646 lines
16 KiB
646 lines
16 KiB
// { dg-prune-output "Warning: struct HasNonConstToHash has method toHash" }
// { dg-prune-output "HasNonConstToHash.toHash defined here:" }
void main()
issue19332(); // Support might be removed in the future!
/// Check hashOf an array of void pointers or delegates is @safe.
void issue19562() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
void*[10] val;
size_t h = hashOf(val[]);
alias D = void delegate();
D[10] ds;
h = hashOf(ds[]);
/// hashOf was failing for structs that had an `alias this` to a dynamic array.
void issue15111()
void testAlias(T)()
static struct Foo
T t;
alias t this;
Foo foo;
static assert(is(typeof(hashOf(foo))));
// was fixed
// was not affected
testAlias!(void delegate());
void issues16654And16764()
auto a = [1];
auto b = a.dup;
assert(hashOf(a) == hashOf(b));
/// Check hashOf dynamic array of scalars is usable in @safe code.
void issue18918() nothrow pure @safe
const _ = (() @nogc => hashOf("abc"))();
static struct S { string array; }
auto s1 = S("abc");
auto s2 = S(s1.array.idup);
assert(hashOf(s1) == hashOf(s2));
enum e = hashOf(S("abc"));
assert(hashOf(s1) == e);
/// Check hashOf struct of scalar fields is usable in @safe code.
void issue18925() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
static struct S { int a; int b; }
auto h = hashOf(S.init);
void issue19005() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
enum Month : ubyte
jan = 1
static struct Date
short _year;
Month _month;
ubyte _day;
Date date;
auto hash = date.hashOf;
/// Accept SIMD vectors.
void issue19204() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
version (D_SIMD)
static import simd = core.simd;
static if (is(simd.int4)) // __traits(isArithmetic)
enum simd.int4 val = [1,2,3,4];
enum ctfeHash = hashOf(val);
simd.int4 rtVal = val;
auto rtHash = hashOf(rtVal);
assert(ctfeHash == rtHash);
static if (is(simd.void16)) // non __traits(isArithmetic)
auto h = hashOf(simd.void16.init);
static if (is(simd.float4)) // __traits(isArithmetic) and __traits(isFloating)
enum simd.float4 val = [1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f, 4.4f];
enum ctfeHash = hashOf(val);
simd.float4 rtVal = val;
auto rtHash = hashOf(rtVal);
assert(ctfeHash == rtHash);
/// hashOf associative array should infer nothrow
void issue19262() nothrow
int[int] aa;
auto h = hashOf(aa);
h = hashOf(aa, h);
extern(C++) class Issue19282CppClass {}
/// test that hashOf doesn't crash for non-null C++ objects.
void issue19282()
Issue19282CppClass c = new Issue19282CppClass();
size_t h = hashOf(c);
h = hashOf(c, h);
/// Ensure hashOf works for const struct that has non-const toHash & has all
/// fields bitwise-hashable. (Support might be removed in the future!)
void issue19332()
static struct HasNonConstToHash
int a;
size_t toHash() { return a; }
const HasNonConstToHash val;
size_t h = hashOf(val);
h = hashOf!(const HasNonConstToHash)(val); // Ensure doesn't match more than one overload.
/// hashOf should not unnecessarily call a struct's fields' postblits & dtors in CTFE
void issue19568()
static struct S1
@disable this(this);
~this() @nogc nothrow
import core.stdc.stdio;
if (mptr) puts("impure");
size_t[2] pad;
void* mptr;
static struct S2
@disable this(this);
~this() @nogc nothrow
import core.stdc.stdio;
if (fd != -1) puts("impure");
int fd = -1;
S1 s1;
static struct S3
private S2 s2;
S3 s3;
size_t h = ((ref S3 s3) pure => hashOf(s3))(s3);
/// Check core.internal.convert.toUbyte in CTFE for arrays works with
/// reference type elements and doesn't call postblits/dtors.
