Cédric Pasteur ee767064b1 Instantiation of parametrized nodes (v2)
- Many changes to make Hept2mls, mls2obc, etc
compile with the api changes
- Added Callgraph_mapfold: starting from a main
program, generates the list of instances of each
node necessary and creates them.
- Mls2seq deals with giving to the code generators
the correct source (mls or obc, wit or without
static parameters)

It is now possible to use parametrized nodes that 
are defined in other files. For that to work, the 
first file has to be compiled to an object file:
	heptc -c mylib.ept
which creates a mylib.epo file. Compiling the main
file will then generate all the instances of 
parametrized nodes from the lib (only the called 
nodes will be compiled, but all the nodes in the 
main file are compiled).
2010-07-13 14:03:39 +02:00

239 lines
6 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* useful stuff *)
(* version of the compiler *)
let version = "0.4"
let date = "DATE"
(* standard module *)
let pervasives_module = "Pervasives"
let standard_lib = "STDLIB"
let standard_lib = try Sys.getenv "HEPTLIB" with Not_found -> standard_lib
(* list of modules initially opened *)
let default_used_modules = ref [pervasives_module]
let set_no_pervasives () = default_used_modules := []
(* load paths *)
let load_path = ref ([standard_lib])
let set_stdlib p =
load_path := [p]
and add_include d =
load_path := d :: !load_path;;
(* where is the standard library *)
let locate_stdlib () =
let stdlib = try
Sys.getenv "HEPTLIB"
Not_found -> standard_lib in
Printf.printf "Standard library in %s\n" stdlib
let show_version () =
Printf.printf "The Heptagon compiler, version %s (%s)\n"
version date;
locate_stdlib ()
(* other options of the compiler *)
let verbose = ref false
let print_types = ref false
let assert_nodes = ref []
let add_assert nd = assert_nodes := nd :: !assert_nodes
let simulation = ref false
let simulation_node : string option ref = ref None
let set_simulation_node s =
simulation := true;
simulation_node := Some s
let create_object_file = ref false
(* Target languages list for code generation *)
let target_languages : string list ref = ref []
let add_target_language s =
target_languages := s :: !target_languages
(* Optional path for generated files (C or Java) *)
let target_path : string option ref = ref None
let set_target_path path =
target_path := Some path
let full_type_info = ref false
let boolean = ref false
let deadcode = ref false
let init = ref true
let cse = ref false
let tomato = ref false
(* Backward compatibility *)
let set_sigali () = add_target_language "z3z";;
let intermediate = ref false
let nodes_to_inline : string list ref = ref []
let nodes_to_display : string list ref = ref []
let node_to_flatten : string option ref = ref None
let no_mem_alloc = ref false
let use_interf_scheduler = ref false
let use_new_reset_encoding = ref false
let optional f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
let optional_wacc f acc = function
| None -> None, acc
| Some x -> let x, acc = f acc x in Some x, acc
let optunit f = function
| None -> ()
| Some x -> f x
(** [split_string s c] splits the string [s] in a list of sub-strings according
to separator [c]. *)
let rec split_string s c =
let id = String.index s c in
let rest = String.sub s (id + 1) (String.length s - id - 1) in
String.sub s 0 id :: split_string rest c
with Not_found -> [s]
(* error during the whole process *)
exception Error
(* creation of names. Ensure unicity for the whole compilation chain *)
let symbol = ref 0
let gen_symbol () = incr symbol; "_"^(string_of_int !symbol)
let reset_symbol () = symbol := (*!min_symbol*) 0
open Format
open Unix
let print_header_info ff cbeg cend =
let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
fprintf ff "%s --- Generated the %d/%d/%d at %d:%d --- %s@\n"
cbeg tm.tm_mday (tm.tm_mon+1) (tm.tm_year + 1900) tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min cend;
fprintf ff "%s --- heptagon compiler, version %s (compiled %s) --- %s@\n"
cbeg version date cend;
fprintf ff "%s --- Command line: %a--- %s@\n@\n"
(fun ff a ->
Array.iter (fun arg -> fprintf ff "%s " arg) a)
let unique l =
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 10 in (* You could replace 10 with List.length l *)
List.iter (fun i -> Hashtbl.replace tbl i ()) l;
Hashtbl.fold (fun key data accu -> key :: accu) tbl []
let rec incomplete_map f l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| [a] -> [a]
| a::l -> (f a)::(incomplete_map f l)
let rec last_element l =
match l with
| [] -> assert false
| [v] -> v
| v::l -> last_element l
(** [split_last l] returns l without its last element and
the last element of l. *)
let rec split_last = function
| [] -> assert false
| [a] -> [], a
| v::l ->
let l, a = split_last l in
v::l, a
let remove x l =
List.filter (fun y -> x <> y) l
let is_empty = function
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
(** [repeat_list v n] returns a list with n times the value v. *)
let repeat_list v n =
let rec aux = function
| 0 -> []
| n -> v::(aux (n-1))
aux n
(** Same as List.mem_assoc but using the value instead of the key. *)
let rec memd_assoc value = function
| [] -> false
| (k,d)::l -> (d = value) or (memd_assoc value l)
(** Same as List.assoc but searching for a data and returning the key. *)
let rec assocd value = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (k,d)::l ->
if d = value then
assocd value l
(** Compiler iterators *)
exception Fallback
(** Mapfold *)
let mapfold f acc l =
let l,acc = List.fold_left (fun (l,acc) e -> let e,acc = f acc e in e::l, acc)
([],acc) l in
List.rev l, acc
let mapi f l =
let rec aux i = function
| [] -> []
| v::l -> (f i v)::(aux (i+1) l)
aux 0 l
let mapi2 f l1 l2 =
let rec aux i l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], [] -> []
| [], _ -> invalid_arg ""
| _, [] -> invalid_arg ""
| v1::l1, v2::l2 -> (f i v1 v2)::(aux (i+1) l1 l2)
aux 0 l1 l2
let mapi3 f l1 l2 l3 =
let rec aux i l1 l2 l3 =
match l1, l2, l3 with
| [], [], [] -> []
| [], _, _ -> invalid_arg ""
| _, [], _ -> invalid_arg ""
| _, _, [] -> invalid_arg ""
| v1::l1, v2::l2, v3::l3 ->
(f i v1 v2 v3)::(aux (i+1) l1 l2 l3)
aux 0 l1 l2 l3