New Obc ast

Also ported some recent fixes
This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2010-06-16 11:32:13 +02:00
parent fed52e5130
commit dc3d564b70
5 changed files with 614 additions and 622 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -323,6 +323,10 @@ let bool_case = function
| ("false", _) :: _ -> true
| _ -> false
let obj_call_to_string = function
| Context o
| Array_context (o,_) -> o
let rec print_act ff a objs avs ts single =
match a with
| Assgn (x, e) ->
@ -330,6 +334,7 @@ let rec print_act ff a objs avs ts single =
print_asgn ff x e avs ts single;
fprintf ff ";@]"
| Step_ap (xs, o, es) ->
let o = obj_call_to_string o in
(match xs with
| [x] ->
print_lhs ff x avs single;

View file

@ -53,23 +53,43 @@ let is_op = function
| Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = _ } -> true
| _ -> false
let op_from_string op =
Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = op }
let rec lhs_of_idx_list e = function
| [] -> e
| idx::l -> Array(lhs_of_idx_list e l, idx)
(** Creates the expression that checks that the indices
in idx_list are in the bounds. If idx_list=[e1;..;ep]
and bounds = [n1;..;np], it returns
e1 <= n1 && .. && ep <= np *)
let rec bound_check_expr idx_list bounds =
match idx_list, bounds with
| [idx], [n] ->
Op (op_from_string "<", [idx; Const (Cint n)])
| idx::idx_list, n::bounds ->
Op (op_from_string "&", [Op (op_from_string "<", [idx; Const (Cint n)]);
bound_check_expr idx_list bounds])
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec translate_type const_env = function
| Minils.Tbase(btyp) -> translate_type const_env btyp
| Minils.Tbase(btyp) -> translate_base_type const_env btyp
| Minils.Tprod _ -> assert false
and translate_type const_env = function
and translate_base_type const_env = function
| Minils.Tint -> Tint
| Minils.Tfloat -> Tfloat
| Minils.Tid(id) -> Tid(id)
| Minils.Tarray(ty, n) -> Tarray (translate_type const_env ty,
| Minils.Tarray(ty, n) -> Tarray (translate_base_type const_env ty,
int_of_size_exp const_env n)
let rec translate_const const_env = function
| Minils.Cint(v) -> Cint(v)
| Minils.Cfloat(v) -> Cfloat(v)
| Minils.Cconstr(c) -> Cconstr(c)
| Minils.Carray(n,c) ->
Carray(int_of_size_exp const_env n, translate_const const_env c)
| Minils.Cconst_array(n,c) ->
Cconst_array(int_of_size_exp const_env n, translate_const const_env c)
let rec translate_pat map = function
| Minils.Evarpat(x) -> [var_from_name map x]
@ -101,11 +121,11 @@ let rec translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) ({ Minils.e_desc = desc } as e) =
(*Array operators*)
| Minils.Earray e_list ->
Array ( (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
ArrayLit ( (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list)
| Minils.Eselect (idx,e) ->
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e in
Lhs ( Array (lhs_of_exp e, (int_of_size_exp const_env) idx) )
Lhs ( lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e)
( (fun e -> Const (Cint (int_of_size_exp const_env e))) idx) )
| _ -> Minils.Printer.print_exp stdout e; flush stdout; assert false
(* [translate pat act = si, j, d, s] *)
@ -132,7 +152,7 @@ and translate_c_act_list const_env map context pat c_act_list =
and comp s_list =
List.fold_right (fun s rest -> Comp(s, rest)) s_list Nothing
let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } (m, si, j, s) =
