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Analysis & Synthesis report for test_neorv32
Wed Feb 8 15:41:39 2023
Quartus Prime Version 22.1std.0 Build 915 10/25/2022 SC Standard Edition
; Table of Contents ;
1. Legal Notice
2. Analysis & Synthesis Summary
3. Analysis & Synthesis Settings
4. Parallel Compilation
5. Analysis & Synthesis Source Files Read
6. Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary
7. Analysis & Synthesis Resource Utilization by Entity
8. Analysis & Synthesis RAM Summary
9. State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst|arbiter.state
10. State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst|ctrl.state
11. State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|debug_ctrl.state
12. State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2
13. State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev
14. State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state
15. State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.state_prev
16. State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.state
17. Registers Removed During Synthesis
18. Removed Registers Triggering Further Register Optimizations
19. General Register Statistics
20. Inverted Register Statistics
21. Registers Packed Into Inferred Megafunctions
22. Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics (No Restructuring Performed)
23. Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated
24. Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated
25. Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated
26. Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated
27. Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated
28. Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated
29. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: Top-level Entity: |neorv32_test_setup_approm
30. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst
31. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst
32. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst
33. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst
34. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:1:prefetch_buffer_inst
35. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_cpu_decompressor:\neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst
36. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst
37. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1
38. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2
39. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst
40. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter:neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter_inst
41. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst
42. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst
43. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst
44. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst
45. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst
46. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst
47. Parameter Settings for Inferred Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0
48. Parameter Settings for Inferred Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0
49. Parameter Settings for Inferred Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0
50. Parameter Settings for Inferred Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0
51. altsyncram Parameter Settings by Entity Instance
52. Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_bus_keeper:neorv32_bus_keeper_inst"
53. Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst"
54. Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:1:prefetch_buffer_inst"
55. Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst"
56. Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst"
57. Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst"
58. Post-Synthesis Netlist Statistics for Top Partition
59. Elapsed Time Per Partition
60. Analysis & Synthesis Messages
; Legal Notice ;
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; Analysis & Synthesis Summary ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Status ; Successful - Wed Feb 8 15:41:39 2023 ;
; Quartus Prime Version ; 22.1std.0 Build 915 10/25/2022 SC Standard Edition ;
; Revision Name ; test_neorv32 ;
; Top-level Entity Name ; neorv32_test_setup_approm ;
; Family ; Cyclone V ;
; Logic utilization (in ALMs) ; N/A ;
; Total registers ; 1315 ;
; Total pins ; 10 ;
; Total virtual pins ; 0 ;
; Total block memory bits ; 67,584 ;
; Total DSP Blocks ; 0 ;
; Total HSSI RX PCSs ; 0 ;
; Total HSSI PMA RX Deserializers ; 0 ;
; Total HSSI TX PCSs ; 0 ;
; Total HSSI PMA TX Serializers ; 0 ;
; Total PLLs ; 0 ;
; Total DLLs ; 0 ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Settings ;
; Option ; Setting ; Default Value ;
; Device ; 5CSEMA5F31C6 ; ;
; Top-level entity name ; neorv32_test_setup_approm ; test_neorv32 ;
; Family name ; Cyclone V ; Cyclone V ;
; Restructure Multiplexers ; Off ; Auto ;
; Optimization Technique ; Speed ; Balanced ;
; Use smart compilation ; Off ; Off ;
; Enable parallel Assembler and Timing Analyzer during compilation ; On ; On ;
; Enable compact report table ; Off ; Off ;
; MLAB Add Timing Constraints For Mixed-Port Feed-Through Mode Setting Don't Care ; Off ; Off ;
; Create Debugging Nodes for IP Cores ; Off ; Off ;
; Preserve fewer node names ; On ; On ;
; Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode ; Enable ; Enable ;
; Verilog Version ; Verilog_2001 ; Verilog_2001 ;
; VHDL Version ; VHDL_1993 ; VHDL_1993 ;
; State Machine Processing ; Auto ; Auto ;
; Safe State Machine ; Off ; Off ;
; Extract Verilog State Machines ; On ; On ;
; Extract VHDL State Machines ; On ; On ;
; Ignore Verilog initial constructs ; Off ; Off ;
; Iteration limit for constant Verilog loops ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
; Iteration limit for non-constant Verilog loops ; 250 ; 250 ;
; Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs ; On ; On ;
; Infer RAMs from Raw Logic ; On ; On ;
; Parallel Synthesis ; On ; On ;
; DSP Block Balancing ; Auto ; Auto ;
; NOT Gate Push-Back ; On ; On ;
; Power-Up Don't Care ; On ; On ;
; Remove Redundant Logic Cells ; Off ; Off ;
; Remove Duplicate Registers ; On ; On ;
; Ignore CARRY Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
; Ignore CASCADE Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
; Ignore GLOBAL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
; Ignore ROW GLOBAL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
; Ignore LCELL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
; Ignore SOFT Buffers ; On ; On ;
; Limit AHDL Integers to 32 Bits ; Off ; Off ;
; Carry Chain Length ; 70 ; 70 ;
; Auto Carry Chains ; On ; On ;
; Auto Open-Drain Pins ; On ; On ;
; Perform WYSIWYG Primitive Resynthesis ; Off ; Off ;
; Auto ROM Replacement ; On ; On ;
; Auto RAM Replacement ; On ; On ;
; Auto DSP Block Replacement ; On ; On ;
; Auto Shift Register Replacement ; Auto ; Auto ;
; Allow Shift Register Merging across Hierarchies ; Auto ; Auto ;
; Auto Clock Enable Replacement ; On ; On ;
; Strict RAM Replacement ; Off ; Off ;
; Allow Synchronous Control Signals ; On ; On ;
; Force Use of Synchronous Clear Signals ; Off ; Off ;
; Auto Resource Sharing ; Off ; Off ;
; Allow Any RAM Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
; Allow Any ROM Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
; Allow Any Shift Register Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
; Use LogicLock Constraints during Resource Balancing ; On ; On ;
; Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off directives ; Off ; Off ;
; Timing-Driven Synthesis ; On ; On ;
; Report Parameter Settings ; On ; On ;
; Report Source Assignments ; On ; On ;
; Report Connectivity Checks ; On ; On ;
; Ignore Maximum Fan-Out Assignments ; Off ; Off ;
; Synchronization Register Chain Length ; 3 ; 3 ;
; Power Optimization During Synthesis ; Normal compilation ; Normal compilation ;
; HDL message level ; Level2 ; Level2 ;
; Suppress Register Optimization Related Messages ; Off ; Off ;
; Number of Removed Registers Reported in Synthesis Report ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
; Number of Swept Nodes Reported in Synthesis Report ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
; Number of Inverted Registers Reported in Synthesis Report ; 100 ; 100 ;
; Clock MUX Protection ; On ; On ;
; Auto Gated Clock Conversion ; Off ; Off ;
; Block Design Naming ; Auto ; Auto ;
; SDC constraint protection ; Off ; Off ;
; Synthesis Effort ; Auto ; Auto ;
; Shift Register Replacement - Allow Asynchronous Clear Signal ; On ; On ;
; Pre-Mapping Resynthesis Optimization ; Off ; Off ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Message Level ; Medium ; Medium ;
; Disable Register Merging Across Hierarchies ; Auto ; Auto ;
; Resource Aware Inference For Block RAM ; On ; On ;
; Automatic Parallel Synthesis ; On ; On ;
; Partial Reconfiguration Bitstream ID ; Off ; Off ;
; Parallel Compilation ;
; Processors ; Number ;
; Number detected on machine ; 4 ;
; Maximum allowed ; 4 ;
