Ported Initialization and Causality
Removed safe property from initialization.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 25 additions and 46 deletions
@ -37,14 +37,12 @@ type sc =
| Ctuple of sc list
| Cwrite of ident
| Cread of ident
| Clinread of ident
| Clastread of ident
| Cempty
(* normalized constraints *)
type ac =
| Awrite of ident
| Alinread of ident
| Aread of ident
| Alastread of ident
| Aseq of ac * ac
@ -85,7 +83,6 @@ let output_ac ff ac =
fprintf ff ")"
| Awrite(m) -> fprintf ff "%s" (sourcename m)
| Aread(m) -> fprintf ff "^%s" (sourcename m)
| Alinread(m) -> fprintf ff "*%s" (sourcename m)
| Alastread(m) -> fprintf ff "last %s" (sourcename m)
fprintf ff "@]" in
@ -134,7 +131,6 @@ let rec ctuple l =
let conv = function
| Cwrite(n) -> Awrite(n)
| Cread(n) -> Aread(n)
| Clinread(n) -> Alinread(n)
| Clastread(n) -> Alastread(n)
| Ctuple(l) -> Atuple (ctuple l)
| Cand _ -> Format.printf "Unexpected and\n"; assert false
@ -154,7 +150,6 @@ let rec norm = function
| Ctuple l -> Aac(Atuple (ctuple l))
| Cwrite(n) -> Aac(Awrite(n))
| Cread(n) -> Aac(Aread(n))
| Clinread(n) -> Aac(Alinread(n))
| Clastread(n) -> Aac(Alastread(n))
| _ -> Aempty
@ -166,8 +161,6 @@ let build ac =
let rec associate_node g (n_to_graph,lin_map) = function
| Awrite(n) ->
nametograph n g n_to_graph, lin_map
| Alinread(n) ->
n_to_graph, nametograph n g lin_map
| Atuple l ->
List.fold_left (associate_node g) (n_to_graph, lin_map) l
| _ ->
@ -204,7 +197,6 @@ let build ac =
let rec add_dependence g = function
| Aread(n) -> attach g n; attach_lin g n
| Alinread(n) -> let g = Env.find n lin_map in attach g n
| Atuple l -> List.iter (add_dependence g) l
| _ -> ()
@ -220,7 +212,6 @@ let build ac =
match ac with
| Alinread n -> Env.find n lin_map
| Awrite n -> Env.find n n_to_graph
| Atuple l ->
begin try
@ -247,7 +238,6 @@ let build ac =
top1 @ top2, bot1 @ bot2
| Awrite(n) -> let g = Env.find n n_to_graph in [g], [g]
| Aread(n) -> let g = make ac in attach g n; attach_lin g n; [g], [g]
| Alinread(n) -> let g = Env.find n lin_map in attach g n; [g], [g]
| Atuple(l) ->
let g = node_for_ac ac in
List.iter (add_dependence g) l;
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ open Names
open Ident
open Heptagon
open Location
open Linearity
open Graph
open Causal
@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ let rec cseqlist l =
| c1 :: l -> cseq c1 (cseqlist l)
let read x = Cread(x)
let linread x = Clinread(x)
let lastread x = Clastread(x)
let cwrite x = Cwrite(x)
@ -66,7 +64,7 @@ let rec pre = function
| Cand(c1, c2) -> Cand(pre c1, pre c2)
| Ctuple l -> Ctuple (List.map pre l)
| Cseq(c1, c2) -> Cseq(pre c1, pre c2)
| Cread(x) | Clinread (x) -> Cempty
| Cread(x) -> Cempty
| (Cwrite _ | Clastread _ | Cempty) as c -> c
(* projection and restriction *)
@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ let clear env c =
let c2 = clearec c2 in
cseq c1 c2
| Ctuple l -> Ctuple (List.map clearec l)
| Cwrite(id) | Cread(id) | Clinread(id) | Clastread(id) ->
| Cwrite(id) | Cread(id) | Clastread(id) ->
if IdentSet.mem id env then Cempty else c
| Cempty -> c in
