Cédric Pasteur dc3d564b70 New Obc ast
Also ported some recent fixes
2010-06-16 11:32:13 +02:00

601 lines
18 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
open Global
open Modules
open Format
open Obc
open Misc
open Names
open Ident
let actual_type ty =
match ty with
| Tid(tn) when (shortname tn) = "float" -> Tfloat
| Tid(tn) when (shortname tn) = "int" -> Tint
| _ -> ty
let rec print_list ff print sep l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> print ff x
| x :: l ->
print ff x;
fprintf ff "%s@ " sep;
print_list ff print sep l
let jname_of_name name =
let b = Buffer.create (String.length name) in
let rec convert c =
match c with
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '_' ->
Buffer.add_char b c
| '\'' -> Buffer.add_string b "_prime"
| _ ->
Buffer.add_string b "lex";
Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int (Char.code c));
Buffer.add_string b "_" in
String.iter convert name;
Buffer.contents b
let print_name ff name =
fprintf ff "%s" (jname_of_name name)
let print_shortname ff longname =
print_name ff (shortname longname)
let o_types : type_dec list ref = ref []
let java_type_default_value = function
| Tint -> "int", "0"
| Tfloat -> "float", "0.0"
| Tid (Name("bool"))
| Tid (Modname({ id = "bool" })) ->
"boolean", "false"
| Tid t when ((shortname t) = "int") -> "int", "0"
| Tid t when ((shortname t) = "float") -> "float", "0.0"
| Tid t ->
begin try
let { info = ty_desc } = find_type (t) in
begin match ty_desc with
| Tenum _ ->
"int", "0"
| _ ->
let t = shortname t in
if t = "bool"
then ("boolean", "false")
else (t, "null")
with Not_found ->
begin try
let { t_desc = tdesc } =
List.find (fun {t_name = tn} -> tn = (shortname t)) !o_types in
begin match tdesc with
| Type_enum _ ->
"int", "0"
| _ ->
let t = shortname t in
if t = "bool"
then ("boolean", "false")
else (t, "null")
with Not_found ->
let t = shortname t in
if t = "bool"
then ("boolean", "false")
else (t, "null")
let print_type ff ty =
let jty,_ = java_type_default_value ty in
print_name ff jty
let print_field ff (name,ty) =
fprintf ff "%a %a;"
print_type ty
print_name name
let print_const_field ff (name,ty) =
fprintf ff "%a@ %a"
print_type ty
print_name name
let print_assgt_field ff (name,_) =
fprintf ff "this.%a = %a;"
print_name name
print_name name
(* assumes tn is already translated with jname_of_name *)
let print_struct_type ff tn fields =
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>public class %s {@ " tn;
(* fields *)
print_list ff print_field "" fields;
(* constructor *)
let sorted_fields =
(fun (n1,_) (n2,_) -> String.compare n1 n2)
fields in
fprintf ff "@ @[<v 2>public %s(@[<hov>" tn;
print_list ff print_const_field "," sorted_fields;
fprintf ff "@]) {@ ";
(* constructor assignments *)
print_list ff print_assgt_field "" fields;
(* constructor end *)
fprintf ff "@]@ }";
(* class end *)
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]"
let rec print_tags ff n = function
| [] -> ()
| tg :: tgs' ->
fprintf ff "@ public static final int %a = %d;"
print_name tg
print_tags ff (n+1) tgs'
(* assumes tn is already translated with jname_of_name *)
let print_enum_type ff tn tgs =
