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(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
14 years ago
(** {2 Simple initialization analysis}
The initialization analysis only deals with the first instant of flows.
Things are easy since input/outputs of a node are considered initialized.
It is allowed to have uninitialized inputs for safe nodes,
it will consider the result as uninitialized.
[last x] is initialized when either it was declared with an initial value
or when [x] is defined in the initial state of an automaton. *)
14 years ago
(* Requis : typage *)
14 years ago
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
14 years ago
open Heptagon
open Types
14 years ago
open Location
open Format
type typ =
| Iproduct of typ list
| Ileaf of init
14 years ago
and init = initr ref
and initr =
| Izero
| Ione of root
| Ivar of int
| Imax of init * init
| Ilink of init
14 years ago
(* try to keep track of the root of the uninitialized state *)
and root =
| RLast_none of ident
| RExp of exp
| ROr of root * root
14 years ago
(* typing errors *)
exception Unify of root
14 years ago
(** unalias [init] type *)
14 years ago
let rec irepr i =
match !i with
14 years ago
| Ilink(i_son) ->
let i_son = irepr i_son in
i := Ilink(i_son); (* shorten path *)
14 years ago
| _ -> i
let _index = ref 0
let new_var () =
let gen_index () = incr _index; !_index in
ref (Ivar(gen_index ()))
let izero = ref Izero
let ione root = ref (Ione root)
(** max between types with some basic simplifications *)
let imax i1 i2 =
14 years ago
let i1 = irepr i1 in
let i2 = irepr i2 in
match !i1, !i2 with
14 years ago
| (Izero, Izero) -> izero
| (Izero, _) -> i2
| (_, Izero) -> i1
| (Ione r1, Ione r2) -> ione (ROr(r1, r2))
| (_, Ione r) | (Ione r, _) -> ione r
| _ -> ref (Imax(i1, i2))
14 years ago
let product l = Iproduct(l)
let leaf i = Ileaf(i)
(** Typing Environment *)
module IEnv =
type k = | Last of ident | Var of ident
type v = init
include (Map.Make (struct type t = k let compare = compare end))
let find_var x h = find (Var x) h
let find_last x h = find (Last x) h
let find_var_typ x h = leaf (find_var x h)
let find_last_typ x h = leaf (find_last x h)
let add_var x v h = add (Var x) v h
let add_last x v h = add (Last x) v h
let _add_var_dec def h vd =
let h = add_var vd.v_ident def h in
match vd.v_last with
| Heptagon.Var -> h
| Heptagon.Last None ->
add_last vd.v_ident (ione (RLast_none vd.v_ident)) h (* last is not initialized *)
| Heptagon.Last (Some _) ->
add_last vd.v_ident izero h (* last is initialized *)
let add_initd_var_dec h vd = _add_var_dec izero h vd
let add_var_dec h vd = _add_var_dec (new_var ()) h vd
(** return the representative of a [typ] ( the max ) *)
14 years ago
let rec itype = function
| Iproduct(ty_list) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc ty -> imax acc (itype ty)) izero ty_list
14 years ago
| Ileaf(i) -> i
(** saturate an [init] type. Every element must be initialized *)
let rec force_initialized i =
14 years ago
let i = irepr i in
match !i with
14 years ago
| Izero -> ()
| Ivar _ -> i := Ilink(izero)
| Imax(i1, i2) -> force_initialized i1; force_initialized i2
| Ilink(i) -> force_initialized i
| Ione r -> raise (Unify r)
14 years ago
(** build a [typ] from a [ty] *)
14 years ago
let rec skeleton i ty =
match ty with
| Tprod(ty_list) -> product ( (skeleton i) ty_list)
| _ -> leaf i
14 years ago
(** sub-typing *)
14 years ago
let rec less left_ty right_ty =
(* an inequation [a < t[a]] becomes [a = t[0]] *)
let rec occur_check index i =
match !i with
| Izero | Ione _ -> i
| Ivar id -> if id = index then izero else i
| Imax(i1, i2) -> imax (occur_check index i1) (occur_check index i2)
| Ilink(i) -> occur_check index i
(* sub-typing on [init] *)
let rec iless left_i right_i =
14 years ago
