Refactored build function

I am 99 % sure that this doesn't break anything.
This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2010-07-26 11:36:59 +02:00
parent aee247020b
commit e098909086
2 changed files with 24 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ and typing_present_handlers const_env h acc def_names
and typing_block const_env h
({ b_local = l; b_equs = eq_list; b_loc = loc } as b) =
let typed_l, local_names, h0 = build const_env h Env.empty l in
let typed_l, (local_names, h0) = build const_env h l in
let typed_eq_list, defined_names =
typing_eq_list const_env h0 Env.empty eq_list in
let defnames = diff_env defined_names local_names in
@ -966,23 +966,25 @@ and typing_block const_env h
| TypingError(kind) -> message loc kind
and build const_env h h0 dec =
(fun (acc_dec, acc_defined, h)
({ v_ident = n; v_type = btype; v_last = l; v_loc = loc } as v) ->
let ty = check_type const_env btype in
(* update type longname with module name from check_type *)
v.v_type <- ty;
if (Env.mem n h0) or (Env.mem n h)
then error (Ealready_defined(sourcename n))
({ v with v_type = ty }::acc_dec,
Env.add n ty acc_defined,
Env.add n { ty = ty; last = last l } h)
| TypingError(kind) -> message loc kind)
([], Env.empty, h) dec
(** Builds environments from a var_dec list.
[h] is the environment to start from.
@return the typed list of var_dec, an environment mapping
names to their types (aka defined names) and the environment
mapping names to types and last that will be used for typing (aka h).*)
and build const_env h dec =
let var_dec (acc_defined, h) vd =
let ty = check_type const_env vd.v_type in
if Env.mem vd.v_ident h then
error (Ealready_defined(sourcename vd.v_ident));
let acc_defined = Env.add vd.v_ident ty acc_defined in
let h = Env.add vd.v_ident { ty = ty; last = last vd.v_last } h in
{ vd with v_type = ty }, (acc_defined, h)
TypingError(kind) -> message vd.v_loc kind
mapfold var_dec (Env.empty, h) dec
let typing_contract const_env h contract =
@ -1035,11 +1037,9 @@ let node ({ n_name = f; n_statefull = statefull;
let typed_params, const_env =
build_node_params NamesEnv.empty node_params in
let typed_i_list, input_names, h =
build const_env Env.empty Env.empty i_list in
let typed_i_list = List.rev typed_i_list in
let typed_o_list, output_names, h = build const_env h h o_list in
let typed_o_list = List.rev typed_o_list in
let typed_i_list, (input_names, h) =
build const_env Env.empty i_list in
let typed_o_list, (output_names, h) = build const_env h o_list in
(* typing contract *)
let typed_contract, h =

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@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ and present_handler = { p_cond : exp; p_block : block }
and var_dec = {
v_ident : var_ident;
mutable v_type : ty;
v_type : ty;
v_last : last;
v_loc : location }