Here is a small example of a node that sums its inputs:
node sum(i:int) returns (o:int)
o = 0 fby (o + i)
It is possible to mix streams with different rates by having streams that are not present at each instant. This can be done using the \lstinline+when+ operator, that samples a stream according to a condition, either a boolean or an enumerated value. If \texttt{x} is a stream that is always present, then \lstinline+x when c+ (resp \lstinline+x when C(y)+) is a stream equal to \texttt{x} but only present when \texttt{c} is true (resp. \lstinline{y = C}). \lstinline+x whenot c+ is a shortcut for \lstinline+x when (not c)+. The \texttt{split} operator allows to sample a stream according to all possible values, i.e. \lstinline+split c (x) = x when c, x whenot c+ if \texttt{x} is a boolean and \lstinline+split y (x) = x when C1(y), .., x when Cp(y)+ if \texttt{y} has an enumerated type defined by \lstinline+type t = C1 | ... | Cp+.
\text{\lstinline|x|}& x_1 & x_2 & x_3 \\
\text{\lstinline|c|}& true & false & true \\
\text{\lstinline|x when c|}& x_1 & . & x_3 \\
\text{\lstinline|y|}& C' & C & C' \\
\text{\lstinline|x when C(y)|}& . & x_2 & . \\
The clock of an expression (resp. a stream) is a boolean stream that defines the instants when it is present. The clock of the streams that are always present is called \texttt{base} or \texttt{.}. If \texttt{x} has clock \texttt{ck}, denoted \lstinline+x :: ck+, then \lstinline+x when c+ has clock \lstinline{ck on c}.
The \lstinline{merge} operator joins slow streams to create a faster stream.
\text{\lstinline|c|}& true & false & true \\
\text{\lstinline|x|}& x_1 & . & x_3 \\
\text{\lstinline|y|}& . & y_2 & . \\
\text{\lstinline|merge c x y|}& x_1 & y_2 & x_3 \\
\lstinline{merge} expects complementary streams. If \lstinline{z = merge c x y} and \lstinline+z :: ck+, then we must have \lstinline+x :: ck on c+ and \lstinline+y :: ck onot c+. It is thus different from \lstinline+if c then x else y+ that expects all its arguments to have the same clock. An analysis pass called \emph{clock calculus} checks that these conditions are met.
Here is a first example of a bidirectional counter:
type modes = Up | Down
node two(m:modes;v:int) returns (o:int)
var x:int;
x_up:int :: . on Up(m);
x_down:int :: . on Down(m);
o = 0 fby x;
x_up = o when Up(m) + 1;
x_down = o when Down(m) + 1;
x = merge m (Up -> x_up) (Down -> x_down)
Note that clocks are inferred by the compiler, so the clocking annotations are optional.
It is important to understand the interaction between sampling and delays. The value of a delay only changes when it is activated, that is, when its clock is true. As soon as a function \texttt{f} contains some delay operator, sampling its inputs is not equivalent to sampling its outputs, that is, \lstinline+f(x when c)+ $\neq$\lstinline+(f x) when c+.
Arrays are denoted using the \lstinline+^+ symbol. For instance, \lstinline+int^10+ is the type of arrays of size 10 containing integers. Arrays can be multidimensional, like \lstinline{int^3^2}. One should note that indices appear in reverse order compared to C: \lstinline{int^3^2} should be understood as \lstinline{(int^3)^2}, that is an array of size 2 containing arrays of size 3 (this would have been written \lstinline{int t[2][3]} in C). \\
The following operators are defined for arrays:
\item Accessing an element at a constant index: \lstinline{t[4]}
\item Accessing an element at a dynamic index with a default value: \lstinline{z = t.[x] default v} is a stream defined by $z_i = t_i[x_i]$ if $0\leq x_i < n$ and $z_i = v_i$ otherwise (where $n$ is the size of \lstinline+t+).
\item Accessing an element at a truncated index: \lstinline+z = t[>x<]+ is defined by $z_i = t_i[\min(\max(0, x_i), n-1)]$ (where $n$ is the size of \lstinline+t+).
\item Modifying an element: \lstinline{t' = [ t with [x] = v ]} is a new array equal to \lstinline+t+, except for the element at index \lstinline+x+ which is equal to $v$, that is for all j in $[0, n-1]$ such that $j \neq x_i$, $t'_i[j]= t_i[j]$ and $t'_i[x_i]= v_i$.
\item Defining an array by copying one value: \lstinline+x^n+ is the array of size \lstinline+n+ whose elements are all equal to \lstinline+x+.
\item Defining an array explicitely: \lstinline+[1, x, 3, y, 5]+.
\item Extracting a slice: \lstinline+t[n..m]+ returns the sub array of \lstinline+t+ of size \lstinline{m-n+1} starting at index \lstinline+n+ and ending at index \lstinline+m+.
\item Concatening arrays: \lstinline+t1@t2+.
It is also possible to use \emph{iterators} to operate on arrays. For instance, one can add two arrays pointwise by doing \lstinline{t = map<<n>> (+)(t1, t2)} (where \lstinline+n+ is the size of \lstinline+t1+, \lstinline+t2+ and \lstinline+t+). The following iterators are defined:
\item\lstinline+map+ applies a node pointwise to the input arrays and outputs one or several arrays. If \lstinline+f+ has type \lstinline+t1 * t2 -> t'1 * t'2+ then \lstinline+map<<n>> f+ has type \lstinline+t1^n * t2^n -> t'1^n * t'2^n+.
