
290 lines
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(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
2012-06-29 01:43:15 +02:00
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> *)
(* *)
open Minils
open Mls_mapfold
open Mls_printer
open Location
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Static
open Types
2010-07-23 22:06:06 +02:00
open Clocks
open Misc
(** Error Kind *)
2010-06-30 17:20:56 +02:00
type err_kind = | Enot_static_exp
2011-04-18 16:09:07 +02:00
let err_message exp ?(loc=exp.e_loc) = function
2010-06-30 17:20:56 +02:00
| Enot_static_exp ->
Format.eprintf "%aThe expression %a should be a static_exp.@."
print_location loc
print_exp exp;
raise Errors.Error
2010-06-30 17:20:56 +02:00
let rec static_exp_of_exp e =
2010-06-29 11:18:50 +02:00
match e.e_desc with
2011-04-14 18:06:54 +02:00
| Eextvalue w -> (match w.w_desc with
| Wconst se -> se
2011-04-18 16:09:07 +02:00
| _ -> err_message e Enot_static_exp)
| _ -> err_message e Enot_static_exp
let rec ident_of_extvalue w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> Some x
| Wfield(w, _) -> ident_of_extvalue w
| Wwhen(w, _, _) -> ident_of_extvalue w
| Wconst _ -> None
| Wreinit (_, w) -> ident_of_extvalue w
(** @return the list of bounds of an array type*)
2010-06-29 11:18:50 +02:00
let rec bounds_list ty =
match Modules.unalias_type ty with
| Tarray(ty, n) -> n::(bounds_list ty)
| _ -> []
(** @return the [var_dec] object corresponding to the name [n]
in a list of [var_dec]. *)
let rec vd_find n = function
| [] -> (*Format.eprintf "Not found var %s@." (name n);*) raise Not_found
2010-06-29 11:18:50 +02:00
| vd::l ->
if vd.v_ident = n then vd else vd_find n l
2010-06-29 11:18:50 +02:00
(** @return whether an object of name [n] belongs to
a list of [var_dec]. *)
let rec vd_mem n = function
| [] -> false
| vd::l -> vd.v_ident = n or (vd_mem n l)
2011-04-27 14:28:45 +02:00
(** @return whether [ty] corresponds to a record type. *)
let is_record_type ty = match ty with
| Tid n ->
(match Modules.find_type n with
2010-09-10 11:47:11 +02:00
| Tstruct _ -> true
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let is_op = function
| { qual = Pervasives; name = _ } -> true | _ -> false
module Vars =
let add x acc = if List.mem x acc then acc else x :: acc
let rec vars_pat acc = function
| Evarpat x -> x :: acc
| Etuplepat pat_list -> List.fold_left vars_pat acc pat_list
let def acc { eq_lhs = pat } = vars_pat acc pat
let rec vars_ck acc = function
| Con(_, _, n) -> add n acc
| Cbase | Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> acc
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> vars_ck acc ck
2011-05-09 19:32:12 +02:00
let rec vars_ct acc = function
| Ck ck -> vars_ck acc ck
| Cprod c_l -> List.fold_left vars_ct acc c_l
let read_extvalue read_funs (is_left, acc_init) w =
(* recursive call *)
let _,(_, acc) = Mls_mapfold.extvalue read_funs (is_left, acc_init) w in
let acc = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x | Wwhen(_, _, x) ->
add x acc
| _ -> acc
w, (is_left, vars_ck acc w.w_ck)
let read_exp read_funs (is_left, acc_init) e =
(* recursive call *)
let _,(_, acc) = Mls_mapfold.exp read_funs (is_left, acc_init) e in
2011-04-14 18:06:54 +02:00
(* special cases *)
let acc = match e.e_desc with
| Emerge(x,_)
| Eapp(_, _, Some x) | Eiterator (_, _, _, _, _, Some x) ->
add x acc
| Efby(_, e) ->
if is_left then
(* do not consider variables to the right
of the fby, only clocks*)
vars_ck acc_init e.w_ck
else acc
| _ -> acc
2011-05-09 19:32:12 +02:00
e, (is_left, vars_ct acc e.e_ct)
let read_exp is_left acc e =
let _, (_, acc) =
{ Mls_mapfold.defaults with
Mls_mapfold.exp = read_exp;
Mls_mapfold.extvalue = read_extvalue }
(is_left, acc) e in
let read_extvalue is_left acc e =
let _, (_, acc) =
{ Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.extvalue = read_extvalue }
(is_left, acc) e in
let rec remove x = function
| [] -> []
| y :: l -> if x = y then l else y :: remove x l