; ; ;
; Average used ; 1.00 ;
; Maximum used ; 4 ;
; ; ;
; Usage by Processor ; % Time Used ;
; Processor 1 ; 100.0% ;
; Processor 2 ; 0.1% ;
; Processor 3 ; 0.0% ;
; Processor 4 ; 0.0% ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Source Files Read ;
; File Name with User-Entered Path ; Used in Netlist ; File Type ; File Name with Absolute Path ; Library ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_approm.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_approm.vhd ; ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_imem.default.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_imem.default.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_dmem.default.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_dmem.default.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_sysinfo.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_sysinfo.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_mtime.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_mtime.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.entity.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.entity.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_gpio.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_gpio.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_fifo.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_fifo.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_dmem.entity.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_dmem.entity.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_regfile.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_regfile.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_decompressor.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_decompressor.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_busswitch.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_busswitch.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bus_keeper.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bus_keeper.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; ../neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_application_image.vhd ; yes ; User VHDL File ; /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_application_image.vhd ; neorv32 ;
; altsyncram.tdf ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altsyncram.tdf ; ;
; ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/ ; ;
; ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/ ; ;
; ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/ ; ;
; ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/ ; ;
; ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/ ; ;
; ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/ ; ;
; ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/ ; ;
; ; yes ; Megafunction ; /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/ ; ;
; db/altsyncram_u2n1.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; /home/seti/quartus_project/db/altsyncram_u2n1.tdf ; ;
; db/altsyncram_c6q1.tdf ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; /home/seti/quartus_project/db/altsyncram_c6q1.tdf ; ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary ;
; Resource ; Usage ;
; Estimate of Logic utilization (ALMs needed) ; 1601 ;
; ; ;
; Combinational ALUT usage for logic ; 2482 ;
; -- 7 input functions ; 78 ;
; -- 6 input functions ; 578 ;
; -- 5 input functions ; 462 ;
; -- 4 input functions ; 537 ;
; -- <=3 input functions ; 827 ;
; ; ;
; Dedicated logic registers ; 1315 ;
; ; ;
; I/O pins ; 10 ;
; Total MLAB memory bits ; 0 ;
; Total block memory bits ; 67584 ;
; ; ;
; Total DSP Blocks ; 0 ;
; ; ;
; Maximum fan-out node ; clk_i~input ;
; Maximum fan-out ; 1411 ;
; Total fan-out ; 16733 ;
; Average fan-out ; 4.28 ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Resource Utilization by Entity ;
; Compilation Hierarchy Node ; Combinational ALUTs ; Dedicated Logic Registers ; Block Memory Bits ; DSP Blocks ; Pins ; Virtual Pins ; Full Hierarchy Name ; Entity Name ; Library Name ;
; |neorv32_test_setup_approm ; 2482 (1) ; 1315 (0) ; 67584 ; 0 ; 10 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm ; neorv32_test_setup_approm ; work ;
; |neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst| ; 2481 (68) ; 1315 (5) ; 67584 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst ; neorv32_top ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_bus_keeper:neorv32_bus_keeper_inst| ; 15 (15) ; 12 (12) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_bus_keeper:neorv32_bus_keeper_inst ; neorv32_bus_keeper ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst| ; 62 (62) ; 8 (8) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst ; neorv32_busswitch ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst| ; 1810 (0) ; 983 (0) ; 2048 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst ; neorv32_cpu ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst| ; 531 (164) ; 212 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst ; neorv32_cpu_alu ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst| ; 322 (322) ; 173 (173) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst ; neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter:neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter_inst| ; 45 (45) ; 39 (39) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter:neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter_inst ; neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst| ; 73 (73) ; 103 (103) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst ; neorv32_cpu_bus ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst| ; 1087 (1021) ; 668 (592) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst ; neorv32_cpu_control ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_cpu_decompressor:\neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst| ; 52 (52) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_cpu_decompressor:\neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst ; neorv32_cpu_decompressor ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst| ; 7 (7) ; 38 (38) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst ; neorv32_fifo ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:1:prefetch_buffer_inst| ; 7 (7) ; 38 (38) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:1:prefetch_buffer_inst ; neorv32_fifo ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst| ; 119 (119) ; 0 (0) ; 2048 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst ; neorv32_cpu_regfile ; neorv32 ;
; |altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 1024 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1 ; altsyncram ; work ;
; |altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 1024 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated ; altsyncram_u2n1 ; work ;
; |altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 1024 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2 ; altsyncram ; work ;
; |altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 1024 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated ; altsyncram_u2n1 ; work ;
; |neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst| ; 19 (19) ; 2 (2) ; 65536 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst ; neorv32_dmem ; neorv32 ;
; |altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0 ; altsyncram ; work ;
; |altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated ; altsyncram_c6q1 ; work ;
; |altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0 ; altsyncram ; work ;
; |altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated ; altsyncram_c6q1 ; work ;
; |altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0 ; altsyncram ; work ;
; |altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated ; altsyncram_c6q1 ; work ;
; |altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0 ; altsyncram ; work ;
; |altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 16384 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated ; altsyncram_c6q1 ; work ;
; |neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst| ; 68 (68) ; 98 (98) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst ; neorv32_gpio ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst| ; 223 (223) ; 33 (33) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst ; neorv32_imem ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_mtime:\neorv32_mtime_inst_true:neorv32_mtime_inst| ; 205 (205) ; 166 (166) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_mtime:\neorv32_mtime_inst_true:neorv32_mtime_inst ; neorv32_mtime ; neorv32 ;
; |neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst| ; 11 (11) ; 8 (8) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst ; neorv32_sysinfo ; neorv32 ;
Note: For table entries with two numbers listed, the numbers in parentheses indicate the number of resources of the given type used by the specific entity alone. The numbers listed outside of parentheses indicate the total resources of the given type used by the specific entity and all of its sub-entities in the hierarchy.
