Cédric Pasteur ee767064b1 Instantiation of parametrized nodes (v2)
- Many changes to make Hept2mls, mls2obc, etc
compile with the api changes
- Added Callgraph_mapfold: starting from a main
program, generates the list of instances of each
node necessary and creates them.
- Mls2seq deals with giving to the code generators
the correct source (mls or obc, wit or without
static parameters)

It is now possible to use parametrized nodes that 
are defined in other files. For that to work, the 
first file has to be compiled to an object file:
	heptc -c mylib.ept
which creates a mylib.epo file. Compiling the main
file will then generate all the instances of 
parametrized nodes from the lib (only the called 
nodes will be compiled, but all the nodes in the 
main file are compiled).
2010-07-13 14:03:39 +02:00

74 lines
2.5 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Compiler_utils
open Obc
open Minils
open Misc
type target_source =
| Obc
| Obc_no_params
| Minils
| Minils_no_params
type convert_fun =
| Obc_fun of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Mls_fun of (Minils.program -> unit)
let write_object_file p =
let filename = (filename_of_name p.Minils.p_modname)^".epo" in
let epoc = open_out_bin filename in
comment "Generating of object file";
output_value epoc p;
close_out epoc
let write_obc_file p =
let obc_name = (filename_of_name p.Obc.p_modname)^".obc" in
let obc = open_out obc_name in
comment "Generation of Obc code";
Obc_printer.print obc p;
close_out obc
let targets = [ ("obc", (Obc, Obc_fun write_obc_file));
("epo", (Minils, Mls_fun write_object_file));
("c", (Obc_no_params, Obc_fun Cmain.program));
(* ("java", (Obc, Javamain.program));
("vhdl", (Minils_no_params, Vhdl.program)) *)]
let generate_target p s =
let source, convert_fun = List.assoc s targets in
match source, convert_fun with
| Minils, Mls_fun convert_fun ->
convert_fun p
| Obc, Obc_fun convert_fun ->
let o = Mls2obc.program p in
convert_fun o
| Minils_no_params, Mls_fun convert_fun ->
let p_list = Callgraph_mapfold.program p in
List.iter convert_fun p_list
| Obc_no_params, Obc_fun convert_fun ->
let p_list = Callgraph_mapfold.program p in
let o_list = List.map Mls2obc.program p_list in
List.iter convert_fun o_list
| Not_found -> language_error s
let program p =
(* Translation into dataflow and sequential languages *)
let targets =
if !create_object_file then
match !target_languages with
| [] -> ["obc"];
| l -> l
List.iter (generate_target p) targets;