let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.p_lhs = pat; Minils.p_rhs = e } (m, si, j, s) =
let { Minils.e_desc = desc; Minils.e_ty = ty; Minils.e_ck = ck } = e in
match pat, desc with
| Minils.Evarpat(n), Minils.Efby(opt_c, e) ->
@ -160,10 +180,12 @@ let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } (m
let params = (int_of_size_exp const_env) params in
let j = (o, encode_longname_params n params, 1) :: j in
let s =
(control map ck (Step_ap(name_list, o, c_list))) :: s in
(control map ck (Step_ap(name_list, Context o, c_list))) :: s in
(m, si, j, s)
| pat, Minils.Eevery({ Minils.a_op = n }, params, e_list, r ) ->
let sig_info = (Modules.find_value n).info in
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
let name_list = remove_targeted_outputs sig_info.targeting name_list in
let c_list = (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) e_list in
let o = gen_symbol () in
let si = (Reinit(o)) :: si in
@ -171,50 +193,65 @@ let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } (m
let j = (o, encode_longname_params n params, 1) :: j in
let s =
(control map (Minils.Con(ck, Name("true"), r)) (Reinit(o))) ::
(control map ck (Step_ap(name_list, o, c_list))) :: s in
(control map ck (Step_ap(name_list, Context o, c_list))) :: s in
(m, si, j, s)
| Minils.Etuplepat(p_list), Minils.Etuple(act_list) ->
(fun pat e -> translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } )
(fun pat e -> translate_eq const_env map { Minils.p_lhs = pat; Minils.p_rhs = e } )
p_list act_list (m, si, j, s)
| Minils.Evarpat(x), Minils.Eselect_slice(idx1, idx2, e) ->
let idx1 = int_of_size_exp const_env idx1 in
let idx2 = int_of_size_exp const_env idx2 in
let idx =
let cpt = name (Ident.fresh "i") in
let cpt = Ident.fresh "i" in
let e = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e in
let action = For( cpt, 0, idx2 - idx1 + 1,
Assgn (Array (var_from_name map x, Var cpt),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e, idx))) )
let action = Array_select_slice (var_from_name map x,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e,
int_of_size_exp const_env idx1,
int_of_size_exp const_env idx2) in
let idx = Op(op_from_string "+", [Lhs (Var cpt); Const (Cint idx1)]) in
let action = For(cpt, 0, idx2 - idx1 + 1,
Assgn (Array (var_from_name map x, Lhs (Var cpt)),
Lhs (Array (lhs_of_exp e, idx))) ) in
m, si, j, ((control map ck action)::s)
| Minils.Evarpat(x), Minils.Eselect_dyn (idx, bounds, e1, e2) ->
let action = Array_select_dyn (var_from_name map x,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1, (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) idx, (int_of_size_exp const_env) bounds,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2 ) in
let x = var_from_name map x in
let e1 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let bounds = (int_of_size_exp const_env) bounds in
let idx = (translate const_env map (m, si, j, s)) idx in
let true_act = Assgn(x, Lhs (lhs_of_idx_list (lhs_of_exp e1) idx)) in
let false_act = Assgn(x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2) in
let cond = bound_check_expr idx bounds in
let action = Case(cond, [Name "true", true_act; Name "false", false_act]) in
m, si, j, ((control map ck action)::s)
| Minils.Evarpat(x), Minils.Eupdate (idx, e1, e2) ->
let x = var_from_name map x in
let copy = Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let action = Assgn (Array (x, (int_of_size_exp const_env) idx),