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>public class %s {" tn;
print_tags ff 1 tgs;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]"
let print_type_to_file java_dir headers { t_name = tn; t_desc = td} =
let tn = jname_of_name tn in
match td with
| Type_abs -> ()
| Type_enum tgs ->
let out_ch = open_out (java_dir ^ "/" ^ tn ^ ".java") in
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel out_ch in
Misc.print_header_info ff "/*" "*/";
List.iter (fprintf ff "%s") headers;
(* fprintf ff "@[<v>package %s;@\n@\n" headers; *)
print_enum_type ff tn tgs;
fprintf ff "@.";
close_out out_ch
| Type_struct fields ->
let out_ch = open_out (java_dir ^ "/" ^ tn ^ ".java") in
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel out_ch in
Misc.print_header_info ff "/*" "*/";
List.iter (fprintf ff "%s") headers;
(* fprintf ff "@[<v>package %s;@\n@\n" headers; *)
print_struct_type ff tn fields;
fprintf ff "@.";
close_out out_ch
let print_types java_dir headers tps =
List.iter (print_type_to_file java_dir headers) tps
type answer =
| Sing of var_name
| Mult of var_name list
let print_const ff c ts =
match c with
| Cint i -> fprintf ff "%d" i
| Cfloat f -> fprintf ff "%f" f
| Cconstr t ->
let s =
match t with
| Name("true")
| Modname({id = "true"}) -> "true"
| Name("false")
| Modname({id = "false"}) -> "false"
| Name(tg)
| Modname({id = tg}) ->
(fun (tn, tgs) ->
List.exists (fun tg' -> tg = tg') tgs)
^ "." ^ (jname_of_name tg)
fprintf ff "%s" s
let position a xs =
let rec walk i = function
| [] -> None
| x :: xs' -> if x = a then Some i else walk (i + 1) xs'
in walk 1 xs
let print_ident ff id =
print_name ff (name id)
let print_var ff x avs single =
match (position x avs) with
| None -> print_ident ff x
| Some n ->
if single then print_ident ff (List.hd avs)
else fprintf ff "step_ans.c_%d" n
let javaop_of_op = function
| "=" -> "=="
| "<>" -> "!="
| "or" -> "||"
| "&" -> "&&"
| "*." -> "*"
| "/." -> "/"
| "+." -> "+"
| "-." -> "-"
| op -> op
let priority = function
| "*" | "/" | "*." | "/." -> 5
| "+" | "-" | "+." | "-." -> 4
| "=" | "<>" | "<=" | "=>" -> 3
| "&" -> 2
| "|" -> 1
| _ -> 0
let rec print_lhs ff e avs single =
match e with
| Var x ->
print_var ff x avs single
| Mem x -> print_ident ff x
| Field(e, field) ->
print_lhs ff e avs single;
fprintf ff ".%s" (jname_of_name (shortname field))
let rec print_exp ff e p avs ts single =
match e with
| Lhs l -> print_lhs ff l avs single
| Const c -> print_const ff c ts
| Op (op, es) -> print_op ff op es p avs ts single
| Struct(type_name,fields) ->
let fields =
(fun (ln1,_) (ln2,_) -> String.compare (shortname ln1) (shortname ln2))
fields in
let exps = List.map (fun (_,e) -> e) fields in
fprintf ff "new %a(@[<hov>"
print_shortname type_name;
print_exps ff exps 0 avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@])"
and print_exps ff es p avs ts single =
match es with
| [] -> ()
| [e] -> print_exp ff e p avs ts single
| e :: es' ->
print_exp ff e p avs ts single;
fprintf ff ",@ ";
print_exps ff es' p avs ts single
and print_op ff op es p avs ts single =
match (shortname op), es with
| (("+" | "-" | "*" | "/"
|"+." | "-." | "*." | "/."
