Automata minimization.

This commit is contained in:
Adrien Guatto 2010-09-30 21:44:18 +02:00
parent a4c3d9e856
commit 4044d8a0a2
10 changed files with 937 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ let main () =
"-stdlib", Arg.String set_stdlib, doc_stdlib;
"-c", Arg.Set create_object_file, doc_object_file;
"-s", read_qualname set_simulation_node, doc_sim;
"-tomato", Arg.Set tomato, doc_tomato;
"-tomanode", read_qualname add_tomato_node, doc_tomato;
"-tomacheck", read_qualname add_tomato_check, "";
"-inline", read_qualname add_inlined_node, doc_inline;
"-flatten", Arg.Set flatten, doc_flatten;
"-assert", read_qualname add_assert, doc_assert;

View file

@ -39,6 +39,14 @@ let compile pp p =
(* Iterator fusion *)
let p = pass "Iterator fusion" !do_iterator_fusion Itfusion.program p pp in
(* Automata minimization *)
let p =
let call_tomato = !tomato or (List.length !tomato_nodes > 0) in
pass "Automata minimization" call_tomato Tomato.program p pp in
let p =
pass "Automata minimization checks" true Tomato.tomato_checks p pp in
(* Normalization to maximize opportunities *)
let p = pass "Normalization" true Normalize.program p pp in

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open Errors
open Global_mapfold
open Minils
(* /!\ do never, never put in your funs record one
(* /!\ do not ever, NEVER put in your funs record one
of the generic iterator function (_it),
either yours either the default version named according to the type. *)

View file

@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ let is_record_type ty = match ty with
let is_op = function
| { qual = "Pervasives"; name = _ } -> true | _ -> false
let exp_list_of_static_exp_list se_list =
let mk_one_const se =
Minils.mk_exp ~ty:se.se_ty (Minils.Econst se)
@ -164,3 +163,5 @@ module AllDep = Dep.Make
let def = Vars.def
let antidep _ = false
let eq_find id = List.find (fun eq -> List.mem id (Vars.def [] eq))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Mls_printer
open Global_printer
open Types
open Clocks
let add_check prefix pass nd nd_list =
if nd.n_input <> []
then (Format.eprintf "Cannot generate check for node %a with inputs"
print_qualname nd.n_name; assert false)
let nd'_name = { nd.n_name with name = prefix ^ "_" ^; } in
let nd' = pass nd in
let nd' = { nd' with n_name = nd'_name; } in
let output = Idents.fresh "o" in
let echeck =
let ty_r = match nd.n_output with
| [out] -> out.v_type
| _ -> Tprod ( (fun vd -> vd.v_type) nd.n_output) in
let mk_call nn =
mk_exp ~ty:ty_r
(Eapp ({ a_op = Enode nn; a_params = []; a_unsafe = false; },
[], None)) in
mk_exp ~ty:(Tid Initial.pbool)
(Eapp ({ a_op = Eequal; a_params = []; a_unsafe = false; },
[mk_call nd.n_name; mk_call nd'.n_name], None)) in
let nd_check =
~output:[mk_var_dec output (Tid Initial.pbool)]
~eq:[mk_equation (Evarpat output) echeck]
{ nd.n_name with name = prefix ^ "_check_" ^; } in
let sign = Modules.find_value nd.n_name in
Modules.add_value nd'.n_name sign;
Modules.add_value nd_check.n_name
{ node_inputs = [];
node_outputs = [{ a_name = None; a_type = Tid Initial.pbool; }];
node_statefull = true;
node_params = [];
node_params_constraints = [] };
Compiler_options.add_assert nd_check.n_name;
nd :: nd' :: nd_check :: nd_list
let add_checks pass prefix nnl p =
let add nd nd_list =
if List.mem nd.n_name nnl
then add_check pass prefix nd nd_list
else nd :: nd_list in
{ p with p_nodes = List.fold_right add p.p_nodes []; }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* This module removes tuple-patterns when possible.
