imap
| Ifold
@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ and op =
| Efield (** arg1.a_param1 *)
| Efield_update (** { arg1 with a_param1 = arg2 } *)
| Earray (** [ args ] *)
| Earray_fill (** [arg1^arg2] *)
| Earray_fill (** [arg1^a_param1] *)
| Eselect (** arg1[a_params] *)
| Eselect_slice (** arg1[a_param1..a_param2] *)
| Eselect_dyn (** arg1.[arg3...] default arg2 *)
@ -124,6 +128,8 @@ type const_dec = {
c_loc : location }
type program = {
p_modname : name;
p_format_version : string;
p_opened : name list;
p_types : type_dec list;
p_nodes : node_dec list;
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
open Minils
open Names
open Ident
open Types
@ -6,6 +5,7 @@ open Static
open Format
open Signature
open Pp_tools
open Minils
(** Every print_ function is boxed, that is it doesn't export break points,
Exceptions are print_list* print_type_desc *)
@ -75,58 +75,61 @@ and print_every ff reset =
and print_exp_desc ff = function
| Evar x -> print_ident ff x
| Econstvar x -> print_name ff x
| Econst c -> print_c ff c
| Efby ((Some c), e) -> fprintf ff "@[<2>%a fby@ %a@]" print_c c print_exp e
| Econst c -> print_static_exp ff c
| Efby ((Some c), e) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a fby@ %a@]" print_static_exp c print_exp e
| Efby (None, e) -> fprintf ff "pre %a" print_exp e
| Ecall (op, args, reset) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@,%a%a@]"
print_op op print_exp_tuple args print_every reset
| Eapp (app, args, reset) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a%a@]"
print_app (app, args) print_every reset
| Ewhen (e, c, n) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a@ when %a(%a))@]"
print_exp e print_longname c print_ident n
| Eifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
fprintf ff "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@ else %a@]"
print_exp e1 print_exp e2 print_exp e3
| Emerge (x, tag_e_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>merge %a@ %a@]"
print_ident x print_tag_e_list tag_e_list
| Etuple e_list ->
print_exp_tuple ff e_list
| Efield (e, field) ->
fprintf ff "%a.%a" print_exp e print_longname field
| Efield_update (f, e1, e2) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>{%a with .%a =@ %a}@]"
print_exp e1 print_longname f print_exp e2
| Estruct f_e_list ->
print_record (print_couple print_longname print_exp """ = """) ff f_e_list
| Earray e_list ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_exp "["";""]") e_list
| Earray_op(array_op) -> print_array_op ff array_op
and print_array_op ff = function
| Erepeat (n, e) -> fprintf ff "%a^%a" print_exp e print_static_exp n
| Eselect (idx, e) -> fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp e print_index idx
| Eselect_dyn (idx, e1, e2) ->
fprintf ff "%a%a default %a"
print_exp e1 print_dyn_index idx print_exp e2
| Eupdate (idx, e1, e2) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a with %a =@ %a)@]"
print_exp e1 print_index idx print_exp e2
| Eselect_slice (idx1, idx2, e) ->
fprintf ff "%a[%a..%a]"
print_exp e print_static_exp idx1 print_static_exp idx2
| Econcat (e1, e2) -> fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ @@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Eiterator (it, f, n, e_list, r) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%s (%a)<<%a>>)@,%a@]%a"
(iterator_to_string it)
print_op f
print_app (f, [])
print_static_exp n
print_exp_tuple e_list
print_every r
and print_app ff (op, e_list) =
match op, e_list with
| { a_op = Eifthenelse }, [e1; e2; e3] ->
fprintf ff "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@ else %a@]"
print_exp e1 print_exp e2 print_exp e3
| { a_op = Earray }, e_list ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_exp "["";""]") e_list
| { a_op = Earray_fill; a_params = [n] }, [e] ->
fprintf ff "%a^%a" print_exp e print_static_exp n