| "=" | "<>" | "<" | "<="
| ">" | ">=" | "&" | "or") as op_name, [e1;e2]) ->
let p' = priority op_name in
if p' < p then fprintf ff "(" else ();
print_exp ff e1 p' avs ts single;
fprintf ff " %s " (javaop_of_op op_name);
print_exp ff e2 p' avs ts single;
if p' < p then fprintf ff ")" else ()
| "not", [e] ->
fprintf ff "!";
print_exp ff e 6 avs ts single;
| "~-", [e] ->
fprintf ff "-";
print_exp ff e 6 avs ts single;
| _ ->
match op with
| Name(op_name) ->
print_name ff op_name;
| Modname({ qual = mod_name; id = op_name }) ->
fprintf ff "%a.%a"
print_name (String.uncapitalize mod_name)
print_name op_name
fprintf ff "@[(";
print_exps ff es 0 avs ts single;
fprintf ff ")@]"
let rec print_proj ff xs ao avs single =
let rec walk ind = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: xs' ->
print_lhs ff x avs single;
fprintf ff " = %s.c_%d;@ " ao ind;
walk (ind + 1) xs'
in walk 1 xs
let bool_case = function
| [] -> assert false
| ("true", _) :: _
| ("false", _) :: _ -> true
| _ -> false
let obj_call_to_string = function
| Context o
| Array_context (o,_) -> o
let rec print_act ff a objs avs ts single =
match a with
| Assgn (x, e) ->
fprintf ff "@[";
print_asgn ff x e avs ts single;
fprintf ff ";@]"
| Step_ap (xs, o, es) ->
let o = obj_call_to_string o in
(match xs with
| [x] ->
print_lhs ff x avs single;
fprintf ff " = %s.step(" o;
fprintf ff "@[";
print_exps ff es 0 avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]";
fprintf ff ");@ "
| xs ->
let cn = (List.find (fun od -> od.obj = o) objs).cls in
let at = (jname_of_name (shortname cn)) ^ "Answer" in
let ao = o ^ "_ans" in
fprintf ff "%s %s = new %s();@ " at ao at;
fprintf ff "%s = %s.step(" ao o;
fprintf ff "@[";
print_exps ff es 0 avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]";
fprintf ff ");@ ";
print_proj ff xs ao avs single)
| Comp (a1, a2) ->
print_act ff a1 objs avs ts single;
(match a2 with
| Nothing -> ()
| _ -> fprintf ff "@ ");
print_act ff a2 objs avs ts single
| Case (e, grds) ->
let grds =
(fun (ln,act) -> (shortname ln),act) grds in
if bool_case grds
then print_if ff e grds objs avs ts single
else (fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>switch (%a) {@ "
(fun ff e -> print_exp ff e 0 avs ts single) e;
print_grds ff grds objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]");
| Reinit o -> fprintf ff "%s.reset();" o
| Nothing -> ()
and print_grds ff grds objs avs ts single =
match grds with
| [] -> ()
| [(tg, act)] ->
(* retrieve class name *)
let cn = (fst
(fun (tn, tgs) ->
List.exists (fun tg' -> tg = tg') tgs)
ts)) in
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>case %a.%a:@ "
print_name cn
print_name tg;
print_act ff act objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@ break;@]";
| (tg, act) :: grds' ->
(* retrieve class name *)
let cn = (fst
(fun (tn, tgs) ->
List.exists (fun tg' -> tg = tg') tgs)
ts)) in
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>case %a.%a:@ "
print_name cn
print_name tg;
print_act ff act objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@ break;@ @]@ ";
print_grds ff grds' objs avs ts single
and print_if ff e grds objs avs ts single =
match grds with
| [("true", a)] ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>if (%a) {@ "
(fun ff e -> print_exp ff e 0 avs ts single) e;
print_act ff a objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]"
| [("false", a)] ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>if (!%a) {@ "
(fun ff e -> print_exp ff e 6 avs ts single) e;
print_act ff a objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]"
| [("true", a1); ("false", a2)] ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>if (%a) {@ "
(fun ff e -> print_exp ff e 0 avs ts single) e;
print_act ff a1 objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]@ @[<v 2>} else {@ ";
print_act ff a2 objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]"
| [("false", a2); ("true", a1)] ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>if (%a) {@ "
(fun ff e -> print_exp ff e 0 avs ts single) e;
print_act ff a1 objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]@ @[<v 2>} else {@ ";
print_act ff a2 objs avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]"
| _ -> assert false
and print_asgn ff x e avs ts single =
fprintf ff "@[";