\item\lstinline+mapi+ is the same as \lstinline+map+ but the iterated function should expect another integer argument, which will be equal to the index of the inputs in the input arrays. If \lstinline+f+ has type \lstinline+t1 * t2 * int -> t'1 * t'2+ then \lstinline+map<<n>> f+ has type \lstinline+t1^n * t2^n -> t'1^n * t'2^n+.
\item\lstinline+fold+ iterates a node on an array accumulating values. If \lstinline+f+ has type \lstinline+t1 * t -> t+ then \lstinline+fold<<n>> f+ has type \lstinline+t1^n * t -> t+. For instance, \lstinline+fold<<2>> f(t, 0)+ is equivalent to \lstinline+f(t[1], f(t[0], 0))+.
\item\lstinline+foldi+ is to \lstinline+fold+ what \lstinline+mapi+ is to \lstinline+map+.
\item\lstinline+mapfold+ combines the result of \lstinline+map+ and \lstinline+fold+, by accumulating a value and outputting a new array. If \lstinline+f+ has type \lstinline+t1 * t -> t'1 * t+ then \lstinline+mapfold<<n>> f+ has type \lstinline+t1^n * t -> t'1^n * t+.
Iterators can also be used for multidimensional arrays. In the case of \lstinline+mapi+ and \lstinline+foldi+, the iterated function should then expect one argument for each dimension.
It is also possible to mimic partial application with iterators, by giving a list of arguments, not necessarily arrays, that will be given as first arguments to each application of the iterated function. For instance, \lstinline+o = map<<n>>f <(a)>(t)+ is equivalent to \lstinline+o[i] = f(a, t[i])+ for each element in the output array \lstinline+o+.
Arrays are semantically functional: each modification on an array creates a new array. Implementing these arrays using separate arrays can lead to very unefficient code. That's why an optimization pass called \emph{memory allocation}~\cite{Gerard:2012} tries to share arrays and avoid unnecessary copies within each node. It can be enabled using the \texttt{-memalloc} or \texttt{-O} option.
The syntax for declaring record types is the following:
type t = { f1: t1; f2: t2 }
Note that two different record types cannot have fields with the same name.
It is possible to declare a new record (\lstinline+{ f1 = x; f2 = 9 }+), read a field of a record (\lstinline+x.f1+) and modify one field (\lstinline+r' = { r with .f1 = v }+ returns a new record where all fields are equal to the ones in \lstinline+r+ except for \lstinline+f1+ which is equal to \lstinline+v+).
\subsubsection{Types alias}
It is possible to declare an alias for any type (like a \texttt{typedef} in C), for instance:
type meter = int
type matrix = int^10^10
This alias can then be used anywhere a type is expected.
The size of arrays can be parametrized by so-called \emph{static expressions}, that is expressions that are reduced to constants at compile-time. They are either a literal, a global constant, a static parameter of a node or a static operation on two static expressions (\lstinline{+}, \lstinline{-}, \lstinline{*}, \lstinline{/}, \lstinline{+.}, \lstinline{<=}, \lstinline{or}, etc). Global constants are declared by:
const n : int = 100
const t0 : float^n = 1.0^n
const r0 = { f1 = 0; f2 = t0 }
The parameters of a node are given between \lstinline+<<+ and \lstinline{>>} at the declaration of the node and are instantiated with the same syntax:
If the backend support parametricity (like in Java), static parameters are kept in the generated code. Otherwise, a pass of the compiler generates all the versions of the node that are needed. If a parametrized node defined in a file \texttt{f1.ept} is used in \texttt{f2.ept}, it is necessary to first compile \texttt{f1.ept} with the \texttt{-c} option (and without any \texttt{-target}), in order to generate a binary file \texttt{f1.epo}. The compilation of the second file, this time with the \texttt{-target} option, will generate code for all the necessary nodes, from \texttt{f1.ept} and \texttt{f2.ept}.
Memory allocation~\cite{Gerard:2012} avoids unnecessary array copies within the nodes automatically (it can be enable with the \texttt{-memalloc} or \texttt{-O} options). In order to avoid copies when calling nodes, the user must add \emph{location annotations}. We will give here only a short introduction, the interested reader can refer to~\cite{Gerard:2012} for more details. They express the fact that a function modifies in-place its argument. For instance, consider this node that swaps two elements in an array:
The location annotations are introduced by the keyword \lstinline{at} followed by a location name. All the streams with the same location name are guaranteed to be stored together in the generated code, so the function generated for \texttt{swap} will directly modify its argument in-place.
Located variables are called \emph{semilinear}: they can only be updated once, but they can be read many times. An update is a function that modify its argument in-place, for instance a node that inputs and outputs located variables, and a read is any other function. For instance, modifying one element in an array is an update, but accessing one element is a read.
Only located variables can be given to a function that expects located arguments. A located variable can only be obtained by updating another located variable or by explicitly initializing a new location with the \lstinline+init+ construction:
Interface files, with the extension \texttt{.epi}, do not contain any definition but only the declaration (or signatures) of nodes, types and constants. In particular, they are useful to import external functions. For instance:
external fun sort(a:int^100) = (o:int^100)
The imported function should respect the calling convention given in appendix \ref{sec:app-generated-code}. See the directory \texttt{examples/extern\_C} for a complete example.