| { a_op = Eselect; a_params = idx }, [e] ->
fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp e print_index idx
| { a_op = Eselect_dyn }, e1::e2::idx ->
fprintf ff "%a%a default %a"
print_exp e1 print_dyn_index idx print_exp e2
| { a_op = Eupdate; a_params = idx }, [e1; e2] ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a with %a =@ %a)@]"
print_exp e1 print_index idx print_exp e2
| { a_op = Eselect_slice; a_params = [idx1; idx2] }, [e] ->
fprintf ff "%a[%a..%a]"
print_exp e print_static_exp idx1 print_static_exp idx2
| { a_op = Econcat }, [e1; e2] ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ @@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| { a_op = Efun f | Enode f; a_params = params }, e_list ->
print_longname ff f;
print_params ff params;
print_exp_tuple ff e_list
| { a_op = Efield; a_params = [field] }, [e] ->
fprintf ff "%a.%a" print_exp e print_static_exp field
| { a_op = Efield_update; a_params = [f] }, [e1; e2] ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>{%a with .%a =@ %a}@]"
print_exp e1 print_static_exp f print_exp e2
and print_handler ff c =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_couple print_longname print_exp "("" -> "")") c
@ -170,13 +173,12 @@ let print_const_dec ff c =
let print_contract ff
{ c_local = l; c_eq = eqs;
c_assume = e_a; c_enforce = e_g; c_controllables = cl } =
fprintf ff "@[<v2>contract@\n%a%a@ assume %a;@ enforce %a@ with %a@]"
c_assume = e_a; c_enforce = e_g } =
fprintf ff "@[<v2>contract@\n%a%a@ assume %a;@ enforce %a@@]"
print_local_vars l
print_eqs eqs
print_exp e_a
print_exp e_g
print_vd_tuple cl
let print_node ff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
open Names
open Types
open Misc
open Location
open Signature
open Modules
open Static
open Global_mapfold
open Mls_mapfold
open Minils
module Error =
type error =
| Enode_unbound of longname
| Evar_unbound of name
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Enode_unbound ln ->
Printf.eprintf "%aUnknown node '%s'\n"
output_location loc
(fullname ln)
| Evar_unbound n ->
Printf.eprintf "%aUnbound static var '%s'\n"
output_location loc
raise Misc.Error
type info =
{ mutable opened : program NamesEnv.t;
mutable called_nodes : ((longname * static_exp list) list) LongNameEnv.t;
mutable nodes_instances : (static_exp list list) LongNameEnv.t;
mutable nodes_names : (longname * static_exp list, longname) Hashtbl.t }
let info =
{ opened = NamesEnv.empty;
called_nodes = LongNameEnv.empty;
nodes_instances = LongNameEnv.empty;
nodes_names = Hashtbl.create 100 }
let load_object_file modname =
let name = String.uncapitalize modname in
let filename = Modules.findfile (name ^ ".epo") in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let p:program = input_value ic in
if p.p_format_version <> minils_format_version then (
Printf.eprintf "The file %s was compiled with \
an older version of the compiler.\n \
Please recompile %s.ept first.\n" filename name;
raise Error
close_in ic;
info.opened <- NamesEnv.add p.p_modname p info.opened
| End_of_file | Failure _ ->
close_in ic;
Printf.eprintf "Corrupted object file %s.\n\
Please recompile %s.ept first.\n" filename name;
raise Error
| Modules.Cannot_find_file(filename) ->
Printf.eprintf "Cannot find the object file '%s'.\n"
raise Error
let node_by_longname ln =
match ln with
| Modname { qual = q; id = id } ->
if not (NamesEnv.mem q info.opened) then
load_object_file q;
let p = NamesEnv.find q info.opened in
List.find (fun n -> n.n_name = id) p.p_nodes
Not_found -> Error.message no_location (Error.Enode_unbound ln))
| _ -> assert false
let collect_node_calls ln =
let edesc funs acc ed = match ed with
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode ln | Efun ln); a_params = params }, _, _) ->
ed, (ln, params)::acc
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.mls_funs_default with
