Properly handle fused outputs.

This commit is contained in:
Adrien Guatto 2011-07-04 14:40:37 +02:00
parent 3657018861
commit 2283fcdfaa

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@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ let ident_for_class, reset_idents =
(fun () -> Hashtbl.clear ht)
let rec reconstruct (((tenv : tom_env), cenv) as env) =
let rec reconstruct ((tenv, cenv) as env) =
reset_idents ();
let reconstruct_class id eq_repr_list eq_list =
@ -478,13 +478,28 @@ let rec fix_local_var_dec ((tenv, cenv) as env) vd (seen, vd_list) =
and fix_local_var_decs tenv vd_list =
snd (List.fold_right (fix_local_var_dec tenv) vd_list (IntSet.empty, []))
let rec fix_output_var_dec ((tenv, cenv) as env) vd vd_list =
let class_id = (PatMap.find (Evarpat vd.v_ident) tenv).er_class in
{ vd with
v_ident = new_ident_for env vd.v_ident;
v_clock = reconstruct_clock env vd.v_clock; } :: vd_list
and fix_output_var_decs tenv vd_list = List.fold_right (fix_output_var_dec tenv) vd_list []
let rec fix_output_var_dec ((tenv, cenv) as env) vd (seen, equs, vd_list) =
let class_id = (PatMap.find (Evarpat vd.v_ident) tenv).er_class in
if IntSet.mem class_id seen
let new_id = gen_var "out" in
let new_vd = { vd with v_ident = new_id; } in
let new_eq =
let w = mk_extvalue ~ty:vd.v_type ~clock:vd.v_clock (Wvar (new_ident_for env vd.v_ident)) in
mk_equation (Evarpat new_id) (mk_exp vd.v_clock vd.v_type ~ck:vd.v_clock (Eextvalue w))
(seen, new_eq :: equs, new_vd :: vd_list)
(IntSet.add class_id seen, equs,
{ vd with
v_ident = new_ident_for env vd.v_ident;
v_clock = reconstruct_clock env vd.v_clock; } :: vd_list)
and fix_output_var_decs tenv (equs, vd_list) =
let (_, equs, vd_list) =
List.fold_right (fix_output_var_dec tenv) vd_list (IntSet.empty, equs, []) in
equs, vd_list
let node nd =
Idents.enter_node nd.n_name;
@ -504,7 +519,7 @@ let node nd =
let eq_list = reconstruct (tenv, cenv) in
let local = fix_local_var_decs (tenv, cenv) nd.n_local in
let output = fix_output_var_decs (tenv, cenv) nd.n_output in
let eq_list, output = fix_output_var_decs (tenv, cenv) (eq_list, nd.n_output) in
{ nd with n_equs = eq_list; n_output = output; n_local = local; }