UpDown automaton (figure)

Changes in the structure: contracts within Section "Syntax and informal semantics"
This commit is contained in:
Gwena�l Delaval 2012-07-05 17:22:53 +02:00
parent bea0c5ac7c
commit 11493f3274
5 changed files with 96 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#FIG 3.2 Produced by xfig version 3.2.5b
1200 2
1 3 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 1 0.0000 1350 1350 315 315 1350 1350 1350 1665
1 3 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 1 0.0000 3150 1350 315 315 3150 1350 3150 1665
3 0 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 1 0 3
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
1575 1125 2250 900 2925 1125
0.000 1.000 0.000
3 0 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 1 0 3
0 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
2925 1575 2250 1800 1575 1575
0.000 1.000 0.000
4 1 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 6 150 525 3150 1395 Down\001
4 0 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 6 195 1935 3510 1395 \\lstinline{x = last x - 1}\001
4 1 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 6 195 255 1350 1395 Up\001
4 2 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 6 195 1995 990 1395 \\lstinline{x = last x + 1}\001
4 1 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 6 210 1815 2250 900 $\\mathtt{x} \\geq 10$\001
4 1 0 50 -1 0 12 0.0000 6 210 1650 2250 1935 $\\mathtt{x} \\leq 0$\001

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
\put(3511,-556){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\lstinline{x = last x - 1}}%
\put(991,-556){\makebox(0,0)[rb]{\smash{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\lstinline{x = last x + 1}}%
\put(2251,-61){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\smash{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{\color[rgb]{0,0,0}$\mathtt{x} \geq 10$}%
\put(2251,-1096){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\smash{{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{\color[rgb]{0,0,0}$\mathtt{x} \leq 0$}%

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@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ activation instant.
The following example gives the node \texttt{updown}. This node is defined by an
automaton composed of two states:
The following example gives the node \texttt{updown}. This node is defined by the
automaton given in Figure~\ref{fig:updown-automaton}, composed of two states:
\item the state \texttt{Up} gives to \texttt{x} its previous value augmented of 1
\item the state \texttt{Down} gives to \texttt{x} its previous value diminued of 1
@ -476,6 +476,13 @@ This automaton comprises two transitions:
equal 0.
\caption{Automaton of the \texttt{updown} node}
node updown() returns (y:int)
var last x:int = 0;
@ -493,9 +500,9 @@ tel
\text{current state} & Up & Up & Up & Up & Up & Up & Up & Up & Up & Up & Down & Down & Down & \ldots\\\hline
\mathtt{y} & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 9 & 8 & 7 & \ldots\\\hline
\text{current state} & Up & Up & \ldots & Up & Up & Down & Down & Down & \ldots\\\hline
\mathtt{y} & 1 & 2 & \ldots & 9 & 10 & 9 & 8 & 7 & \ldots\\\hline
@ -601,9 +608,12 @@ If the backend support parametricity (like in Java), static parameters are kept
Memory allocation~\cite{Gerard:2012} avoids unnecessary array copies within the nodes automatically (it can be enable with the \texttt{-memalloc} or \texttt{-O} options). In order to avoid copies when calling nodes, the user must add \emph{location annotations}. We will give here only a short introduction, the interested reader can refer to~\cite{Gerard:2012} for more details. They express the fact that a function modifies in-place its argument. For instance, consider this node that swaps two elements in an array:
node swap(i, j:int; t_in:float^100 at r) returns (t_out:float^100 at r) var t_tmp:float^100 at r;
let t_tmp = [ t_in with [i] = t_in[>j<] ];
t_out = [ t_tmp with [j] = t_in[>i<] ]; tel
node swap(i, j:int; t_in:float^100 at r) returns (t_out:float^100 at r)
var t_tmp:float^100 at r;
t_tmp = [ t_in with [i] = t_in[>j<] ];
t_out = [ t_tmp with [j] = t_in[>i<] ];
The location annotations are introduced by the keyword \lstinline{at} followed by a location name. All the streams with the same location name are guaranteed to be stored together in the generated code, so the function generated for \texttt{swap} will directly modify its argument in-place.
@ -613,9 +623,11 @@ Only located variables can be given to a function that expects located arguments
node shuffle(i_arr, j_arr : int^m; q : int) = (v : float)
var t, t_prev : float^n at r;
let init<<r>> t_prev = t_0 fby t;
init<<r>> t_prev = t_0 fby t;
t = fold<<m>> swap(i_arr, j_arr, t_prev);
v = t[>q<]; tel
v = t[>q<];
@ -627,11 +639,15 @@ external fun sort(a:int^100) = (o:int^100)
The imported function should respect the calling convention given in appendix \ref{sec:app-generated-code}. See the directory \texttt{examples/extern\_C} for a complete example.
\section{BZR: Contracts for controller synthesis}
Interface files can be compiled with \texttt{heptc}, in order to obtain a
compiled interface (\texttt{.epci} file), necessary for the subsequent use of
the declared types and values in other Heptagon programs.
\subsection{Contracts for controller synthesis}
Contracts are an extension of the Heptagon language, so as to allow to perform
discrete controller synthesis on Heptagon programs. The extended language is
discrete controller synthesis (DCS) on Heptagon programs. The extended language is
named BZR.
We associate to each node a \emph{contract}, which is a program associated with
@ -666,7 +682,7 @@ let
\section{BZR Running Example: Multi-task System}
\section{Example with Contracts: Multi-task System}
\subsection{Delayable Tasks}
@ -708,7 +724,7 @@ node delayable(r,c,e:bool) returns (act:bool)
The Figure~\ref{fig:n-del-task} shows then a node \texttt{ntasks} where $n$
delayable tasks have been put in parallel. The tasks are inlined so as to be
able to perform DSC on this node, taking into account the tasks' states. Until
able to perform DCS on this node, taking into account the tasks' states. Until
now, the only interest of modularity is, from the programmer's point of view, to
be able to give once the delayable task code.
@ -916,7 +932,7 @@ An example of main C code for the execution of this node would be then:
#include "example.h"
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) \{
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
Example__f_m mem;
t$_{1}$ x$_{1}$;
@ -927,7 +943,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) \{
/* initialize memory instance */
while(1) \{
while(1) {
/* read inputs */
scanf("...", &x$_{1}$, ..., &x$_{n}$);
@ -936,8 +952,8 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) \{
/* write outputs */
printf("...", ans.y$_{1}$, ..., ans.y$_{p}$);
The above code is nearly what is produce for the simulator with the \texttt{-s}

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@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
% morekeywords={link,to},%
% }[keywords,comments]
%% rËgles d'infÈrence
%% regles d'inference
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
%% Typage --- gÈnÈral
%% Typage --- general
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
%% Types de donnÈes
%% Types de donnees
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
%% SÈmantique synchrone
%% Semantique synchrone
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
%% mots-clÈs
%% mots-cles
\ifmmode\ \fi%
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
%% Mots-clÈs Lucid Synchrone
%% Mots-cles Lucid Synchrone
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
%% Mots-clÈs rÈpartition
%% Mots-cles repartition
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
\ |\ \False \rightarrow #3
%% ThÈorËmes, dÈfinitions, remarques...
%% Theoremes, definitions, remarques...
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
\newcommand{\noeuds}{n\oe uds\xspace}
\newcommand{\Noeuds}{N\oe uds\xspace}
%% Macros mathÈmatiques
%% Macros mathematiques
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
%% Flots de donnÈes
%% Flots de donnees
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
%% BoÓte-noeud code
%% Boite-noeud code