edesc = edesc } in
let n = node_by_longname ln in
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs [] n in
let called_nodes ln =
if not (LongNameEnv.mem ln info.called_nodes) then (
let called = collect_node_calls ln in
info.called_nodes <- LongNameEnv.add ln called info.called_nodes;
) else
LongNameEnv.find ln info.called_nodes
let add_node_instance ln params =
if LongNameEnv.mem ln info.nodes_instances then
info.nodes_instances <- LongNameEnv.add ln
(params::(LongNameEnv.find ln info.nodes_instances)) info.nodes_instances
info.nodes_instances <- LongNameEnv.add ln [params] info.nodes_instances
let get_node_instances ln =
LongNameEnv.find ln info.nodes_instances
Not_found -> []
let node_for_params_call ln params =
match params with
| [] -> ln
| _ -> Hashtbl.find info.nodes_names (ln,params)
let build env params_names params_values =
List.fold_left2 (fun m { p_name = n } v -> NamesEnv.add n v m)
env params_names params_values
module Instantiate =
let static_exp funs m se = match se.se_desc with
| Svar ln ->
let se = (match ln with
| Name n ->
(try NamesEnv.find n m
with Not_found ->
Error.message no_location (Error.Evar_unbound n))
| Modname _ -> se) in
se, m
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let edesc funs m ed =
let ed, _ = Mls_mapfold.edesc funs m ed in
let ed = match ed with
| Eapp ({ a_op = Efun ln; a_params = params } as app, e_list, r) ->
Eapp ({ app with a_op = Efun (node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, e_list, r)
| Eapp ({ a_op = Enode ln; a_params = params } as app, e_list, r) ->
Eapp ({ app with a_op = Enode (node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, e_list, r)
| _ -> ed
in ed, m
let generate_new_name ln params =
match params with
| [] -> ln
| _ ->
(match ln with
| Modname { qual = q; id = id } ->
let new_ln =
Modname { qual = q;
id = id ^ ( (Ident.fresh "")) } in
Hashtbl.add info.nodes_names (ln, params) new_ln;
| _ -> assert false)
let node_dec_instance modname n params =
let global_funs = { global_funs_default with
static_exp = static_exp } in
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.mls_funs_default with
edesc = edesc;
global_funs = global_funs } in
let m = build NamesEnv.empty n.n_params params in
let n, _ = Mls_mapfold.node_dec_it funs m n in
let ln = Modname { qual = modname; id = n.n_name } in
let { info = node_sig } = find_value ln in
let node_sig, _ = Global_mapfold.node_it global_funs m node_sig in
let ln = generate_new_name ln params in
Modules.add_value_by_longname ln node_sig;
let node_dec modname n =
let ln = Modname { qual = modname; id = n.n_name } in
|||| (node_dec_instance modname n) (get_node_instances ln)
let program p =
{ p with p_nodes = List.flatten ( (node_dec p.p_modname) p.p_nodes) }
let check_no_static_var se =
let static_exp_desc funs acc sed = match sed with
| Svar (Name n) -> Error.message se.se_loc (Error.Evar_unbound n)
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let funs = { Global_mapfold.global_funs_default with
static_exp_desc = static_exp_desc } in
ignore (Global_mapfold.static_exp_it funs false se)
let rec call_node (ln, params) =
let n = node_by_longname ln in
let m = build NamesEnv.empty n.n_params params in
let params = (simplify m) params in
List.iter check_no_static_var params;
add_node_instance ln params;
let call_list = called_nodes ln in
let call_list =
(fun (ln, p) -> ln, (static_exp_subst m) p) call_list in
List.iter call_node call_list
let program p =
let main_nodes = List.filter (fun n -> is_empty n.n_params) p.p_nodes in
let main_nodes = (fun n -> (longname n.n_name, [])) main_nodes in
info.opened <- NamesEnv.add p.p_modname p NamesEnv.empty;
List.iter call_node main_nodes;
let p_list = NamesEnv.fold (fun _ p l -> p::l) info.opened [] in
|||| Instantiate.program p_list
@ -330,11 +330,6 @@ and clhs_of_exp var_env exp = match exp.e_desc with
