Interaction between linear typing and memalloc
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 225 additions and 40 deletions
@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ module LinearitySet = Set.Make(struct
let compare = compare
module LocationEnv =
type t = linearity_var
let compare = compare
(** Returns a linearity object from a linearity list. *)
let prod = function
| [l] -> l
@ -41,6 +47,15 @@ let rec is_not_linear = function
| Ltuple l -> List.for_all is_not_linear l
| _ -> false
let rec is_linear = function
| Lat _ | Lvar _ -> true
| Ltuple l -> List.exists is_linear l
| _ -> false
let location_name = function
| Lat r | Lvar r -> r
| _ -> assert false
exception UnifyFailed
(** Unifies lin with expected_lin and returns the result
@ -567,7 +567,6 @@ and expect_iterator env loc it expected_lin inputs_lins outputs_lins e_list = ma
let inputs_lins = subst_lin m inputs_lins in
(* Then guess linearities of other vars to get expected_lin *)
Format.eprintf "%d == %d@." (List.length inputs_lins) (List.length e_list);
let _, coll_exp = extract_lin_exp inputs_lins e_list in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) coll_exp in
let names_list =
@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ let rec translate_pat map = function
pat_list []
let translate_var_dec l =
let one_var { Minils.v_ident = x; Minils.v_type = t; v_loc = loc } =
mk_var_dec ~loc:loc x t
let one_var { Minils.v_ident = x; Minils.v_type = t; Minils.v_linearity = lin; v_loc = loc } =
mk_var_dec ~loc:loc ~linearity:lin x t
|||| one_var l
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ open Types
open Clocks
open Signature
open Minils
open Linearity
open Interference_graph
open Containers
open Printf
let print_interference_graphs = true
@ -80,6 +82,12 @@ module InterfRead = struct
let def eq =
vars_pat IvarSet.empty eq.eq_lhs
let rec nth_var_from_pat j pat =
match j, pat with
| 0, Evarpat x -> x
| n, Etuplepat l -> nth_var_from_pat 0 (List.nth l n)
| _, _ -> assert false
let read_exp e =
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
Mls_mapfold.exp = read_exp;
@ -95,6 +103,7 @@ end
module World = struct
let vds = ref Env.empty
let memories = ref IvarSet.empty
let igs = ref []
let init f =
(* build vds cache *)
@ -104,6 +113,7 @@ module World = struct
let env = build Env.empty f.n_input in
let env = build env f.n_output in
let env = build env f.n_local in
igs := [];
vds := env;
(* build the set of memories *)
let mems = Mls_utils.node_memory_vars f in
@ -136,8 +146,6 @@ module World = struct
let is_memory x =
IvarSet.mem (Ivar x) !memories
let igs = ref []
let node_for_ivar iv =
let rec _node_for_ivar igs iv =
match igs with
@ -179,6 +187,7 @@ let add_affinity_link_from_ivar = by_ivar () add_affinity_link
let add_same_value_link_from_name = by_name () add_affinity_link
let add_same_value_link_from_ivar = by_ivar () add_affinity_link
let coalesce_from_name = by_name () coalesce
let coalesce_from_ivar = by_ivar () coalesce
let have_same_value_from_name = by_name false have_same_value
let remove_from_ivar iv =
@ -322,7 +331,7 @@ let add_interferences live_vars =
List.iter (fun (_, vars) -> add_interferences_from_list false vars) live_vars
let spill_inputs f =
let spilled_inp = (*List.filter is_linear*) f.n_input in
let spilled_inp = List.filter (fun vd -> not (is_linear vd.v_linearity)) f.n_input in
let spilled_inp = List.fold_left
(fun s vd -> IvarSet.add (Ivar vd.v_ident) s) IvarSet.empty spilled_inp in
IvarSet.iter remove_from_ivar (all_ivars_set spilled_inp)
@ -356,6 +365,53 @@ let add_records_field_interferences () =
(** Coalesce the nodes corresponding to all semilinear variables
with the same location. *)
let coalesce_linear_vars () =
let coalesce_one_var _ vd memlocs =
if World.is_optimized_ty vd.v_type then
(match vd.v_linearity with
| Ltop -> memlocs
| Lat r ->
if LocationEnv.mem r memlocs then (
coalesce_from_name vd.v_ident (LocationEnv.find r memlocs);
) else
LocationEnv.add r vd.v_ident memlocs
| _ -> assert false)
ignore (Env.fold coalesce_one_var !World.vds LocationEnv.empty)
let find_targeting f =
let find_output outputs_lins (acc,i) l =
let idx = Misc.index (fun l1 -> l = l1) outputs_lins in
if idx >= 0 then
(i, idx)::acc, i+1
acc, i+1
let desc = Modules.find_value f in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list desc.node_inputs in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list desc.node_outputs in
let acc, _ = List.fold_left (find_output outputs_lins) ([], 0) inputs_lins in
(** Coalesces the nodes corresponding to the inputs (given by e_list)
and the outputs (given by the pattern pat) of a node
with the given targeting. *)
let apply_targeting targeting e_list pat =
let coalesce_targeting inputs i j =
let invar = InterfRead.ivar_of_extvalue (List.nth inputs i) in
let outvar = InterfRead.nth_var_from_pat j pat in
coalesce_from_ivar invar (Ivar outvar)
List.iter (fun (i,j) -> coalesce_targeting e_list i j) targeting
(** [process_eq igs eq] adds to the interference graphs igs
the links corresponding to the equation. Interferences
corresponding to live vars sets are already added by build_interf_graph.