(x, y) = if b then (1, 2) else (3, 4);
x = if b then 1 else 3;
y = if b then 2 else 4;
However, if f() is a function/node returning multiple values, the following
equation stay the same:
(x, y) = if b then (1, 2) else f(arg);
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Mls_printer
open Types
open Clocks
open Pp_tools
(* raised when a multi-valued call is found *)
exception Call
(* never leaves the scope of a precise pattern, i.e. [e_list] never changes type
during subsequent recursive calls. *)
let rec control e_list =
let exp e e_list = match e.e_desc with
| Eapp ({ a_op = Efun _ | Enode _; }, _, _) -> raise Call
| Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple; }, arg_list, _) -> arg_list @ e_list
| Econst { se_desc = Stuple arg_list; } -> (fun se -> mk_exp ~ty:se.se_ty (Econst se)) arg_list
| Eapp ({ a_op = Eifthenelse; } as op, [c; t; e], rst) ->
let t_children = control [t]
and e_children = control [e] in
let add_condition t e =
mk_exp ~ty:t.e_ty (Eapp (op, [c; t; e], rst)) in
List.map2 add_condition t_children e_children
| _ -> e :: e_list in
List.fold_right exp e_list []
let rec eq equ eq_list = match equ.eq_lhs with
| Evarpat _ -> equ :: eq_list
| Etuplepat pat_list ->
let new_eqs = List.map2 mk_equation pat_list (control [equ.eq_rhs]) in
List.fold_right eq new_eqs eq_list
with Call -> equ :: eq_list
let node nd =
let eq_list = List.fold_right eq nd.n_equs [] in
{ nd with n_equs = eq_list; }
let program p = { p with p_nodes = node p.p_nodes; }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Mls_printer
open Types
open Clocks
open Pp_tools
let debug_tomato = false
let debug_do f = if debug_tomato then f () else ()
let rec exp e (eq_list, var_list) = match e.e_desc with
| Evar _ | Econst _ -> (e, eq_list, var_list)
| _ ->
let (e_desc, eq_list, var_list) = match e.e_desc with
| Evar _ | Econst _ -> assert false (* handled above *)
| Efby (seo, e) ->
let (e, eq_list, var_list) = intro_var e (eq_list, var_list) in
Efby (seo, e), eq_list, var_list
| Eapp (app, e_list, vi) ->
let (e_list, eq_list, var_list) =
intro_vars e_list (eq_list, var_list) in
Eapp (app, e_list, vi), eq_list, var_list
| Ewhen (e, cn, vi) ->
let (e, eq_list, var_list) = intro_var e (eq_list, var_list) in
Ewhen (e, cn, vi), eq_list, var_list
| Emerge (vi, cnel) ->
let e_list = snd cnel in
let e_list, eq_list, var_list =
intro_vars e_list (eq_list, var_list) in
let cnel = List.combine ( fst cnel) e_list in
Emerge (vi, cnel), eq_list, var_list
| Estruct fnel ->
let e_list = snd fnel in
let e_list, eq_list, var_list =
intro_vars e_list (eq_list, var_list) in
let fnel = List.combine ( fst fnel) e_list in
Estruct fnel, eq_list, var_list
| Eiterator (it, app, se, e_list, vio) ->
let (e_list, eq_list, var_list) =
intro_vars e_list (eq_list, var_list) in
Eiterator (it, app, se, e_list, vio), eq_list, var_list in
({ e with e_desc = e_desc; }, eq_list, var_list)
and intro_vars e_list (eq_list, var_list) =
let acc e (e_list, eq_list, var_list) =
let (e, eq_list, var_list) = intro_var e (eq_list, var_list) in
(e :: e_list, eq_list, var_list) in
List.fold_right acc e_list ([], eq_list, var_list)
and intro_var e (eq_list, var_list) =
let (e, eq_list, var_list) = exp e (eq_list, var_list) in
match e.e_desc with
| Evar _ -> (e, eq_list, var_list)
| _ ->
let id = Idents.fresh "t" in
let new_eq = mk_equation (Evarpat id) e
and var_dc = mk_var_dec id e.e_ty in
(mk_exp ~ty:e.e_ty (Evar id), new_eq :: eq_list, var_dc :: var_list)
let rec intro_vars_pat pat e (eq_list, var_list) = match pat, e.e_desc with
| _, Eapp ({ a_op = Efun _ | Enode _; }, _, _) ->
let (e, eq_list, var_list) = exp e (eq_list, var_list) in
(mk_equation pat e :: eq_list, var_list)
| Etuplepat pat, Econst { se_desc = Stuple se_list; se_ty = Tprod ty_list } ->
let e_list =
let mk se ty = mk_exp ~ty:ty (Econst se) in
List.map2 mk se_list ty_list in
List.fold_right2 intro_vars_pat pat e_list (eq_list, var_list)
| Etuplepat pat_list, Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple; }, e_list, _) ->
List.fold_right2 intro_vars_pat pat_list e_list (eq_list, var_list)
