2023-03-06 14:48:14 +01:00

2594 lines
99 KiB

* D header file for interaction with C++ std::string.
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2019 D Language Foundation
* License: Distributed under the
* $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0).
* (See accompanying file LICENSE)
* Authors: Guillaume Chatelet
* Manu Evans
* Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/stdcpp/string.d)
module core.stdcpp.string;
import core.stdcpp.allocator;
import core.stdcpp.xutility : StdNamespace;
import core.stdc.stddef : wchar_t;
version (OSX)
version = Darwin;
else version (iOS)
version = Darwin;
else version (TVOS)
version = Darwin;
else version (WatchOS)
version = Darwin;
version (Darwin)
// Apple decided to rock a different ABI... good for them!
version (CppRuntime_Gcc)
version (_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX98_ABI)
private enum StringNamespace = "std";
version = __GTHREADS;
import core.internal.traits : AliasSeq;
private enum StringNamespace = AliasSeq!("std", "__cxx11");
alias StringNamespace = StdNamespace;
enum DefaultConstruct { value }
/// Constructor argument for default construction
enum Default = DefaultConstruct();
* Character traits classes specify character properties and provide specific
* semantics for certain operations on characters and sequences of characters.
extern(C++, (StdNamespace)) struct char_traits(CharT)
alias char_type = CharT;
static size_t length(const(char_type)* s) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
static if (is(char_type == char) || is(char_type == ubyte))
import core.stdc.string : strlen;
return strlen(s);
size_t len = 0;
for (; *s != char_type(0); ++s)
return len;
static char_type* move(char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
import core.stdc.string : memmove;
import core.stdc.wchar_ : wmemmove;
import core.stdc.stddef : wchar_t;
if (n == 0)
return s1;
version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
enum crt = __traits(getTargetInfo, "cppRuntimeLibrary");
static if (crt.length >= 6 && crt[0 .. 6] == "msvcrt")
enum use_wmemmove = false; //
enum use_wmemmove = true;
enum use_wmemmove = true;
static if (use_wmemmove
&& (is(char_type == wchar_t)
|| is(char_type == ushort) && wchar_t.sizeof == ushort.sizeof // Windows
|| is(char_type == uint) && wchar_t.sizeof == uint.sizeof)) // POSIX
return cast(char_type*) wmemmove(s1, s2, n);
return cast(char_type*) memmove(s1, s2, n * char_type.sizeof);
// I don't think we can have these here, otherwise symbols are emit to druntime, and we don't want that...
//alias std_string = basic_string!char;
//alias std_u16string = basic_string!wchar; // TODO: can't mangle these yet either...
//alias std_u32string = basic_string!dchar;
//alias std_wstring = basic_string!wchar_t; // TODO: we can't mangle wchar_t properly (yet?)
* D language counterpart to C++ std::basic_string.
* C++ reference: $(LINK2
extern(C++, class)
extern(C++, (StringNamespace))
struct basic_string(T, Traits = char_traits!T, Alloc = allocator!T)
enum size_type npos = size_type.max;
alias size_type = size_t;
alias difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
alias value_type = T;
alias traits_type = Traits;
alias allocator_type = Alloc;
alias pointer = value_type*;
alias const_pointer = const(value_type)*;
alias toString = as_array;
/// MSVC allocates on default initialisation in debug, which can't be modelled by D `struct`
@disable this();
alias length = size;
alias opDollar = length;
bool empty() const nothrow @safe { return size() == 0; }
size_t[2] opSlice(size_t dim : 0)(size_t start, size_t end) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return [start, end]; }
ref inout(T) opIndex(size_t index) inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return as_array[index]; }
inout(T)[] opIndex(size_t[2] slice) inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]]; }
inout(T)[] opIndex() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return as_array(); }
/// Two `basic_string`s are equal if they represent the same sequence of code units.
bool opEquals(scope const ref basic_string s) const pure nothrow @safe { return as_array == s.as_array; }
/// ditto
bool opEquals(scope const T[] s) const pure nothrow @safe { return as_array == s; }
/// Performs lexicographical comparison.
int opCmp(scope const ref basic_string rhs) const pure nothrow @safe { return __cmp(as_array, rhs.as_array); }
/// ditto
int opCmp(scope const T[] rhs) const pure nothrow @safe { return __cmp(as_array, rhs); }
/// Hash to allow `basic_string`s to be used as keys for built-in associative arrays.
/// **The result will generally not be the same as C++ `std::hash<std::basic_string<T>>`.**
size_t toHash() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe { return .hashOf(as_array); }
void clear() { eos(0); } // TODO: bounds-check
void resize(size_type n, T c = T(0)) @trusted
if (n <= size())
append(n - size(), c);
ref inout(T) front() inout nothrow @safe { return this[0]; }
ref inout(T) back() inout nothrow @safe { return this[$-1]; }
const(T)* c_str() const nothrow @safe { return data(); }
// Modifiers
ref basic_string opAssign()(auto ref basic_string str) { return assign(str); }
// ref basic_string assign(size_type n, T c);
ref basic_string opAssign(const(T)[] str) { return assign(str); }
ref basic_string opAssign(T c) { return assign((&c)[0 .. 1]); }
ref basic_string opIndexAssign(T c, size_t index) { as_array[index] = c; return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexAssign(T c, size_t[2] slice) { as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]] = c; return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexAssign(const(T)[] str, size_t[2] slice) { as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]] = str[]; return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexAssign(T c) { as_array[] = c; return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexAssign(const(T)[] str) { as_array[] = str[]; return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexOpAssign(string op)(T c, size_t index) { mixin("as_array[index] " ~ op ~ "= c;"); return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexOpAssign(string op)(T c, size_t[2] slice) { mixin("as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]] " ~ op ~ "= c;"); return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexOpAssign(string op)(const(T)[] str, size_t[2] slice) { mixin("as_array[slice[0] .. slice[1]] " ~ op ~ "= str[];"); return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexOpAssign(string op)(T c) { mixin("as_array[] " ~ op ~ "= c;"); return this; }
ref basic_string opIndexOpAssign(string op)(const(T)[] str) { mixin("as_array[] " ~ op ~ "= str[];"); return this; }
ref basic_string append(T c) { return append((&c)[0 .. 1]); }
ref basic_string opOpAssign(string op : "~")(const(T)[] str) { return append(str); }
ref basic_string opOpAssign(string op : "~")(T c) { return append((&c)[0 .. 1]); }
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, ref const(basic_string) str) { return insert(pos,, str.size()); }
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, ref const(basic_string) str, size_type subpos, size_type sublen) @trusted
const _strsz = str.size();
assert(subpos <= _strsz);
// if (subpos > _strsz)
// throw new RangeError("subpos exceeds length of str");
return insert(pos, + subpos, min(sublen, _strsz - subpos));
ref basic_string insert(S : size_type)(S pos, const(T)* s)
// This overload is declared as a template to give precedence to the slice overload const(T)[] in case of conflict.
return insert(pos, s, traits_type.length(s));
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, const(T)[] s) { insert(pos, &s[0], s.length); return this; }
ref basic_string erase(size_type pos = 0) // TODO: bounds-check
// _My_data._Check_offset(pos);
return this;
ref basic_string erase(size_type pos, size_type len) // TODO: bounds-check
// _My_data._Check_offset(pos);
T[] str = as_array();
size_type new_len = str.length - len;
this[pos .. new_len] = this[pos + len .. str.length]; // TODO: should be memmove!
return this;
ref basic_string replace()(size_type pos, size_type len, auto ref basic_string str) { return replace(pos, len,, str.size()); }
ref basic_string replace()(size_type pos, size_type len, auto ref basic_string str,
size_type subpos, size_type sublen=npos)
size_type strsz = str.size();
assert(subpos <= strsz);
// if (subpos > strsz)
// throw new RangeError("subpos exceeds size of str");
return replace(pos, len, + subpos, min(sublen, strsz - subpos));
ref basic_string replace(size_type pos, size_type len, const(value_type)[] s) { return replace(pos, len, s.ptr, s.length); }
ref basic_string replace(S : size_type)(S pos, size_type len, const(value_type)* s)
// This overload is declared as a template to give precedence to the slice overload const(T)[] in case of conflict.
assert(s !is null, "string::replace received null");
return replace(pos, len, s, traits_type.length(s));
void push_back(T c) @trusted { append((&c)[0 .. 1]); }
void pop_back() { erase(size() - 1); }
version (CppRuntime_Microsoft)
// Microsoft runtime
this(DefaultConstruct) { _Alloc_proxy(); _Tidy_init(); }
this(const(T)[] str) { _Alloc_proxy(); _Tidy_init(); assign(str); }
this(const(T)[] str, ref const(allocator_type) al) { _Alloc_proxy(); _AssignAllocator(al); _Tidy_init(); assign(str); }
if (_Get_data()._IsAllocated())
T[] _Str = _Get_data()._Mystr;
~this() { _Tidy_deallocate(); }
ref inout(Alloc) get_allocator() inout { return _Getal(); }
size_type max_size() const nothrow @safe { return ((size_t.max / T.sizeof) - 1) / 2; } // HACK: clone the windows version precisely?
size_type size() const nothrow @safe { return _Get_data()._Mysize; }
size_type capacity() const nothrow @safe { return _Get_data()._Myres; }
inout(T)* data() inout @safe { return _Get_data()._Myptr; }
inout(T)[] as_array() scope return inout nothrow @trusted { return _Get_data()._Myptr[0 .. _Get_data()._Mysize]; }
ref inout(T) at(size_type i) inout nothrow @trusted { return _Get_data()._Myptr[0 .. _Get_data()._Mysize][i]; }
ref basic_string assign(const(T)[] str)
size_type _Count = str.length;
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
if (_Count <= _My_data._Myres)
T* _Old_ptr = _My_data._Myptr;
_My_data._Mysize = _Count;
_Old_ptr[0 .. _Count] = str[]; // TODO: this needs to be a memmove(), does that work here?