; Analysis & Synthesis RAM Summary ;
; Name ; Type ; Mode ; Port A Depth ; Port A Width ; Port B Depth ; Port B Width ; Size ; MIF ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 1024 ; None ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 1024 ; None ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; 2048 ; 8 ; 2048 ; 8 ; 16384 ; None ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; 2048 ; 8 ; 2048 ; 8 ; 16384 ; None ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; 2048 ; 8 ; 2048 ; 8 ; 16384 ; None ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; 2048 ; 8 ; 2048 ; 8 ; 16384 ; None ;
Encoding Type: One-Hot
; State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst|arbiter.state ;
; Name ; arbiter.state.B_RETIRE ; arbiter.state.B_BUSY ; arbiter.state.A_RETIRE ; arbiter.state.A_BUSY ; arbiter.state.IDLE ;
; arbiter.state.IDLE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;
; arbiter.state.A_BUSY ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;
; arbiter.state.A_RETIRE ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; arbiter.state.B_BUSY ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; arbiter.state.B_RETIRE ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
Encoding Type: One-Hot
; State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst|ctrl.state ;
; Name ; ctrl.state.S_DONE ; ctrl.state.S_BUSY ; ctrl.state.S_IDLE ;
; ctrl.state.S_IDLE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;
; ctrl.state.S_BUSY ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;
; ctrl.state.S_DONE ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ;
Encoding Type: One-Hot
; State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|debug_ctrl.state ;
; Name ; debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_LEAVING ; debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_ONLINE ; debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_OFFLINE ;
; debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_OFFLINE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;
; debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_ONLINE ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;
; debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_LEAVING ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ;
Encoding Type: One-Hot
; State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2 ;
; Name ; execute_engine.state_prev2.MEM_WAIT ; execute_engine.state_prev2.MEM_REQ ; execute_engine.state_prev2.SYSTEM ; execute_engine.state_prev2.BRANCH ; execute_engine.state_prev2.ALU_WAIT ; execute_engine.state_prev2.EXECUTE ; execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_EXECUTE ; execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_EXIT ; execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_ENTER ; execute_engine.state_prev2.DISPATCH ; execute_engine.state_prev2.BRANCHED ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.BRANCHED ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.DISPATCH ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_ENTER ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_EXIT ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_EXECUTE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.EXECUTE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.ALU_WAIT ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.BRANCH ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.SYSTEM ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.MEM_REQ ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev2.MEM_WAIT ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
Encoding Type: One-Hot
; State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev ;
; Name ; execute_engine.state_prev.MEM_WAIT ; execute_engine.state_prev.MEM_REQ ; execute_engine.state_prev.SYSTEM ; execute_engine.state_prev.BRANCH ; execute_engine.state_prev.ALU_WAIT ; execute_engine.state_prev.EXECUTE ; execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_EXECUTE ; execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_EXIT ; execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_ENTER ; execute_engine.state_prev.DISPATCH ; execute_engine.state_prev.BRANCHED ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.BRANCHED ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.DISPATCH ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_ENTER ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_EXIT ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_EXECUTE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.EXECUTE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.ALU_WAIT ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.BRANCH ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.SYSTEM ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.MEM_REQ ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state_prev.MEM_WAIT ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
Encoding Type: One-Hot
; State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state ;
; Name ; execute_engine.state.MEM_WAIT ; execute_engine.state.MEM_REQ ; execute_engine.state.SYSTEM ; execute_engine.state.BRANCH ; execute_engine.state.ALU_WAIT ; execute_engine.state.EXECUTE ; execute_engine.state.TRAP_EXECUTE ; execute_engine.state.TRAP_EXIT ; execute_engine.state.TRAP_ENTER ; execute_engine.state.DISPATCH ; execute_engine.state.BRANCHED ;
; execute_engine.state.BRANCHED ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;
; execute_engine.state.DISPATCH ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.TRAP_ENTER ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.TRAP_EXIT ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.TRAP_EXECUTE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.EXECUTE ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.ALU_WAIT ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.BRANCH ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.SYSTEM ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.MEM_REQ ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; execute_engine.state.MEM_WAIT ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
Encoding Type: One-Hot
; State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.state_prev ;
; Name ; fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_WAIT ; fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_PENDING ; fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_REQUEST ; fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_RESTART ;
; fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_RESTART ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;
; fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_REQUEST ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;
; fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_PENDING ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_WAIT ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
Encoding Type: One-Hot
; State Machine - |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.state ;
; Name ; fetch_engine.state.IF_WAIT ; fetch_engine.state.IF_PENDING ; fetch_engine.state.IF_REQUEST ; fetch_engine.state.IF_RESTART ;
; fetch_engine.state.IF_RESTART ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;
; fetch_engine.state.IF_REQUEST ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;
; fetch_engine.state.IF_PENDING ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; fetch_engine.state.IF_WAIT ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ;
; Registers Removed During Synthesis ;
; Register name ; Reason for Removal ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst|data_o[0,1,4..6,8..11,18,24,26..30] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_bus_keeper:neorv32_bus_keeper_inst|data_o[1..30] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst|cb_wr_req_buf ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst|arbiter.pmp_r_err ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst|arbiter.pmp_w_err ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.pc[0] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.exc_buf[10,11] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[0,2] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[19,20] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mstatus_mprv ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mstatus_tw ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.dcsr_step ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.cause[5] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_bus_keeper:neorv32_bus_keeper_inst|control.ignore ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst|data_o[7,12,15,19..23] ; Merged with neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst|data_o[25] ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst|data_o[2,3] ; Merged with neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst|data_o[16] ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst|mem_rom_rd[0] ; Merged with neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst|mem_rom_rd[1] ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst|ack_o ; Merged with neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst|rden ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[0] ; Merged with neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[2] ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mip_firq_nclr[0..15] ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.exc_buf[2] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[3..18] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[2..18] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.cause[4] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.privilege ; Stuck at VCC due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.exc_buf[4] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[1] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[1] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[0] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[0] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[17] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[17] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[16] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[16] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[27] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[27] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[11] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[11] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[26] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[26] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[10] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[10] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[25] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[25] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[9] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[9] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[24] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[24] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[8] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[8] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[23] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[23] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[7] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[7] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[31] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[31] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[15] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[15] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[30] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[30] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[14] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[14] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[29] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[29] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[13] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[13] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[22] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[22] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[6] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[6] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[21] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[21] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[5] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[5] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[20] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[20] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[4] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[4] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[19] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[19] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[3] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[3] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[18] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[18] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[2] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[2] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[28] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[28] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_hi[12] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|din_lo[12] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.i_reg[0] ; Merged with neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.i_reg[1] ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_OFFLINE ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_ONLINE ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|debug_ctrl.state.DEBUG_LEAVING ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.BRANCHED ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.BRANCHED ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.DISPATCH ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.DISPATCH ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_ENTER ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_ENTER ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_EXIT ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_EXIT ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_EXECUTE ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_EXECUTE ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.EXECUTE ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.EXECUTE ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.ALU_WAIT ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.ALU_WAIT ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.BRANCH ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.BRANCH ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.SYSTEM ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.SYSTEM ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.MEM_REQ ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.MEM_REQ ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.MEM_WAIT ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.MEM_WAIT ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_RESTART ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_REQUEST ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_PENDING ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.state_prev.IF_WAIT ; Lost fanout ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state.MEM_REQ ; Merged with neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|ctrl[39] ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.pmp_err ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
