One step closer to code generation with memalloc
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 36 additions and 22 deletions
@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ let add_uses uses iv env =
let ivars = all_ivars IvarSet.empty iv (World.ivar_type iv) in
IvarSet.fold (fun iv env -> IvarEnv.add iv (number_uses iv uses) env) ivars env
(** TODO: compute correct live range for variables wit no use ?*)
let compute_live_vars eqs =
let uses = compute_uses eqs in
print_debug_ivar_env "Uses" uses;
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ let rec ctype_of_otype oty =
let cvarlist_of_ovarlist vl =
let cvar_of_ovar vd =
let ty = ctype_of_otype vd.v_type in
let ty = if Linearity.is_linear vd.v_linearity then pointer_to ty else ty in
name vd.v_ident, ty
|||| cvar_of_ovar vl
@ -362,6 +363,15 @@ let out_var_name_of_objn o =
of the called node, [mem] represents the node context and [args] the
argument list.*)
let step_fun_call var_env sig_info objn out args =
let rec add_targeting l ads = match l, ads with
| [], [] -> []
| e::l, ad::ads ->
(*this arg is targeted, use a pointer*)
let e = if Linearity.is_linear ad.a_linearity then address_of e else e in
e::(add_targeting l ads)
| _, _ -> assert false
let args = (add_targeting args sig_info.node_inputs) in
if sig_info.node_stateful then (
let mem =
(match objn with
@ -45,15 +45,6 @@ let used_vars e =
let _, vars = Obc_mapfold.exp_it funs [] e in
let rec find_obj o j = match j with
| [] -> assert false
| obj::j ->
if o = obj.o_ident then
Modules.find_value obj.o_class
find_obj o j
let rec is_modified_by_call x args e_list = match args, e_list with
| [], [] -> false
| a::args, e::e_list ->
@ -101,6 +101,14 @@ let obj_ref_name o =
| Oobj obj
| Oarray (obj, _) -> obj
let rec find_obj o j = match j with
| [] -> assert false
| obj::j ->
if o = obj.o_ident then
Modules.find_value obj.o_class
find_obj o j
(** Input a block [b] and remove all calls to [Reset] method from it *)
let remove_resets b =
let block funs _ b =
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
open Types
open Idents
open Signature
open Linearity
open Obc
open Obc_utils
@ -83,24 +84,27 @@ let memalloc_subst_map inputs outputs mems subst_lists =
map_from_subst_lists (env, mutables) other_lists
let lhs funs (env, mut) l = match l.pat_desc with
| Lmem _ -> l, (env, mut)
| Larray _ -> Obc_mapfold.lhs funs (env, mut) l
let lhs funs (env, mut, j) l = match l.pat_desc with
| Lmem _ -> l, (env, mut, j)
| Larray _ -> Obc_mapfold.lhs funs (env, mut, j) l
| Lvar _ | Lfield _ ->
(* replace with representative *)
let iv = ivar_of_pat l in
{ l with pat_desc = repr_from_ivar env iv }, (env, mut)
{ l with pat_desc = repr_from_ivar env iv }, (env, mut, j)
| Not_found -> l, (env, mut)
| Not_found -> l, (env, mut, j)
let act funs acc a = match a with
| Acall(_, _, Mstep, _) ->
let a, acc = Obc_mapfold.act funs acc a in
(* remove targeted outputs *) a, acc
let act funs (env,mut,j) a = match a with
| Acall(pat, o, Mstep, e_list) ->
let desc = Obc_utils.find_obj (obj_ref_name o) j in
let e_list = (fun e -> fst (Obc_mapfold.exp_it funs (env,mut,j) e)) e_list in
let fix_pat p a l = if Linearity.is_linear a.a_linearity then l else p::l in
let pat = List.fold_right2 fix_pat pat desc.node_outputs [] in
Acall(pat, o, Mstep, e_list), (env,mut,j)
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let var_decs _ (env, mutables) vds =
let var_decs _ (env, mutables,j) vds =
let var_dec vd acc =
if (var_name (IvarEnv.find (Ivar vd.v_ident) env)) <> vd.v_ident then
@ -113,7 +117,7 @@ let var_decs _ (env, mutables) vds =
| Not_found -> vd::acc
List.fold_right var_dec vds [], (env, mutables)
List.fold_right var_dec vds [], (env, mutables,j)
let add_other_vars md cd =
@ -141,11 +145,11 @@ let class_def funs acc cd =
(*add linear variables not taken into account by memory allocation*)
let mem_alloc = (add_other_vars md cd) @ cd.cd_mem_alloc in
let env, mutables = memalloc_subst_map inputs outputs mems mem_alloc in
let cd, _ = Obc_mapfold.class_def funs (env, mutables) cd in
let cd, _ = Obc_mapfold.class_def funs (env, mutables, cd.cd_objs) cd in
cd, acc
let program p =
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with class_def = class_def; var_decs = var_decs;
act = act; lhs = lhs } in
let p, _ = Obc_mapfold.program_it funs (IvarEnv.empty, IdentSet.empty) p in
let p, _ = Obc_mapfold.program_it funs (IvarEnv.empty, IdentSet.empty, []) p in
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