| pat, _ ->
let (e, eq_list, var_list) = exp e (eq_list, var_list) in
(mk_equation pat e :: eq_list, var_list)
and mk_var_decs pat ty var_list = match pat, ty with
| Evarpat ident, _ -> mk_var_dec ident ty :: var_list
| Etuplepat pat_list, Tprod ty_list ->
List.fold_right2 mk_var_decs pat_list ty_list var_list
| _ -> assert false (* ill-typed *)
let eq eq (eq_list, var_list) =
intro_vars_pat eq.eq_lhs eq.eq_rhs (eq_list, var_list)
let node nd =
let nd = Elimtuples.node nd in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "Detuplized node:@\n%a@." print_node nd);
let (eq_list, var_list) = List.fold_right eq nd.n_equs ([], nd.n_local) in
{ nd with n_equs = eq_list; n_local = var_list; }
let program p = { p with p_nodes = node p.p_nodes; }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Mls_printer
open Types
open Clocks
open Pp_tools
module UseCounts =
type use =
| Clock
| Reset
| Var of int
let find_uses ident use_counts =
try Env.find ident use_counts
with Not_found -> Var 0
let add_var_use ident use_counts =
let use = match find_uses ident use_counts with
| Var x -> Var (x + 1)
| use -> use in
Env.add ident use use_counts
let add_clock_use ident use_counts = Env.add ident Clock use_counts
let add_reset_use ident use_counts = Env.add ident Reset use_counts
let factorable ident e use_count =
let uses = find_uses ident use_count in
match uses with
| Clock | Reset -> false
| Var i -> i < 2 || (match e.e_desc with Econst _ -> true | _ -> false)
let edesc funs use_counts edesc =
let (edesc, use_counts) = Mls_mapfold.edesc funs use_counts edesc in
let use_counts = match edesc with
| Evar vi -> add_var_use vi use_counts
| Emerge (vi, _) -> add_clock_use vi use_counts
| Ewhen (_, _, vi) -> add_clock_use vi use_counts
| Eapp (_, _, Some vi) | Eiterator (_, _, _, _, Some vi) ->
add_reset_use vi use_counts
| _ -> use_counts in
(edesc, use_counts)
let node nd =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.edesc = edesc; } in
snd (Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs Env.empty nd)
module InlineSingletons =
let exp funs subst exp =
let (exp, subst) = Mls_mapfold.exp funs subst exp in
match exp.e_desc with
| Evar vi -> (try Env.find vi subst with Not_found -> exp), subst
| _ -> (exp, subst)
let inline_node subst nd =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with Mls_mapfold.exp = exp; } in
fst (Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs subst nd)
let inline_exp subst e =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
Mls_mapfold.exp = exp; } in
fst (Mls_mapfold.exp_it funs subst e)
let debug_subst subst =
(fun id e -> Format.printf "%a -> @[%a@]@." print_ident id print_exp e)
let rec close_subst subst =
let close_binding id e subst =
let e = InlineSingletons.inline_exp subst e in
let s = Env.add id e Env.empty in
let inline id e subst =
Env.add id (InlineSingletons.inline_exp s e) subst in
Env.fold inline subst Env.empty in
Env.fold close_binding subst subst
let node nd =
(* Removes unused var_decs from a node *)
let filter_var_decs nd =
let add eq iset = List.fold_right IdentSet.add (Vars.def [] eq) iset in
let iset = List.fold_right add nd.n_equs IdentSet.empty in
let add_if_useful vd local =
if IdentSet.mem vd.v_ident iset then vd :: local else local in
{ nd with n_local = List.fold_right add_if_useful nd.n_local [] } in
let use_counts = UseCounts.node nd in
let add_reset rst e = e in
let is_output id = List.exists (fun vd -> vd.v_ident = id) nd.n_output in
let (eq_list, subst) =
let add_to_subst eq (eq_list, subst) =
match (eq.eq_lhs, eq.eq_rhs.e_desc) with
| Etuplepat _, Eapp ({ a_op = (Efun _ | Enode _); }, _, _) ->
(eq :: eq_list, subst) (* cannot factor out multi-ret fun calls *)
| _ ->
let id_list = Vars.def [] eq in
let e_list, rst, unsafe = match eq.eq_rhs.e_desc with
| Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple; a_unsafe = unsafe; }, e_list, rst) ->
e_list, rst, unsafe
| _ -> [eq.eq_rhs], None, false in
(* Walk over variables/exps couples of eq, gathering equations to
be inlined.
