Fix automaton initialization.

This commit is contained in:
Léonard Gérard 2011-11-27 12:59:11 +01:00
parent d5f72c278c
commit 45fbd18fe8
2 changed files with 15 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
The initialization analysis only deals with the first instant of flows.
Things are easy since input/outputs of a node are considered initialized.
It is allowed to have uninitialized inputs for safe nodes,
it will consider the result as unitialized.
it will consider the result as uninitialized.
[last x] is initialized when either it was declared with an initial value
or when [x] is defined in the initial state of an automaton. *)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ struct
let add_var_dec h vd = _add_var_dec (new_var ()) h vd
(** return the representent of a [typ] ( the max ) *)
(** return the representative of a [typ] ( the max ) *)
let rec itype = function
| Iproduct(ty_list) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc ty -> imax acc (itype ty)) izero ty_list
@ -330,28 +330,27 @@ and typing_automaton h state_handlers =
let env_update x h =
let xl = IEnv.find_last x h in (* it's a last in the env, good. *)
IEnv.add_last x (max xl (IEnv.find_var x h)) h
with Not_found -> h (* nothing to do *) in
IEnv.add_last x (IEnv.find_var x h) h
with Not_found -> h (* nothing to do *)
Env.fold (fun x _ h -> env_update x h) l h in
(* typing the body of the automaton *)
let handler h
{ s_state = _; s_block = b; s_until = suntil; s_unless = sunless } =
let escape h { e_cond = e } =
initialized_exp h e in
let handler h { s_state = _; s_block = b; s_until = suntil; s_unless = sunless } =
let escape h { e_cond = e } = initialized_exp h e in
(* typing the body *)
let h = typing_block h b in
List.iter (escape h) suntil;
List.iter (escape h) sunless in
List.iter (escape h) sunless
(* typing the body of the automaton *)
match state_handlers with
(* we do a special treatment for state variables which *)
(* are defined in the initial state if it cannot be immediately *)
(* exited *)
(* are defined in the initial state if it cannot be immediately exited *)
| initial :: other_handlers when weak initial ->
handler h initial; (* first type it *)
let h = initialized h initial in (* then update for the orthers *)
let h = initialized h initial in
(* then type the others in the env of the first one *)
List.iter (handler h) other_handlers
| _ -> List.iter (handler h) state_handlers

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@ -2,11 +2,8 @@
directory parsing global analysis dataflow sequential sigali simulation translation main
set arguments -I ../test/good -v ../test/good/t2.ept *)
type t
type r2
(*node hh(x: int) returns ()
node h(x: int) returns ()
var y, z: int;
y = pre z + 1;
@ -24,7 +21,7 @@ node jj() returns ()
do k = last k + 1 until k = 1 then S2
node g(x: bool) returns (o: bool)