@ -363,9 +419,9 @@ let add_records_field_interferences () =
let process_eq ({ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e } as eq) =
(** Other cases*)
match pat, e.e_desc with
(* | Eapp ({ a_op = (Efun f | Enode f) }, e_list, _) ->
let targeting = (find_value f).node_targeting in
apply_targeting igs targeting e_list pat eq *)
| _, Eapp ({ a_op = (Efun f | Enode f) }, e_list, _) ->
let targeting = find_targeting f in
apply_targeting targeting e_list pat
| _, Eiterator(Imap, { a_op = Enode _ | Efun _ }, _, _, w_list, _) ->
let invars = InterfRead.ivars_of_extvalues w_list in
let outvars = IvarSet.elements (InterfRead.def eq) in
@ -407,7 +463,7 @@ let build_interf_graph f =
(** Build live vars sets for each equation *)
let live_vars = compute_live_vars eqs in
(* Coalesce linear variables *)
(*coalesce_linear_vars igs vds;*)
coalesce_linear_vars ();
(** Other cases*)
List.iter process_eq f.n_equs;
(* Add interferences from live vars set*)
@ -14,8 +14,75 @@ open Misc
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Clocks
open Signature
open Obc_mapfold
let appears_in_exp, appears_in_lhs =
let lhsdesc _ (x, acc) ld = match ld with
| Lvar y -> ld, (x, acc or (x=y))
| Lmem y -> ld, (x, acc or (x=y))
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with lhsdesc = lhsdesc } in
let appears_in_exp x e =
let _, (_, acc) = exp_it funs (x, false) e in
let appears_in_lhs x l =
let _, (_, acc) = lhs_it funs (x, false) l in
appears_in_exp, appears_in_lhs
let used_vars e =
let add x acc = if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc in
let lhsdesc funs acc ld = match ld with
| Lvar y -> ld, add y acc
| Lmem y -> ld, add y acc
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with lhsdesc = lhsdesc } in
let _, vars = Obc_mapfold.exp_it funs [] e in
let rec find_obj o j = match j with
| [] -> assert false
| obj::j ->
if o = obj.o_ident then
Modules.find_value obj.o_class
find_obj o j
let rec is_modified_by_call x args e_list = match args, e_list with
| [], [] -> false
| a::args, e::e_list ->
if Linearity.is_linear a.a_linearity && appears_in_exp x e then
is_modified_by_call x args e_list
| _, _ -> assert false
let is_modified_handlers j x handlers =
let act _ acc a = match a with
| Aassgn(l, _) -> a, acc or (appears_in_lhs x l)
| Acall (name_list, o, Mstep, e_list) ->
(* first, check if e is one of the output of the function*)
if List.exists (appears_in_lhs x) name_list then
a, true
else (
let sig_info = find_obj (obj_ref_name o) j in
a, acc or (is_modified_by_call x sig_info.node_inputs e_list)
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with act = act } in
List.exists (fun (_, b) -> snd (block_it funs false b)) handlers
let is_modified_handlers j e handlers =
let vars = used_vars e in
List.exists (fun x -> is_modified_handlers j x handlers) vars
let fuse_blocks b1 b2 =
{ b1 with b_locals = b1.b_locals @ b2.b_locals;
b_body = b1.b_body @ b2.b_body }
@ -25,7 +92,7 @@ let rec find c = function
| (c1, s1) :: h ->
if c = c1 then s1, h else let s, h = find c h in s, (c1, s1) :: h
let rec joinlist l =
let rec joinlist j l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| [s1] -> [s1]
@ -33,24 +100,31 @@ let rec joinlist l =
match s1, s2 with
| Acase(e1, h1),
Acase(e2, h2) when e1.e_desc = e2.e_desc ->
joinlist ((Acase(e1, joinhandlers h1 h2))::l)
| s1, s2 -> s1::(joinlist (s2::l))
if is_modified_handlers j e1 h1 then
s1::(joinlist j (s2::l))
joinlist j ((Acase(e1, joinhandlers j h1 h2))::l)
| s1, s2 -> s1::(joinlist j (s2::l))
and join_block b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist b.b_body }
and join_block j b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist j b.b_body }
and joinhandlers h1 h2 =
and joinhandlers j h1 h2 =
match h1 with
| [] -> h2
| (c1, s1) :: h1' ->
let s1', h2' =
try let s2, h2'' = find c1 h2 in fuse_blocks s1 s2, h2''
with Not_found -> s1, h2 in
(c1, join_block s1') :: joinhandlers h1' h2'
(c1, join_block j s1') :: joinhandlers j h1' h2'
let block funs acc b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist b.b_body }, acc
let block _ j b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist j b.b_body }, j
let class_def funs acc cd =
let cd, _ = Obc_mapfold.class_def funs cd.cd_objs cd in
cd, acc
let program p =
let p, _ = program_it { defaults with block = block } () p in
let p, _ = program_it { defaults with class_def = class_def; block = block } [] p in