let read is_left { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } = match pat, e.e_desc with
| Evarpat(n), Efby(_, e1) ->
if is_left
then remove n (read_extvalue is_left [] e1)
else read_extvalue is_left [] e1
| _ -> read_exp is_left [] e
2011-11-30 08:29:50 +01:00
let rec is_fby e = match e.e_desc with
| Ewhen (e, _, _) -> is_fby e
| Efby (_, _) -> true
| _ -> false
let antidep { eq_rhs = e } = is_fby e
let clock eq = eq.eq_base_ck
let head ck =
let rec headrec ck l =
match ck with
2011-05-23 09:24:57 +02:00
| Cbase
| Cvar { contents = Cindex _ } -> l
| Con(ck, _, n) -> headrec ck (n :: l)
2010-06-29 11:18:50 +02:00
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck } -> headrec ck l
2010-06-29 11:18:50 +02:00
headrec ck []
2010-06-29 11:18:50 +02:00
(** Returns a list of memory vars (x in x = v fby e)
appearing in an equation. *)
let rec memory_vars ({ eq_lhs = _; eq_rhs = e } as eq) = match e.e_desc with
| Efby(_, _) -> def [] eq
| Ewhen(e,_,_) -> memory_vars {eq with eq_rhs = e}
| _ -> []
let linear_read e =
let extvalue funs acc w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x ->
let w, acc = Mls_mapfold.extvalue funs acc w in
let acc =
(match w.w_linearity with
| Linearity.Lat _ -> add x acc
| _ -> acc)
w, acc
| _ -> Mls_mapfold.extvalue funs acc w
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with extvalue = extvalue } in
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.exp_it funs [] e in
(* Assumes normal form, all fby are solo rhs or inside a when *)
let node_memory_vars n =
let rec eq funs acc ({ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } as equ) =
2011-04-20 11:19:18 +02:00
match pat, e.e_desc with
| Evarpat x, Ewhen(e,_,_) -> eq funs acc {equ with eq_rhs = e}
2011-04-20 11:19:18 +02:00
| Evarpat x, Efby(_, _) ->
let acc = (x, e.e_ty) :: acc in
equ, acc
| _, _ -> equ, acc
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with eq = eq } in
let _, acc = node_dec_it funs [] n in
2011-11-29 14:08:12 +01:00
(* data-flow dependences. pre-dependences are discarded *)
module DataFlowDep = Dep.Make
type equation = eq
let read eq = Vars.read true eq
let linear_read eq = Vars.linear_read eq.eq_rhs
let def = Vars.def
let antidep = Vars.antidep
(* all dependences between variables *)
module AllDep = Dep.Make
type equation = eq
let read eq = Vars.read false eq
let linear_read eq = Vars.linear_read eq.eq_rhs
let def = Vars.def
let antidep _ = false
2010-09-30 21:44:18 +02:00
let eq_find id = List.find (fun eq -> List.mem id (Vars.def [] eq))
2011-05-09 19:32:12 +02:00
let ident_list_of_pat pat =
let rec f acc pat = match pat with
| Evarpat id -> id::acc
| Etuplepat pat_l -> List.fold_left f acc pat_l
2011-05-09 19:32:12 +02:00
List.rev (f [] pat)
2011-10-03 11:43:50 +02:00
2012-01-25 16:11:22 +01:00
let find_var_node nd x =
try vd_find x nd.n_input with Not_found ->
try vd_find x nd.n_output with Not_found ->
vd_find x nd.n_local
2011-10-03 11:43:50 +02:00
let remove_eqs_from_node nd ids =
let walk_vd vd vd_list = if IdentSet.mem vd.v_ident ids then vd_list else vd :: vd_list in
let walk_eq eq eq_list =
let defs = ident_list_of_pat eq.eq_lhs in
if (not eq.eq_unsafe) & List.for_all (fun v -> IdentSet.mem v ids) defs
then eq_list
else eq :: eq_list
2011-10-03 11:43:50 +02:00
let vd_list = List.fold_right walk_vd nd.n_local [] in
let eq_list = List.fold_right walk_eq nd.n_equs [] in
{ nd with n_local = vd_list; n_equs = eq_list; }
2011-12-12 11:30:18 +01:00
let args_of_var_decs =
(fun vd -> Signature.mk_arg (Some (Idents.source_name vd.v_ident))
vd.v_type (Linearity.check_linearity vd.v_linearity)
(ck_to_sck (Clocks.ck_repr vd.v_clock)))
let signature_of_node n =
{ node_inputs = args_of_var_decs n.n_input;
node_outputs = args_of_var_decs n.n_output;
node_stateful = n.n_stateful;
node_unsafe = n.n_unsafe;
node_params = n.n_params;
node_param_constraints = n.n_param_constraints;
node_external = false;
2011-12-12 11:30:18 +01:00
node_loc = n.n_loc }