_Old_ptr[_Count] = T(0);
return this;
return _Reallocate_for(_Count, (T* _New_ptr, size_type _Count, const(T)* _Ptr) nothrow {
_New_ptr[0 .. _Count] = _Ptr[0 .. _Count];
_New_ptr[_Count] = T(0);
}, str.ptr);
ref basic_string assign(const ref basic_string str)
if (&this != &str)
return this;
ref basic_string append(const(T)[] str)
size_type _Count = str.length;
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
size_type _Old_size = _My_data._Mysize;
if (_Count <= _My_data._Myres - _Old_size)
pointer _Old_ptr = _My_data._Myptr;
_My_data._Mysize = _Old_size + _Count;
_Old_ptr[_Old_size .. _Old_size + _Count] = str[]; // TODO: this needs to be a memmove(), does that work here?
_Old_ptr[_Old_size + _Count] = T(0);
return this;
return _Reallocate_grow_by(_Count, (T* _New_ptr, const(T)[] _Old_str, const(T)[] _Str) {
_New_ptr[0 .. _Old_str.length] = _Old_str[];
_New_ptr[_Old_str.length .. _Old_str.length + _Str.length] = _Str[];
_New_ptr[_Old_str.length + _Str.length] = T(0);
}, str);
ref basic_string append(size_type n, T c)
alias _Count = n;
alias _Ch = c;
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
const size_type _Old_size = _My_data._Mysize;
if (_Count <= _My_data._Myres - _Old_size)
_My_data._Mysize = _Old_size + _Count;
pointer _Old_ptr = _My_data._Myptr();
_Old_ptr[_Old_size .. _Old_size + _Count] = _Ch;
_Old_ptr[_Old_size + _Count] = T(0);
return this;
return _Reallocate_grow_by(_Count, (T* _New_ptr, const(T)[] _Old_str, size_type _Count, T _Ch) {
_New_ptr[0 .. _Old_str.length] = _Old_str[];
_New_ptr[_Old_str.length .. _Old_str.length + _Count] = _Ch;
_New_ptr[_Old_str.length + _Count] = T(0);
}, _Count, _Ch);
void reserve(size_type _Newcap = 0)
// determine new minimum length of allocated storage
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
if (_My_data._Mysize > _Newcap)
// requested capacity is not large enough for current size, ignore
return; // nothing to do
if (_My_data._Myres == _Newcap)
// we're already at the requested capacity
return; // nothing to do
if (_My_data._Myres < _Newcap)
// reallocate to grow
const size_type _Old_size = _My_data._Mysize;
_Newcap - _Old_size, (T* _New_ptr, const(T)[] _Old_str) {
_New_ptr[0 .. _Old_str.length] = _Old_str[];
_New_ptr[_Old_str.length] = _Old_str.ptr[_Old_str.length];
_My_data._Mysize = _Old_size;
if (_My_data._BUF_SIZE > _Newcap && _My_data._Large_string_engaged())
// deallocate everything; switch back to "small" mode
// ignore requests to reserve to [_BUF_SIZE, _Myres)
void shrink_to_fit()
// reduce capacity
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
if (!_My_data._Large_string_engaged())
// can't shrink from small mode
if (_My_data._Mysize < _My_data._BUF_SIZE)
const size_type _Target_capacity = min(_My_data._Mysize | _My_data._ALLOC_MASK, max_size());
if (_Target_capacity < _My_data._Myres)
// worth shrinking, do it
auto _Al = &_Getal();
pointer _New_ptr = _Al.allocate(_Target_capacity + 1); // throws
_New_ptr[0 .. _My_data._Mysize + 1] = _My_data._Bx._Ptr[0 .. _My_data._Mysize + 1];
_Al.deallocate(_My_data._Bx._Ptr, _My_data._Myres + 1);
_My_data._Bx._Ptr = _New_ptr;
_My_data._Myres = _Target_capacity;
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, const(T)* s, size_type n)
// insert [_Ptr, _Ptr + _Count) at _Off
alias _Off = pos;
alias _Ptr = s;
alias _Count = n;
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
// _My_data._Check_offset(_Off);
const size_type _Old_size = _My_data._Mysize;
if (_Count <= _My_data._Myres - _Old_size)
_My_data._Mysize = _Old_size + _Count;
T* _Old_ptr = _My_data._Myptr();
T* _Insert_at = _Old_ptr + _Off;
// the range [_Ptr, _Ptr + _Ptr_shifted_after) is left alone by moving the suffix out,
// while the range [_Ptr + _Ptr_shifted_after, _Ptr + _Count) shifts down by _Count
size_type _Ptr_shifted_after;
if (_Ptr + _Count <= _Insert_at || _Ptr > _Old_ptr + _Old_size)
// inserted content is before the shifted region, or does not alias
_Ptr_shifted_after = _Count; // none of _Ptr's data shifts
else if (_Insert_at <= _Ptr)
// all of [_Ptr, _Ptr + _Count) shifts
_Ptr_shifted_after = 0;
// [_Ptr, _Ptr + _Count) contains _Insert_at, so only the part after _Insert_at shifts
_Ptr_shifted_after = cast(size_type)(_Insert_at - _Ptr);
_Traits.move(_Insert_at + _Count, _Insert_at, _Old_size - _Off + 1); // move suffix + null down
_Insert_at[0 .. _Ptr_shifted_after] = _Ptr[0 .. _Ptr_shifted_after];
(_Insert_at + _Ptr_shifted_after)[0 .. _Count - _Ptr_shifted_after] = (_Ptr + _Count + _Ptr_shifted_after)[0 .. _Count - _Ptr_shifted_after];
return this;
return _Reallocate_grow_by(
(T* _New_ptr, const(T)[] _Old_str, size_type _Off, const(T)* _Ptr, size_type _Count) {
_New_ptr[0 .. _Off] = _Old_str[0 .. _Off];
_New_ptr[_Off .. _Off + _Count] = _Ptr[0 .. _Count];
_New_ptr[_Off + _Count .. _Old_str.length + _Count + 1] = _Old_str.ptr[_Off .. _Old_str.length + 1];
_Off, _Ptr, _Count);
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, size_type n, T c)
// insert _Count * _Ch at _Off
alias _Off = pos;
alias _Count = n;
alias _Ch = c;
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
// _My_data._Check_offset(_Off);
const size_type _Old_size = _My_data._Mysize;
if (_Count <= _My_data._Myres - _Old_size)
_My_data._Mysize = _Old_size + _Count;
T* _Old_ptr = _My_data._Myptr();
T* _Insert_at = _Old_ptr + _Off;
_Traits.move(_Insert_at + _Count, _Insert_at, _Old_size - _Off + 1); // move suffix + null down
_Insert_at[0 .. _Count] = _Ch; // fill hole
return this;
return _Reallocate_grow_by(
(T* _New_ptr, const(T)[] _Old_str, size_type _Off, size_type _Count, T _Ch)
_New_ptr[0 .. _Off] = _Old_str[0 .. _Off];
_New_ptr[_Off .. _Off + _Count] = _Ch;
_New_ptr[_Off + _Count .. _Old_str.length + 1] = _Old_str.ptr[_Off .. _Old_str.length + 1];
_Off, _Count, _Ch);
ref basic_string replace(size_type pos, size_type len, const(T)* s, size_type slen)
// replace [_Off, _Off + _N0) with [_Ptr, _Ptr + _Count)
alias _Off = pos;
alias _N0 = len;
alias _Ptr = s;
alias _Count = slen;
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
// _Mypair._Myval2._Check_offset(_Off);
_N0 = _My_data._Clamp_suffix_size(_Off, _N0);
if (_N0 == _Count)
// size doesn't change, so a single move does the trick
_Traits.move(_My_data._Myptr() + _Off, _Ptr, _Count);
return this;
const size_type _Old_size = _My_data._Mysize;
const size_type _Suffix_size = _Old_size - _N0 - _Off + 1;
if (_Count < _N0)
// suffix shifts backwards; we don't have to move anything out of the way
_My_data._Mysize = _Old_size - (_N0 - _Count);
T* _Old_ptr = _My_data._Myptr();
T* _Insert_at = _Old_ptr + _Off;
_Traits.move(_Insert_at, _Ptr, _Count);
_Traits.move(_Insert_at + _Count, _Insert_at + _N0, _Suffix_size);
return this;
const size_type _Growth = cast(size_type)(_Count - _N0);
if (_Growth <= _My_data._Myres - _Old_size)
// growth fits
_My_data._Mysize = _Old_size + _Growth;
T* _Old_ptr = _My_data._Myptr();
T* _Insert_at = _Old_ptr + _Off;
T* _Suffix_at = _Insert_at + _N0;
size_type _Ptr_shifted_after; // see rationale in insert
if (_Ptr + _Count <= _Insert_at || _Ptr > _Old_ptr + _Old_size)
_Ptr_shifted_after = _Count;
else if (_Suffix_at <= _Ptr)
_Ptr_shifted_after = 0;
_Ptr_shifted_after = cast(size_type)(_Suffix_at - _Ptr);
_Traits.move(_Suffix_at + _Growth, _Suffix_at, _Suffix_size);
// next case must be move, in case _Ptr begins before _Insert_at and contains part of the hole;
// this case doesn't occur in insert because the new content must come from outside the removed
// content there (because in insert there is no removed content)
_Traits.move(_Insert_at, _Ptr, _Ptr_shifted_after);
// the next case can be copy, because it comes from the chunk moved out of the way in the
// first move, and the hole we're filling can't alias the chunk we moved out of the way
_Insert_at[_Ptr_shifted_after .. _Count] = _Ptr[_Growth + _Ptr_shifted_after .. _Growth + _Count];