void issue19582()
import core.internal.convert : toUbyte;
final static class C : Object {}
enum b1 = (() @nogc nothrow pure @safe { C[10] o; return toUbyte(o[])[0]; })();
static struct S
int x;
@disable this(this);
~this() @nogc nothrow
import core.stdc.stdio : puts;
if (x) puts("impure");
enum b2 = () {
return ((const S[] a) @nogc nothrow pure @safe => toUbyte(a))(new S[10]);
/// Check core.internal.hash.hashOf works with enums of non-scalar values
void issue20034()
enum E
a = "foo"
// should compile
assert(hashOf(E.a, 1));
/// [REG 2.084] hashOf will fail to compile for some structs/unions that recursively contain shared enums
void issue21642() @safe nothrow pure
enum C : char { _ = 1, }
union U { C c; void[0] _; }
shared union V { U u; }
cast(void) hashOf(V.init);
// Also test the underlying reason the above was failing.
import core.internal.convert : toUbyte;
shared C c;
assert(toUbyte(c) == [ubyte(1)]);
/// Accept enum type whose ultimate base type is a SIMD vector.
void issue22024() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
static if (is(__vector(float[2])))
enum E2 : __vector(float[2]) { a = __vector(float[2]).init, }
enum F2 : E2 { a = E2.init, }
assert(hashOf(E2.init) == hashOf(F2.init));
assert(hashOf(E2.init, 1) == hashOf(F2.init, 1));
static if (is(__vector(float[4])))
enum E4 : __vector(float[4]) { a = __vector(float[4]).init, }
enum F4 : E4 { a = E4.init, }
assert(hashOf(E4.init) == hashOf(F4.init));
assert(hashOf(E4.init, 1) == hashOf(F4.init, 1));
/// hashOf(S) can segfault if S.toHash is forwarded via `alias this` to a
/// receiver which may be null.
void issue22076()
static struct S0 { Object a; alias a this; }
static struct S1
S0 a;
inout(S0)* b() inout return nothrow { return &a; }
alias b this;
static struct S2
S0 a;
S1 b;
extern(C++) static class C0
int foo() { return 0; } // Need at least one function in vtable.
S0 a; alias a this;
extern(C++) static class C1
S1 a;
inout(S1)* b() inout nothrow { return &a; }
alias b this;
cast(void) hashOf(S0.init);
cast(void) hashOf(S0.init, 0);
cast(void) hashOf(S1.init);
cast(void) hashOf(S1.init, 0);
cast(void) hashOf(S2.init);
cast(void) hashOf(S2.init, 0);
auto c0 = new C0();
cast(void) hashOf(c0);
cast(void) hashOf(c0, 0);
auto c1 = new C1();
cast(void) hashOf(c1);
cast(void) hashOf(c1, 0);
/// Tests ensure TypeInfo_Array.getHash uses element hash functions instead
/// of hashing array data.
void testTypeInfoArrayGetHash1()
class C
int i;
this(in int i) { this.i = i; }
override hash_t toHash() { return 0; }
C[] a1 = [new C(11)], a2 = [new C(12)];
assert(typeid(C[]).getHash(&a1) == typeid(C[]).getHash(&a2));
/// ditto
void testTypeInfoArrayGetHash2()
struct S
int i;
hash_t toHash() const @safe nothrow { return 0; }
S[] a1 = [S(11)], a2 = [S(12)];
assert(typeid(S[]).getHash(&a1) == typeid(S[]).getHash(&a2));
Use the new `core.internal.hash.hashOf` in all `TypeInfo.getHash` instead of
the `old rt.util.hash.hashOf`. Also make `typeid(T).getHash(&val)` get the
same result as `hashOf(val)`.