POSTCOND: id_list and e_list only contains non-singleton vars,
subst is enriched with singleton vars encountered. *)
let (id_list, e_list, subst) =
let add_if_needed id e (id_list, e_list, subst) =
if UseCounts.factorable id e use_counts && not (is_output id)
then (id_list, e_list, Env.add id e subst) (* to be expanded *)
else (id :: id_list, e :: e_list, subst) in
List.fold_right2 add_if_needed id_list e_list ([], [], subst) in
assert (List.length id_list = List.length e_list);
match id_list, e_list with
| [], [] -> (eq_list, subst)
| [id], [e] ->
(mk_equation (Evarpat id) (add_reset rst e) :: eq_list, subst)
| _ ->
let pat =
Etuplepat ( (fun id -> Evarpat id) id_list) in
let eq =
mk_equation pat
{ eq.eq_rhs with e_desc =
Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple;
a_params = [];
a_unsafe = unsafe; }, e_list, rst); } in
(eq :: eq_list, subst) in
List.fold_right add_to_subst nd.n_equs ([], Env.empty) in
let nd = { nd with n_equs = eq_list; } in
(* Format.printf "Node:@\n%a@\n" print_node nd; *)
let subst = close_subst subst in
(* debug_subst subst; *)
let nd = InlineSingletons.inline_node subst nd in
(* Format.printf "Node:@\n%a@\n" print_node nd; *)
let nd = filter_var_decs nd in

View file

@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Mls_printer
open Types
open Clocks
open Pp_tools
open Mls_compare
let debug_do = Introvars.debug_do
module IntMap = Map.Make(struct
type t = int
let compare =
let ident_of_int =
let ht = Hashtbl.create 300 in
fun (name : string) (i : int) ->
try Hashtbl.find ht i
with Not_found ->
let new_ident = Idents.fresh name in
Hashtbl.add ht i new_ident;
type cl_id =
| Input of ident
| Var of int
| Pattern of pat * int list
let cl_id_compare id1 id2 = match id1, id2 with
| Input id1, Input id2 -> ident_compare id1 id2
| Var i1, Var i2 -> compare i1 i2
| Pattern (p1, i1), Pattern (p2, i2) ->
let cr = pat_compare p1 p2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr else i1 i2
| (Input _ | Var _), _ -> -1
| Pattern _, _ -> 1
module PatEnv =
module P = Map.Make(struct
type t = pat
let compare = pat_compare
type penv_t = (int * exp * ident list) P.t
type t = penv_t * (pat * int list) Env.t
let empty = (P.empty, Env.empty)
let find ident (penv, _) = P.find ident penv
let fold f (penv, _) acc = P.fold f penv acc
let find_class_id (penv, env) ident =
try let (cl_id, _, _) = P.find (Evarpat ident) penv in Var cl_id
with Not_found ->
(try let pat, i = Env.find ident env in Pattern (pat, i)
with Not_found -> Input ident)
let find_id ident (penv, env) =
try P.find (Evarpat ident) penv
with Not_found ->
let rec consume (pat, i_list) = match pat, i_list with
| Evarpat ident, [] -> Evarpat ident
| Etuplepat pat_list, x :: i_list ->
consume (List.nth pat_list x, i_list)
| Etuplepat _, [] | Evarpat _, _ :: _ -> assert false in
P.find (consume (Env.find ident env)) penv
let print fmt (penv, env) =
let print_binding pat (cl_num, head, children) =
Format.fprintf fmt
" @[<v 2>%a => class %d, head = @[%a@], children = @[%a@]@]@\n"
print_pat pat
print_exp head
(print_list_l print_ident "" "," "") children
and print_pat_link ident (pat, i) =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>%a => %a, %a@]@\n"
print_ident ident
print_pat pat
(print_list_r (fun fmt i -> Format.fprintf fmt "%d" i) "" "," "") i in
P.iter print_binding penv;
Env.iter print_pat_link env
