Erase all linearities if memalloc is not activated

This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-09-09 09:36:34 +02:00 committed by Cédric Pasteur
parent 08437bf448
commit eb0a19926c
4 changed files with 21 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -86,6 +86,12 @@ let rec unify_lin expected_lin lin =
| Lat r, Lvar _ -> Lat r
| _, _ -> raise UnifyFailed
let check_linearity lin =
if is_linear lin && not !Compiler_options.do_mem_alloc then
let rec lin_to_string = function
| Ltop -> "at T"
| Lat r -> "at "^r

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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ type error =
| Estatic_constraint of constrnt
| Esplit_enum of ty
| Esplit_tuple of ty
| Eenable_memalloc
exception Unify
exception TypingError of error
@ -194,6 +195,11 @@ let message loc kind =
be a tuple (found: %a).@."
print_location loc
print_type ty
| Eenable_memalloc ->
"%aThis function was compiled with linear types. \
Enable memory allocation to call it.@."
print_location loc
raise Errors.Error
@ -228,7 +234,11 @@ let flatten_ty_list l =
(fun arg args -> match arg with Tprod l -> l@args | a -> a::args ) l []
let kind f ty_desc =
let ty_of_arg v = v.a_type in
let ty_of_arg v =
if Linearity.is_linear v.a_linearity && not !Compiler_options.do_mem_alloc then
error Eenable_memalloc;
let op = if ty_desc.node_stateful then Enode f else Efun f in
op, ty_of_arg ty_desc.node_inputs, ty_of_arg ty_desc.node_outputs

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@ -104,8 +104,9 @@ let rec vd_mem n = function
let args_of_var_decs =
(* before the clocking the clock is wrong in the signature *) (fun vd -> Signature.mk_arg (Some (Idents.source_name vd.v_ident))
vd.v_type vd.v_linearity Signature.Cbase)
(fun vd -> Signature.mk_arg (Some (Idents.source_name vd.v_ident))
vd.v_type (Linearity.check_linearity vd.v_linearity) Signature.Cbase)
let signature_of_node n =
{ node_inputs = args_of_var_decs n.n_input;

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@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ and translate_var_dec env vd =
(* env is initialized with the declared vars before their translation *)
{ Heptagon.v_ident = Rename.var vd.v_loc env vd.v_name;
Heptagon.v_type = translate_type vd.v_loc vd.v_type;
Heptagon.v_linearity = vd.v_linearity;
Heptagon.v_linearity = Linearity.check_linearity vd.v_linearity;
Heptagon.v_last = translate_last vd.v_last;
Heptagon.v_clock = translate_some_clock vd.v_loc env vd.v_clock;
Heptagon.v_loc = vd.v_loc }