void pr2243()
static struct Foo
int a = 99;
float b = 4.0;
size_t toHash() const pure @safe nothrow
return a;
static struct Bar
char c = 'x';
int a = 99;
float b = 4.0;
void* d = null;
static struct Boom
char c = 'M';
int* a = null;
static struct Plain
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
interface IBoo
void boo();
static class Boo: IBoo
override void boo()
override size_t toHash()
return 1;
static struct Goo
size_t toHash() pure @safe nothrow
return 1;
enum Gun: long
A = 99,
B = 17
enum double dexpr = 3.14;
enum float fexpr = 2.71;
enum wstring wsexpr = "abcdef"w;
enum string csexpr = "abcdef";
enum int iexpr = 7;
enum long lexpr = 42;
enum int[2][3] saexpr = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]];
enum int[] daexpr = [7,8,9];
enum Foo thsexpr = Foo();
enum Bar vsexpr = Bar();
enum int[int] aaexpr = [99:2, 12:6, 45:4];
enum Gun eexpr = Gun.A;
enum Foo[] staexpr = [Foo(), Foo(), Foo()];
enum Bar[] vsaexpr = [Bar(), Bar(), Bar()];
enum realexpr = 7.88;
enum nullexpr = null;
enum plstr = Plain();
enum plarrstr = [Plain(), Plain(), Plain()];
//No CTFE:
Boom rstructexpr = Boom();
Boom[] rstrarrexpr = [Boom(), Boom(), Boom()];
int delegate() dgexpr = (){return 78;};
void* ptrexpr = &dgexpr;
//CTFE hashes
enum h1 = dexpr.hashOf();
enum h2 = fexpr.hashOf();
enum h3 = wsexpr.hashOf();
enum h4 = csexpr.hashOf();
enum h5 = iexpr.hashOf();
enum h6 = lexpr.hashOf();
enum h7 = saexpr.hashOf();
enum h8 = daexpr.hashOf();
enum h9 = thsexpr.hashOf();
enum h10 = vsexpr.hashOf();
enum h11 = aaexpr.hashOf();
enum h12 = eexpr.hashOf();
enum h14 = hashOf(new Boo);
enum h15 = staexpr.hashOf();
enum h16 = hashOf([new Boo, new Boo, new Boo]);
enum h17 = hashOf([cast(IBoo)new Boo, cast(IBoo)new Boo, cast(IBoo)new Boo]);
enum h18 = hashOf(cast(IBoo)new Boo);
enum h19 = vsaexpr.hashOf();
enum h20 = hashOf(cast(Foo[3])staexpr);
//BUG: cannot cast [Boo(), Boo(), Boo()][0] to object.Object at compile time
auto h21 = hashOf(cast(Boo[3])[new Boo, new Boo, new Boo]);
auto h22 = hashOf(cast(IBoo[3])[cast(IBoo)new Boo, cast(IBoo)new Boo, cast(IBoo)new Boo]);
enum h23 = hashOf(cast(Bar[3])vsaexpr);
//NO CTFE (Compute, but don't check correctness):
auto h24 = rstructexpr.hashOf();
auto h25 = rstrarrexpr.hashOf();
auto h26 = dgexpr.hashOf();
auto h27 = ptrexpr.hashOf();
enum h28 = realexpr.hashOf();
enum h30 = nullexpr.hashOf();
enum h31 = plstr.hashOf();
enum h32 = plarrstr.hashOf();
enum h33 = hashOf(cast(Plain[3])plarrstr);
auto v1 = dexpr;
auto v2 = fexpr;
auto v3 = wsexpr;
auto v4 = csexpr;
auto v5 = iexpr;
auto v6 = lexpr;
auto v7 = saexpr;
auto v8 = daexpr;
auto v9 = thsexpr;
auto v10 = vsexpr;
auto v11 = aaexpr;
auto v12 = eexpr;
auto v14 = new Boo;
auto v15 = staexpr;
auto v16 = [new Boo, new Boo, new Boo];
auto v17 = [cast(IBoo)new Boo, cast(IBoo)new Boo, cast(IBoo)new Boo];
auto v18 = cast(IBoo)new Boo;
auto v19 = vsaexpr;
auto v20 = cast(Foo[3])staexpr;
auto v21 = cast(Boo[3])[new Boo, new Boo, new Boo];
auto v22 = cast(IBoo[3])[cast(IBoo)new Boo, cast(IBoo)new Boo, cast(IBoo)new Boo];
auto v23 = cast(Bar[3])vsaexpr;
auto v30 = null;
auto v31 = plstr;
auto v32 = plarrstr;
auto v33 = cast(Plain[3])plarrstr;
auto v24 = rstructexpr;
auto v25 = rstrarrexpr;
auto v26 = dgexpr;
auto v27 = ptrexpr;
auto v28 = realexpr;
//runtime hashes
auto rth1 = hashOf(v1);