return this;
return _Reallocate_grow_by(
(T* _New_ptr, const(T)[] _Old_str, size_type _Off, size_type _N0, const(T)* _Ptr, size_type _Count) {
_New_ptr[0 .. _Off] = _Old_str[0 .. _Off];
_New_ptr[_Off .. _Count] = _Ptr[0 .. _Count];
const __n = _Old_str.length - _N0 - _Off + 1;
(_New_ptr + _Off + _Count)[0 .. __n] = (_Old_str.ptr + _Off + _N0)[0 .. __n];
_Off, _N0, _Ptr, _Count);
ref basic_string replace(size_type _Off, size_type _N0, size_type _Count, T _Ch)
// replace [_Off, _Off + _N0) with _Count * _Ch
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
// _My_data._Check_offset(_Off);
_N0 = _My_data._Clamp_suffix_size(_Off, _N0);
if (_Count == _N0)
_My_data._Myptr()[_Off .. _Off + _Count] = _Ch;
return this;
const size_type _Old_size = _My_data._Mysize;
if (_Count < _N0 || _Count - _N0 <= _My_data._Myres - _Old_size)
// either we are shrinking, or the growth fits
_My_data._Mysize = _Old_size + _Count - _N0; // may temporarily overflow;
// OK because size_type must be unsigned
T* _Old_ptr = _My_data._Myptr();
T* _Insert_at = _Old_ptr + _Off;
_Traits.move(_Insert_at + _Count, _Insert_at + _N0, _Old_size - _N0 - _Off + 1);
_Insert_at[0 .. _Count] = _Ch;
return this;
return _Reallocate_grow_by(
_Count - _N0,
(T* _New_ptr, const(T)[] _Old_str, size_type _Off, size_type _N0, size_type _Count, T _Ch) {
_New_ptr[0 .. _Off] = _Old_str[0 .. _Off];
_New_ptr[_Off .. _Off + _Count] = _Ch;
const __n = _Old_str.length - _N0 - _Off + 1;
(_New_ptr + _Off + _Count)[0 .. __n] = (_Old_str.ptr + _Off + _N0)[0 .. __n];
_Off, _N0, _Count, _Ch);
void swap(ref basic_string _Right)
import core.internal.lifetime : swap;
import core.stdcpp.type_traits : is_empty;
if (&this != &_Right)
static if (!is_empty!allocator_type.value
&& allocator_traits!allocator_type.propagate_on_container_swap)
swap(_Getal(), _Right._Getal());
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0)
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
const bool _My_large = _My_data._Large_string_engaged();
const bool _Right_large = _Right._Get_data()._Large_string_engaged();
if (!_My_large)
if (!_Right_large)
if (_My_large || _Right_large)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : MSVCLinkDirectives;
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Container_base;
alias _Traits = traits_type;
alias _Scary_val = _String_val!T;
enum bool _Can_memcpy_val = is(_Traits == char_traits!E, E) && is(pointer == U*, U);
// This offset skips over the _Container_base members, if any
enum size_t _Memcpy_val_offset = _Size_after_ebco_v!_Container_base;
enum size_t _Memcpy_val_size = _Scary_val.sizeof - _Memcpy_val_offset;
// Make sure the object files wont link against mismatching objects
mixin MSVCLinkDirectives!true;
pragma (inline, true)
void eos(size_type offset) nothrow { _Get_data()._Myptr[_Get_data()._Mysize = offset] = T(0); }
ref inout(_Base.Alloc) _Getal() inout nothrow @safe { return _Base._Mypair._Myval1; }
ref inout(_Base.ValTy) _Get_data() inout nothrow @safe { return _Base._Mypair._Myval2; }
void _Alloc_proxy() nothrow
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0)
void _AssignAllocator(ref const(allocator_type) al) nothrow
static if (_Base._Mypair._HasFirst)
_Getal() = al;
void _Become_small()
// release any held storage and return to small string mode
// pre: *this is in large string mode
// pre: this is small enough to return to small string mode
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
pointer _Ptr = _My_data._Bx._Ptr;
auto _Al = &_Getal();
_My_data._Bx._Buf[0 .. _My_data._Mysize + 1] = _Ptr[0 .. _My_data._Mysize + 1];
_Al.deallocate(_Ptr, _My_data._Myres + 1);
_My_data._Myres = _My_data._BUF_SIZE - 1;
void _Tidy_init() nothrow
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
_My_data._Mysize = 0;
_My_data._Myres = _My_data._BUF_SIZE - 1;
_My_data._Bx._Buf[0] = T(0);
size_type _Calculate_growth(size_type _Requested) const nothrow
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
size_type _Masked = _Requested | _My_data._ALLOC_MASK;
size_type _Old = _My_data._Myres;
size_type _Expanded = _Old + _Old / 2;
return _Masked > _Expanded ? _Masked : _Expanded;
ref basic_string _Reallocate_for(_ArgTys...)(size_type _New_size, void function(pointer, size_type, _ArgTys) nothrow @nogc _Fn, _ArgTys _Args)
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
size_type _Old_capacity = _My_data._Myres;
size_type _New_capacity = _Calculate_growth(_New_size);
auto _Al = &_Getal();
pointer _New_ptr = _Al.allocate(_New_capacity + 1); // throws
_My_data._Mysize = _New_size;
_My_data._Myres = _New_capacity;
_Fn(_New_ptr, _New_size, _Args);
if (_My_data._BUF_SIZE <= _Old_capacity)
_Al.deallocate(_My_data._Bx._Ptr, _Old_capacity + 1);
_My_data._Bx._Ptr = _New_ptr;
return this;
ref basic_string _Reallocate_grow_by(_ArgTys...)(size_type _Size_increase, void function(pointer, const(T)[], _ArgTys) nothrow @nogc _Fn, _ArgTys _Args)
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
size_type _Old_size = _My_data._Mysize;
size_type _New_size = _Old_size + _Size_increase;
size_type _Old_capacity = _My_data._Myres;
size_type _New_capacity = _Calculate_growth(_New_size);
auto _Al = &_Getal();
pointer _New_ptr = _Al.allocate(_New_capacity + 1); // throws
_My_data._Mysize = _New_size;
_My_data._Myres = _New_capacity;
if (_My_data._BUF_SIZE <= _Old_capacity)
pointer _Old_ptr = _My_data._Bx._Ptr;
_Fn(_New_ptr, _Old_ptr[0 .. _Old_size], _Args);
_Al.deallocate(_Old_ptr, _Old_capacity + 1);
_Fn(_New_ptr, _My_data._Bx._Buf[0 .. _Old_size], _Args);
_My_data._Bx._Ptr = _New_ptr;
return this;
void _Tidy_deallocate()
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
if (_My_data._BUF_SIZE <= _My_data._Myres)
pointer _Ptr = _My_data._Bx._Ptr;
auto _Al = &_Getal();
_Al.deallocate(_Ptr, _My_data._Myres + 1);
_My_data._Mysize = 0;
_My_data._Myres = _My_data._BUF_SIZE - 1;
_My_data._Bx._Buf[0] = T(0);
void _Swap_data(bool _memcpy : true)(ref basic_string _Right)
import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
// exchange _String_val instances with _Right, memcpy optimization
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
auto _My_data_mem = cast(ubyte*)_My_data + _Memcpy_val_offset;
auto _Right_data_mem = cast(ubyte*)(&_Right._Get_data()) + _Memcpy_val_offset;
ubyte[_Memcpy_val_size] _Temp_mem;
memcpy(_Temp_mem.ptr, _My_data_mem, _Memcpy_val_size);
memcpy(_My_data_mem, _Right_data_mem, _Memcpy_val_size);
memcpy(_Right_data_mem, _Temp_mem.ptr, _Memcpy_val_size);
void _Swap_data(bool _memcpy : false)(ref basic_string _Right)
import core.lifetime : swap;
// exchange _String_val instances with _Right, general case
auto _My_data = &_Get_data();
auto _Right_data = &_Right._Get_data();
const bool _My_large = _My_data._Large_string_engaged();
const bool _Right_large = _Right_data._Large_string_engaged();
if (_My_large)
if (_Right_large) // swap buffers, iterators preserved
swap(_My_data._Bx._Ptr, _Right_data._Bx._Ptr);
else // swap large with small
_Swap_bx_large_with_small(*_My_data, *_Right_data);
if (_Right_large) // swap small with large
_Swap_bx_large_with_small(*_Right_data, *_My_data);
enum _BUF_SIZE = _My_data._BUF_SIZE;
T[_BUF_SIZE] _Temp_buf;
_Temp_buf[0 .. _BUF_SIZE] = _My_data._Bx._Buf[0 .. _BUF_SIZE];
_My_data._Bx._Buf[0 .. _BUF_SIZE] = _Right_data._Bx._Buf[0 .. _BUF_SIZE];
_Right_data._Bx._Buf[0 .. _BUF_SIZE] = _Temp_buf[0 .. _BUF_SIZE];
swap(_My_data._Mysize, _Right_data._Mysize);
swap(_My_data._Myres, _Right_data._Myres);
void _Swap_bx_large_with_small(ref _Scary_val _Starts_large, ref _Scary_val _Starts_small)
// exchange a string in large mode with one in small mode
pointer _Ptr = _Starts_large._Bx._Ptr;
_Starts_large._Bx._Buf[] = _Starts_small._Bx._Buf[];
_Starts_small._Bx._Ptr = _Ptr;
_String_alloc!(_String_base_types!(T, Alloc)) _Base;
else version (CppRuntime_Gcc)