let idx = (fun se -> Const (Cint (int_of_size_exp const_env se))) idx in
let action = Assgn (lhs_of_idx_list x idx,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2) in
m, si, j, ((control map ck copy)::(control map ck action)::s)
| Minils.Evarpat(x), Minils.Erepeat (n, e) ->
let cpt = name (Ident.fresh "i") in
let cpt = Ident.fresh "i" in
let action = For (cpt, 0, int_of_size_exp const_env n,
Assgn(Lhs (var_from_name map x, Var cpt),
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e) in
Assgn(Array (var_from_name map x, Lhs (Var cpt)),
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e) ) in
m, si, j, ((control map ck action)::s)
| Minils.Evarpat(x), Minils.Econcat(e1, e2) ->
let action = Array_concat (var_from_name map x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1,
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2) in
m, si, j, ((control map ck action)::s)
let cpt1 = Ident.fresh "i" in
let cpt2 = Ident.fresh "i" in
let x = var_from_name map x in
(match e1.Minils.e_ty, e2.Minils.e_ty with
| Minils.Tbase(Minils.Tarray(_, n1)), Minils.Tbase(Minils.Tarray(_, n2)) ->
let e1 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1 in
let e2 = translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2 in
let n1 = int_of_size_exp const_env n1 in
let n2 = int_of_size_exp const_env n2 in
let a1 = For(cpt1, 0, n1,
Assgn ( Array(x, Lhs(Var cpt1)),
Lhs (Array(lhs_of_exp e1, Lhs(Var cpt1))) ) ) in
let idx = Op (op_from_string "+", [Const (Cint n1); Lhs (Var cpt2)]) in
let a2 = For(cpt2, 0, n2,
Assgn ( Array(x, idx),
Lhs (Array(lhs_of_exp e2, Lhs(Var cpt2))) ) ) in
m, si, j, (control map ck a1)::(control map ck a2)::s
| _ -> assert false
| pat, Minils.Eiterator(it, f, params, n, e_list, reset) ->
let sig_info = (Modules.find_value f).info in
let name_list = translate_pat map pat in
@ -225,7 +262,8 @@ let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } (m
let si = if is_op f then si else (Reinit(o)) :: si in
let params = (int_of_size_exp const_env) params in
let j = (o, encode_longname_params f params, n) :: j in
let action = Array_iterate (name_list, it, o, n, c_list) in
let x = Ident.fresh "i" in
let action = translate_iterator const_env map it x name_list o sig_info n c_list in
let s =
(match reset with
| None -> (control map ck action)::s
@ -235,9 +273,11 @@ let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } (m
) in
m, si, j, s
| Minils.Evarpat(x), Minils.Efield_update (f, e1, e2) ->
let action = Field_update (var_from_name map x, translate const_env map (m,si,j,s) e1,
f, translate const_env map (m,si,j,s) e2) in
m, si, j, ((control map ck action)::s)
let x = var_from_name map x in
let copy = Assgn (x, translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e1) in
let action = Assgn (Field(x, f),
translate const_env map (m, si, j, s) e2) in
m, si, j, ((control map ck copy)::(control map ck action)::s)
| Minils.Etuplepat [], Minils.Ereset_mem(y, v, res) ->
let h = Initial.ptrue, Assgn(var_from_name map y, Const (translate_const const_env v)) in
let action = Case (Lhs (var_from_name map res), [h]) in
@ -246,6 +286,54 @@ let rec translate_eq const_env map { Minils.eq_lhs = pat; Minils.eq_rhs = e } (m
let action = translate_act const_env map (m, si, j, s) pat e in
(m, si, j, (control map ck action) :: s)
and translate_iterator const_env map it x name_list o sig_info n c_list =
