Refactored Typing

Created a new pass named Statefull that checks
statefullness related issues.
This change allows to see easily what is done in
this pass, that was scattered all across Typing
This commit is contained in:
Cédric Pasteur 2010-07-26 10:59:19 +02:00
parent 6dda6ba226
commit aee247020b
3 changed files with 170 additions and 132 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* Checks that a node declared stateless is stateless *)
open Names
open Location
open Misc
open Signature
open Modules
open Heptagon
open Hept_mapfold
type error =
| Eshould_be_a_node
| Eexp_should_be_stateless
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Eshould_be_a_node ->
Printf.eprintf "%aThis node is statefull \
but was declared stateless.\n"
output_location loc
| Eexp_should_be_stateless ->
Printf.eprintf "%aThis expression should be stateless.\n"
output_location loc
raise Error
(** @returns whether the exp is statefull. Replaces node calls with
the correct Efun or Enode depending on the node signature. *)
let edesc funs statefull ed =
(* do the recursion on function args *)
let ed, statefull = Hept_mapfold.edesc funs statefull ed in
match ed with
| Efby _ | Epre _ -> ed, true
| Eapp({ a_op = Earrow }, _, _) -> ed, true
| Eapp({ a_op = (Enode f | Efun f) } as app, e_list, r) ->
let { qualid = q; info = ty_desc } = find_value f in
let op = if ty_desc.node_statefull then Enode f else Efun f in
Eapp({ app with a_op = op }, e_list, r),
ty_desc.node_statefull or statefull
| _ -> ed, statefull
let eq funs acc eq =
let eq, statefull = Hept_mapfold.eq funs acc eq in
{ eq with eq_statefull = statefull }, statefull
let block funs acc b =
let b, statefull = Hept_mapfold.block funs false b in
{ b with b_statefull = statefull }, acc or statefull
let escape_unless funs acc esc =
let esc, statefull = Hept_mapfold.escape funs false esc in
if statefull then
message esc.e_cond.e_loc Eexp_should_be_stateless;
esc, acc or statefull
let present_handler funs acc ph =
let p_cond, statefull = Hept_mapfold.exp_it funs false ph.p_cond in
if statefull then
message ph.p_cond.e_loc Eexp_should_be_stateless;
let p_block, acc = Hept_mapfold.block_it funs acc ph.p_block in
{ ph with p_cond = p_cond; p_block = p_block }, acc
let node_dec funs _ n =
let n, statefull = Hept_mapfold.node_dec funs false n in
if statefull & not (n.n_statefull) then
message n.n_loc Eshould_be_a_node;
n, false
let program p =
let funs =
{ Hept_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc;
escape_unless = escape_unless;
present_handler = present_handler;
eq = eq; block = block; node_dec = node_dec } in
let p, _ = Hept_mapfold.program_it funs false p in

View file

@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ type error =
| Earity_clash of int * int
| Estatic_arity_clash of int * int
| Ealready_defined of name
| Eshould_be_a_node of longname
| Enon_exaustive
| Estate_clash
| Epartial_switch of name
| Etoo_many_outputs
| Esome_fields_are_missing
@ -100,14 +98,6 @@ let message loc kind =
Printf.eprintf "%aSome constructors are missing in this \
output_location loc
| Eshould_be_a_node(s) ->
Printf.eprintf "%a%s should be a combinatorial function.\n"
output_location loc
(fullname s)
| Estate_clash ->
"%aOnly stateless expressions should appear in a function.\n"
output_location loc
| Epartial_switch(s) ->
"%aThe case %s is missing.\n"
@ -241,26 +231,9 @@ let rec unify t1 t2 =
let unify t1 t2 =
try unify t1 t2 with Unify -> error (Etype_clash(t1, t2))
let less_than statefull = if not statefull then error Estate_clash
let is_statefull_eq_desc eqd =
let edesc funs _ ed = match ed with
| Elast _ | Efby _ | Epre _ -> ed, true
| Eapp({ a_op = (Enode _ | Earrow) }, _, _) -> ed, true
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let funs = { Hept_mapfold.defaults with edesc = edesc } in
let _, is_statefull = Hept_mapfold.eqdesc_it funs false eqd in
let kind f statefull
{ node_inputs = ty_list1;
node_outputs = ty_list2;
node_statefull = n } =
let kind n =
let ty_of_arg v = v.a_type in
let op = if n then Enode f else Efun f in
if n & not(statefull) then error (Eshould_be_a_node f)