let add ident info (penv, env) = (P.add ident info penv, env)
let add_pat_link (penv, env) pat =
let rec add path pat env = match pat with
| Evarpat ident -> Env.add ident path env
| Etuplepat pat_list ->
let rec call pat (i, env) = (i + 1, add (i :: path) pat env) in
snd (List.fold_right call pat_list (0, env)) in
(penv, add [] pat env)
module SubstNode =
let apply_subst subst ident =
try match PatEnv.find_id ident subst with
| Evarpat ident -> ident
| pat ->
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "apply_subst (...) %a => %a@."
print_ident ident
print_pat pat);
assert false
with Not_found -> ident
let rec apply_subst_clock subst ck = match ck with
| Cbase -> Cbase
| Con (ck, cstr, x) ->
Con (apply_subst_clock subst ck, cstr, apply_subst subst x)
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck; } -> apply_subst_clock subst ck
| Cvar { contents = Cindex _; } -> ck
let exp funs subst e =
let (e, subst) = Mls_mapfold.exp funs subst e in
({ e with e_ck = apply_subst_clock subst e.e_ck; }, subst)
let var_dec _ subst vd =
({ vd with v_ident = apply_subst subst vd.v_ident; }, subst)
let subst_node subst nd =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
Mls_mapfold.exp = exp;
Mls_mapfold.var_dec = var_dec; } in
fst (Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs subst nd)
let empty_var = Idents.fresh "EMPTY"
let dummy_exp = mk_exp (Evar empty_var)
let exp_of_ident vi = mk_exp (Evar vi)
and ident_of_exp { e_desc = e_d; } = match e_d with
| Evar vi -> vi
| _ -> invalid_arg "ident_of_exp"
let behead e =
(* We have to add rst as a sub-expression for finer equivalence classes
computation for Eapps and Eiterators:
x = f() every m;
y = f() every n;
should be equivalent iff m and n are. Thus, when beheading e, we have to
somehow record whether it held a reset field or not. We choose to do
so by adding an [empty_var] as a reset. In our example, x and y
x = {f() every $empty_var}, m
y = {f() every $empty_var}, n
let encode_reset rst = match rst with
| None -> (None, [])
| Some x -> (Some empty_var, [exp_of_ident x]) in
let (e_desc, children) = match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ -> (e.e_desc, [])
| Evar _ -> (e.e_desc, [])
| Efby (c, e) -> (Efby (c, dummy_exp), [e])
| Eapp (op, e_list, rst) ->
let (rst, l) = encode_reset rst in
(* the pretty-printer dies when handling certain kinds of apps with
an empty argument list. *)
(Eapp (op, repeat_list dummy_exp (List.length e_list), rst), l @ e_list)
| Ewhen (e, cstr, x) ->
(Ewhen (dummy_exp, cstr, empty_var), [exp_of_ident x; e])
| Emerge (x, lne_list) ->
let (lne_list, e_list) =
( (fun (ln, e) -> ((ln, dummy_exp), e)) lne_list) in
(Emerge (empty_var, lne_list), exp_of_ident x :: e_list)
| Estruct lne_list ->
let (lne_list, e_list) =
( (fun (ln, e) -> ((ln, dummy_exp), e)) lne_list) in
(Estruct lne_list, e_list)
| Eiterator (it, op, s, e_list, rst) ->
let (rst, l) = encode_reset rst in
(Eiterator (it, op, s, [], rst), l @ e_list) in
({ e with e_desc = e_desc; }, children)
let pat_name pat =
let rec acc fmt pat = match pat with
| Evarpat ident -> print_ident fmt ident
| Etuplepat pat_list -> print_list acc "" "x" "" fmt pat_list in
ignore (Format.flush_str_formatter ());
acc Format.str_formatter pat;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
module ClassMap = Map.Make(
