Fixed linear typing of nested calls

This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2011-09-08 14:11:27 +02:00 committed by Cédric Pasteur
parent 7bf5f3f323
commit 08437bf448
2 changed files with 54 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ let rec subst_lin m lin_list =
Lat (NamesEnv.find r m)
_ -> Lvar r)
| Lat _ -> assert false
| l -> l
in subst_one lin_list
@ -361,7 +360,7 @@ let rec fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins =
| args_lin, [] -> args_lin
| (Lat r)::args_lin, collect_lins ->
(Lat r)::(fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins)
| (Lvar r)::args_lin, x::collect_lins ->
| (Lvar r)::args_lin, _::collect_lins ->
(Lvar r)::(fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins)
| _::args_lin, x::collect_lins ->
x::(fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins)
@ -493,7 +492,7 @@ and collect_app env op e_list = match op with
| _ -> VarsCollection.var_collection_of_lin (fst (typing_app env op e_list))
and typing_args env expected_lin_list e_list =
and expect_args env expected_lin_list e_list =
(* this auxiliary function deals with functions returning tuples
used as arguments of function expecting a tuple. It groups
linearities in the list by looking at the size of tuples (given by the type). *)
@ -512,7 +511,8 @@ and typing_args env expected_lin_list e_list =
| _, _ -> internal_error "linear_typing"
let expected_lin_list = mk_lin_list e_list expected_lin_list in
List.fold_left2 (fun env elin e -> safe_expect env elin e) env expected_lin_list e_list
Misc.mapfold2 (fun env elin e -> expect env elin e) env expected_lin_list e_list
and typing_app env op e_list = match op with
| Earrow ->
@ -565,8 +565,14 @@ and expect_app env expected_lin op e_list = match op with
(* and apply it to the inputs*)
let inputs_lins = subst_lin m inputs_lins in
(* and check that it works *)
let env = typing_args env inputs_lins e_list in
unify_lin expected_lin (prod outputs_lins), env
(* type the inputs *)
let result_lins, env = expect_args env inputs_lins e_list in
(* and apply the result to the outputs *)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) inputs_lins result_lins) in
let outputs_lins = subst_lin m expected_lin_list in
prod outputs_lins, env
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 e_list in
@ -636,9 +642,15 @@ and expect_iterator env loc it expected_lin inputs_lins outputs_lins e_list = ma
try ignore (unify_lin idx_lin Ltop)
with UnifyFailed -> message loc (Emapi_bad_args idx_lin));
(*Check that the args have the wanted linearity*)
let env = typing_args env inputs_lins e_list; in
prod expected_lin, env
(* type the inputs *)
let result_lins, env = expect_args env inputs_lins e_list in
(* and apply the result to the outputs *)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) inputs_lins result_lins) in
let outputs_lins = subst_lin m outputs_lins in
prod outputs_lins, env
| Imapfold ->
(* Check the linearity of the accumulator*)
@ -663,9 +675,14 @@ and expect_iterator env loc it expected_lin inputs_lins outputs_lins e_list = ma
let collect_lin = unify_collect collect_list names_list coll_exp in
let inputs_lins = fuse_args_lin inputs_lins collect_lin in
(*Check that the args have the wanted linearity*)
let env = typing_args env inputs_lins e_list in
prod (expected_lin@[expected_acc_lin]), env
(* type the inputs *)
let result_lins, env = expect_args env inputs_lins e_list in
(* and apply the result to the outputs *)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) inputs_lins result_lins) in
let outputs_lins = subst_lin m outputs_lins in
prod (outputs_lins@[expected_acc_lin]), env
| Ifold ->
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in

test/good/linear_vars.ept Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
const n:int = 100
fun f(a:int^n at r) returns (o:int^n at r)
o = [a with [0] = 0]
fun g () returns (o:int^n)
var x:int^n at r;
init<<r>> x = 1^n;
o = f(f(x))
fun f2(u:int; a:int^n at r) returns (o:int^n at r)
o = [a with [0] = u]
fun lin_fold(a : int^3) returns (o:int^n)
var x:int^n at r;
init<<r>> x = 1^n;
o = fold<<3>> f2(a, f(f(x)));