else op, ty_of_arg ty_list1, ty_of_arg ty_list2 ty_of_arg n.node_inputs, ty_of_arg n.node_outputs
let typ_of_name h x =
@ -541,7 +514,7 @@ let field_type const_env f fields t1 loc =
Not_found -> message loc (Eno_such_field (t1, f))
let rec typing statefull const_env h e =
let rec typing const_env h e =
let typed_desc,ty = match e.e_desc with
| Econst c ->
@ -554,7 +527,7 @@ let rec typing statefull const_env h e =
| Eapp(op, e_list, r) ->
let ty, op, typed_e_list =
typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list in
typing_app const_env h op e_list in
Eapp(op, typed_e_list, r), ty
| Estruct(l) ->
@ -569,39 +542,35 @@ let rec typing statefull const_env h e =
message e.e_loc Esome_fields_are_missing;
check_field_unicity l;
let l = (typing_field statefull (typing_field
const_env h fields (Tid (Modname q)) q.qual) l in
Estruct l, Tid (Modname q)
| Epre (None, e) ->
less_than statefull;
let typed_e,ty = typing statefull const_env h e in
let typed_e,ty = typing const_env h e in
Epre (None, typed_e), ty
| Epre (Some c, e) ->
less_than statefull;
let typed_c, t1 = typing_static_exp const_env c in
let typed_e = expect statefull const_env h t1 e in
let typed_e = expect const_env h t1 e in
Epre(Some typed_c, typed_e), t1
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
less_than statefull;
let typed_e1, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e1 in
let typed_e2 = expect statefull const_env h t1 e2 in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing const_env h e1 in
let typed_e2 = expect const_env h t1 e2 in
Efby (typed_e1, typed_e2), t1
| Eiterator (it, ({ a_op = (Enode f | Efun f);
a_params = params } as app),
n, e_list, reset) ->
let { qualid = q; info = ty_desc } = find_value f in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list =
kind (Modname q) statefull ty_desc in
let expected_ty_list, result_ty_list = kind ty_desc in
let m = build_subst ty_desc.node_params params in
let expected_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) expected_ty_list in
let result_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) result_ty_list in
let typed_n = expect_static_exp const_env (Tid Initial.pint) n in
let ty, typed_e_list = typing_iterator statefull const_env h it n
let ty, typed_e_list = typing_iterator const_env h it n
expected_ty_list result_ty_list e_list in
let typed_params = typing_node_params const_env
ty_desc.node_params params in
@ -611,50 +580,48 @@ let rec typing statefull const_env h e =
add_size_constraint (Clequal (mk_static_exp (Sint 1), typed_n));
List.iter add_size_constraint size_constrs;
(* return the type *)
Eiterator(it, { app with a_op = op; a_params = typed_params }
Eiterator(it, { app with a_params = typed_params }
, typed_n, typed_e_list, reset), ty
{ e with e_desc = typed_desc; e_ty = ty; }, ty
TypingError(kind) -> message e.e_loc kind
and typing_field statefull const_env h fields t1 modname (f, e) =
and typing_field const_env h fields t1 modname (f, e) =
let ty = check_type const_env (field_assoc f fields) in
let typed_e = expect statefull const_env h ty e in
let typed_e = expect const_env h ty e in
Modname { qual = modname; id = shortname f }, typed_e
Not_found -> message e.e_loc (Eno_such_field (t1, f))
and expect statefull const_env h expected_ty e =
let typed_e, actual_ty = typing statefull const_env h e in
and expect const_env h expected_ty e =
let typed_e, actual_ty = typing const_env h e in
unify actual_ty expected_ty;
with TypingError(kind) -> message e.e_loc kind
and typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list =
and typing_app const_env h op e_list =
match op, e_list with
| { a_op = Earrow }, [e1;e2] ->
less_than statefull;
let typed_e1, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e1 in
let typed_e2 = expect statefull const_env h t1 e2 in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing const_env h e1 in
let typed_e2 = expect const_env h t1 e2 in
t1, op, [typed_e1;typed_e2]
| { a_op = Eifthenelse }, [e1;e2;e3] ->
let typed_e1 = expect statefull const_env h
let typed_e1 = expect const_env h
(Tid Initial.pbool) e1 in