(* class id 0 will be for inputs, which are implicitly never in the
same class *)
type t = (Minils.exp * cl_id list)
let compare (e1, id1_list) (e2, id2_list) =
let e_c = exp_compare e1 e2 in
if e_c <> 0 then e_c else list_compare cl_id_compare id1_list id2_list
let bindings_of_env env =
let compare (_, (_, e1, _)) (_, (_, e2, _)) = exp_compare e1 e2 in
let add pat info l = (pat, info) :: l in
List.sort compare (PatEnv.fold add env [])
let normalize_classes env =
let l = bindings_of_env env in (* key property: l is sorted by exp *)
let _, _, l =
let add (pat, (cl_num, e, children)) (subst, i, l) =
try (subst, i, (pat, (IntMap.find cl_num subst, e, children)) :: l)
with Not_found ->
let vi = Var i in
(IntMap.add cl_num vi subst, i + 1, (pat, (vi, e, children)) :: l) in
List.fold_right add l (IntMap.empty, 1, []) in
let add (key, info) env = PatEnv.P.add key info env in
List.fold_right add l PatEnv.P.empty
let equivalent env1 env2 = (normalize_classes env1) = (normalize_classes env2)
let compute_initial_env env eq =
let penv = match eq.eq_lhs with
| Etuplepat _ ->
let rec add pat i_list penv = match pat with
| Evarpat id -> Env.add id (eq.eq_lhs, i_list) penv
| Etuplepat pat_list ->
fold_righti (fun i pat -> add pat (i :: i_list)) pat_list penv in
add eq.eq_lhs [] (snd env)
| Evarpat _ -> snd env in
let (e, children) = behead eq.eq_rhs in
let (e, children) = match e.e_desc, children with
| Evar _, [] -> (dummy_exp, [e])
| _ -> (e, children) in
let children =
let add e = match e.e_desc with
| Evar id -> id
| _ ->
Format.printf "Unexpected: @[%a@]@." print_exp e;
assert false in add children in
let env = fst (PatEnv.add eq.eq_lhs (1, e, children) env) in
(env, penv)
let rec compute_classes (env : PatEnv.t) =
(* Perform potential optimization, e.g. replace
x = merge ... (true -> y) (false -> y);
x = y;
let transform ((head, child_id_list) as cl_key) = match head.e_desc with
| Emerge _ ->
(* skip ident in front of the list *)
let child_id_list = child_id_list in
let first_elem = List.hd child_id_list in
let all_the_same =
List.filter (fun x -> x <> first_elem) child_id_list = [] in
if all_the_same then (dummy_exp, [first_elem]) else cl_key
| Eapp ({ a_op = Eifthenelse; }, _, None) ->
(match child_id_list with
| [_; t; e] -> if t = e then (dummy_exp, [t]) else cl_key
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> cl_key in
let clmap =
let add_to_classmap pat ((_, head, children) as info) clmap =
let cl_key = (head, (PatEnv.find_class_id env) children) in
let cl_key = transform cl_key in (* apply potential optimization *)
let cl = try ClassMap.find cl_key clmap with Not_found -> [] in
ClassMap.add cl_key ((pat, info) :: cl) clmap in
PatEnv.fold add_to_classmap env ClassMap.empty in
let (_, penv') =
let add_class_to_env _ ninfo_list (i, env) =
let add_ninfo_to_env env (pat, (_, head, children)) =
PatEnv.P.add pat (i, head, children) env in
(i + 1, List.fold_left add_ninfo_to_env env ninfo_list) in
ClassMap.fold add_class_to_env clmap (1, PatEnv.P.empty) in
let (env' : PatEnv.t) = (penv', snd env) in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "New environment:@\n%a@\n" PatEnv.print env');
if equivalent env env' then env' else compute_classes env'
let factor_classes (env : PatEnv.t) =
let (subst, classes) =
let add_to_env ident (cl_id, _, _) (subst, classes) =
(* New identifier for [pat] : either the concatenation of the