let left_i = irepr left_i in
let right_i = irepr right_i in
if left_i == right_i then ()
else match !left_i, !right_i with
| Izero, _ -> ()
| _, Ione _ -> ()
| _, Izero -> force_initialized left_i
| Imax(i1, i2), _ -> iless i1 right_i; iless i2 right_i
| _, Ivar id ->
let left_i = occur_check id left_i in
right_i := Ilink left_i
| Ivar id, Imax(i1, i2) ->
let i1 = occur_check id i1 in
let i2 = occur_check id i2 in
right_i := Ilink(imax left_i (imax i1 i2))
| Ione r, Imax _ -> raise (Unify r)
| Ilink _, _ | _, Ilink _ -> assert false
if left_ty == right_ty then ()
else match left_ty, right_ty with
| Iproduct(l1), Iproduct(l2) -> List.iter2 less l1 l2
| Ileaf(i1), Ileaf(i2) -> iless i1 i2
| _ -> assert false
14 years ago
14 years ago
module Printer = struct
open Format
open Pp_tools
open Global_printer
14 years ago
let rec print_init ff i = match !i with
| Izero -> fprintf ff "initialized"
| Ione _ -> fprintf ff "not initialized"
| Ivar(i) -> fprintf ff "ivar_%i" i
| Imax(i1, i2) -> fprintf ff "@[<4>max %a@ %a@]" print_init i1 print_init i2
| Ilink(i) -> print_init ff i
14 years ago
let rec print_type ff = function
| Ileaf(i) -> print_init ff i
14 years ago
| Iproduct(ty_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[%a@]" (print_list_r print_type "("" *"")") ty_list
14 years ago
let rec print_root ff = function
| RLast_none(i) ->
fprintf ff "that last %a should be initialized" print_ident i
| RExp(e) ->
fprintf ff "the expression :@\n @[%a@]" print_location e.e_loc
| ROr(r1,r2) ->
fprintf ff "@\n- %a@\n- or %a" print_root r1 print_root r2
14 years ago
module Error = struct
open Location
type error = | Eclash of root * typ * typ
14 years ago
exception Error of location * error
let error loc kind = raise (Error(loc, kind))
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Eclash(root, left_ty, right_ty) ->
"Initialization error :@\n%a\
this expression is %a,@ but is expected to be %a,\
@ the root of the conflict is %a.@."
print_location loc
Printer.print_type left_ty
Printer.print_type right_ty
Printer.print_root root
14 years ago
raise Errors.Error
14 years ago
let less_exp e actual_ty expected_ty =
less actual_ty expected_ty
with Unify r -> Error.message e.e_loc (Error.Eclash(r,actual_ty, expected_ty))
14 years ago
(** Main typing function *)
let rec typing h e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ -> skeleton izero e.e_ty
| Evar(x) -> IEnv.find_var_typ x h
| Elast(x) -> IEnv.find_last_typ x h
| Epre(None, e1) ->
initialized_exp h e1;
skeleton (ione (RExp e)) e1.e_ty
| Epre(Some _, e) ->
initialized_exp h e;
skeleton izero e.e_ty
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
initialized_exp h e2;
skeleton (itype (typing h e1)) e.e_ty
| Eapp({ a_op = Etuple }, e_list, _) ->
product ( (typing h) e_list)
| Eapp(app, e_list, _) ->
let i = apply h app e_list in
skeleton i e.e_ty
14 years ago
| Estruct(l) ->
let i =
(fun acc (_, e) -> imax acc (itype (typing h e))) izero l in
skeleton i e.e_ty
| Eiterator (_, _, _, pe_list, e_list, _) ->
List.iter (fun e -> initialized_exp h e) pe_list;
List.iter (fun e -> initialized_exp h e) e_list;
skeleton izero e.e_ty
| Ewhen (e, _, x) ->
let i = imax (IEnv.find_var x h) (itype (typing h e)) in
skeleton i e.e_ty
| Emerge (x, c_e_list) ->
let i =
(fun acc (_, e) -> imax acc (itype (typing h e))) izero c_e_list in
let i = imax (IEnv.find_var x h) i in
skeleton i e.e_ty
| Esplit (c, e2) ->
let i = imax (itype (typing h c)) (itype (typing h e2)) in
skeleton i e.e_ty
14 years ago
(** Typing an application *)
and apply h app e_list =
match app.a_op with
| Earrow ->
let e1,e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let ty1 = typing h e1 in
let _ = typing h e2 in
itype ty1
| _ ->
if app.a_unsafe
then ( (* when unsafe force all inputs to be initialized *)