let typed_e2, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e2 in
let typed_e3 = expect statefull const_env h t1 e3 in
let typed_e2, t1 = typing const_env h e2 in
let typed_e3 = expect const_env h t1 e3 in
t1, op, [typed_e1; typed_e2; typed_e3]
| { a_op = (Efun f | Enode f); a_params = params } as app, e_list ->
let { qualid = q; info = ty_desc } = find_value f in
let op, expected_ty_list, result_ty_list =
kind (Modname q) statefull ty_desc in
let expected_ty_list, result_ty_list = kind ty_desc in
let m = build_subst ty_desc.node_params params in
let expected_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) expected_ty_list in
let typed_e_list = typing_args statefull const_env h
let typed_e_list = typing_args const_env h
expected_ty_list e_list in
let result_ty_list = (subst_type_vars m) result_ty_list in
(* Type static parameters and generate constraints *)
@ -664,17 +631,17 @@ and typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list =
instanciate_constr m ty_desc.node_params_constraints in
List.iter add_size_constraint size_constrs;
prod result_ty_list,
{ app with a_op = op; a_params = typed_params },
{ app with a_params = typed_params },
| { a_op = Etuple }, e_list ->
let typed_e_list,ty_list =
List.split ( (typing statefull const_env h) e_list) in
List.split ( (typing const_env h) e_list) in
prod ty_list, op, typed_e_list
| { a_op = Earray }, exp::e_list ->
let typed_exp, t1 = typing statefull const_env h exp in
let typed_e_list = (expect statefull const_env h t1) e_list in
let typed_exp, t1 = typing const_env h exp in
let typed_e_list = (expect const_env h t1) e_list in
let n = mk_static_exp ~ty:(Tid Initial.pint)
(Sint (List.length e_list + 1)) in
Tarray(t1, n), op, typed_exp::typed_e_list
@ -684,7 +651,7 @@ and typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list =
(match f.se_desc with
| Sconstructor fn -> fn
| _ -> assert false) in
let typed_e, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e in
let typed_e, t1 = typing const_env h e in
let q, fields = struct_info e.e_loc t1 in
let t2 = field_type const_env fn fields t1 e.e_loc in
let fn = Modname { qual = q.qual; id = shortname fn } in
@ -692,7 +659,7 @@ and typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list =
t2, { op with a_params = [f] }, [typed_e]
| { a_op = Efield_update; a_params = [f] }, [e1; e2] ->
let typed_e1, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e1 in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing const_env h e1 in
let q, fields = struct_info e1.e_loc t1 in
let fn =
(match f.se_desc with
@ -701,39 +668,39 @@ and typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list =
let f = { f with se_desc =
Sconstructor (Modname { qual = q.qual; id = shortname fn }) } in
let t2 = field_type const_env fn fields t1 e1.e_loc in
let typed_e2 = expect statefull const_env h t2 e2 in
let typed_e2 = expect const_env h t2 e2 in
t1, { op with a_params = [f] } , [typed_e1; typed_e2]
| { a_op = Earray_fill; a_params = [n] }, [e1] ->
let typed_n = expect_static_exp const_env (Tid Initial.pint) n in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e1 in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing const_env h e1 in
add_size_constraint (Clequal (mk_static_exp (Sint 1), typed_n));
Tarray (t1, typed_n), { op with a_params = [typed_n] }, [typed_e1]
| { a_op = Eselect; a_params = idx_list }, [e1] ->
let typed_e1, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e1 in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing const_env h e1 in
let typed_idx_list, ty =
typing_array_subscript statefull const_env h idx_list t1 in
typing_array_subscript const_env h idx_list t1 in
ty, { op with a_params = typed_idx_list }, [typed_e1]
| { a_op = Eselect_dyn }, e1::defe::idx_list ->
let typed_e1, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e1 in
let typed_defe = expect statefull const_env h (element_type t1) defe in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing const_env h e1 in
let typed_defe = expect const_env h (element_type t1) defe in
let ty, typed_idx_list =