auto rth2 = hashOf(v2);
auto rth3 = hashOf(v3);
auto rth4 = hashOf(v4);
auto rth5 = hashOf(v5);
auto rth6 = hashOf(v6);
auto rth7 = hashOf(v7);
auto rth8 = hashOf(v8);
auto rth9 = hashOf(v9);
auto rth10 = hashOf(v10);
auto rth11 = hashOf(v11);
auto rth12 = hashOf(v12);
auto rth14 = hashOf(v14);
auto rth15 = hashOf(v15);
auto rth16 = hashOf(v16);
auto rth17 = hashOf(v17);
auto rth18 = hashOf(v18);
auto rth19 = hashOf(v19);
auto rth20 = hashOf(v20);
auto rth21 = hashOf(v21);
auto rth22 = hashOf(v22);
auto rth23 = hashOf(v23);
auto rth30 = hashOf(v30);
auto rth24 = hashOf(v24);
auto rth25 = hashOf(v25);
auto rth26 = hashOf(v26);
auto rth27 = hashOf(v27);
auto rth28 = hashOf(v28);
auto rth31 = hashOf(v31);
auto rth32 = hashOf(v32);
auto rth33 = hashOf(v33);
assert(h1 == rth1);
assert(h2 == rth2);
assert(h3 == rth3);
assert(h4 == rth4);
assert(h5 == rth5);
assert(h6 == rth6);
assert(h7 == rth7);
assert(h8 == rth8);
assert(h9 == rth9);
assert(h10 == rth10);
assert(h11 == rth11);
assert(h12 == rth12);
assert(h14 == rth14);
assert(h15 == rth15);
assert(h16 == rth16);
assert(h17 == rth17);
assert(h18 == rth18);
assert(h19 == rth19);
assert(h20 == rth20);
assert(h21 == rth21);
assert(h22 == rth22);
assert(h23 == rth23);
/*assert(h24 == rth24);
assert(h25 == rth25);
assert(h26 == rth26);
assert(h27 == rth27);
assert(h28 == rth28);*/
assert(h30 == rth30);
assert(h31 == rth31);
assert(h32 == rth32);
assert(h33 == rth33);
// https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18932
assert(hashOf(null, 0) != hashOf(null, 123456789));
static size_t tiHashOf(T)(T var)
return typeid(T).getHash(&var);
auto tih1 = tiHashOf(v1);
auto tih2 = tiHashOf(v2);
auto tih3 = tiHashOf(v3);
auto tih4 = tiHashOf(v4);
auto tih5 = tiHashOf(v5);
auto tih6 = tiHashOf(v6);
auto tih7 = tiHashOf(v7);
auto tih8 = tiHashOf(v8);
auto tih9 = tiHashOf(v9);
auto tih10 = tiHashOf(v10);
auto tih11 = tiHashOf(v11);
auto tih12 = tiHashOf(v12);
auto tih14 = tiHashOf(v14);
auto tih15 = tiHashOf(v15);
auto tih16 = tiHashOf(v16);
auto tih17 = tiHashOf(v17);
auto tih18 = tiHashOf(v18);
auto tih19 = tiHashOf(v19);
auto tih20 = tiHashOf(v20);
auto tih21 = tiHashOf(v21);
auto tih22 = tiHashOf(v22);
auto tih23 = tiHashOf(v23);
auto tih24 = tiHashOf(v24);
auto tih25 = tiHashOf(v25);
auto tih26 = tiHashOf(v26);
auto tih27 = tiHashOf(v27);
auto tih28 = tiHashOf(v28);
auto tih30 = tiHashOf(v30);
auto tih31 = tiHashOf(v31);
auto tih32 = tiHashOf(v32);
auto tih33 = tiHashOf(v33);
assert(tih1 == rth1);
assert(tih2 == rth2);
assert(tih3 == rth3);
assert(tih4 == rth4);
assert(tih5 == rth5);
assert(tih6 == rth6);
assert(tih7 == rth7);
assert(tih8 == rth8);
assert(tih9 == rth9);
//assert(tih10 == rth10); // need compiler-generated __xtoHash changes
assert(tih11 == rth11);
assert(tih12 == rth12);
assert(tih14 == rth14);
assert(tih15 == rth15);
assert(tih16 == rth16);
assert(tih17 == rth17);
assert(tih18 == rth18);
//assert(tih19 == rth19); // need compiler-generated __xtoHash changes
assert(tih20 == rth20);
assert(tih21 == rth21);
assert(tih22 == rth22);
//assert(tih23 == rth23); // need compiler-generated __xtoHash changes
//assert(tih24 == rth24);
//assert(tih25 == rth25);
assert(tih26 == rth26);
assert(tih27 == rth27);
assert(tih28 == rth28);
assert(tih30 == rth30);
assert(tih31 == rth31);
assert(tih32 == rth32);
assert(tih33 == rth33);