Manual: section on compilation and install

Manual: section on compilation, install, required tools and libraries
This commit is contained in:
Gwena�l Delaval 2012-07-05 16:14:39 +02:00
parent 09202bd9ec
commit bea0c5ac7c
4 changed files with 109 additions and 3 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -82,9 +82,77 @@ An execution of the node \texttt{plus} can then be:
\subsection{Required tools}
The use of the Heptagon compiler by itself does not require any additional
tools. However, the usual use involves a compiler for the generated code (e.g.,
\texttt{gcc} for C generated code, or \texttt{javac} for Java).
The tools below are optional or are related to some subparts of Heptagon:
\item The graphical display tool \texttt{sim2chro} can be obtained from
Verimag\footnote{\url{}}. It can
be used together with the graphical simulator \texttt{hepts} (see Section~\ref{sec:simulation}).
\item The \texttt{Sigali} tool for model-checking and discrete controller
synthesis \cite{sigali}
\footnote{\url{}} is
mandatory for the use of contracts (see
Section~\ref{sec:extens-with-contr}). \texttt{Sigali} can be downloaded on the
BZR website : \url{}.
\subsection{Compilation and installation}
\subsubsection{Required libraries and tools for the compilation}
The compilation of the Heptagon compiler requires:
\item \texttt{OCaml}\footnote{\url{}} (version $\geq$
3.11), and the \texttt{ocamlbuild} and \texttt{ocamlfind} tools
\item the \texttt{Menhir}\footnote{\url{}} parser generator
\item the \texttt{ocamlgraph}\footnote{\url{}} library.
The compilation of the Heptagon simulator (optional) requires the
Once the compiler is downloaded and untarred, go into the \texttt{heptagon/} and
type :
> ./configure && make
This command will build the compiler, optionally the simulator (if the
\texttt{LablGTK2} library is found), and the standard library.
After the compilation, or the download and untar of the binary distribution, go
into the \texttt{heptagon/} directory and type :
> make install
By default, this will install the binaries (\texttt{heptc} and \texttt{hepts}) into
\texttt{/usr/local/bin} and the standard library into
\texttt{/usr/local/lib}. Consider the \texttt{configure} script options
(\verb+./configure --help+) for other specific needs.
\subsection{Heptagon programs compilation}
The Heptagon compiler is named \texttt{heptc}. Its list of options is available by
@ -449,7 +517,7 @@ The following operators are defined for arrays:
\item Accessing an element at a constant index: \lstinline{t[4]}
\item Accessing an element at a dynamic index with a default value: \lstinline{z = t.[x] default v} is a stream defined by $z_i = t_i[x_i]$ if $0 \leq x_i < n$ and $z_i = v_i$ otherwise (where $n$ is the size of \lstinline+t+).
\item Accessing an element at a truncated index: \lstinline+z = t[>x<]+ is defined by $z_i = t_i[\min(\max(0, x_i), n-1)]$ (where $n$ is the size of \lstinline+t+).
\item Modifying an element: \lstinline{t' = [ t with [x] = v ]} is a new array equal to \lstinline+t+, except for the element at index \lstinline+x+ which is equal to $v$, that is for all j in $[0, n-1]$ such that $j \neq x_i$, $t'_i[j] = t[j]$ and $t'_i[x_i] = v_i$.
\item Modifying an element: \lstinline{t' = [ t with [x] = v ]} is a new array equal to \lstinline+t+, except for the element at index \lstinline+x+ which is equal to $v$, that is for all j in $[0, n-1]$ such that $j \neq x_i$, $t'_i[j] = t_i[j]$ and $t'_i[x_i] = v_i$.
\item Defining an array by copying one value: \lstinline+x^n+ is the array of size \lstinline+n+ whose elements are all equal to \lstinline+x+.
\item Defining an array explicitely: \lstinline+[1, x, 3, y, 5]+.
\item Extracting a slice: \lstinline+t[n..m]+ returns the sub array of \lstinline+t+ of size \lstinline{m-n+1} starting at index \lstinline+n+ and ending at index \lstinline+m+.

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@

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@ -17,3 +17,41 @@
Keywords = {synchronous programming; type system},
Title = {A Modular Memory Optimization for Synchronous Data-Flow Languages},
Year = {2012}}
author = {H. Marchand and P. Bournai and M. Le Borgne and
P. Le Guernic},
title = {Synthesis of Discrete-Event Controllers based on the
{Signal} Environment},
journal = {Discrete Event Dynamic System: Theory and
year = 2000,
volume = 10,
number = 4,
month = oct,
annote = {Description of the \textsc{Sigali} tool.}
Author = {Gwena{\"e}l Delaval and Herv{\'e} Marchand and Eric
Title = {Contracts for Modular Discrete Controller Synthesis},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on
Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems,
LCTES 2010},
address = {Stockholm, Sweden},
Pages = {57--66},
Year = 2010,
month = apr,
Note = {\url{}}
author = {J.-L. Cola\c{c}o and B. Pagano and M. Pouzet},
title = {{A Conservative Extension of Synchronous Data-flow
with State Machines}},
booktitle = {ACM Int. Conf. on Embedded Software (EMSOFT'05)},
address = {Jersey city, New Jersey, USA},
month = {September},
year = 2005,