(** We were passed an expression that is not translatable to a valid C lhs?!*)
| _ -> invalid_arg "clhs_of_exp: argument not a Var, Mem or Field"
let obj_call_name o =
match o with
| Oobj obj
| Oarray (obj, _) -> obj
let rec assoc_obj instance obj_env =
match obj_env with
| [] -> raise Not_found
@ -644,7 +639,8 @@ let decls_of_type_decl otd =
Cty_ptr Cty_char,
[("x", Cty_id name); ("buf", Cty_ptr Cty_char)])]
| Type_struct fl ->
let decls = (fun (n,ty) -> n, ctype_of_otype ty) fl in
let decls = (fun f -> f.Signature.f_name,
ctype_of_otype f.Signature.f_type) fl in
[Cdecl_struct (otd.t_name, decls)];;
(** Translates an Obc type declaration to its C counterpart. *)
@ -686,7 +682,8 @@ let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl otd =
[Cdecl_enum (otd.t_name, nl); cdecl_of_cfundef of_string_fun;
cdecl_of_cfundef to_string_fun])
| Type_struct fl ->
let decls = (fun (n,ty) -> n, ctype_of_otype ty) fl in
let decls = (fun f -> f.Signature.f_name,
ctype_of_otype f.Signature.f_type) fl in
let decl = Cdecl_struct (otd.t_name, decls) in
([], [decl])
@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ open Misc
open Names
open Ident
open Obc
open Types
open Modules
open Signature
open C
open Cgen
open Location
open Printf
open Compiler_utils
(** {1 Main C function generation} *)
@ -27,23 +29,24 @@ let step_counter = Ident.fresh "step_c"
and max_step = Ident.fresh "step_max"
let assert_node_res cd =
if List.length cd.step.inp > 0 then
let stepm = find_step_method cd in
if List.length stepm.m_inputs > 0 then
(Printf.eprintf "Cannot generate run-time check for node %s with inputs.\n"
exit 1);
if (match cd.step.out with
| [{ v_type = Tbool; }] -> false
if (match stepm.m_outputs with
| [{ v_type = Tid nbool; }] when nbool = Initial.pbool -> false
| _ -> true) then
"Cannot generate run-time check for node %s with non-boolean output.\n"
exit 1);
let mem =
(name (Ident.fresh ("mem_for_" ^ cd.cl_id)), Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_mem"))
(name (Ident.fresh ("mem_for_" ^ cd.cd_name)), Cty_id (cd.cd_name ^ "_mem"))
and out =
(name (Ident.fresh ("out_for_" ^ cd.cl_id)), Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_out")) in
(name (Ident.fresh ("out_for_" ^ cd.cd_name)), Cty_id (cd.cd_name ^ "_out")) in
let reset_i =
Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cvar (fst mem))]) in
Cfun_call (cd.cd_name ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cvar (fst mem))]) in
let step_i =
step(&out, &mem);
@ -52,17 +55,17 @@ let assert_node_res cd =
return 1;
let outn = ((List.hd cd.step.out).v_ident) in
let outn = ((List.hd stepm.m_outputs).v_ident) in
{ var_decls = [];
block_body =
Csexpr (Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_step",
Csexpr (Cfun_call (cd.cd_name ^ "_step",
[Caddrof (Cvar (fst out));
Caddrof (Cvar (fst mem))]));
Cif (Cuop ("!", Clhs (Cfield (Cvar (fst out), outn))),
[Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf",
[Cconst (Cstrlit ("Node \\\"" ^ cd.cl_id
[Cconst (Cstrlit ("Node \\\"" ^ cd.cd_name
^ "\\\" failed at step" ^
" %d.\\n"));
Clhs (Cvar (name step_counter))]));
@ -79,15 +82,18 @@ let assert_node_res cd =
let main_def_of_class_def cd =
let format_for_type ty = match ty with
| Tarray _ -> assert false
| Tint | Tbool -> "%d"
| Tfloat -> "%f"
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pfloat -> "%f"
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pint -> "%d"
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pbool -> "%d"
| Tid ((Name sid) | Modname { id = sid }) -> "%s" in
(** Does reading type [ty] need a buffer? When it is the case,
[need_buf_for_ty] also returns the type's name. *)
let need_buf_for_ty ty = match ty with
| Tarray _ -> assert false
| Tint | Tfloat | Tbool -> None
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pfloat -> None