; Total Number of Removed Registers = 223 ; ;
; Removed Registers Triggering Further Register Optimizations ;
; Register name ; Reason for Removal ; Registers Removed due to This Register ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[5] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[5] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.MEM_WAIT ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.MEM_WAIT ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.MEM_REQ ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.MEM_REQ ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.SYSTEM ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.SYSTEM ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.BRANCH ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.BRANCH ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.ALU_WAIT ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.ALU_WAIT ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.EXECUTE ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.EXECUTE ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_EXECUTE ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_EXECUTE ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_EXIT ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_EXIT ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.TRAP_ENTER ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.TRAP_ENTER ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.DISPATCH ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.DISPATCH ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev2.BRANCHED ; Lost Fanouts ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.state_prev.BRANCHED ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.privilege ; Stuck at VCC ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.exc_buf[4] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[3] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[3] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[4] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[4] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[2] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[2] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[6] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[6] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[7] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[7] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[8] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[8] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[9] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[9] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[10] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[10] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[11] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[11] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[12] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[12] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[13] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[13] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[14] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[14] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[15] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[15] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[16] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[16] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[17] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[17] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_pnd[18] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.irq_buf[18] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.exc_buf[2] ; Stuck at GND ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.cause[4] ;
; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
; General Register Statistics ;
; Statistic ; Value ;
; Total registers ; 1315 ;
; Number of registers using Synchronous Clear ; 11 ;
; Number of registers using Synchronous Load ; 332 ;
; Number of registers using Asynchronous Clear ; 832 ;
; Number of registers using Asynchronous Load ; 0 ;
; Number of registers using Clock Enable ; 703 ;
; Number of registers using Preset ; 0 ;
; Inverted Register Statistics ;
; Inverted Register ; Fan out ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.restart ; 10 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.branched ; 2 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[19] ; 1 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[23] ; 1 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[24] ; 1 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[27] ; 1 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[28] ; 1 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[8] ; 1 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[9] ; 1 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[10] ; 1 ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mscratch[2] ; 1 ;
; Total number of inverted registers = 11 ; ;
; Registers Packed Into Inferred Megafunctions ;
; Register Name ; Megafunction ; Type ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b0_rd[0..7] ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b0_rtl_0 ; RAM ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b1_rd[0..7] ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b1_rtl_0 ; RAM ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b2_rd[0..7] ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b2_rtl_0 ; RAM ;
; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b3_rd[0..7] ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b3_rtl_0 ; RAM ;
; Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics (No Restructuring Performed) ;
; Multiplexer Inputs ; Bus Width ; Baseline Area ; Area if Restructured ; Saving if Restructured ; Registered ; Example Multiplexer Output ;
; 4:1 ; 4 bits ; 8 LEs ; 8 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst|d_bus_ben_o[0] ;
; 4:1 ; 25 bits ; 50 LEs ; 50 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst|rdata_o[18] ;
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 2 LEs ; 2 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst|fifo.w_pnt[1] ;
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 2 LEs ; 2 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst|fifo.r_pnt[0] ;
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 2 LEs ; 2 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:1:prefetch_buffer_inst|fifo.w_pnt[0] ;
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 2 LEs ; 2 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:1:prefetch_buffer_inst|fifo.r_pnt[1] ;
; 3:1 ; 3 bits ; 6 LEs ; 3 LEs ; 3 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_bus_keeper:neorv32_bus_keeper_inst|control.timeout[1] ;
; 3:1 ; 5 bits ; 10 LEs ; 5 LEs ; 5 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter:neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter_inst|shifter.cnt[1] ;
; 3:1 ; 5 bits ; 10 LEs ; 5 LEs ; 5 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mcause[5] ;
; 3:1 ; 32 bits ; 64 LEs ; 0 LEs ; 64 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.minstret[13] ;
; 3:1 ; 31 bits ; 62 LEs ; 0 LEs ; 62 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst|[7] ;
; 3:1 ; 32 bits ; 64 LEs ; 0 LEs ; 64 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mcycle[13] ;
; 3:1 ; 4 bits ; 8 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst|ctrl.cnt[1] ;
; 5:1 ; 32 bits ; 96 LEs ; 64 LEs ; 32 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst|data_o[31] ;
; 5:1 ; 32 bits ; 96 LEs ; 64 LEs ; 32 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_mtime:\neorv32_mtime_inst_true:neorv32_mtime_inst|data_o[23] ;
; 4:1 ; 32 bits ; 64 LEs ; 32 LEs ; 32 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst|[48] ;
; 4:1 ; 31 bits ; 62 LEs ; 62 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mepc[12] ;
; 4:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|cnt_csr_we.cycle[0] ;
; 4:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|cnt_csr_we.instret[1] ;
; 4:1 ; 32 bits ; 64 LEs ; 64 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst|div.quotient[11] ;
; 4:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.i_reg[1] ;
; 4:1 ; 31 bits ; 62 LEs ; 62 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter:neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter_inst|shifter.sreg[27] ;
; 4:1 ; 32 bits ; 64 LEs ; 0 LEs ; 64 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst|div.remainder[15] ;
; 5:1 ; 8 bits ; 24 LEs ; 16 LEs ; 8 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst|rdata_o[14] ;
; 4:1 ; 30 bits ; 60 LEs ; 0 LEs ; 60 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|fetch_engine.pc[17] ;
; 4:1 ; 30 bits ; 60 LEs ; 60 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.next_pc[9] ;
; 32:1 ; 4 bits ; 84 LEs ; 8 LEs ; 76 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|imm_o[1] ;
; 32:1 ; 8 bits ; 168 LEs ; 0 LEs ; 168 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|imm_o[16] ;
; 8:1 ; 7 bits ; 35 LEs ; 14 LEs ; 21 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst|rdata_o[2] ;
; 18:1 ; 31 bits ; 372 LEs ; 62 LEs ; 310 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.mtval[31] ;
; 9:1 ; 2 bits ; 12 LEs ; 12 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.cause[1] ;
; 9:1 ; 7 bits ; 42 LEs ; 42 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.rdata[9] ;
; 11:1 ; 10 bits ; 70 LEs ; 70 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.rdata[25] ;
; 12:1 ; 2 bits ; 16 LEs ; 16 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.rdata[19] ;
; 12:1 ; 2 bits ; 16 LEs ; 16 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|csr.rdata[23] ;
; 20:1 ; 2 bits ; 26 LEs ; 12 LEs ; 14 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.i_reg[16] ;
; 20:1 ; 2 bits ; 26 LEs ; 8 LEs ; 18 LEs ; Yes ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|execute_engine.i_reg[10] ;
; 4:1 ; 32 bits ; 64 LEs ; 64 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|Mux66 ;
; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|trap_ctrl.break_point ;
; 3:1 ; 5 bits ; 10 LEs ; 10 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|opa_addr[0] ;
; 11:1 ; 31 bits ; 217 LEs ; 186 LEs ; 31 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|Mux17 ;
; 7:1 ; 32 bits ; 128 LEs ; 96 LEs ; 32 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst|res_o[12] ;
; 9:1 ; 2 bits ; 12 LEs ; 8 LEs ; 4 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst|Selector1 ;
; 10:1 ; 2 bits ; 12 LEs ; 10 LEs ; 2 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst|Selector2 ;
; 10:1 ; 2 bits ; 12 LEs ; 6 LEs ; 6 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|Selector72 ;
; 11:1 ; 3 bits ; 21 LEs ; 9 LEs ; 12 LEs ; No ; |neorv32_test_setup_approm|neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|Selector76 ;
; Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated ;
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
; Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated ;
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
; Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated ;
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
; Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated ;
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
; Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated ;
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
; Source assignments for neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0|altsyncram_c6q1:auto_generated ;
; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: Top-level Entity: |neorv32_test_setup_approm ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; CLOCK_FREQUENCY ; 50000000 ; Signed Integer ;
; MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE ; 16384 ; Signed Integer ;
; MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE ; 8192 ; Signed Integer ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; clock_frequency ; 50000000 ; Signed Integer ;
; hw_thread_id ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; custom_id ; 00000000000000000000000000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; int_bootloader_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; on_chip_debugger_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_b ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_c ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_e ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_m ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_u ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zfinx ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zicsr ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zicntr ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zihpm ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zifencei ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zmmul ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zxcfu ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fast_mul_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fast_shift_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_ipb_entries ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; pmp_num_regions ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; pmp_min_granularity ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
; hpm_num_cnts ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; hpm_cnt_width ; 40 ; Signed Integer ;