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Types
open Linearity
open Signature
open Location
@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ and block =
and var_dec =
{ v_ident : var_ident;
v_type : ty;
v_linearity : linearity;
v_mutable : bool;
v_loc : location }
@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ open Idents
open Location
open Misc
open Types
open Linearity
open Obc
open Obc_mapfold
open Global_mapfold
let mk_var_dec ?(loc=no_location) ?(mut=false) ident ty =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_mutable = mut; v_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(loc=no_location) ?(linearity = Ltop) ?(mut=false) ident ty =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_linearity = linearity; v_mutable = mut; v_loc = loc }
let mk_exp ?(loc=no_location) ty desc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_loc = loc }
@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
open Types
open Idents
open Linearity
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Obc_mapfold
open Interference_graph
module LinListEnv =
type t = linearity_var
let compare = compare
let rec ivar_of_pat l = match l.pat_desc with
| Lvar x -> Ivar x
| Lfield(l, f) -> Ifield (ivar_of_pat l, f)
@ -108,6 +115,22 @@ let var_decs _ (env, mutables) vds =
List.fold_right var_dec vds [], (env, mutables)
let add_other_vars md cd =
let add_one (env, ty_env) vd =
if is_linear vd.v_linearity && not (Interference.World.is_optimized_ty vd.v_type) then
let r = location_name vd.v_linearity in
let env = LinListEnv.add_element r (Ivar vd.v_ident) env in
let ty_env = LocationEnv.add r vd.v_type ty_env in
env, ty_env
env, ty_env
let envs = List.fold_left add_one (LinListEnv.empty, LocationEnv.empty) md.m_inputs in
let envs = List.fold_left add_one envs md.m_outputs in
let env, ty_env = List.fold_left add_one envs cd.cd_mems in
LinListEnv.fold (fun r x acc -> (LocationEnv.find r ty_env, x)::acc) env []
let class_def funs acc cd =
(* find the substitution and apply it to the body of the class *)
let ivars_of_vds vds = (fun vd -> Ivar vd.v_ident) vds in
@ -115,7 +138,9 @@ let class_def funs acc cd =
let inputs = ivars_of_vds md.m_inputs in
let outputs = ivars_of_vds md.m_outputs in
let mems = ivars_of_vds cd.cd_mems in
let env, mutables = memalloc_subst_map inputs outputs mems cd.cd_mem_alloc in
(*add linear variables not taken into account by memory allocation*)
let mem_alloc = (add_other_vars md cd) @ cd.cd_mem_alloc in
let env, mutables = memalloc_subst_map inputs outputs mems mem_alloc in
let cd, _ = Obc_mapfold.class_def funs (env, mutables) cd in
cd, acc
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module ListMap (Ord:Map.OrderedType) =
include Map.Make(Ord)
let add_element k v m =
add k (v::(find k m)) m
| Not_found -> add k [v] m
let add_elements k vl m =
add k (vl @ (find k m)) m
| Not_found -> add k vl m
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open Interference_graph
open Containers
(** Coloring*)
let no_color = 0
@ -9,23 +9,6 @@ type ivar =
| Ivar of Idents.var_ident
| Ifield of ivar * Names.field_name
module ListMap (Ord:Map.OrderedType) =
include Map.Make(Ord)
let add_element k v m =
add k (v::(find k m)) m
| Not_found -> add k [v] m
let add_elements k vl m =
add k (vl @ (find k m)) m
| Not_found -> add k vl m
module IvarEnv =
Map.Make (struct
type t = ivar
@ -257,3 +257,12 @@ let rec iter_couple f l = match l with
(** [iter_couple_2 f l1 l2] calls f for all x in [l1] and y in [l2]. *)
let iter_couple_2 f l1 l2 =
List.iter (fun v1 -> List.iter (f v1) l2) l1
(** [index p l] returns the idx of the first element in l
that satisfies predicate p.*)
let index p l =
let rec aux i = function
| [] -> -1
| v::l -> if p v then i else aux (i+1) l
aux 0 l
@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ val fold_righti : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b
val iter_couple : ('a -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit
(** [iter_couple_2 f l1 l2] calls f for all x in [l1] and y in [l2]. *)
val iter_couple_2 : ('a -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> unit
(** [index p l] returns the idx of the first element in l
that satisfies predicate p.*)
val index : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> int
(** Functions to decompose a list into a tuple *)
val assert_empty : 'a list -> unit
Reference in a new issue