Cédric Pasteur ee767064b1 Instantiation of parametrized nodes (v2)
- Many changes to make Hept2mls, mls2obc, etc
compile with the api changes
- Added Callgraph_mapfold: starting from a main
program, generates the list of instances of each
node necessary and creates them.
- Mls2seq deals with giving to the code generators
the correct source (mls or obc, wit or without
static parameters)

It is now possible to use parametrized nodes that 
are defined in other files. For that to work, the 
first file has to be compiled to an object file:
	heptc -c mylib.ept
which creates a mylib.epo file. Compiling the main
file will then generate all the instances of 
parametrized nodes from the lib (only the called 
nodes will be compiled, but all the nodes in the 
main file are compiled).
2010-07-13 14:03:39 +02:00

170 lines
5.9 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* global symbol tables *)
open Misc
open Signature
open Names
open Types
exception Already_defined
exception Cannot_find_file of string
(** Warning: Whenever this type is modified,
interface_format_version in signature.ml should be incremented. *)
type env =
{ mutable name: string;
mutable values: node NamesEnv.t;
mutable types: type_def NamesEnv.t;
mutable constr: ty NamesEnv.t;
mutable structs: structure NamesEnv.t;
mutable fields: name NamesEnv.t;
mutable consts: const_def NamesEnv.t;
format_version : string;
type modules =
{ current: env; (* associated symbol table *)
mutable opened: env list; (* opened tables *)
mutable modules: env NamesEnv.t; (* tables loaded in memory *)
let current =
{ name = ""; values = NamesEnv.empty; types = NamesEnv.empty;
constr = NamesEnv.empty; structs = NamesEnv.empty; fields = NamesEnv.empty;
consts = NamesEnv.empty; format_version = interface_format_version }
let modules =
{ current = current; opened = []; modules = NamesEnv.empty }
let findfile filename =
if Sys.file_exists filename then
else if not(Filename.is_implicit filename) then
raise(Cannot_find_file filename)
let rec find = function
[] ->
raise(Cannot_find_file filename)
| a::rest ->
let b = Filename.concat a filename in
if Sys.file_exists b then b else find rest
in find !load_path
let load_module modname =
let name = String.uncapitalize modname in
let filename = findfile (name ^ ".epci") in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let m:env = input_value ic in
if m.format_version <> interface_format_version then (
Printf.eprintf "The file %s was compiled with \
an older version of the compiler.\n \
Please recompile %s.ept first.\n" filename name;
raise Error
close_in ic;
| End_of_file | Failure _ ->
close_in ic;
Printf.eprintf "Corrupted compiled interface file %s.\n\
Please recompile %s.ept first.\n" filename name;
raise Error
| Cannot_find_file(filename) ->
Printf.eprintf "Cannot find the compiled interface file %s.\n"
raise Error
let find_module modname =
NamesEnv.find modname modules.modules
Not_found ->
let m = load_module modname in
modules.modules <- NamesEnv.add modname m modules.modules;
type 'a info = { qualid : qualident; info : 'a }
let find where qualname =
let rec findrec ident = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| m :: l ->
try { qualid = { qual = m.name; id = ident };
info = where ident m }
with Not_found -> findrec ident l in
match qualname with
| Modname({ qual = m; id = ident } as q) ->
let current = if current.name = m then current else find_module m in
{ qualid = q; info = where ident current }
| Name(ident) -> findrec ident (current :: modules.opened)
(* exported functions *)
let open_module modname =
let m = find_module modname in
modules.opened <- m :: modules.opened
let initialize modname =
current.name <- modname;
List.iter open_module !default_used_modules
let add_value f signature =
if NamesEnv.mem f current.values then raise Already_defined;
current.values <- NamesEnv.add f signature current.values
let add_type f type_def =
if NamesEnv.mem f current.types then raise Already_defined;
current.types <- NamesEnv.add f type_def current.types
let add_constr f ty_res =
if NamesEnv.mem f current.constr then raise Already_defined;
current.constr <- NamesEnv.add f ty_res current.constr
let add_struct f fields =
if NamesEnv.mem f current.structs then raise Already_defined;
current.structs <- NamesEnv.add f fields current.structs
let add_field f n =
if NamesEnv.mem f current.fields then raise Already_defined;
current.fields <- NamesEnv.add f n current.fields
let add_const f n =
if NamesEnv.mem f current.consts then raise Already_defined;
current.consts <- NamesEnv.add f n current.consts
let add_value_by_longname ln signature =
match ln with
| Modname { qual = modname; id = f } ->
let m = NamesEnv.find modname modules.modules in
if NamesEnv.mem f m.values then raise Already_defined;
m.values <- NamesEnv.add f signature m.values
| Name _ -> raise Not_found
let find_value = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.values)
let find_type = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.types)
let find_constr = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.constr)
let find_struct = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.structs)
let find_field = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.fields)
let find_const = find (fun ident m -> NamesEnv.find ident m.consts)
let replace_value f signature =
current.values <- NamesEnv.remove f current.values;
current.values <- NamesEnv.add f signature current.values
let write oc = output_value oc current
let longname n = Modname({ qual = current.name; id = n })
let currentname longname =
match longname with
| Name(n) -> longname
| Modname{ qual = q; id = id} ->
if current.name = q then Name(id) else longname