; mem_int_imem_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
; mem_int_imem_size ; 16384 ; Signed Integer ;
; mem_int_dmem_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
; mem_int_dmem_size ; 8192 ; Signed Integer ;
; icache_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; icache_num_blocks ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
; icache_block_size ; 64 ; Signed Integer ;
; icache_associativity ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; mem_ext_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; mem_ext_timeout ; 255 ; Signed Integer ;
; mem_ext_pipe_mode ; false ; Enumerated ;
; mem_ext_big_endian ; false ; Enumerated ;
; mem_ext_async_rx ; false ; Enumerated ;
; mem_ext_async_tx ; false ; Enumerated ;
; slink_num_tx ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; slink_num_rx ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; slink_tx_fifo ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; slink_rx_fifo ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; xirq_num_ch ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; xirq_trigger_type ; 11111111111111111111111111111111 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; xirq_trigger_polarity ; 11111111111111111111111111111111 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; io_gpio_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
; io_mtime_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
; io_uart0_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_uart0_rx_fifo ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_uart0_tx_fifo ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_uart1_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_uart1_rx_fifo ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_uart1_tx_fifo ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_spi_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_spi_fifo ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_twi_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_pwm_num_ch ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_wdt_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_trng_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_trng_fifo ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_cfs_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_cfs_config ; 00000000000000000000000000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; io_cfs_in_size ; 32 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_cfs_out_size ; 32 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_neoled_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_neoled_tx_fifo ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_gptmr_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_xip_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_onewire_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; hw_thread_id ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; cpu_boot_addr ; 00000000000000000000000000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; cpu_debug_park_addr ; 11111111111111111111100000001000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; cpu_debug_exc_addr ; 11111111111111111111100000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_b ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_c ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_e ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_m ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_u ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zfinx ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zicsr ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zicntr ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zihpm ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zifencei ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zmmul ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zxcfu ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_sdext ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_sdtrig ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fast_mul_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fast_shift_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_ipb_entries ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; pmp_num_regions ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; pmp_min_granularity ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
; hpm_num_cnts ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; hpm_cnt_width ; 40 ; Signed Integer ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; xlen ; 32 ; Signed Integer ;
; hw_thread_id ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; cpu_boot_addr ; 00000000000000000000000000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; cpu_debug_park_addr ; 11111111111111111111100000001000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; cpu_debug_exc_addr ; 11111111111111111111100000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_b ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_c ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_e ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_m ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_u ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zfinx ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zicsr ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zicntr ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zihpm ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zifencei ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zmmul ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zxcfu ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_sdext ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_sdtrig ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fast_mul_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fast_shift_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_ipb_entries ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
; pmp_num_regions ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; pmp_min_granularity ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
; hpm_num_cnts ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; hpm_cnt_width ; 40 ; Signed Integer ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; fifo_depth ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
; fifo_width ; 18 ; Signed Integer ;
; fifo_rsync ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fifo_safe ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fifo_gate ; false ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:1:prefetch_buffer_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; fifo_depth ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
; fifo_width ; 18 ; Signed Integer ;
; fifo_rsync ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fifo_safe ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fifo_gate ; false ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_cpu_decompressor:\neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; fpu_enable ; false ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; xlen ; 32 ; Signed Integer ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_e ; false ; Enumerated ;
; rs3_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; rs4_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1 ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_A ; 32 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_A ; 5 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_A ; 32 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_B ; 32 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_B ; 5 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_B ; 32 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; INIT_FILE ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone V ; Untyped ;
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_u2n1 ; Untyped ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2 ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_A ; 32 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_A ; 5 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_A ; 32 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_B ; 32 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_B ; 5 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_B ; 32 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; INIT_FILE ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone V ; Untyped ;
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_u2n1 ; Untyped ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; xlen ; 32 ; Signed Integer ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_b ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_m ; true ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zmmul ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zfinx ; false ; Enumerated ;
; cpu_extension_riscv_zxcfu ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fast_mul_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; fast_shift_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter:neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; xlen ; 32 ; Signed Integer ;
; fast_shift_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; xlen ; 32 ; Signed Integer ;
; fast_mul_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; division_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; xlen ; 32 ; Signed Integer ;
; pmp_num_regions ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; pmp_min_granularity ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; port_ca_read_only ; false ; Enumerated ;
; port_cb_read_only ; true ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; imem_base ; 00000000000000000000000000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; imem_size ; 16384 ; Signed Integer ;
; imem_as_irom ; true ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; dmem_base ; 10000000000000000000000000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; dmem_size ; 8192 ; Signed Integer ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; clock_frequency ; 50000000 ; Signed Integer ;
; custom_id ; 00000000000000000000000000000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
; int_bootloader_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; pmp_num_regions ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; mem_int_imem_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
; mem_int_imem_size ; 16384 ; Signed Integer ;
; mem_int_dmem_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
; mem_int_dmem_size ; 8192 ; Signed Integer ;
; icache_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; icache_num_blocks ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
; icache_block_size ; 64 ; Signed Integer ;
; icache_associativity ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
; mem_ext_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; mem_ext_big_endian ; false ; Enumerated ;
; on_chip_debugger_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_gpio_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
; io_mtime_en ; true ; Enumerated ;
; io_uart0_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_uart1_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_spi_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_twi_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_pwm_num_ch ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_wdt_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_trng_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_cfs_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_slink_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_neoled_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_xirq_num_ch ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
; io_gptmr_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_xip_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
; io_onewire_en ; false ; Enumerated ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for Inferred Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0 ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_A ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_A ; 11 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_B ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_B ; 11 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; INIT_FILE ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone V ; Untyped ;
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_c6q1 ; Untyped ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for Inferred Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0 ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_A ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_A ; 11 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_B ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_B ; 11 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; INIT_FILE ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone V ; Untyped ;
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_c6q1 ; Untyped ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for Inferred Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0 ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_A ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_A ; 11 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_B ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_B ; 11 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; INIT_FILE ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone V ; Untyped ;
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_c6q1 ; Untyped ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; Parameter Settings for Inferred Entity Instance: neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0 ;
; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
; BYTE_SIZE_BLOCK ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_A ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_A ; 11 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_A ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_B ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTHAD_B ; 11 ; Untyped ;
; NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; RDCONTROL_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_REG_B ; CLOCK0 ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_REG_B ; CLOCK1 ; Untyped ;
; INDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; ADDRESS_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; OUTDATA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; BYTEENA_ACLR_B ; NONE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_A ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_BYTEENA_B ; 1 ; Untyped ;
; RAM_BLOCK_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
; BYTE_SIZE ; 8 ; Untyped ;
; INIT_FILE ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
; MAXIMUM_DEPTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
; ENABLE_ECC ; FALSE ; Untyped ;
; WIDTH_ECCSTATUS ; 3 ; Untyped ;
; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone V ; Untyped ;
; CBXI_PARAMETER ; altsyncram_c6q1 ; Untyped ;
Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
; altsyncram Parameter Settings by Entity Instance ;
; Name ; Value ;
; Number of entity instances ; 6 ;
; Entity Instance ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1 ;
; -- WIDTH_A ; 32 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 32 ;
; -- WIDTH_B ; 32 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 32 ;
; Entity Instance ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2 ;
; -- WIDTH_A ; 32 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 32 ;
; -- WIDTH_B ; 32 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 32 ;
; Entity Instance ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0 ;
; -- WIDTH_A ; 8 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ;
; -- WIDTH_B ; 8 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ;
; Entity Instance ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b1_rtl_0 ;
; -- WIDTH_A ; 8 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ;
; -- WIDTH_B ; 8 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ;
; Entity Instance ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b2_rtl_0 ;
; -- WIDTH_A ; 8 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ;
; -- WIDTH_B ; 8 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ;
; Entity Instance ; neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b3_rtl_0 ;
; -- WIDTH_A ; 8 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_A ; 2048 ;
; -- WIDTH_B ; 8 ;
; -- NUMWORDS_B ; 2048 ;
; Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_bus_keeper:neorv32_bus_keeper_inst" ;
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
; bus_tmo_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; bus_ext_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; bus_xip_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst" ;
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
; ca_bus_cached_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; cb_bus_cached_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; cb_bus_wdata_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; cb_bus_ben_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; cb_bus_we_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; p_bus_priv_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; p_bus_cached_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:1:prefetch_buffer_inst" ;
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
; half_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wdata_i[16] ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; rdata_o[16] ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst" ;
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
; half_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wdata_i[16] ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; rdata_o[16] ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst" ;
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
; sleep_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; debug_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; firq_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; db_halt_req_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; Port Connectivity Checks: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst" ;
; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
; jtag_tdo_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wb_tag_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wb_adr_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wb_dat_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wb_we_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wb_sel_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wb_stb_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wb_cyc_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; wb_ack_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; wb_err_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; fence_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; fencei_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; xip_csn_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; xip_clk_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; xip_sdi_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; xip_sdo_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; slink_tx_dat_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; slink_tx_val_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; slink_tx_rdy_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; slink_tx_lst_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; slink_rx_val_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; slink_rx_rdy_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; slink_rx_lst_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; gpio_o[63..8] ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; uart0_txd_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; uart0_rts_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; uart0_cts_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; uart1_txd_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; uart1_rts_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; uart1_cts_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; spi_sck_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; spi_sdo_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; spi_csn_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; twi_sda_io ; Bidir ; Warning ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; twi_scl_io ; Bidir ; Warning ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; onewire_io ; Bidir ; Warning ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; pwm_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; cfs_out_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; neoled_o ; Output ; Info ; Connected to dangling logic. Logic that only feeds a dangling port will be removed. ;
; xirq_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; mtime_irq_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; msw_irq_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; mext_irq_i ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
; Post-Synthesis Netlist Statistics for Top Partition ;
; Type ; Count ;
; arriav_ff ; 1315 ;
; CLR ; 126 ;
; CLR SCLR ; 10 ;
; CLR SLD ; 224 ;
; ENA ; 223 ;
; ENA CLR ; 440 ;
; ENA CLR SLD ; 31 ;
; ENA SLD ; 8 ;
; SLD ; 68 ;
; plain ; 184 ;
; arriav_lcell_comb ; 2482 ;
; arith ; 420 ;
; 0 data inputs ; 3 ;
; 1 data inputs ; 249 ;
; 2 data inputs ; 5 ;
; 3 data inputs ; 31 ;
; 4 data inputs ; 67 ;
; 5 data inputs ; 65 ;
; extend ; 78 ;
; 7 data inputs ; 78 ;
; normal ; 1951 ;
; 0 data inputs ; 1 ;
; 1 data inputs ; 10 ;
; 2 data inputs ; 96 ;
; 3 data inputs ; 399 ;
; 4 data inputs ; 470 ;
; 5 data inputs ; 397 ;
; 6 data inputs ; 578 ;
; shared ; 33 ;
; 0 data inputs ; 1 ;
; 2 data inputs ; 32 ;
; boundary_port ; 10 ;
; stratixv_ram_block ; 96 ;
; ; ;
; Max LUT depth ; 8.10 ;
; Average LUT depth ; 4.05 ;
; Elapsed Time Per Partition ;
; Partition Name ; Elapsed Time ;
; Top ; 00:00:07 ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Messages ;
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis
Info: Version 22.1std.0 Build 915 10/25/2022 SC Standard Edition
Info: Processing started: Wed Feb 8 15:41:21 2023
Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off test_neorv32 -c test_neorv32
Info (16303): Aggressive Performance optimization mode selected -- timing performance will be prioritized at the potential cost of increased logic area and compilation time
Warning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance.
Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 4 of the 4 processors detected
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_approm.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_test_setup_approm-neorv32_test_setup_approm_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_approm.vhd Line: 58
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_test_setup_approm File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_approm.vhd Line: 42
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 0 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_imem.default.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_imem-neorv32_imem_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_imem.default.vhd Line: 46
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 0 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_dmem.default.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_dmem-neorv32_dmem_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_dmem.default.vhd Line: 42
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_xirq.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_xirq-neorv32_xirq_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_xirq.vhd Line: 72
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_xirq File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_xirq.vhd Line: 49
Info (12021): Found 4 design units, including 2 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_xip.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_xip-neorv32_xip_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_xip.vhd Line: 82
Info (12022): Found design unit 2: neorv32_xip_phy-neorv32_xip_phy_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_xip.vhd Line: 501
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_xip File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_xip.vhd Line: 48
Info (12023): Found entity 2: neorv32_xip_phy File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_xip.vhd Line: 476
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_wishbone.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_wishbone-neorv32_wishbone_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_wishbone.vhd Line: 104
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_wishbone File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_wishbone.vhd Line: 55
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_wdt.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_wdt-neorv32_wdt_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_wdt.vhd Line: 74
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_wdt File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_wdt.vhd Line: 50
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_uart.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_uart-neorv32_uart_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_uart.vhd Line: 99
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_uart File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_uart.vhd Line: 68
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_twi.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_twi-neorv32_twi_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_twi.vhd Line: 71
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_twi File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_twi.vhd Line: 47
Info (12021): Found 6 design units, including 3 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_trng.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_trng-neorv32_trng_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_trng.vhd Line: 63
Info (12022): Found design unit 2: neoTRNG-neoTRNG_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_trng.vhd Line: 310
Info (12022): Found design unit 3: neoTRNG_cell-neoTRNG_cell_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_trng.vhd Line: 638
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_trng File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_trng.vhd Line: 46
Info (12023): Found entity 2: neoTRNG File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_trng.vhd Line: 292
Info (12023): Found entity 3: neoTRNG_cell File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_trng.vhd Line: 622
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_top-neorv32_top_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 239
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_top File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 47
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_sysinfo.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_sysinfo-neorv32_sysinfo_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_sysinfo.vhd Line: 99
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_sysinfo File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_sysinfo.vhd Line: 45
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_spi.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_spi-neorv32_spi_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_spi.vhd Line: 73
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_spi File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_spi.vhd Line: 46
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_slink.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_slink-neorv32_slink_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_slink.vhd Line: 80
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_slink File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_slink.vhd Line: 47
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_pwm.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_pwm-neorv32_pwm_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_pwm.vhd Line: 67
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_pwm File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_pwm.vhd Line: 45
Info (12021): Found 4 design units, including 0 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_package (neorv32) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd Line: 39
Info (12022): Found design unit 2: neorv32_package-body File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd Line: 2289
Info (12022): Found design unit 3: neorv32_bootloader_image (neorv32) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd Line: 2609
Info (12022): Found design unit 4: neorv32_application_image (neorv32) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd Line: 2626