version (_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX98_ABI)
// Old GCC/libstdc++ ref-counted implementation
static_assert(false, "DO WE NEED THIS?");
_M_data = _S_empty_rep()._M_refdata();
this(const(T)[] str, ref const(allocator_type) al) { _M_assign_allocator(al); this(str); }
this(const(T)[] str)
_M_data = _S_construct(str.ptr, str.ptr + str.length, _M_get_allocator);
this(const ref basic_string str)
import core.stdcpp.type_traits : is_empty;
static if (!is_empty!allocator_type.value)
_M_Alloc = str.get_allocator();
_M_data = str._M_rep()._M_grab(get_allocator(), str.get_allocator());
~this() { _M_rep()._M_dispose(get_allocator()); }
ref inout(Alloc) get_allocator() inout { return _M_get_allocator(); }
size_type max_size() const nothrow @safe { return _Rep._S_max_size; }
size_type size() const nothrow @safe { return _M_rep()._M_length; }
size_type capacity() const nothrow { return _M_rep()._M_capacity; }
inout(T)* data() inout @safe { return _M_data; }
inout(T)[] as_array() inout nothrow @trusted { return _M_data[0 .. _M_rep()._M_length]; }
ref inout(T) at(size_type i) inout nothrow { return _M_data[0 .. _M_rep()._M_length][i]; }
ref basic_string assign(const(T)[] str)
const(T)* __s = str.ptr;
size_t __n = str.length;
// __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n);
_M_check_length(size(), __n, "basic_string::assign");
if (_M_disjunct(__s) || _M_rep()._M_is_shared())
return _M_replace_safe(size_type(0), this.size(), __s, __n);
const size_type __pos = __s - _M_data;
if (__pos >= __n)
_S_copy(_M_data, __s, __n);
else if (__pos)
_S_move(_M_data, __s, __n);
return this;
ref basic_string assign(const ref basic_string str)
if (_M_rep() != str._M_rep())
allocator_type __a = this.get_allocator();
T* __tmp = str._M_rep()._M_grab(__a, str.get_allocator());
_M_data = __tmp;
return this;
ref basic_string append(const(T)[] str)
const(T)* __s = str.ptr;
size_t __n = str.length;
// __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n);
if (__n)
_M_check_length(size_type(0), __n, "basic_string::append");
const size_type __len = __n + size();
if (__len > capacity() || _M_rep()._M_is_shared())
if (_M_disjunct(__s))
const size_type __off = __s - _M_data;
__s = _M_data + __off;
_S_copy(_M_data + size(), __s, __n);
return this;
ref basic_string append(size_type __n, T __c)
if (__n)
_M_check_length(size_type(0), __n, "basic_string::append");
const size_type __len = __n + size();
if (__len > capacity() || _M_rep()._M_is_shared())
const __sz = size();
_M_data[__sz .. __sz + __n] = __c;
return this;
void reserve(size_type __res = 0)
if (__res != capacity() || _M_rep()._M_is_shared())
// Make sure we don't shrink below the current size
if (__res < size())
__res = size();
allocator_type __a = get_allocator();
T* __tmp = _M_rep()._M_clone(__a, __res - size());
_M_data = __tmp;
void shrink_to_fit() nothrow
if (capacity() > size())
try reserve(0);
catch (Throwable) {}
ref basic_string insert(size_type __pos, const(T)* __s, size_type __n)
// __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n);
cast(void) _M_check(__pos, "basic_string::insert");
_M_check_length(size_type(0), __n, "basic_string::insert");
if (_M_disjunct(__s) || _M_rep()._M_is_shared())
return _M_replace_safe(__pos, size_type(0), __s, __n);
// Work in-place.
const size_type __off = __s - _M_data;
_M_mutate(__pos, 0, __n);
__s = _M_data + __off;
T* __p = _M_data + __pos;
if (__s + __n <= __p)
__p[0 .. __n] = __s[0 .. __n];
else if (__s >= __p)
__p[0 .. __n] = (__s + __n)[0 .. __n];
const size_type __nleft = __p - __s;
__p[0 .. __nleft] = __s[0.. __nleft];
(__p + __nleft)[0 .. __n - __nleft] = (__p + __n)[0 .. __n - __nleft];
return this;
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, size_type n, T c)
return _M_replace_aux(_M_check(pos, "basic_string::insert"), size_type(0), n, c);
ref basic_string replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const(T)* __s, size_type __n2)
// __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n2);
cast(void) _M_check(__pos, "basic_string::replace");
__n1 = _M_limit(__pos, __n1);
_M_check_length(__n1, __n2, "basic_string::replace");
bool __left;
if (_M_disjunct(__s) || _M_rep()._M_is_shared())
return _M_replace_safe(__pos, __n1, __s, __n2);
else if ((__left = __s + __n2 <= _M_data + __pos) == true || _M_data + __pos + __n1 <= __s)
// Work in-place: non-overlapping case.
size_type __off = __s - _M_data;
__left ? __off : (__off += __n2 - __n1);
_M_mutate(__pos, __n1, __n2);
(_M_data + __pos)[0 .. __n2] = (_M_data + __off)[0 .. __n2];
return this;
// Todo: overlapping case.
auto __tmp = basic_string(__s[0 .. __n2]);
return _M_replace_safe(__pos, __n1, __tmp._M_data, __n2);
ref basic_string replace(size_type pos, size_type n1, size_type n2, T c)
return _M_replace_aux(_M_check(pos, "basic_string::replace"), _M_limit(pos, n1), n2, c);
void swap(ref basic_string __s)
if (_M_rep()._M_is_leaked())
if (__s._M_rep()._M_is_leaked())
if (this.get_allocator() == __s.get_allocator())
T* __tmp = _M_data;
_M_data = __s._M_data;
__s._M_data = __tmp;
// The code below can usually be optimized away.
import core.lifetime : move;
auto __tmp1 = basic_string(this[], __s.get_allocator());
auto __tmp2 = basic_string(__s[], this.get_allocator());
this = move(__tmp2);
__s = move(__tmp1);
import core.stdcpp.type_traits : is_empty;
version (__GTHREADS)
import core.atomic;
alias _Atomic_word = int; // should we use atomic!int?
alias _Atomic_word = int;
struct _Rep_base
size_type _M_length;
size_type _M_capacity;
_Atomic_word _M_refcount;
struct _Rep
_Rep_base base;
alias base this;
alias _Raw_bytes_alloc = Alloc.rebind!char;
enum size_type _S_max_size = (((npos - _Rep_base.sizeof) / T.sizeof) - 1) / 4;
enum T _S_terminal = T(0);
__gshared size_type[(_Rep_base.sizeof + T.sizeof + size_type.sizeof - 1) / size_type.sizeof] _S_empty_rep_storage;
static ref _Rep _S_empty_rep() nothrow @trusted { return *cast(_Rep*)_S_empty_rep_storage.ptr; }
void _M_set_sharable() nothrow
_M_refcount = 0;
void _M_set_length_and_sharable(size_type __n) nothrow
if (&this != &_S_empty_rep())
_M_length = __n;
_M_refdata()[__n] = _S_terminal;
bool _M_is_leaked() const nothrow
import core.atomic : atomicLoad;
version (__GTHREADS)
return atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.raw)(this._M_refcount) < 0;
return _M_refcount < 0;
bool _M_is_shared() const nothrow
import core.atomic : atomicLoad;
version (__GTHREADS)
return atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq)(this._M_refcount) > 0;
return _M_refcount > 0;
T* _M_refdata() nothrow @trusted { return cast(T*)(&this + 1); }
T* _M_grab(ref allocator_type __alloc1, const ref allocator_type __alloc2)
return (!_M_is_leaked() && __alloc1 == __alloc2)
? _M_refcopy() : _M_clone(__alloc1);
static _Rep* _S_create(size_type __capacity, size_type __old_capacity, ref Alloc __alloc)
assert(__capacity <= _S_max_size);
// if (__capacity > _S_max_size)
// __throw_length_error(__N("basic_string::_S_create"));
enum __pagesize = 4096;
enum __malloc_header_size = 4 * pointer.sizeof;
if (__capacity > __old_capacity && __capacity < 2 * __old_capacity)
__capacity = 2 * __old_capacity;
size_type __size = (__capacity + 1) * T.sizeof + _Rep.sizeof;
const size_type __adj_size = __size + __malloc_header_size;
if (__adj_size > __pagesize && __capacity > __old_capacity)
const size_type __extra = __pagesize - __adj_size % __pagesize;
__capacity += __extra / T.sizeof;
if (__capacity > _S_max_size)
__capacity = _S_max_size;
__size = (__capacity + 1) * T.sizeof + _Rep.sizeof;
_Rep* __p = cast(_Rep*)_Raw_bytes_alloc(__alloc).allocate(__size);
*__p = _Rep.init;
__p._M_capacity = __capacity;
return __p;
void _M_dispose(ref Alloc __a)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : __exchange_and_add_dispatch;
if (&this != &_S_empty_rep())
// Be race-detector-friendly. For more info see bits/c++config.