equivalence class patterns with a unique number appended OR *)
let new_ident = (* TODO: O(n2) *)
let gather pat (cl_id', _, _) pat_list =
if cl_id = cl_id' then pat :: pat_list else pat_list in
match PatEnv.fold gather env [] with
| [pat] -> pat
| pat_list ->
let concat pat prefix = (pat_name pat) ^ "_" ^ prefix in
let prefix = List.fold_right concat pat_list "" in
let prefix = String.sub prefix 0 (String.length prefix - 1) in
Evarpat (ident_of_int prefix cl_id) in
(PatEnv.P.add ident new_ident subst,
IntMap.add cl_id ident classes) in
PatEnv.fold add_to_env env (PatEnv.P.empty, IntMap.empty) in
let create_var_for_class _ pat (penv' : PatEnv.penv_t) =
let (cl_id, head, children) = PatEnv.find pat env in
let children = (* remap children to new idents according to subst *)
let remap ident =
(* Inputs won't be present in env *)
try match PatEnv.P.find (Evarpat ident) subst with
| Evarpat ident -> ident
| Etuplepat _ -> assert false
with Not_found -> ident in remap children in
PatEnv.P.add (PatEnv.P.find pat subst) (cl_id, head, children) penv' in
((IntMap.fold create_var_for_class classes PatEnv.P.empty, snd env), subst)
let rec reconstruct input_type (env : PatEnv.t) =
let find_head ident =
try let (_, head, _) = PatEnv.find (Evarpat ident) env in head
with Not_found ->
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "find_head %a@." print_ident ident;
(fun id (p, _) ->
Format.printf "%a => %a@." print_ident id print_pat p)
(snd env));
let (pat, _) = Env.find ident (snd env) in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "find_head %a => %a@."
print_ident ident
print_pat pat);
let (_, head, _) = PatEnv.find pat env in head
with Not_found -> mk_exp ~ty:(input_type ident) (Evar ident)) in
let rec mk_var_decs pat ty var_list = match pat, ty with
| Evarpat ident, _ -> mk_var_dec ident ty :: var_list
| Etuplepat pat_list, Tprod ty_list ->
List.fold_right2 mk_var_decs pat_list ty_list var_list
| Etuplepat _, (Tarray _ | Tid _) -> assert false (* ill-typed *) in
let add_to_lists pat (_, head, children) (eq_list, var_list) =
(* Remember the encoding of resets given above. *)
let rst_of_e_list rst e_list = match rst, e_list with
| None, _ -> (None, e_list)
| Some empty, x :: e_list when empty == empty_var ->
(Some (ident_of_exp x), e_list)
| _ -> assert false in
let make_exp child = { (find_head child) with e_desc = Evar child; }; in
let e_desc = match head.e_desc, make_exp children with
| Econst _, [] -> head.e_desc
| Evar _, [e] -> e.e_desc (* ILL-TYPED *)
| Efby (seo, _), [e] -> Efby (seo, e)
| Eapp (app, _, rst), e_list ->
let rst, e_list = rst_of_e_list rst e_list in Eapp (app, e_list, rst)
| Ewhen (_, cn, _), [x; e] -> Ewhen (e, cn, ident_of_exp x)
| Emerge (_, cnel), e_list ->
Emerge (ident_of_exp (List.hd e_list),
List.combine ( fst cnel) ( e_list))
| Estruct fnel, e_list ->
Estruct (List.combine ( fst fnel) e_list)
| Eiterator (it, app, se, [], rst), e_list ->
let rst, e_list = rst_of_e_list rst e_list in
Eiterator (it, app, se, e_list, rst)
| (Eiterator (_, _, _, _ :: _, _) | Ewhen _ | Efby _ | Evar _ | Econst _)
, _ -> assert false (* invariant *) in
(mk_equation pat { head with e_desc = e_desc; } :: eq_list,
mk_var_decs pat head.e_ty var_list) in
PatEnv.fold add_to_lists env ([], [])
(* We may have fused together distinct outputs during minimization, e.g.