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_onewire.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_onewire-neorv32_onewire_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_onewire.vhd Line: 73
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_onewire File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_onewire.vhd Line: 51
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_neoled.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_neoled-neorv32_neoled_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_neoled.vhd Line: 80
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_neoled File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_neoled.vhd Line: 56
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_mtime.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_mtime-neorv32_mtime_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_mtime.vhd Line: 61
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_mtime File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_mtime.vhd Line: 45
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.entity.vhd
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_imem File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.entity.vhd Line: 42
Info (12021): Found 4 design units, including 2 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_icache.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_icache-neorv32_icache_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_icache.vhd Line: 73
Info (12022): Found design unit 2: neorv32_icache_memory-neorv32_icache_memory_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_icache.vhd Line: 414
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_icache File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_icache.vhd Line: 45
Info (12023): Found entity 2: neorv32_icache_memory File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_icache.vhd Line: 385
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_gptmr.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_gptmr-neorv32_gptmr_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_gptmr.vhd Line: 66
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_gptmr File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_gptmr.vhd Line: 47
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_gpio.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_gpio-neorv32_gpio_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_gpio.vhd Line: 63
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_gpio File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_gpio.vhd Line: 45
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_fifo.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_fifo-neorv32_fifo_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_fifo.vhd Line: 67
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_fifo File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_fifo.vhd Line: 42
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_dmem.entity.vhd
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_dmem File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_dmem.entity.vhd Line: 39
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_debug_dtm.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_debug_dtm-neorv32_debug_dtm_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_debug_dtm.vhd Line: 70
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_debug_dtm File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_debug_dtm.vhd Line: 41
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_debug_dm.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_debug_dm-neorv32_debug_dm_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_debug_dm.vhd Line: 88
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_debug_dm File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_debug_dm.vhd Line: 58
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_regfile.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_regfile-neorv32_cpu_regfile_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_regfile.vhd Line: 78
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_regfile File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_regfile.vhd Line: 54
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_decompressor.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_decompressor-neorv32_cpu_decompressor_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_decompressor.vhd Line: 55
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_decompressor File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_decompressor.vhd Line: 42
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter-neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter.vhd Line: 65
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter.vhd Line: 45
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv-neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv.vhd Line: 67
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv.vhd Line: 46
Info (12021): Found 6 design units, including 3 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu-neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd Line: 80
Info (12022): Found design unit 2: neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu_normalizer-neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu_normalizer_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd Line: 1200
Info (12022): Found design unit 3: neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu_f2i-neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu_f2i_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd Line: 1585
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd Line: 58
Info (12023): Found entity 2: neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu_normalizer File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd Line: 1178
Info (12023): Found entity 3: neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu_f2i File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd Line: 1565
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu-neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu.vhd Line: 68
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu.vhd Line: 47
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip-neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd Line: 73
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd Line: 51
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_control-neorv32_cpu_control_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 132
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_control File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 52
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_bus-neorv32_cpu_bus_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 85
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_bus File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 44
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu_alu-neorv32_cpu_cpu_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd Line: 79
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu_alu File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd Line: 44
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cpu-neorv32_cpu_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 116
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cpu File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 47
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cfs.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_cfs-neorv32_cfs_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cfs.vhd Line: 78
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_cfs File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cfs.vhd Line: 49
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_busswitch.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_busswitch-neorv32_busswitch_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_busswitch.vhd Line: 91
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_busswitch File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_busswitch.vhd Line: 45
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bus_keeper.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_bus_keeper-neorv32_bus_keeper_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bus_keeper.vhd Line: 70
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_bus_keeper File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bus_keeper.vhd Line: 46
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 0 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_bootloader_image-body File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd Line: 8
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_boot_rom.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_boot_rom-neorv32_boot_rom_rtl File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_boot_rom.vhd Line: 58
Info (12023): Found entity 1: neorv32_boot_rom File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_boot_rom.vhd Line: 43
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 0 entities, in source file /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_application_image.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: neorv32_application_image-body File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_application_image.vhd Line: 8
Info (12127): Elaborating entity "neorv32_test_setup_approm" for the top level hierarchy
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_top" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_approm.vhd Line: 66
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at neorv32_top.vhd(254): object "rstn_ext" assigned a value but never read File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 254
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at neorv32_top.vhd(261): object "clk_gen" assigned a value but never read File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 261
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at neorv32_top.vhd(282): object "cpu_s" assigned a value but never read File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 282
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at neorv32_top.vhd(388): object "xip_enable" assigned a value but never read File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 388
Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at neorv32_top.vhd(389): object "xip_page" assigned a value but never read File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 389
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_top.vhd(395): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 PROCESSOR CONFIG NOTE: Peripherals = GPIO MTIME " (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 395
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_top.vhd(422): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 PROCESSOR CONFIG NOTE: Boot configuration = direct boot from memory (processor-internal IMEM)." (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 422
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_cpu" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 542
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_cpu.vhd(165): assertion is false - report "The NEORV32 RISC-V Processor -" (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 165
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_cpu.vhd(168): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 CPU CONFIG NOTE: Core ISA ('MARCH') = RV32IMC_Zicsr_Zicntr" (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 168
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_cpu.vhd(190): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 CPU NOTE: Assuming this is real hardware." (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 190
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_cpu.vhd(200): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 CPU CONFIG NOTE: Boot from address 0x00000000." (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 200
Warning (10651): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_cpu.vhd(214): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 CPU CONFIG WARNING! Overriding <CPU_IPB_ENTRIES> configuration (setting =2) because C ISA extension is enabled." (WARNING) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 214
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_cpu_control" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 260
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(249): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 249
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(251): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 251
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(253): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 253
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(255): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 255
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(257): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 257
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(365): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 365
Warning (10037): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(1143): conditional expression evaluates to a constant File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 1143
Warning (10631): VHDL Process Statement warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(1686): inferring latch(es) for signal or variable "csr", which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the process File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 1686
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(2074): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 2074
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(2480): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 2480
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(2517): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 2517
Warning (10296): VHDL warning at neorv32_cpu_control.vhd(2550): ignored assignment of value to null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 2550
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_fifo" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_fifo:\prefetch_buffer:0:prefetch_buffer_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 494
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_cpu_decompressor" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_control:neorv32_cpu_control_inst|neorv32_cpu_decompressor:\neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_decompressor_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd Line: 591