match it with
| Imap ->
let c_list = (fun e -> Lhs (Array(lhs_of_exp e, Lhs (Var x)))) c_list in
let name_list = (fun l -> Array(l, Lhs (Var x))) name_list in
let objn = Array_context (o, Var x) in
For(x, 0, n,
Step_ap (name_list, objn, c_list))
| Imapfold ->
let c_list, acc_in = split_last c_list in
let c_list = (fun e -> Lhs (Array(lhs_of_exp e, Lhs (Var x)))) c_list in
let objn = Array_context (o, Var x) in
let acc_is_targeted = (is_empty name_list)
or (last_element sig_info.inputs).a_pass_by_ref in
if acc_is_targeted then (
(* no accumulator in output; the accumulator is modified in place *)
let name_list = (fun l -> Array(l, Lhs (Var x))) name_list in
For (x, 0, n,
Step_ap(name_list, objn, c_list@[acc_in]))
) else (
(* use the output acc as accumulator*)
let name_list, acc_out = split_last name_list in
let name_list = (fun l -> Array(l, Lhs (Var x))) name_list in
Comp( Assgn(acc_out, acc_in),
For (x, 0, n,
Step_ap(name_list@[acc_out], objn, c_list@[Lhs acc_out])) )
| Ifold ->
let c_list, acc_in = split_last c_list in
let c_list = (fun e -> Lhs (Array(lhs_of_exp e, Lhs (Var x)))) c_list in
let objn = Array_context (o, Var x) in
let acc_is_targeted = (is_empty name_list) in
if acc_is_targeted then (
(* no accumulator in output; the accumulator is modified in place *)
For (x, 0, n,
Step_ap(name_list, objn, c_list@[acc_in]))
) else (
(* use the output acc as accumulator*)
let acc_out = last_element name_list in
Comp( Assgn(acc_out, acc_in),
For (x, 0, n,
Step_ap(name_list, objn, c_list@[Lhs acc_out])) )
let translate_eq_list const_env map act_list =
List.fold_right (translate_eq const_env map) act_list ([], [], [], [])
@ -259,7 +347,7 @@ let obj_decl l = (fun (x, t, i) -> { obj = x; cls = t; n = i }) l
let translate_var_dec const_env map l =
let one_var { Minils.v_name = x; Minils.v_type = t } =
{ v_name = x; v_type = translate_type const_env t; v_pass_by_ref = false }
{ v_name = x; v_type = translate_base_type const_env t; v_pass_by_ref = false }
(* remove unused vars *)
let l = List.filter (fun { Minils.v_name = x } ->
@ -395,7 +483,7 @@ let translate_ty_def const_env { Minils.t_name = name; Minils.t_desc = tdesc } =
| Minils.Type_enum(tag_name_list) -> Type_enum(tag_name_list)
| Minils.Type_struct(field_ty_list) ->
( (fun (f, ty) -> (f, translate_type const_env ty)) field_ty_list)
( (fun (f, ty) -> (f, translate_base_type const_env ty)) field_ty_list)
{ t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc }

View file

@ -23,15 +23,10 @@ type obj_name = name
type op_name = longname
type field_name = longname
type iterator_name =
| Imap
| Ifold
| Imapfold
type ty =
| Tint
| Tfloat
| Tbool
| Tid of type_name
| Tarray of ty * int
@ -56,36 +51,34 @@ type lhs =
| Field of lhs * field_name
| Array of lhs * exp
type exp =
and exp =
| Lhs of lhs
| Const of const
| Op of op_name * exp list
| Struct of type_name * (field_name * exp) list
| Array of exp list
| ArrayLit of exp list
type obj_call =
| Context of obj_name
| Array_context of obj_name * lhs
type act =
| Assgn of lhs * exp
| Step_ap of lhs list * obj_name * exp list
| Step_ap of lhs list * obj_call * exp list
| Comp of act * act
| Case of exp * (longname * act) list
| For of var_name * int * int * act
| Reinit of obj_name
| Nothing
| Array_select_slice of lhs * exp * int * int
| Array_select_dyn of lhs * exp * exp list * int list * exp (* res, var, indices, bounds, def value*)