print_lhs ff x avs single;
fprintf ff " = ";
print_exp ff e 0 avs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]"
let print_vd ff vd =
let jty,jdv = java_type_default_value vd.v_type in
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_name ff jty;
fprintf ff " %s = %s;"
(jname_of_name (name vd.v_name))
fprintf ff "@]"
let print_obj ff od =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
fprintf ff "%a %a = new %a();"
print_shortname od.cls
print_name od.obj
print_shortname od.cls;
fprintf ff "@]"
let rec print_objs ff ods =
match ods with
| [] -> ()
| od :: ods' ->
print_obj ff od;
fprintf ff "@ ";
print_objs ff ods'
let print_comps ff fds=
let rec walk n = function
| [] -> ()
| fd :: fds' ->
fprintf ff "@ ";
fprintf ff "public ";
print_type ff fd.v_type;
fprintf ff " c_%s;" (string_of_int n);
walk (n + 1) fds'
in walk 1 fds
let print_ans_struct ff name fields =
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>public class %s {" name;
print_comps ff fields;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]@ "
let print_vd' ff vd =
fprintf ff "@[";
print_type ff vd.v_type;
fprintf ff "@ %s" (jname_of_name (name vd.v_name));
fprintf ff "@]"
let rec print_in ff = function
| [] -> ()
| [vd] -> print_vd' ff vd
| vd :: vds' ->
print_vd' ff vd;
fprintf ff ",@ ";
print_in ff vds'
let rec print_mem ff = function
| [] -> ()
| vd :: m' ->
print_vd ff vd;
fprintf ff "@ ";
print_mem ff m'
let print_loc ff vds = print_mem ff vds
let print_step ff n s objs ts single =
let name = jname_of_name n in
fprintf ff "@[<v>@ @[<v 2>public ";
if single then print_type ff (List.hd s.out).v_type
else fprintf ff "%s" (n ^ "Answer");
fprintf ff " step(@[";
print_in ff s.inp;
fprintf ff "@]) {@ ";
let loc = if single then (List.hd s.out) :: s.local else s.local in
if loc = [] then () else (print_loc ff loc; fprintf ff "@ ");
if single then fprintf ff "@ "
else fprintf ff "%sAnswer step_ans = new %sAnswer();@ @ " n n;
print_act ff s.bd objs
(List.map (fun vd -> vd.v_name) s.out) ts single;
fprintf ff "@ @ return ";
if single then fprintf ff "%s" (jname_of_name (Ident.name (List.hd s.out).v_name))
else fprintf ff "step_ans";
fprintf ff ";@]@ }@ @]"
let print_reset ff r ts =
fprintf ff "@[<v>@ @[<v 2>public void reset() {@ ";
print_act ff r [] [] ts false;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@ @]"
let print_class ff headers ts single opened_mod cl =
let clid = jname_of_name cl.cl_id in
List.iter (fprintf ff "%s") headers;
(* fprintf ff "@[<v>package %s;@\n@\n" headers; *)
(* import opened modules *)
(fun m ->
fprintf ff "import %s.*;@\n" (String.uncapitalize m))
fprintf ff "@\n@[<v 2>public class %s {@ " clid;
if cl.mem = [] then ()
else fprintf ff "@[<v>@ "; print_mem ff cl.mem; fprintf ff "@]";
if cl.objs = [] then ()
else fprintf ff "@[<v>@ "; print_objs ff cl.objs; fprintf ff "@]";
print_reset ff cl.reset ts;
print_step ff clid cl.step cl.objs ts single;
fprintf ff "@]@ }@]"
let print_class_and_answer_to_file java_dir headers ts opened_mod cl =
let clid = jname_of_name cl.cl_id in
let print_class_to_file single =
let out_ch = open_out (java_dir ^ "/" ^ clid ^ ".java") in
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel out_ch in
Misc.print_header_info ff "/*" "*/";
print_class ff headers ts single opened_mod cl;
fprintf ff "@.";
close_out out_ch
match cl.step.out with
| [_] -> print_class_to_file true
| _ ->
let out_ch = open_out (java_dir ^ "/" ^ clid ^ "Answer.java") in
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel out_ch in
Misc.print_header_info ff "/*" "*/";
List.iter (fprintf ff "%s") headers;
(* fprintf ff "@[<v>package %s;@\n@\n" headers; *)
(fun m ->
fprintf ff "import %s.*;@\n" (String.uncapitalize m))
print_ans_struct ff (clid ^ "Answer") cl.step.out;
fprintf ff "@.";
close_out out_ch;
print_class_to_file false
let print_classes java_dir headers ts opened_mod cls =
(print_class_and_answer_to_file java_dir headers ts opened_mod)
let print java_dir p =
let headers =
List.map snd
(fun (tag,_) -> tag = "java")
p.o_pragmas) in
print_types java_dir headers p.o_types;
o_types := p.o_types;
java_dir headers
| { t_desc = Type_abs } -> []
| { t_name = tn; t_desc = Type_enum tgs } -> [tn, tgs]
| { t_name = tn; t_desc = Type_struct fields } ->
[tn, (List.map fst fields)])