clearec c
@ -99,11 +97,7 @@ let rec typing e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econst(c) -> cempty
| Econstvar(x) -> cempty
| Evar(x) ->
(match e.e_linearity with
| At _ -> linread x
| _ -> read x
| Evar(x) -> read x
| Elast(x) -> lastread x
| Etuple(e_list) ->
candlist (List.map typing e_list)
@ -114,7 +108,6 @@ let rec typing e =
candlist l
| Earray(e_list) ->
candlist (List.map typing e_list)
| Ereset_mem _ -> assert false
(** Typing an application *)
and apply op e_list =
@ -133,14 +126,24 @@ and apply op e_list =
let i2 = typing e2 in
let i3 = typing e3 in
cseq t1 (cor i2 i3)
| (Enode _ | Eevery _ | Eop _ | Eiterator (_, _, _, _)
| Econcat | Eselect_slice | Emake _ | Eflatten _
| Eselect_dyn | Eselect _ | Erepeat | Ecopy), e_list ->
ctuplelist (List.map typing e_list)
| Eupdate _, [e1;e2] | Efield_update _, [e1;e2] ->
let t1 = typing e1 in
let t2 = typing e2 in
cseq t2 t1
| Ecall _, e_list ->
ctuplelist (List.map typing e_list)
| Efield_update _, [e1;e2] ->
let t1 = typing e1 in
let t2 = typing e2 in
cseq t2 t1
| Earray_op op, e_list ->
apply_array_op op e_list
and apply_array_op op e_list =
match op, e_list with
| (Eiterator (_, _, _) | Econcat | Eselect_slice
| Eselect_dyn | Eselect _ | Erepeat), e_list ->
ctuplelist (List.map typing e_list)
| Eupdate _, [e1;e2] ->
let t1 = typing e1 in
let t2 = typing e2 in
cseq t2 t1
let rec typing_pat = function
| Evarpat(x) -> cwrite(x)
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open Misc
open Names
open Ident
open Heptagon
open Types
open Location
open Format
@ -90,8 +91,8 @@ let rec initialized i =
(* build an initialization type from a type *)
let rec skeleton i ty =
match ty with
| Tbase _ -> leaf i
| Tprod(ty_list) -> product (List.map (skeleton i) ty_list)
| _ -> leaf i
(* sub-typing *)
let rec less left_ty right_ty =
@ -188,10 +189,6 @@ let less_exp e actual_ty expected_ty =
less actual_ty expected_ty
with | Unify -> Error.message e.e_loc (Error.Eclash(actual_ty, expected_ty))
(** Is-it a safe imported value? *)
let safe f =
let { Global.info = { Global.safe = s } } = Modules.find_value f in s
(** Main typing function *)
let rec typing h e =
match e.e_desc with
@ -234,19 +231,8 @@ and apply h op e_list =
let i2 = itype (typing h e2) in
let i3 = itype (typing h e3) in
max i1 (max i2 i3)
| (Enode(f,_) | Eevery(f,_)), e_list ->
List.iter (fun e -> initialized_exp h e) e_list; izero
| Eop(f,_), e_list when safe f ->
(* unsafe primitives must have an initialized argument *)
List.fold_left (fun acc e -> itype (typing h e)) izero e_list
| Eop(f,_), e_list ->
List.iter (fun e -> initialized_exp h e) e_list; izero
(*Array operators*)
| (Erepeat | Econcat | Eupdate _ | Efield_update _
| Eselect _ | Eselect_dyn | Eselect_slice
| Eiterator _ | Ecopy | Emake _ | Eflatten _), e_list ->
List.iter (fun e -> initialized_exp h e) e_list; izero
| _ -> assert false
| (Ecall _ | Earray_op _| Efield_update _) , e_list ->
List.iter (fun e -> initialized_exp h e) e_list; izero
and expect h e expected_ty =
let actual_ty = typing h e in
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