| Array_iterate of lhs list * iterator_name * obj_name * int * exp list
| Array_concat of lhs * exp * exp
| Field_update of lhs * exp * longname * exp (* var, record, field, value*)
type var_dec =
{ v_name : var_name;
v_type : ty;
v_pass_by_ref : bool; }
v_type : ty; }
type obj_dec =
{ obj : obj_name;
cls : instance_name;
n : int; }
size : int; }
type step_fun =
{ inp : var_dec list;
@ -114,17 +107,28 @@ type program =
(** [is_scalar_type vd] returns whether the type corresponding
to this variable declaration is scalar (ie a type that can
be returned by a C function). *)
let is_scalar_type ty =
let is_scalar_type vd =
match vd.v_type with
| Tint | Tfloat -> true
| Tid name_int when name_int = pint -> true
| Tid name_float when name_float = pfloat -> true
| Tid name_bool when name_bool = pbool -> true
| _ -> false
let actual_type ty =
match ty with
| Tid x ->
(x = Initial.pint) or (x = Initial.pfloat) or (x = Initial.pbool)
| _ -> false
| Tid(Name("float"))
| Tid(Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = "float" }) -> Tfloat
| Tid(Name("int"))
| Tid(Modname { qual = "Pervasives"; id = "int" }) -> Tint
| _ -> ty
let rec var_name x =
match x with
| Var x -> x
| Mem x -> x
| Field(x,_) -> var_name x
| Array(l, _) -> var_name l
(** Returns whether an object of name n belongs to
a list of var_dec. *)
@ -202,7 +206,7 @@ struct
print_type ff vd.v_type;
fprintf ff "@]"
let print_obj ff { cls = cls; obj = obj; n = n } =
let print_obj ff { cls = cls; obj = obj; size = n } =
fprintf ff "@[<v>"; print_name ff obj;
fprintf ff " : "; print_longname ff cls;
if n <> 1 then
@ -222,8 +226,13 @@ struct
| Var x -> print_ident ff x
| Mem x -> fprintf ff "mem("; print_ident ff x; fprintf ff ")"
| Field (l, f) -> print_lhs ff l; fprintf ff ".%s" (shortname f)
| Array(x, idx) ->
print_lhs ff x;
fprintf ff "[";
print_exp ff idx;
fprintf ff "]"
let rec print_exps ff e_list = print_list ff print_exp "," e_list
and print_exps ff e_list = print_list ff print_exp "," e_list
and print_exp ff = function
| Lhs lhs -> print_lhs ff lhs
@ -236,15 +245,10 @@ struct
print_exp ff e)
";" f_e_list;
fprintf ff "}@]"
| Array e_list ->
| ArrayLit e_list ->
fprintf ff "@[[";
print_list ff print_exp ";" e_list;
fprintf ff "]@]"
| Array_select(x, idx) ->
print_exp ff x;
fprintf ff "[";
print_list ff (fun ff -> fprintf ff "%d") "][" idx;
fprintf ff "]"
and print_op ff op e_list =
print_longname ff op;
@ -256,6 +260,13 @@ struct
fprintf ff "@["; print_exp ff e; fprintf ff "@]";
fprintf ff "@]"
let print_obj_call ff = function
| Context o -> print_name ff o
| Array_context (o, i) ->
fprintf ff "%a[%a]"
print_name o
print_lhs i
let rec print_act ff a =
match a with
| Assgn (x, e) -> print_asgn ff "" x e
@ -270,78 +281,20 @@ struct
print_exp ff e; fprintf ff ") {@,";
print_tag_act_list ff tag_act_list;
fprintf ff "@]@,}@]"
| For(x, i1, i2, act) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>for %s=%d to %d : {@, %a @]@,}@]"
(name x) i1 i2
print_act act
| Step_ap (var_list, o, es) ->
fprintf ff "@[(";
print_list ff print_lhs "," var_list;
fprintf ff "@])";
fprintf ff " = "; print_name ff o; fprintf ff ".step(";
fprintf ff " = "; print_obj_call ff o; fprintf ff ".step(";
fprintf ff "@["; print_exps ff es; fprintf ff "@]";
fprintf ff ")"
| Reinit o ->
print_name ff o; fprintf ff ".reset()"
| Nothing -> fprintf ff "()"