// Decrement of _M_refcount is acq_rel, because:
// - all but last decrements need to release to synchronize with
// the last decrement that will delete the object.
// - the last decrement needs to acquire to synchronize with
// all the previous decrements.
// - last but one decrement needs to release to synchronize with
// the acquire load in _M_is_shared that will conclude that
// the object is not shared anymore.
if (__exchange_and_add_dispatch(&this._M_refcount, -1) <= 0)
void _M_destroy(ref Alloc __a)
const size_type __size = _Rep_base.sizeof + (_M_capacity + 1) * T.sizeof;
_Raw_bytes_alloc(__a).deallocate(cast(char*)&this, __size);
T* _M_refcopy() nothrow @trusted
import core.stdcpp.xutility : __atomic_add_dispatch;
if (&this != &_S_empty_rep())
__atomic_add_dispatch(&this._M_refcount, 1);
return _M_refdata();
T* _M_clone(ref Alloc __alloc, size_type __res = 0)
const size_type __requested_cap = _M_length + __res;
_Rep* __r = _S_create(__requested_cap, _M_capacity, __alloc);
if (_M_length)
_S_copy(__r._M_refdata(), _M_refdata(), _M_length);
return __r._M_refdata();
static if (!is_empty!allocator_type.value)
allocator_type _M_Alloc;
T* _M_p; // The actual data.
alias _M_data = _M_p;
pragma (inline, true)
void eos(size_type offset)
_M_mutate(offset, size() - offset, size_type(0));
ref inout(allocator_type) _M_get_allocator() inout
static if (!is_empty!allocator_type.value)
return _M_Alloc;
return *cast(inout(allocator_type)*)&this;
_Rep* _M_rep() const nothrow @trusted { return &(cast(_Rep*)_M_data)[-1]; }
size_type _M_limit(size_type __pos, size_type __off) const @safe nothrow @nogc pure
const bool __testoff = __off < size() - __pos;
return __testoff ? __off : size() - __pos;
size_type _M_check(size_type __pos, const char* __s) const
assert(__pos <= size());
// if (__pos > size())
// __throw_out_of_range_fmt(__N("%s: __pos (which is %zu) > "
// "this->size() (which is %zu)"),
// __s, __pos, this->size());
return __pos;
static ref _Rep _S_empty_rep() nothrow
return _Rep._S_empty_rep();
static T* _S_construct(const(T)* __beg, const(T)* __end, ref Alloc __a)
if (__beg == __end && __a == Alloc())
return _S_empty_rep()._M_refdata();
const size_type __dnew = __end - __beg;
_Rep* __r = _Rep._S_create(__dnew, size_type(0), __a);
_S_copy(__r._M_refdata(), __beg, __end - __beg);
return __r._M_refdata();
ref basic_string _M_replace_safe(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, const(T)* __s, size_type __n2)
_M_mutate(__pos1, __n1, __n2);
if (__n2)
_S_copy(_M_data + __pos1, __s, __n2);
return this;
ref basic_string _M_replace_aux(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, size_type __n2, T __c)
_M_check_length(__n1, __n2, "basic_string::_M_replace_aux");
_M_mutate(__pos1, __n1, __n2);
if (__n2)
_M_data[__pos1 .. __pos1 + __n2] = __c;
return this;
void _M_mutate(size_type __pos, size_type __len1, size_type __len2)
const size_type __old_size = size();
const size_type __new_size = __old_size + __len2 - __len1;
const size_type __how_much = __old_size - __pos - __len1;
if (__new_size > capacity() || _M_rep()._M_is_shared())
allocator_type __a = get_allocator();
_Rep* __r = _Rep._S_create(__new_size, capacity(), __a);
if (__pos)
_S_copy(__r._M_refdata(), _M_data, __pos);
if (__how_much)
_S_copy(__r._M_refdata() + __pos + __len2, _M_data + __pos + __len1, __how_much);
allocator_type* __al = cast() &__a;
_M_data = __r._M_refdata();
else if (__how_much && __len1 != __len2)
_S_move(_M_data + __pos + __len2, _M_data + __pos + __len1, __how_much);
pragma(msg, "libstdc++ std::__cxx11::basic_string is not yet supported; the struct contains an interior pointer which breaks D move semantics!");
// GCC/libstdc++ modern implementation
this(DefaultConstruct) { _M_p = _M_local_data(); _M_set_length(0); }
this(const(T)[] str, ref const(allocator_type) al) { _M_assign_allocator(al); this(str); }
this(const(T)[] str)
_M_p = _M_local_data();
_M_construct(str.ptr, str.length);
// TODO: how do I know if it was local before?!
~this() { _M_dispose(); }
ref inout(Alloc) get_allocator() inout { return _M_get_allocator(); }
size_type max_size() const nothrow @safe { return ((size_t.max / T.sizeof) - 1) / 2; }
size_type size() const nothrow @safe { return _M_string_length; }
size_type capacity() const nothrow { return _M_is_local ? _S_local_capacity : _M_allocated_capacity; }
inout(T)* data() inout @safe { return _M_data; }
inout(T)[] as_array() inout nothrow @trusted { return _M_data[0 .. _M_string_length]; }
ref inout(T) at(size_type i) inout nothrow { return _M_data[0 .. _M_string_length][i]; }
ref basic_string assign(const(T)[] str)
// __glibcxx_requires_string_len(str.ptr, str.length);
return _M_replace(size_type(0), size(), str.ptr, str.length);
ref basic_string assign(const ref basic_string str)
if (&this != &str)
return this;
ref basic_string append(const(T)[] str)
// __glibcxx_requires_string_len(str.ptr, str.length);
_M_check_length(size_type(0), str.length, "basic_string::append");
return _M_append(str.ptr, str.length);
ref basic_string append(size_type n, T c)
return _M_replace_aux(size(), size_type(0), n, c);
void reserve(size_type __res = 0)
// Make sure we don't shrink below the current size.
if (__res < length())
__res = length();
const size_type __capacity = capacity();
if (__res != __capacity)
if (__res > __capacity || __res > size_type(_S_local_capacity))
pointer __tmp = _M_create(__res, __capacity);
_S_copy(__tmp, _M_data, length() + 1);
_M_data = __tmp;
_M_capacity = __res;
else if (!_M_is_local())
_S_copy(_M_local_data(), _M_data, length() + 1);
_M_data = _M_local_data();
void shrink_to_fit() nothrow
if (capacity() > size())
try reserve(0);
catch (Throwable) {}
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, const(T)* s, size_type n)
return replace(pos, size_type(0), s, n);
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, size_type n, T c)
return _M_replace_aux(_M_check(pos, "basic_string::insert"), size_type(0), n, c);
ref basic_string replace(size_type pos, size_type n1, const(T)* s, size_type n2)
// __glibcxx_requires_string_len(s, n2);
return _M_replace(_M_check(pos, "basic_string::replace"), _M_limit(pos, n1), s, n2);
ref basic_string replace(size_type pos, size_type n1, size_type n2, T c)
return _M_replace_aux(_M_check(pos, "basic_string::replace"), _M_limit(pos, n1), n2, c);
void swap(ref basic_string __s)
if (&this == &__s)
if (_M_is_local())
if (__s._M_is_local())
if (length() && __s.length())
T[_S_local_capacity + 1] __tmp_data;
__tmp_data[] = __s._M_local_buf[];
__s._M_local_buf[] = _M_local_buf[];
_M_local_buf[] = __tmp_data[];
else if (__s.length())
_M_local_buf[] = __s._M_local_buf[];
_M_length = __s.length();
else if (length())
__s._M_local_buf[] = _M_local_buf[];
__s._M_length = length();
const size_type __tmp_capacity = __s._M_allocated_capacity;
__s._M_local_buf[] = _M_local_buf[];
_M_data = __s._M_data;
__s._M_data = __s._M_local_buf.ptr;
_M_capacity = __tmp_capacity;
const size_type __tmp_capacity = _M_allocated_capacity;
if (__s._M_is_local())
_M_local_buf[] = __s._M_local_buf[];
__s._M_data = _M_data;
_M_data = _M_local_buf.ptr;
pointer __tmp_ptr = _M_data;
_M_data = __s._M_data;
__s._M_data = __tmp_ptr;
_M_capacity = __s._M_allocated_capacity;
__s._M_capacity = __tmp_capacity;
const size_type __tmp_length = length();
_M_length = __s.length();
__s._M_length = __tmp_length;
// import core.exception : RangeError;
import core.stdcpp.type_traits : is_empty;
static if (!is_empty!allocator_type.value)
allocator_type _M_Alloc;
pointer _M_p; // The actual data.