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_cpu_regfile" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 351
Info (19000): Inferred 2 megafunctions from design logic
Info (276029): Inferred altsyncram megafunction from the following design logic: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1"
Info (286033): Parameter OPERATION_MODE set to DUAL_PORT
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_A set to 32
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_A set to 5
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_A set to 32
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_B set to 32
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_B set to 5
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_B set to 32
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_REG_B set to UNREGISTERED
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (286033): Parameter INDATA_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter WRCONTROL_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (276029): Inferred altsyncram megafunction from the following design logic: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__2"
Info (286033): Parameter OPERATION_MODE set to DUAL_PORT
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_A set to 32
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_A set to 5
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_A set to 32
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_B set to 32
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_B set to 5
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_B set to 32
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_REG_B set to UNREGISTERED
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (286033): Parameter INDATA_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter WRCONTROL_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1"
Info (12130): Elaborated megafunction instantiation "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1"
Info (12133): Instantiated megafunction "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1" with the following parameter:
Info (12134): Parameter "OPERATION_MODE" = "DUAL_PORT"
Info (12134): Parameter "WIDTH_A" = "32"
Info (12134): Parameter "WIDTHAD_A" = "5"
Info (12134): Parameter "NUMWORDS_A" = "32"
Info (12134): Parameter "WIDTH_B" = "32"
Info (12134): Parameter "WIDTHAD_B" = "5"
Info (12134): Parameter "NUMWORDS_B" = "32"
Info (12134): Parameter "ADDRESS_ACLR_A" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "OUTDATA_REG_B" = "UNREGISTERED"
Info (12134): Parameter "ADDRESS_ACLR_B" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "OUTDATA_ACLR_B" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "ADDRESS_REG_B" = "CLOCK0"
Info (12134): Parameter "INDATA_ACLR_A" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "WRCONTROL_ACLR_A" = "NONE"
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/altsyncram_u2n1.tdf
Info (12023): Found entity 1: altsyncram_u2n1 File: /home/seti/quartus_project/db/altsyncram_u2n1.tdf Line: 28
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altsyncram_u2n1" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_regfile:neorv32_cpu_regfile_inst|altsyncram:reg_file[0][31]__1|altsyncram_u2n1:auto_generated" File: /home/seti/intelFPGA/22.1std/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altsyncram.tdf Line: 792
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_cpu_alu" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 377
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter:neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd Line: 174
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_alu:neorv32_cpu_alu_inst|neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv:\neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst_true:neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd Line: 198
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_cpu_bus" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_cpu:neorv32_cpu_inst|neorv32_cpu_bus:neorv32_cpu_bus_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd Line: 414
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(114): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 114
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(115): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 115
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(116): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 116
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(117): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 117
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(118): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 118
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(119): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 119
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(120): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 120
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(121): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 121
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(122): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 122
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(427): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 427
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(446): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 446
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(467): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 467
Warning (10445): VHDL Subtype or Type Declaration warning at neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd(500): subtype or type has null range File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd Line: 500
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_busswitch" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_busswitch:neorv32_busswitch_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 691
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_bus_keeper" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_bus_keeper:neorv32_bus_keeper_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 763
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_imem" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_imem:\neorv32_int_imem_inst_true:neorv32_int_imem_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 799
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_imem.default.vhd(89): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 PROCESSOR CONFIG NOTE: Using DEFAULT platform-agnostic IMEM." (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_imem.default.vhd Line: 89
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_imem.default.vhd(92): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 PROCESSOR CONFIG NOTE: Implementing processor-internal IMEM as ROM (16384 bytes), pre-initialized with application (1076 bytes)." (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_imem.default.vhd Line: 92
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_dmem" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 828
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_dmem.default.vhd(72): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 PROCESSOR CONFIG NOTE: Using DEFAULT platform-agnostic DMEM." (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_dmem.default.vhd Line: 72
Info (10544): VHDL Assertion Statement at neorv32_dmem.default.vhd(75): assertion is false - report "NEORV32 PROCESSOR CONFIG NOTE: Implementing processor-internal DMEM (RAM, 8192 bytes)." (NOTE) File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/mem/neorv32_dmem.default.vhd Line: 75
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_gpio" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_gpio:\neorv32_gpio_inst_true:neorv32_gpio_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 1059
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_mtime" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_mtime:\neorv32_mtime_inst_true:neorv32_mtime_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 1128
Info (12128): Elaborating entity "neorv32_sysinfo" for hierarchy "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_sysinfo:neorv32_sysinfo_inst" File: /home/seti/neorv32/rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd Line: 1605
Info (286030): Timing-Driven Synthesis is running
Info (19000): Inferred 4 megafunctions from design logic
Info (276029): Inferred altsyncram megafunction from the following design logic: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b0_rtl_0"
Info (286033): Parameter OPERATION_MODE set to DUAL_PORT
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_A set to 8
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_A set to 11
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_A set to 2048
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_B set to 8
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_B set to 11
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_B set to 2048
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_REG_B set to UNREGISTERED
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (286033): Parameter INDATA_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter WRCONTROL_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter RDCONTROL_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (276029): Inferred altsyncram megafunction from the following design logic: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b1_rtl_0"
Info (286033): Parameter OPERATION_MODE set to DUAL_PORT
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_A set to 8
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_A set to 11
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_A set to 2048
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_B set to 8
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_B set to 11
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_B set to 2048
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_REG_B set to UNREGISTERED
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (286033): Parameter INDATA_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter WRCONTROL_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter RDCONTROL_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (276029): Inferred altsyncram megafunction from the following design logic: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b2_rtl_0"
Info (286033): Parameter OPERATION_MODE set to DUAL_PORT
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_A set to 8
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_A set to 11
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_A set to 2048
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_B set to 8
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_B set to 11
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_B set to 2048
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_REG_B set to UNREGISTERED
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (286033): Parameter INDATA_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter WRCONTROL_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter RDCONTROL_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (276029): Inferred altsyncram megafunction from the following design logic: "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|mem_ram_b3_rtl_0"
Info (286033): Parameter OPERATION_MODE set to DUAL_PORT
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_A set to 8
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_A set to 11
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_A set to 2048
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTH_B set to 8
Info (286033): Parameter WIDTHAD_B set to 11
Info (286033): Parameter NUMWORDS_B set to 2048
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_REG_B set to UNREGISTERED
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter OUTDATA_ACLR_B set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter ADDRESS_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (286033): Parameter INDATA_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter WRCONTROL_ACLR_A set to NONE
Info (286033): Parameter RDCONTROL_REG_B set to CLOCK0
Info (12130): Elaborated megafunction instantiation "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0"
Info (12133): Instantiated megafunction "neorv32_top:neorv32_top_inst|neorv32_dmem:\neorv32_int_dmem_inst_true:neorv32_int_dmem_inst|altsyncram:mem_ram_b0_rtl_0" with the following parameter:
Info (12134): Parameter "OPERATION_MODE" = "DUAL_PORT"
Info (12134): Parameter "WIDTH_A" = "8"
Info (12134): Parameter "WIDTHAD_A" = "11"
Info (12134): Parameter "NUMWORDS_A" = "2048"
Info (12134): Parameter "WIDTH_B" = "8"
Info (12134): Parameter "WIDTHAD_B" = "11"
Info (12134): Parameter "NUMWORDS_B" = "2048"
Info (12134): Parameter "ADDRESS_ACLR_A" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "OUTDATA_REG_B" = "UNREGISTERED"
Info (12134): Parameter "ADDRESS_ACLR_B" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "OUTDATA_ACLR_B" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "ADDRESS_REG_B" = "CLOCK0"
Info (12134): Parameter "INDATA_ACLR_A" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "WRCONTROL_ACLR_A" = "NONE"
Info (12134): Parameter "RDCONTROL_REG_B" = "CLOCK0"
Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/altsyncram_c6q1.tdf
Info (12023): Found entity 1: altsyncram_c6q1 File: /home/seti/quartus_project/db/altsyncram_c6q1.tdf Line: 28
Warning (12241): 1 hierarchies have connectivity warnings - see the Connectivity Checks report folder
Info (17049): 45 registers lost all their fanouts during netlist optimizations.
Info (16010): Generating hard_block partition "hard_block:auto_generated_inst"
Info (16011): Adding 0 node(s), including 0 DDIO, 0 PLL, 0 transceiver and 0 LCELL
Info (21057): Implemented 3009 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different
Info (21058): Implemented 2 input pins
Info (21059): Implemented 8 output pins
Info (21061): Implemented 2903 logic cells
Info (21064): Implemented 96 RAM segments
Info: Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 33 warnings
Info: Peak virtual memory: 632 megabytes
Info: Processing ended: Wed Feb 8 15:41:39 2023
Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:18
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:23