typing_array_subscript_dyn statefull const_env h idx_list t1 in
typing_array_subscript_dyn const_env h idx_list t1 in
ty, op, typed_e1::typed_defe::typed_idx_list
| { a_op = Eupdate; a_params = idx_list }, [e1;e2] ->
let typed_e1, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e1 in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing const_env h e1 in
let typed_idx_list, ty =
typing_array_subscript statefull const_env h idx_list t1 in
let typed_e2 = expect statefull const_env h ty e2 in
typing_array_subscript const_env h idx_list t1 in
let typed_e2 = expect const_env h ty e2 in
t1, { op with a_params = typed_idx_list }, [typed_e1; typed_e2]
| { a_op = Eselect_slice; a_params = [idx1; idx2] }, [e] ->
let typed_idx1 = expect_static_exp const_env (Tid Initial.pint) idx1 in
let typed_idx2 = expect_static_exp const_env (Tid Initial.pint) idx2 in
let typed_e, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e in
let typed_e, t1 = typing const_env h e in
(*Create the expression to compute the size of the array *)
let e1 = mk_static_exp (Sop (mk_pervasives "-",
[typed_idx2; typed_idx1])) in
@ -744,8 +711,8 @@ and typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list =
{ op with a_params = [typed_idx1; typed_idx2] }, [typed_e]
| { a_op = Econcat }, [e1; e2] ->
let typed_e1, t1 = typing statefull const_env h e1 in
let typed_e2, t2 = typing statefull const_env h e2 in
let typed_e1, t1 = typing const_env h e1 in
let typed_e2, t2 = typing const_env h e2 in
begin try
unify (element_type t1) (element_type t2)
@ -777,13 +744,13 @@ and typing_app statefull const_env h op e_list =
| { a_op = Earray_fill }, _ ->
error (Earity_clash(List.length e_list, 2))
and typing_iterator statefull const_env h
and typing_iterator const_env h
it n args_ty_list result_ty_list e_list = match it with
| Imap ->
let args_ty_list = (fun ty -> Tarray(ty, n)) args_ty_list in
let result_ty_list = (fun ty -> Tarray(ty, n)) result_ty_list in
let typed_e_list = typing_args statefull const_env h
let typed_e_list = typing_args const_env h
args_ty_list e_list in
prod result_ty_list, typed_e_list
@ -791,7 +758,7 @@ and typing_iterator statefull const_env h
let args_ty_list =
incomplete_map (fun ty -> Tarray (ty, n)) args_ty_list in
let typed_e_list =
typing_args statefull const_env h args_ty_list e_list in
typing_args const_env h args_ty_list e_list in
(*check accumulator type matches in input and output*)
if List.length result_ty_list > 1 then error Etoo_many_outputs;
( try unify (last_element args_ty_list) (List.hd result_ty_list)
@ -807,7 +774,7 @@ and typing_iterator statefull const_env h
let args_ty_list =
incomplete_map (fun ty -> Tarray (ty, n)) (args_ty_list@[acc_ty]) in
let typed_e_list =
typing_args statefull const_env h args_ty_list e_list in
typing_args const_env h args_ty_list e_list in
(*check accumulator type matches in input and output*)
if List.length result_ty_list > 1 then error Etoo_many_outputs;
( try unify (last_element args_ty_list) (List.hd result_ty_list)
@ -819,14 +786,14 @@ and typing_iterator statefull const_env h
incomplete_map (fun ty -> Tarray (ty, n)) args_ty_list in
let result_ty_list =
incomplete_map (fun ty -> Tarray (ty, n)) result_ty_list in
let typed_e_list = typing_args statefull const_env h
let typed_e_list = typing_args const_env h
args_ty_list e_list in
(*check accumulator type matches in input and output*)
( try unify (last_element args_ty_list) (last_element result_ty_list)
with TypingError(kind) -> message (List.hd e_list).e_loc kind );
prod result_ty_list, typed_e_list
and typing_array_subscript statefull const_env h idx_list ty =
and typing_array_subscript const_env h idx_list ty =
match ty, idx_list with
| ty, [] -> [], ty
| Tarray(ty, exp), idx::idx_list ->
@ -837,25 +804,25 @@ and typing_array_subscript statefull const_env h idx_list ty =
[exp; mk_static_exp (Sint 1)])) in
add_size_constraint (Clequal (idx,bound));
let typed_idx_list, ty =
typing_array_subscript statefull const_env h idx_list ty in
typing_array_subscript const_env h idx_list ty in
typed_idx::typed_idx_list, ty
| _, _ -> error (Esubscripted_value_not_an_array ty)