size_type _M_string_length;
enum size_type _S_local_capacity = 15 / T.sizeof;
T[_S_local_capacity + 1] _M_local_buf;
size_type _M_allocated_capacity;
alias _M_length = _M_string_length;
alias _M_capacity = _M_allocated_capacity;
alias _M_data = _M_p;
pragma (inline, true)
void eos(size_type offset) nothrow { _M_set_length(offset); }
inout(pointer) _M_local_data() inout { return _M_local_buf.ptr; }
bool _M_is_local() const { return _M_data == _M_local_data; }
ref inout(allocator_type) _M_get_allocator() inout
static if (!is_empty!allocator_type.value)
return _M_Alloc;
return *cast(inout(allocator_type)*)&this;
void _M_set_length(size_type __n)
_M_length = __n;
_M_data[__n] = T(0);
size_type _M_check(size_type __pos, const char* __s) const
assert(__pos <= size());
// if (__pos > size())
// __throw_out_of_range_fmt(__N("%s: __pos (which is %zu) > "
// "this->size() (which is %zu)"),
// __s, __pos, this->size());
return __pos;
// NB: _M_limit doesn't check for a bad __pos value.
size_type _M_limit(size_type __pos, size_type __off) const nothrow pure @nogc @safe
const bool __testoff = __off < size() - __pos;
return __testoff ? __off : size() - __pos;
void __alloc_on_swap()(ref allocator_type __a)
if (!is_empty!allocator_type.value)
import core.internal.lifetime : swap;
static if (allocator_traits!allocator_type.propagate_on_container_swap)
swap(_M_get_allocator(), __a);
void __alloc_on_swap()(ref allocator_type __a)
if (is_empty!allocator_type.value)
import core.internal.lifetime : swap;
import core.lifetime : move;
static if (allocator_traits!allocator_type.propagate_on_container_swap)
static if (is(typeof(_M_get_allocator().opAssign(move(__a)))))
swap(_M_get_allocator(), __a);
void _M_construct(const(T)* __beg, size_type __dnew)
if (__dnew > _S_local_capacity)
_M_data = _M_create(__dnew, size_type(0));
_M_capacity = __dnew;
_M_data[0 .. __dnew] = __beg[0 .. __dnew];
pointer _M_create(ref size_type __capacity, size_type __old_capacity)
assert(__capacity <= max_size());
// if (__capacity > max_size())
// throw new RangeError("Length exceeds `max_size()`"); // std::__throw_length_error(__N("basic_string::_M_create"));
if (__capacity > __old_capacity && __capacity < 2 * __old_capacity)
__capacity = 2 * __old_capacity;
if (__capacity > max_size())
__capacity = max_size();
return _M_get_allocator().allocate(__capacity + 1);
ref basic_string _M_replace(size_type __pos, size_type __len1, const(T)* __s, const size_type __len2)
_M_check_length(__len1, __len2, "basic_string::_M_replace");
const size_type __old_size = size();
const size_type __new_size = __old_size + __len2 - __len1;
if (__new_size <= capacity())
pointer __p = _M_data + __pos;
const size_type __how_much = __old_size - __pos - __len1;
if (_M_disjunct(__s))
if (__how_much && __len1 != __len2)
_S_move(__p + __len2, __p + __len1, __how_much);
if (__len2)
_S_copy(__p, __s, __len2);
// Work in-place.
if (__len2 && __len2 <= __len1)
_S_move(__p, __s, __len2);
if (__how_much && __len1 != __len2)
_S_move(__p + __len2, __p + __len1, __how_much);
if (__len2 > __len1)
if (__s + __len2 <= __p + __len1)
_S_move(__p, __s, __len2);
else if (__s >= __p + __len1)
_S_copy(__p, __s + __len2 - __len1, __len2);
const size_type __nleft = (__p + __len1) - __s;
_S_move(__p, __s, __nleft);
_S_copy(__p + __nleft, __p + __len2,
__len2 - __nleft);
_M_mutate(__pos, __len1, __s, __len2);
return this;
ref basic_string _M_replace_aux(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, size_type __n2, T __c)
_M_check_length(__n1, __n2, "basic_string::_M_replace_aux");
const size_type __old_size = size();
const size_type __new_size = __old_size + __n2 - __n1;
if (__new_size <= capacity())
pointer __p = _M_data + __pos1;
const size_type __how_much = __old_size - __pos1 - __n1;
if (__how_much && __n1 != __n2)
_S_move(__p + __n2, __p + __n1, __how_much);
_M_mutate(__pos1, __n1, null, __n2);
if (__n2)
_M_data[__pos1 .. __pos1 + __n2] = __c;
return this;
ref basic_string _M_append(const(T)* __s, size_type __n)
const size_type __len = __n + size();
if (__len <= capacity())
if (__n)
_S_copy(_M_data + size(), __s, __n);
_M_mutate(size(), size_type(0), __s, __n);
return this;
void _M_mutate(size_type __pos, size_type __len1, const(T)* __s, size_type __len2)
const size_type __how_much = length() - __pos - __len1;
size_type __new_capacity = length() + __len2 - __len1;
pointer __r = _M_create(__new_capacity, capacity());
if (__pos)
_S_copy(__r, _M_data, __pos);
if (__s && __len2)
_S_copy(__r + __pos, __s, __len2);
if (__how_much)
_S_copy(__r + __pos + __len2,
_M_data + __pos + __len1, __how_much);
_M_data = __r;
_M_capacity = __new_capacity;
void _M_dispose()
if (!_M_is_local)
void _M_destroy(size_type __size)
_M_get_allocator().deallocate(_M_data, __size + 1);
// common GCC/stdlibc++ code
void _M_check_length(size_type __n1, size_type __n2, const char* __s) const
assert (!(max_size() - (size() - __n1) < __n2));
// if (max_size() - (size() - __n1) < __n2)
// __throw_length_error(__N(__s));
void _M_assign_allocator(ref const(allocator_type) al) nothrow
static if (!is_empty!allocator_type.value)
_M_Alloc = al;
bool _M_disjunct(const(T)* __s) const nothrow
return __s < _M_data || _M_data + size() < __s;
static void _S_move(T* __d, const(T)* __s, size_type __n)
if (__d == __s)
if (__d < __s)
for (size_t i = 0; i < __n; ++i)
__d[i] = __s[i];
for (ptrdiff_t i = __n - 1; i >= 0; --i)
__d[i] = __s[i];
static void _S_copy(T* __d, const(T)* __s, size_type __n)
__d[0 .. __n] = __s[0 .. __n];
else version (CppRuntime_Clang)
// Clang/libc++ implementation
this(DefaultConstruct) { __zero(); }
this(const(T)[] str, ref const(allocator_type) al) { __assign_allocator(al); this(str); }
this(const(T)[] str) { __init(str.ptr, str.length); }
if (__is_long())
__init(__get_long_pointer(), __get_long_size());
// __get_db()->__erase_c(this); // TODO: support `_LIBCPP_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2` ??
if (__is_long())
__alloc().deallocate(__get_long_pointer(), __get_long_cap());
ref inout(Alloc) get_allocator() inout { return __alloc(); }
size_type max_size() const nothrow @safe
size_type __m = size_t.max; // TODO: __alloc_traits::max_size(__alloc());
version (BigEndian)
return (__m <= ~__long_mask ? __m : __m/2) - __alignment;
return __m - __alignment;
size_type size() const nothrow { return __is_long() ? __get_long_size() : __get_short_size(); }
size_type capacity() const nothrow { return (__is_long() ? __get_long_cap() : __min_cap) - 1; }
inout(T)* data() inout @safe { return __get_pointer(); }
inout(T)[] as_array() scope return inout nothrow @trusted { return __get_pointer()[0 .. size()]; }
ref inout(T) at(size_type i) inout nothrow @trusted { return __get_pointer()[0 .. size()][i]; }
ref basic_string assign(const(T)[] str)
const(value_type)* __s = str.ptr;
size_type __n = str.length;
size_type __cap = capacity();
if (__cap >= __n)
value_type* __p = __get_pointer();
__p[0 .. __n] = __s[0 .. __n]; // TODO: is memmove?
__p[__n] = value_type(0);
// __invalidate_iterators_past(__n); // TODO: support `_LIBCPP_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2` ??