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pint -> None
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pbool -> None
| Tid (Name sid | Modname { id = sid; }) -> Some sid in
let cprint_string s = Csexpr (Cfun_call ("printf", [Cconst (Cstrlit s)])) in
@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ let main_def_of_class_def cd =
let iter_var = (Ident.fresh "i") in
let lhs = Carray (lhs, Clhs (Cvar iter_var)) in
let (reads, bufs) = read_lhs_of_ty lhs ty in
([Cfor (iter_var, 0, n, reads)], bufs)
([Cfor (iter_var, 0, int_of_static_exp n, reads)], bufs)
| _ ->
let rec mk_prompt lhs = match lhs with
| Cvar vn -> (vn, [])
@ -134,8 +140,9 @@ let main_def_of_class_def cd =
let iter_var = (Ident.fresh "i") in
let lhs = Carray (lhs, Clhs (Cvar iter_var)) in
let (reads, bufs) = write_lhs_of_ty lhs ty in
([cprint_string "[ "; Cfor (iter_var, 0, n, reads); cprint_string "]"],
([cprint_string "[ ";
Cfor (iter_var, 0, int_of_static_exp n, reads);
cprint_string "]"], bufs)
| _ ->
let varn = (Ident.fresh "buf") in
let format_s = format_for_type ty in
@ -152,24 +159,25 @@ let main_def_of_class_def cd =
| None -> []
| Some id -> [(varn, Cty_arr (20, Cty_char))]) in
let stepm = find_step_method cd in
let (scanf_calls, scanf_decls) =
let read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd vd =
read_lhs_of_ty (Cvar ( vd.v_ident)) vd.v_type in
split (map read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd cd.step.inp) in
split (map read_lhs_of_ty_for_vd stepm.m_inputs) in
let (printf_calls, printf_decls) =
let write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd vd =
let (stm, vars) =
write_lhs_of_ty (Cfield (Cvar "res", name vd.v_ident)) vd.v_type in
(cprint_string "=> " :: stm, vars) in
split (map write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd cd.step.out) in
split (map write_lhs_of_ty_for_vd stepm.m_outputs) in
let printf_calls = List.concat printf_calls in
let cinp = cvarlist_of_ovarlist cd.step.inp in
let cout = ["res", (Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_out"))] in
let cinp = cvarlist_of_ovarlist stepm.m_inputs in
let cout = ["res", (Cty_id (cd.cd_name ^ "_out"))] in
let varlist =
("mem", Cty_id (cd.cl_id ^ "_mem"))
("mem", Cty_id (cd.cd_name ^ "_mem"))
:: cinp
@ cout
@ concat scanf_decls
@ -180,9 +188,9 @@ let main_def_of_class_def cd =
let step_l =
let funcall =
let args =
map (fun vd -> Clhs (Cvar (name vd.v_ident))) cd.step.inp
map (fun vd -> Clhs (Cvar (name vd.v_ident))) stepm.m_inputs
@ [Caddrof (Cvar "res"); Caddrof (Cvar "mem")] in
Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_step", args) in
Cfun_call (cd.cd_name ^ "_step", args) in
concat scanf_calls
@ [Csexpr funcall]
@ printf_calls
@ -191,7 +199,7 @@ let main_def_of_class_def cd =
(** Do not forget to initialize memory via reset. *)
let rst_i =
Csexpr (Cfun_call (cd.cl_id ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cvar "mem")])) in
Csexpr (Cfun_call (cd.cd_name ^ "_reset", [Caddrof (Cvar "mem")])) in
(varlist, rst_i, step_l)
@ -244,7 +252,7 @@ let mk_main p = match (!Misc.simulation_node, !Misc.assert_nodes) with
| (None, []) -> []
| (_, n_names) ->
let find_class n =
try List.find (fun cd -> cd.cl_id = n) p.o_defs
try List.find (fun cd -> cd.cd_name = n) p.p_defs
with Not_found ->
Printf.eprintf "Unknown node %s.\n" n;
exit 1 in
@ -278,3 +286,10 @@ let translate name prog =
global_name := String.capitalize modname;
(global_file_header modname prog) :: (mk_main prog)
@ (cfile_list_of_oprog modname prog)
let program p =
let filename = filename_of_name p.p_modname in
let dirname = build_path (filename ^ "_c") in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
let c_ast = translate filename p in
C.output dir c_ast
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let rec control map ck s =
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> control map ck s