node f(x : int) returns (o, o2 : int)
o = 4 + x;
o2 = 4 + x;
node f(x : int) returns (o_o2_42, o_o2_42 : int)
o_o2_42 = 4 + x;
which is ill-formed. The following function reintroduces needed copies for
duplicated outputs. In our example, f() will become:
node f(x : int) returns (o_o2_42, o_o2_42_43 : int)
o_o2_42 = 4 + x;
o_o2_42_43 = o_o2_42;
let introduce_copies_for_outputs nd =
let var_dec vd (iset, vd_list, eq_list) =
if IdentSet.mem vd.v_ident iset
then (* introduce copy, change vd *)
let fresh = Idents.fresh ( vd.v_ident) in
let new_eq =
let e = mk_exp ~ty:vd.v_type (Evar vd.v_ident) in
mk_equation (Evarpat fresh) e in
(iset, { vd with v_ident = fresh; } :: vd_list, new_eq :: eq_list)
(IdentSet.add vd.v_ident iset, vd :: vd_list, eq_list) in
let (_, vd_list, eq_list) =
List.fold_right var_dec nd.n_output (IdentSet.empty, [], []) in
{ nd with n_output = vd_list; n_equs = eq_list @ nd.n_equs; }
let node nd =
debug_do (fun _ -> Format.printf "Original node:@\n%a@\n" print_node nd);
let nd = Introvars.node nd in
let orig_eq_count = List.length nd.n_equs in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "Node with vars introduced:@\n%a@\n" print_node nd);
let env = List.fold_left compute_initial_env PatEnv.empty nd.n_equs in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "Initial environment:@\n%a@\n" PatEnv.print env);
let env = compute_classes env in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "Env with classes:@\n%a@\n" PatEnv.print env);
let ((env : PatEnv.t), subst) = factor_classes env in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "Env with factored classes:@\n%a@\n"
PatEnv.print env);
let eq_list, var_list =
let input_type id =
(List.find (fun vd -> vd.v_ident = id) nd.n_input).v_type
with Not_found ->
Format.printf "Could not find %a@." print_ident id;
assert false in
reconstruct input_type env in
let var_list =
let is_not_output vd =
not (List.exists
(fun out -> ident_compare vd.v_ident out.v_ident = 0)
nd.n_output) in
List.filter is_not_output var_list in
let nd = { nd with n_equs = eq_list; n_local = var_list; } in
let nd = SubstNode.subst_node (subst, snd env) nd in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "TOMATOed node:@\n%a@\n" print_node nd);
if !Compiler_options.verbose then
"TOMATO: factored out %d expressions.@."
(orig_eq_count - List.length nd.n_equs);
let nd = Singletonvars.node nd in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "Factored node:@\n%a@\n" print_node nd);
let nd = introduce_copies_for_outputs nd in
debug_do (fun _ ->
Format.printf "Final node:@\n%a@\n" print_node nd);
let node nd =
let to_be_tomatoized s = s = nd.n_name in
if List.exists to_be_tomatoized !Compiler_options.tomato_nodes
|| !Compiler_options.tomato then node nd else nd
let program p = { p with p_nodes = node p.p_nodes; }
let tomato_checks p =
Checkpass.add_checks "tomato" node !Compiler_options.tomato_check p

View file

@ -82,6 +82,15 @@ let add_inlined_node s = inline := s :: !inline
let flatten = ref false
let tomato = ref false
let tomato_nodes : qualname list ref = ref []
let add_tomato_node s = tomato_nodes := s :: !tomato_nodes
let tomato_check : qualname list ref = ref []
let add_tomato_check s = tomato_check := s :: !tomato_check
let do_iterator_fusion = ref false
@ -106,3 +115,4 @@ and doc_noinit = "\t\tDisable initialization analysis"
and doc_assert = "<node>\t\tInsert run-time assertions for boolean node <node>"
and doc_inline = "<node>\t\tInline node <node>"
and doc_itfusion = "\t\tEnable iterator fusion."
and doc_tomato = "\t\tEnable automata minimization."