size_type __sz = size();
__grow_by_and_replace(__cap, __n - __cap, __sz, 0, __sz, __n, __s);
return this;
ref basic_string assign(const ref basic_string str)
if (&this != &str)
return this;
ref basic_string append(const(T)[] str)
const(value_type)* __s = str.ptr;
size_type __n = str.length;
size_type __cap = capacity();
size_type __sz = size();
if (__cap - __sz >= __n)
if (__n)
value_type* __p = __get_pointer();
(__p + __sz)[0 .. __n] = __s[0 .. __n];
__sz += __n;
__p[__sz] = value_type(0);
__grow_by_and_replace(__cap, __sz + __n - __cap, __sz, __sz, 0, __n, __s);
return this;
ref basic_string append(size_type __n, value_type __c)
if (__n)
size_type __cap = capacity();
size_type __sz = size();
if (__cap - __sz < __n)
__grow_by(__cap, __sz + __n - __cap, __sz, __sz, 0);
pointer __p = __get_pointer();
__p[__sz .. __sz + __n] = __c;
__sz += __n;
__p[__sz] = value_type(0);
return this;
void reserve(size_type __res_arg = 0)
assert(__res_arg <= max_size());
// if (__res_arg > max_size())
// __throw_length_error();
size_type __cap = capacity();
size_type __sz = size();
__res_arg = max(__res_arg, __sz);
__res_arg = __recommend(__res_arg);
if (__res_arg != __cap)
pointer __new_data, __p;
bool __was_long, __now_long;
if (__res_arg == __min_cap - 1)
__was_long = true;
__now_long = false;
__new_data = __get_short_pointer();
__p = __get_long_pointer();
if (__res_arg > __cap)
__new_data = __alloc().allocate(__res_arg+1);
__new_data = __alloc().allocate(__res_arg+1);
catch (Throwable)
__now_long = true;
__was_long = __is_long();
__p = __get_pointer();
__new_data[0 .. size()+1] = __p[0 .. size()+1];
if (__was_long)
__alloc().deallocate(__p, __cap+1);
if (__now_long)
// __invalidate_all_iterators(); // TODO:
void shrink_to_fit()
ref basic_string insert(size_type __pos, const(value_type)* __s, size_type __n)
assert(__n == 0 || __s != null, "string::insert received null");
size_type __sz = size();
assert(__pos <= __sz);
// if (__pos > __sz)
// this->__throw_out_of_range();
size_type __cap = capacity();
if (__cap - __sz >= __n)
if (__n)
value_type* __p = __get_pointer();
size_type __n_move = __sz - __pos;
if (__n_move != 0)
if (__p + __pos <= __s && __s < __p + __sz)
__s += __n;
traits_type.move(__p + __pos + __n, __p + __pos, __n_move);
traits_type.move(__p + __pos, __s, __n);
__sz += __n;
__p[__sz] = value_type(0);
__grow_by_and_replace(__cap, __sz + __n - __cap, __sz, __pos, 0, __n, __s);
return this;
ref basic_string insert(size_type pos, size_type n, value_type c)
alias __pos = pos;
alias __n = n;
alias __c = c;
size_type __sz = size();
assert(__pos <= __sz);
// if (__pos > __sz)
// __throw_out_of_range();
if (__n)
size_type __cap = capacity();
value_type* __p;
if (__cap - __sz >= __n)
__p = __get_pointer();
size_type __n_move = __sz - __pos;
if (__n_move != 0)
traits_type.move(__p + __pos + __n, __p + __pos, __n_move);
__grow_by(__cap, __sz + __n - __cap, __sz, __pos, 0, __n);
__p = __get_long_pointer();
__p[__pos .. __pos + __n] = __c;
__sz += __n;
__p[__sz] = value_type(0);
return this;
ref basic_string replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const(T)* __s, size_type __n2)
assert(__n2 == 0 || __s != null, "string::replace received null");
size_type __sz = size();
assert(__pos <= __sz);
// if (__pos > __sz)
// __throw_out_of_range();
__n1 = min(__n1, __sz - __pos);
size_type __cap = capacity();
if (__cap - __sz + __n1 >= __n2)
value_type* __p = __get_pointer();
if (__n1 != __n2)
size_type __n_move = __sz - __pos - __n1;
if (__n_move != 0)
if (__n1 > __n2)
traits_type.move(__p + __pos, __s, __n2);
traits_type.move(__p + __pos + __n2, __p + __pos + __n1, __n_move);
goto __finish;
if (__p + __pos < __s && __s < __p + __sz)
if (__p + __pos + __n1 <= __s)
__s += __n2 - __n1;
else // __p + __pos < __s < __p + __pos + __n1
traits_type.move(__p + __pos, __s, __n1);
__pos += __n1;
__s += __n2;
__n2 -= __n1;
__n1 = 0;
traits_type.move(__p + __pos + __n2, __p + __pos + __n1, __n_move);
traits_type.move(__p + __pos, __s, __n2);
// __sz += __n2 - __n1; in this and the below function below can cause unsigned integer overflow,
// but this is a safe operation, so we disable the check.
__sz += __n2 - __n1;
// __invalidate_iterators_past(__sz); // TODO
__p[__sz] = value_type(0);
__grow_by_and_replace(__cap, __sz - __n1 + __n2 - __cap, __sz, __pos, __n1, __n2, __s);
return this;
ref basic_string replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, size_type __n2, value_type __c)
size_type __sz = size();
assert(__pos <= __sz);
// if (__pos > __sz)
// __throw_out_of_range();
__n1 = min(__n1, __sz - __pos);
size_type __cap = capacity();
value_type* __p;
if (__cap - __sz + __n1 >= __n2)
__p = __get_pointer();
if (__n1 != __n2)
size_type __n_move = __sz - __pos - __n1;
if (__n_move != 0)
traits_type.move(__p + __pos + __n2, __p + __pos + __n1, __n_move);
__grow_by(__cap, __sz - __n1 + __n2 - __cap, __sz, __pos, __n1, __n2);
__p = __get_long_pointer();
__p[__pos .. __pos + __n2] = __c;
__sz += __n2 - __n1;
// __invalidate_iterators_past(__sz); // TODO
__p[__sz] = value_type(0);
return this;
void swap(ref basic_string __str)
import core.internal.lifetime : swap;
// static if (_LIBCPP_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2)
// {
// if (!__is_long())
// __get_db().__invalidate_all(&this);
// if (!__str.__is_long())
// __get_db().__invalidate_all(&__str);
// __get_db().swap(&this, &__str);
// }
__alloc_traits.propagate_on_container_swap ||
__alloc_traits.is_always_equal ||
__alloc() == __str.__alloc(), "swapping non-equal allocators");
swap(__r_.first(), __str.__r_.first());
__swap_allocator(__alloc(), __str.__alloc());
// import core.exception : RangeError;
import core.stdcpp.xutility : __compressed_pair;
alias __alloc_traits = allocator_traits!allocator_type;
enum __alignment = 16;
struct __long
pointer __data_;
size_type __size_;
size_type __cap_;
version (BigEndian)
enum size_type __short_mask = 0x01;
enum size_type __long_mask = 0x1;
enum size_type __short_mask = 0x80;
enum size_type __long_mask = ~(size_type(~0) >> 1);
enum size_type __min_cap = (__long.sizeof - 1)/value_type.sizeof > 2 ? (__long.sizeof - 1)/value_type.sizeof : 2;
struct __short
value_type[__min_cap] __data_;
static if (value_type.sizeof > 1)
ubyte[value_type.sizeof-1] __xx; // __padding<value_type>
ubyte __size_;
struct __long
size_type __cap_;
size_type __size_;
pointer __data_;
version (BigEndian)
enum size_type __short_mask = 0x80;
enum size_type __long_mask = ~(size_type(~0) >> 1);
enum size_type __short_mask = 0x01;
enum size_type __long_mask = 0x1;
enum size_type __min_cap = (__long.sizeof - 1)/value_type.sizeof > 2 ? (__long.sizeof - 1)/value_type.sizeof : 2;
struct __short
ubyte __size_;
value_type __lx;
value_type[__min_cap] __data_;
union __ulx { __long __lx; __short __lxx; }
enum __n_words = __ulx.sizeof / size_type.sizeof;
struct __raw
size_type[__n_words] __words;
struct __rep
__long __l;
__short __s;
__raw __r;
__compressed_pair!(__rep, allocator_type) __r_;
pragma (inline, true)
void eos(size_type offset) nothrow
// __invalidate_iterators_past(__sz); // TODO: support `_LIBCPP_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2` ??