(* This function checks that the array dimensions matches
the subscript. It returns the base type wrt the nb of indices. *)
and typing_array_subscript_dyn statefull const_env h idx_list ty =
and typing_array_subscript_dyn const_env h idx_list ty =
match ty, idx_list with
| ty, [] -> ty, []
| Tarray(ty, exp), idx::idx_list ->
let typed_idx = expect statefull const_env h (Tid Initial.pint) idx in
let typed_idx = expect const_env h (Tid Initial.pint) idx in
let ty, typed_idx_list =
typing_array_subscript_dyn statefull const_env h idx_list ty in
typing_array_subscript_dyn const_env h idx_list ty in
ty, typed_idx::typed_idx_list
| _, _ -> error (Esubscripted_value_not_an_array ty)
and typing_args statefull const_env h expected_ty_list e_list =
and typing_args const_env h expected_ty_list e_list =
List.map2 (expect statefull const_env h) expected_ty_list e_list
List.map2 (expect const_env h) expected_ty_list e_list
with Invalid_argument _ ->
error (Earity_clash(List.length e_list, List.length expected_ty_list))
@ -879,71 +846,59 @@ let rec typing_pat h acc = function
pat_list (acc, []) in
acc, Tprod(ty_list)
let rec typing_eq statefull const_env h acc eq =
let rec typing_eq const_env h acc eq =
let typed_desc,acc = match eq.eq_desc with
| Eautomaton(state_handlers) ->
let typed_sh,acc =
typing_automaton_handlers statefull const_env h acc state_handlers in
typing_automaton_handlers const_env h acc state_handlers in
| Eswitch(e, switch_handlers) ->
let typed_e,ty = typing statefull const_env h e in
let typed_e,ty = typing const_env h e in
let typed_sh,acc =
typing_switch_handlers statefull const_env h acc ty switch_handlers in
typing_switch_handlers const_env h acc ty switch_handlers in
| Epresent(present_handlers, b) ->
let typed_b, def_names, _ = typing_block statefull const_env h b in
let typed_b, def_names, _ = typing_block const_env h b in
let typed_ph, acc =
typing_present_handlers statefull const_env h
typing_present_handlers const_env h
acc def_names present_handlers in
| Ereset(b, e) ->
let typed_e = expect statefull const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e in
let typed_eq_list, acc = typing_eq_list statefull
let typed_e = expect const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e in
let typed_eq_list, acc = typing_eq_list
const_env h acc b.b_equs in
let typed_b = { b with b_equs = typed_eq_list } in
Ereset(typed_b, typed_e),
| Eeq(pat, e) ->
let acc, ty_pat = typing_pat h acc pat in
let typed_e = expect statefull const_env h ty_pat e in
let typed_e = expect const_env h ty_pat e in
Eeq(pat, typed_e),
acc in
{ eq with
eq_statefull = is_statefull_eq_desc typed_desc;
eq_desc = typed_desc },
{ eq with eq_desc = typed_desc }, acc
and typing_eq_list statefull const_env h acc eq_list =
let rev_typed_eq_list,acc =
(fun (rev_eq_list,acc) eq ->
let typed_eq, acc = typing_eq statefull const_env h acc eq in
eq_list in
((List.rev rev_typed_eq_list),
and typing_eq_list const_env h acc eq_list =
mapfold (typing_eq const_env h) acc eq_list
and typing_automaton_handlers statefull const_env h acc state_handlers =
and typing_automaton_handlers const_env h acc state_handlers =
(* checks unicity of states *)
let addname acc { s_state = n } =
if S.mem n acc then error (Ealready_defined(n)) else S.add n acc in
let states = List.fold_left addname S.empty state_handlers in
let escape statefull h ({ e_cond = e; e_next_state = n } as esc) =
let escape h ({ e_cond = e; e_next_state = n } as esc) =
if not (S.mem n states) then error (Eundefined(n));
let typed_e = expect statefull const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e in
let typed_e = expect const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e in
{ esc with e_cond = typed_e } in
let handler ({ s_state = n; s_block = b; s_until = e_list1;
s_unless = e_list2 } as s) =
let typed_b, defined_names, h0 = typing_block statefull const_env h b in
let typed_e_list1 = (escape statefull h0) e_list1 in
let typed_e_list2 = (escape false h) e_list2 in
let typed_b, defined_names, h0 = typing_block const_env h b in
let typed_e_list1 = (escape h0) e_list1 in