| Con(ck, c, n) ->
let x = var_from_name map n in
control map ck [Acase(mk_exp (Elhs x), [(c, s)])]
control map ck (Acase(mk_exp (Elhs x), [(c, [s])]))
let is_deadcode = function
| Aassgn (lhs, e) ->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
let program p =
let filename = filename_of_module p in
let dirname = build_path filename in
let dir = clean_dir dirname in
Java.print dir o
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open Misc
open Names
open Ident
open Types
open Signature
open Location
type class_name = name
@ -27,11 +28,12 @@ type type_dec =
and tdesc =
| Type_abs
| Type_enum of name list
| Type_struct of (name * ty) list
| Type_struct of structure
type const_dec = {
c_name : name;
c_value : static_exp;
c_type : ty;
c_loc : location }
type lhs = { l_desc : lhs_desc; l_ty : ty; l_loc : location }
@ -94,7 +96,8 @@ type class_def =
cd_loc : location }
type program =
{ p_opened : name list;
{ p_modname : name;
p_opened : name list;
p_types : type_dec list;
p_consts : const_dec list;
p_defs : class_def list }
@ -108,6 +111,13 @@ let mk_exp ?(ty=invalid_type) ?(loc=no_location) desc =
let mk_lhs ?(ty=invalid_type) ?(loc=no_location) desc =
{ l_desc = desc; l_ty = ty; l_loc = loc }
let mk_lhs_exp ?(ty=invalid_type) desc =
let lhs = mk_lhs ~ty:ty desc in
mk_exp ~ty:ty (Elhs lhs)
let mk_evar id =
mk_exp (Elhs (mk_lhs (Lvar id)))
let rec var_name x =
match x.l_desc with
| Lvar x -> x
@ -128,7 +138,7 @@ let rec vd_find n = function
| vd::l ->
if vd.v_ident = n then vd else vd_find n l
let lhs_of_exp = function
let lhs_of_exp e = match e.e_desc with
| Elhs l -> l
| _ -> assert false
@ -136,3 +146,9 @@ let find_step_method cd =
List.find (fun m -> m.m_name = Mstep) cd.cd_methods
let find_reset_method cd =
List.find (fun m -> m.m_name = Mreset) cd.cd_methods
let obj_call_name o =
match o with
| Oobj obj
| Oarray (obj, _) -> obj
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ let print_type_def ff { t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc } =
fprintf ff "@[type %s = " name;
fprintf ff "@[<v 1>";
(fun ff (field, ty) ->
(fun ff { Signature.f_name = field; Signature.f_type = ty } ->
print_name ff field;
fprintf ff ": ";
print_type ff ty) "{" ";" "}" ff f_ty_list;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
open Misc
open Location
open Minils
let lexical_error err loc =
Printf.eprintf "%aIllegal character.\n" output_location loc;
@ -49,6 +50,9 @@ let build_path suf =
| None -> suf
| Some path -> Filename.concat path suf
let filename_of_name n =
let clean_dir dir =
if Sys.file_exists dir && Sys.is_directory dir
then begin
@ -67,6 +71,7 @@ and doc_version = "\t\tThe version of the compiler"
and doc_print_types = "\t\t\tPrint types"
and doc_include = "<dir>\t\tAdd <dir> to the list of include directories"
and doc_stdlib = "<dir>\t\tDirectory for the standard library"
and doc_object_file = "\t\tOnly generate a .epo object file"
and doc_sim = "<node>\t\tCreate simulation for node <node>"
and doc_locate_stdlib = "\t\tLocate standard libray"
and doc_no_pervasives = "\tDo not load the pervasives module"
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ let set_simulation_node s =
simulation := true;
simulation_node := Some s
let create_object_file = ref false
(* Target languages list for code generation *)
let target_languages : string list ref = ref []
@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ val simulation_node : string option ref
(* Set the simulation mode on *)
val set_simulation_node : string -> unit
(* If it is true, the compiler will only generate an object file (.epo).
Otherwise, it will generate obc code and possibily other targets.*)
val create_object_file : bool ref
(* List of target languages *)
val target_languages : string list ref
(* Add target language to the list *)
Reference in a new issue