__get_pointer()[offset] = value_type(0);
version (BigEndian)
void __set_short_size(size_type __s) nothrow @safe { __r_.first().__s.__size_ = cast(ubyte)(__s << 1); }
size_type __get_short_size() const nothrow @safe { return __r_.first().__s.__size_ >> 1; }
void __set_short_size(size_type __s) nothrow @safe { __r_.first().__s.__size_ = cast(ubyte)(__s);}
size_type __get_short_size() const nothrow @safe { return __r_.first().__s.__size_;}
version (BigEndian)
void __set_short_size(size_type __s) nothrow @safe { __r_.first().__s.__size_ = cast(ubyte)(__s); }
size_type __get_short_size() const nothrow @safe { return __r_.first().__s.__size_; }
void __set_short_size(size_type __s) nothrow @safe { __r_.first().__s.__size_ = cast(ubyte)(__s << 1); }
size_type __get_short_size() const nothrow @safe { return __r_.first().__s.__size_ >> 1; }
void __set_long_size(size_type __s) nothrow { __r_.first().__l.__size_ = __s; }
size_type __get_long_size() const nothrow { return __r_.first().__l.__size_; }
void __set_size(size_type __s) nothrow { if (__is_long()) __set_long_size(__s); else __set_short_size(__s); }
void __set_long_cap(size_type __s) nothrow { __r_.first().__l.__cap_ = __long_mask | __s; }
size_type __get_long_cap() const nothrow { return __r_.first().__l.__cap_ & size_type(~__long_mask); }
void __set_long_pointer(pointer __p) nothrow { __r_.first().__l.__data_ = __p; }
inout(T)* __get_long_pointer() inout nothrow { return __r_.first().__l.__data_; }
inout(T)* __get_short_pointer() inout nothrow @safe { return &__r_.first().__s.__data_[0]; }
inout(T)* __get_pointer() inout nothrow { return __is_long() ? __get_long_pointer() : __get_short_pointer(); }
bool __is_long() const nothrow @safe { return (__r_.first().__s.__size_ & __short_mask) != 0; }
void __zero() nothrow @safe { __r_.first().__r.__words[] = 0; }
ref inout(allocator_type) __alloc() inout nothrow @safe { return __r_.second(); }
void __init(const(value_type)* __s, size_type __sz) { return __init(__s, __sz, __sz); }
void __assign_allocator(ref const(allocator_type) al) nothrow
static if (!__r_.Ty2Empty)
__alloc() = al;
void __init(const(value_type)* __s, size_type __sz, size_type __reserve)
assert(__reserve <= max_size());
// if (__reserve > max_size())
// throw new RangeError("Length exceeds `max_size()`"); // this->__throw_length_error();
pointer __p;
if (__reserve < __min_cap)
__p = __get_short_pointer();
size_type __cap = __recommend(__reserve);
__p = __alloc().allocate(__cap+1, null);
__p[0 .. __sz] = __s[0 .. __sz];
__p[__sz] = value_type(0);
static size_type __recommend(size_type __s) nothrow @safe
static size_type __align_it(size_type __a)(size_type __s) nothrow @safe { return (__s + (__a-1)) & ~(__a-1); }
if (__s < __min_cap) return __min_cap - 1;
size_type __guess = __align_it!(value_type.sizeof < __alignment ? __alignment/value_type.sizeof : 1)(__s+1) - 1;
if (__guess == __min_cap) ++__guess;
return __guess;
void __grow_by_and_replace(size_type __old_cap, size_type __delta_cap, size_type __old_sz, size_type __n_copy,
size_type __n_del, size_type __n_add, const(value_type)* __p_new_stuff)
size_type __ms = max_size();
assert(__delta_cap <= __ms - __old_cap - 1);
// if (__delta_cap > __ms - __old_cap - 1)
// throw new RangeError("Length exceeds `max_size()`"); // this->__throw_length_error();
pointer __old_p = __get_pointer();
size_type __cap = __old_cap < __ms / 2 - __alignment ?
__recommend(max(__old_cap + __delta_cap, 2 * __old_cap)) :
__ms - 1;
pointer __p = __alloc().allocate(__cap+1);
// __invalidate_all_iterators(); // TODO: support `_LIBCPP_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2` ??
if (__n_copy != 0)
__p[0 .. __n_copy] = __old_p[0 .. __n_copy];
if (__n_add != 0)
(__p + __n_copy)[0 .. __n_add] = __p_new_stuff[0 .. __n_add];
size_type __sec_cp_sz = __old_sz - __n_del - __n_copy;
if (__sec_cp_sz != 0)
(__p + __n_copy + __n_add)[0 .. __sec_cp_sz] = (__old_p + __n_copy + __n_del)[0 .. __sec_cp_sz];
if (__old_cap+1 != __min_cap)
__alloc().deallocate(__old_p, __old_cap+1);
__old_sz = __n_copy + __n_add + __sec_cp_sz;
__p[__old_sz] = value_type(0);
void __grow_by(size_type __old_cap, size_type __delta_cap, size_type __old_sz,
size_type __n_copy, size_type __n_del, size_type __n_add = 0)
size_type __ms = max_size();
assert(__delta_cap <= __ms - __old_cap);
// if (__delta_cap > __ms - __old_cap)
// __throw_length_error();
pointer __old_p = __get_pointer();
size_type __cap = __old_cap < __ms / 2 - __alignment ?
__recommend(max(__old_cap + __delta_cap, 2 * __old_cap)) :
__ms - 1;
pointer __p = __alloc().allocate(__cap+1);
// __invalidate_all_iterators(); // TODO:
if (__n_copy != 0)
__p[0 .. __n_copy] = __old_p[0 .. __n_copy];
size_type __sec_cp_sz = __old_sz - __n_del - __n_copy;
if (__sec_cp_sz != 0)
(__p + __n_copy + __n_add)[0 .. __sec_cp_sz] = (__old_p + __n_copy + __n_del)[0 .. __sec_cp_sz];
if (__old_cap+1 != __min_cap)
__alloc().deallocate(__old_p, __old_cap+1);
static assert(false, "C++ runtime not supported");
// platform detail
version (CppRuntime_Microsoft)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL;
extern(C++, (StdNamespace)):
extern (C++) struct _String_base_types(_Elem, _Alloc)
alias Ty = _Elem;
alias Alloc = _Alloc;
extern (C++, class) struct _String_alloc(_Alloc_types)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Compressed_pair;
alias Ty = _Alloc_types.Ty;
alias Alloc = _Alloc_types.Alloc;
alias ValTy = _String_val!Ty;
extern(D) @safe @nogc:
pragma(inline, true)
ref inout(Alloc) _Getal() return inout pure nothrow { return _Mypair._Myval1; }
ref inout(ValTy) _Get_data() return inout pure nothrow { return _Mypair._Myval2; }
void _Orphan_all() nothrow { _Get_data._Base._Orphan_all(); }
static if (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Container_proxy;
pragma(inline, true)
ref inout(_Container_proxy*) _Myproxy() inout pure nothrow { return _Get_data._Base._Myproxy; }
void _Alloc_proxy() nothrow @trusted
import core.lifetime : emplace;
alias _Alproxy = Alloc.rebind!_Container_proxy;
try // TODO: or should we make allocator<T>::allocate() `nothrow`?
_Myproxy() = _Alproxy(_Getal()).allocate(1);
catch (Throwable)
assert(false, "Failed to allocate iterator debug container proxy");
_Myproxy()._Mycont = &_Get_data()._Base;
void _Free_proxy() nothrow @trusted
alias _Alproxy = Alloc.rebind!_Container_proxy;
try // TODO: or should we make allocator<T>::deallocate() `nothrow`?
_Alproxy(_Getal()).deallocate(_Myproxy(), 1);
catch (Throwable)
assert(false, "Failed to deallocate iterator debug container proxy");
_Myproxy() = null;
_Compressed_pair!(Alloc, ValTy) _Mypair;
extern (C++, class) struct _String_val(T)
import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Container_base;
import core.stdcpp.type_traits : is_empty;
enum _BUF_SIZE = 16 / T.sizeof < 1 ? 1 : 16 / T.sizeof;
enum _ALLOC_MASK = T.sizeof <= 1 ? 15 : T.sizeof <= 2 ? 7 : T.sizeof <= 4 ? 3 : T.sizeof <= 8 ? 1 : 0;
static if (!is_empty!_Container_base.value)
_Container_base _Base;
ref inout(_Container_base) _Base() inout { return *cast(inout(_Container_base)*)&this; }
union _Bxty
T[_BUF_SIZE] _Buf;
T* _Ptr;
_Bxty _Bx;
size_t _Mysize = 0; // current length of string
size_t _Myres = _BUF_SIZE - 1; // current storage reserved for string
pragma (inline, true):
extern (D):
pure nothrow @nogc:
bool _IsAllocated() const @safe { return _BUF_SIZE <= _Myres; }
alias _Large_string_engaged = _IsAllocated;
@property inout(T)* _Myptr() inout @trusted { return _BUF_SIZE <= _Myres ? _Bx._Ptr : _Bx._Buf.ptr; }
@property inout(T)[] _Mystr() inout @trusted { return _BUF_SIZE <= _Myres ? _Bx._Ptr[0 .. _Mysize] : _Bx._Buf[0 .. _Mysize]; }
auto _Clamp_suffix_size(T)(const T _Off, const T _Size) const
// trims _Size to the longest it can be assuming a string at/after _Off
return min(_Size, _Mysize - _Off);
template _Size_after_ebco_v(_Ty)
import core.stdcpp.type_traits : is_empty;
enum size_t _Size_after_ebco_v = is_empty!_Ty.value ? 0 : _Ty.sizeof; // get _Ty's size after being EBCO'd
auto ref T max(T)(auto ref T a, auto ref T b) { return b > a ? b : a; }
auto ref T min(T)(auto ref T a, auto ref T b) { return b < a ? b : a; }