List.iter (fun e -> initialized_exp h e) e_list; izero )
else (
List.fold_left (fun acc e -> max acc (itype (typing h e))) izero e_list)
14 years ago
and expect h e expected_ty =
let actual_ty = typing h e in
less_exp e actual_ty expected_ty
and initialized_exp h e = expect h e (skeleton izero e.e_ty)
let rec typing_pat h = function
| Evarpat(x) -> IEnv.find_var_typ x h
14 years ago
| Etuplepat(pat_list) ->
product ( (typing_pat h) pat_list)
(** Typing equations *)
let rec typing_eqs h eq_list = List.iter (typing_eq h) eq_list
and typing_eq h eq =
match eq.eq_desc with
| Eautomaton(handlers) -> typing_automaton h handlers
| Eswitch(e, handlers) ->
initialized_exp h e;
typing_switch h handlers
14 years ago
| Epresent(handlers, b) ->
typing_present h handlers b
| Ereset(b, e) ->
initialized_exp h e; ignore (typing_block h b)
| Eblock b ->
ignore (typing_block h b)
14 years ago
| Eeq(pat, e) ->
let ty_pat = typing_pat h pat in
expect h e ty_pat
14 years ago
and typing_switch h handlers =
let handler { w_block = b } = ignore (typing_block h b) in
List.iter handler handlers
and typing_present h handlers b =
let handler { p_cond = e; p_block = b } =
initialized_exp h e; ignore (typing_block h b) in
List.iter handler handlers; ignore (typing_block h b)
and typing_automaton h state_handlers =
(* we make a special treatment for state variables defined in the *)
(* initial state *)
let weak { s_unless = sunless } =
match sunless with | [] -> true | _ -> false in
(* Set in the env [last x] as initialized if [x] is initialized here *)
14 years ago
let initialized h { s_block = { b_defnames = l } } =
let env_update x h =
let xl = IEnv.find_last x h in (* it's a last in the env, good. *)
IEnv.add_last x (IEnv.find_var x h) h
with Not_found -> h (* nothing to do *)
Env.fold (fun x _ h -> env_update x h) l h in
14 years ago
let handler h { s_state = _; s_block = b; s_until = suntil; s_unless = sunless } =
let escape h { e_cond = e } = initialized_exp h e in
14 years ago
(* typing the body *)
let h = typing_block h b in
List.iter (escape h) suntil;
List.iter (escape h) sunless
14 years ago
(* typing the body of the automaton *)
14 years ago
match state_handlers with
(* we do a special treatment for state variables which *)
(* are defined in the initial state if it cannot be immediately exited *)
14 years ago
| initial :: other_handlers when weak initial ->
handler h initial; (* first type it *)
let h = initialized h initial in
(* then type the others in the env of the first one *)
14 years ago
List.iter (handler h) other_handlers
| _ -> List.iter (handler h) state_handlers
and typing_block h { b_local = dec; b_equs = eq_list } =
let h_extended = build h dec in
typing_eqs h_extended eq_list;
(* add var_decs to a typing environment *)
and build h vdecs =
List.fold_left IEnv.add_var_dec h vdecs
14 years ago
(* add var_decs as initialized to a typing environement *)
let build_initialized h vdecs =
List.fold_left IEnv.add_initd_var_dec h vdecs
14 years ago
let typing_contract h contract =
match contract with
| None -> h
14 years ago
| Some { c_block = b;
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
14 years ago
c_controllables = c } ->
let h' = build h b.b_local in
typing_eqs h' b.b_equs;
(* assumption *)
expect h' e_a (skeleton izero e_a.e_ty);
(* property *)
expect h' e_g (skeleton izero e_g.e_ty);
build_initialized h c
14 years ago
let typing_node { n_input = i_list; n_output = o_list;
n_contract = contract; n_block = b } =
let h = build_initialized IEnv.empty i_list in
let h = build_initialized h o_list in
14 years ago
let h = typing_contract h contract in
ignore (typing_block h b)
14 years ago
let program ({ p_desc = pd } as p) =
List.iter (function Pnode n -> typing_node n | _ -> ()) pd;
14 years ago