Tomato: finer equivalence classes for Eapp and

Eiterator when a reset variable is present.
This commit is contained in:
Adrien Guatto 2011-07-04 12:42:40 +02:00
parent 3c5bb4e8b7
commit 3657018861

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@ -165,24 +165,43 @@ let rec add_equation is_input (tenv : tom_env) eq =
| Eextvalue w ->
let class_id_list, w = extvalue is_input w [] in
Eextvalue w, id, 0, class_id_list
| Eapp (app, w_list, rst) ->
let class_id_list, w_list = mapfold_right (extvalue is_input) w_list [] in
Eapp (app, w_list, rst), id, 0, class_id_list
let class_id_list = match rst with
| None -> class_id_list
| Some rst ->
class_ref_of_var is_input (mk_extvalue ~ty:Initial.tbool (Wvar rst)) rst
:: class_id_list in
Eapp (app, w_list, optional (fun _ -> dummy_var) rst), id, 0, class_id_list
| Efby (seo, w) ->
let class_id_list, w = extvalue is_input w [] in
Efby (seo, w), id, 0, class_id_list
| Ewhen (e', cn, x) ->
let ed, add_when, when_count, class_id_list = decompose e' in
ed, (fun e' -> { e with e_desc = Ewhen (add_when e', cn, x) }), when_count + 1,
class_ref_of_var is_input (mk_extvalue ~clock:e'.e_base_ck ~ty:Initial.tbool (Wvar x)) x
:: class_id_list
| Emerge (vi, clause_list) ->
| Emerge (x, clause_list) ->
let class_id_list, clause_list = mapfold_right add_clause clause_list [] in
Emerge (vi, clause_list), id, 0, class_id_list
let x_id =
class_ref_of_var is_input (mk_extvalue ~clock:e.e_base_ck ~ty:Initial.tbool (Wvar x)) x in
Emerge (dummy_var, clause_list), id, 0, x_id :: class_id_list
| Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, rst) ->
let class_id_list, partial_w_list = mapfold_right (extvalue is_input) partial_w_list [] in
let class_id_list, w_list = mapfold_right (extvalue is_input) w_list class_id_list in
Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, rst), id, 0, class_id_list
let class_id_list = match rst with
| None -> class_id_list
| Some rst ->
class_ref_of_var is_input (mk_extvalue ~ty:Initial.tbool (Wvar rst)) rst
:: class_id_list in
Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, optional (fun _ -> dummy_var) rst),
id, 0, class_id_list
| Estruct field_val_list ->
let class_id_list, field_val_list = mapfold_right add_clause field_val_list [] in
Estruct field_val_list, id, 0, class_id_list
@ -277,38 +296,48 @@ let rec reconstruct (((tenv : tom_env), cenv) as env) =
mk_equation pat e :: eq_list in
IntMap.fold reconstruct_class cenv []
and reconstruct_exp_desc ((tenv : tom_env), (cenv : eq_repr list IntMap.t) as env) headd children =
let reconstruct_clauses clause_list =
and reconstruct_exp_desc (((tenv : tom_env), (cenv : eq_repr list IntMap.t)) as env) headd children =
let reconstruct_clauses clause_list children =
let (qn_list, w_list) = List.split clause_list in
let w_list = reconstruct_extvalues env w_list children in
List.combine qn_list w_list in
match headd with
| Eextvalue w ->
let w = assert_1 (reconstruct_extvalues env [w] children) in
Eextvalue w
| Efby (ini, w) ->
let w = assert_1 (reconstruct_extvalues env [w] children) in
Efby (ini, w)
| Eapp (app, w_list, rst) ->
Eapp (app, reconstruct_extvalues env w_list children, optional (new_ident_for env) rst)
| Eapp (app, w_list, rst_dummy) ->
let rst, children = match rst_dummy with
| None -> None, children
| Some _ -> Some (reconstruct_class_ref env (List.hd children)), children in
Eapp (app, reconstruct_extvalues env w_list children, optional extract_name rst)
| Ewhen _ -> assert false (* no Ewhen in exprs *)
| Emerge (ck_x, clause_list) ->
Emerge (new_ident_for env ck_x, reconstruct_clauses clause_list)
| Emerge (x_ref, clause_list) ->
let x_ref, children = List.hd children, children in
Emerge (extract_name (reconstruct_class_ref env x_ref),
reconstruct_clauses clause_list children)
| Estruct field_val_list ->
let field_val_list = reconstruct_clauses field_val_list in
let field_val_list = reconstruct_clauses field_val_list children in
Estruct field_val_list
| Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, rst) ->
| Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, rst_dummy) ->
let rst, children = match rst_dummy with
| None -> None, children
| Some _ -> Some (reconstruct_class_ref env (List.hd children)), children in
let total_w_list = reconstruct_extvalues env (partial_w_list @ w_list) children in
let partial_w_list, w_list = split_at (List.length partial_w_list) total_w_list in
Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, optional (new_ident_for env) rst)
Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, optional extract_name rst)
and reconstruct_extvalues env w_list children =
let extract_name w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> x
| _ -> invalid_arg "extract_name: not a var"
let rec reconstruct_extvalue w (children : class_ref list) = match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> w, children
| Wvar _ ->
@ -331,6 +360,10 @@ and reconstruct_extvalues env w_list children =
let (children, w_list) = List.fold_right consume w_list (List.rev children, []) in
and extract_name w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> x
| _ -> invalid_arg "extract_name: not a var"
and reconstruct_class_ref (tenv, cenv) cr = match cr with
| Cr_input w -> w
| Cr_plain w ->