| Array_select_slice (var, e, idx1, idx2) ->
fprintf ff "@[";
print_lhs ff var;
fprintf ff " = ";
print_exp ff e;
fprintf ff "[%d..%d]" idx1 idx2;
fprintf ff "@]"
| Array_select_dyn (var, x, idx, _, defe) ->
fprintf ff "@[";
print_lhs ff var;
fprintf ff " = ";
fprintf ff "@[";
print_exp ff x;
fprintf ff "[";
print_list ff print_exp "][" idx;
fprintf ff "] default ";
print_exp ff defe;
fprintf ff "@]"
| Array_update (x, e1, idx, e2) ->
fprintf ff "@[";
print_lhs ff x;
fprintf ff " = ";
print_exp ff e1;
fprintf ff " with [";
print_list ff (fun ff -> fprintf ff "%d") "][" idx;
fprintf ff "] = ";
print_exp ff e2;
fprintf ff "@]"
| Array_repeat (x, n, e) ->
fprintf ff "@[";
print_lhs ff x;
fprintf ff " = ";
print_exp ff e;
fprintf ff "^%d" n
| Array_iterate (o_list, it, f, n, e_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[(";
print_list ff print_lhs ", " o_list;
fprintf ff ") = ";
fprintf ff "(";
fprintf ff "%s" (iterator_to_string it);
fprintf ff " ";
print_name ff f;
fprintf ff " <<%d>>) (@[" n;
print_list ff print_exp "," e_list;
fprintf ff ")@]@]"
| Array_concat (x, e1, e2) ->
fprintf ff "@[";
print_lhs ff x;
fprintf ff " = ";
print_exp ff e1;
fprintf ff " @@ ";
print_exp ff e2
| Field_update (x, e1, f, e2) ->
fprintf ff "@[";
print_lhs ff x;
fprintf ff " = ";
print_exp ff e1;
fprintf ff " with .";
print_longname ff f;
fprintf ff " = ";
print_exp ff e2;
fprintf ff "@]"
and print_tag_act_list ff tag_act_list =
print_list ff

View file

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ and cfalse = Name("false")
let equation (d_list, eq_list) ({ e_ty = te; e_linearity = l; e_ck = ck } as e) =
let n = Ident.fresh "_v" in
let d_list = { v_name = n; v_copy_of = None;
v_type = type te; v_linearity = l; v_clock = ck } :: d_list
and eq_list = { eq_lhs = Evarpat(n); eq_rhs = e } :: eq_list in
v_type = base_type te; v_linearity = l; v_clock = ck } :: d_list
and eq_list = { p_lhs = Evarpat(n); p_rhs = e } :: eq_list in
(d_list, eq_list), n
let intro context e =
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ let rec constant e = match e.e_desc with
let add context expected_kind ({ e_desc = de; e_linearity = l } as e) =
let up = match de, expected_kind with
| (Evar _ | Efield _ ) , VRefCond -> false
| Efby _, VRefCond -> true
| _ , VRefCond -> not (Linearity.is_not_linear l)
| Econst _ , VRefCond -> not (Linearity.is_not_linear l)
| _, VRefCond -> true
| (Evar _ | Efield _ ) , VRef -> false
| _ , VRef -> true
| ( Emerge _ | Etuple _
@ -232,17 +232,17 @@ let rec translate_eq context pat e =
| Evarpat(x), Efby _ when not (vd_mem x d_list) ->
let (d_list, eq_list), n = equation context e in
{ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = { e with e_desc = Evar(n) } } :: eq_list
{ p_lhs = pat; p_rhs = { e with e_desc = Evar(n) } } :: eq_list
| Etuplepat(pat_list), Etuple(e_list) ->
List.fold_left2 distribute context pat_list e_list
| _ -> d_list, { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } :: eq_list in
| _ -> d_list, { p_lhs = pat; p_rhs = e } :: eq_list in
let context, e = translate Any context e in
distribute context pat e
let translate_eq_list d_list eq_list =
(fun context { eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } -> translate_eq context pat e)
(fun context { p_lhs = pat; p_rhs = e } -> translate_eq context pat e)
(d_list, []) eq_list
let translate_contract ({ c_eq = eq_list; c_local = d_list } as c) =