let typed_e_list2 = (escape h) e_list2 in
{ s with
s_block = typed_b;
s_until = typed_e_list1;
@ -957,7 +912,7 @@ and typing_automaton_handlers statefull const_env h acc state_handlers =
(add total (add partial acc))
and typing_switch_handlers statefull const_env h acc ty switch_handlers =
and typing_switch_handlers const_env h acc ty switch_handlers =
(* checks unicity of states *)
let addname acc { w_name = n } =
let n = shortname(n) in
@ -967,7 +922,7 @@ and typing_switch_handlers statefull const_env h acc ty switch_handlers =
if not (S.is_empty d) then error (Epartial_switch(S.choose d));
let handler ({ w_block = b; w_name = name }) =
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block statefull const_env h b in
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block const_env h b in
{ w_block = typed_b;
(* Replace handler name with fully qualified name *)
w_name = Modname((find_constr name).qualid)},
@ -980,11 +935,11 @@ and typing_switch_handlers statefull const_env h acc ty switch_handlers =
add total (add partial acc))
and typing_present_handlers statefull const_env h acc def_names
and typing_present_handlers const_env h acc def_names
present_handlers =
let handler ({ p_cond = e; p_block = b }) =
let typed_e = expect false const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e in
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block statefull const_env h b in
let typed_e = expect const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e in
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block const_env h b in
{ p_cond = typed_e; p_block = typed_b },
@ -996,15 +951,14 @@ and typing_present_handlers statefull const_env h acc def_names
(add total (add partial acc)))
and typing_block statefull const_env h
and typing_block const_env h
({ b_local = l; b_equs = eq_list; b_loc = loc } as b) =
let typed_l, local_names, h0 = build const_env h Env.empty l in
let typed_eq_list, defined_names =
typing_eq_list statefull const_env h0 Env.empty eq_list in
typing_eq_list const_env h0 Env.empty eq_list in
let defnames = diff_env defined_names local_names in
{ b with
b_statefull = List.exists (fun eq -> eq.eq_statefull) typed_eq_list;
b_defnames = defnames;
b_local = typed_l;
b_equs = typed_eq_list },
@ -1030,21 +984,21 @@ and build const_env h h0 dec =
| TypingError(kind) -> message loc kind)
([], Env.empty, h) dec
let typing_contract statefull const_env h contract =
let typing_contract const_env h contract =
match contract with
| None -> None,h
| Some ({ c_block = b;
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g }) ->
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block statefull const_env h b in
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block const_env h b in
(* check that the equations do not define other unexpected names *)
included_env defined_names Env.empty;
(* assumption *)
let typed_e_a = expect statefull const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e_a in
let typed_e_a = expect const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e_a in
(* property *)
let typed_e_g = expect statefull const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e_g in
let typed_e_g = expect const_env h (Tid Initial.pbool) e_g in
Some { c_block = typed_b;
c_assume = typed_e_a;
@ -1089,9 +1043,9 @@ let node ({ n_name = f; n_statefull = statefull;
(* typing contract *)
let typed_contract, h =
typing_contract statefull const_env h contract in
typing_contract const_env h contract in
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block statefull const_env h b in
let typed_b, defined_names, _ = typing_block const_env h b in
(* check that the defined names match exactly the outputs and locals *)
included_env defined_names output_names;
included_env output_names defined_names;

View file

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ let parse_interface lexbuf =
let compile_impl pp p =
(* Typing *)
let p = do_pass Typing.program "Typing" p pp true in
let p = do_pass Statefull.program "Statefullness check" p pp true in
if !print_types then Interface.Printer.print stdout;