2023-03-06 14:48:14 +01:00

990 lines
29 KiB

! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-options "-cpp" }
! { dg-additional-options "--param=openacc-kernels=decompose" }
! { dg-additional-options "-fopt-info-note-omp" }
! { dg-additional-options "-foffload=-fopt-info-note-omp" }
! { dg-additional-options "--param=openacc-privatization=noisy" }
! { dg-additional-options "-foffload=--param=openacc-privatization=noisy" }
! Prune a few: uninteresting, and potentially varying depending on GCC configuration (data types):
! { dg-prune-output {note: variable 'D\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} }
! It's only with Tcl 8.5 (released in 2007) that "the variable 'varName'
! passed to 'incr' may be unset, and in that case, it will be set to [...]",
! so to maintain compatibility with earlier Tcl releases, we manually
! initialize counter variables:
! { dg-line l_dummy[variable c_compute 0] }
! { dg-message "dummy" "" { target iN-VAl-Id } l_dummy } to avoid
! "WARNING: dg-line var l_dummy defined, but not used". */
program main
use openacc
implicit none
integer, parameter :: N = 8
integer, parameter :: one = 1
integer, parameter :: zero = 0
integer i, nn
real, allocatable :: a(:), b(:)
real exp, exp2
i = 0
allocate (a(N))
allocate (b(N))
a(:) = 4.0
!$acc parallel copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
!TODO Unhandled 'CONST_DECL' instances for constant argument in 'acc_on_device' call.
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
exp = 5.0
exp = 4.0
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 1
end do
a(:) = 16.0
!$acc parallel if (0 == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 17.0) STOP 2
end do
a(:) = 8.0
!$acc parallel copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (one == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
exp = 9.0
exp = 8.0
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 3
end do
a(:) = 22.0
!$acc parallel if (zero == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 23.0) STOP 4
end do
a(:) = 16.0
!$acc parallel copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (.TRUE.) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
exp = 17.0;
exp = 16.0;
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 5
end do
a(:) = 76.0
!$acc parallel if (.FALSE.) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 77.0) STOP 6
end do
a(:) = 22.0
nn = 1
!$acc parallel copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (nn == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
exp = 23.0;
exp = 22.0;
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 7
end do
a(:) = 18.0
nn = 0
!$acc parallel if (nn == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 19.0) STOP 8
end do
a(:) = 49.0
nn = 1
!$acc parallel copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if ((nn + nn) > 0) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
exp = 50.0
exp = 49.0
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 9
end do
a(:) = 38.0
nn = 0;
!$acc parallel copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if ((nn + nn) > 0) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 39.0) STOP 10
end do
a(:) = 91.0
!$acc parallel copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (-2 > 0) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 92.0) STOP 11
end do
a(:) = 43.0
!$acc parallel copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (one == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
exp = 44.0
exp = 43.0
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 12
end do
a(:) = 87.0
!$acc parallel if (one == 0) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end parallel
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 88.0) STOP 13
end do
a(:) = 3.0
b(:) = 9.0
exp = 0.0
exp2 = 0.0
call acc_copyin (a, sizeof (a))
call acc_copyin (b, sizeof (b))
exp = 3.0;
exp2 = 9.0;
!$acc update device (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
a(:) = 0.0
b(:) = 0.0
!$acc update host (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
do i = 1, N
if (a(i) .ne. exp) STOP 14
if (b(i) .ne. exp2) STOP 15
end do
a(:) = 6.0
b(:) = 12.0
!$acc update device (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
a(:) = 0.0
b(:) = 0.0
!$acc update host (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
do i = 1, N
if (a(i) .ne. exp) STOP 16
if (b(i) .ne. exp2) STOP 17
end do
a(:) = 26.0
b(:) = 21.0
!$acc update device (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
a(:) = 0.0
b(:) = 0.0
!$acc update host (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
do i = 1, N
if (a(i) .ne. 0.0) STOP 18
if (b(i) .ne. 0.0) STOP 19
end do
call acc_copyout (a, sizeof (a))
call acc_copyout (b, sizeof (b))
a(:) = 4.0
b(:) = 0.0
!$acc data copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
!$acc parallel present (a(1:N))
do i = 1, N
b(i) = a(i)
end do
!$acc end parallel
!$acc end data
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 4.0) STOP 20
end do
a(:) = 8.0
b(:) = 1.0
!$acc data copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} "" { target { ! openacc_host_selected } } .-1 }
if (acc_is_present (a) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 21
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 22
!$acc end data
a(:) = 18.0
b(:) = 21.0
!$acc data copyin (a(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} "" { target { ! openacc_host_selected } } .-2 }
if (acc_is_present (a) .eqv. .FALSE.) STOP 23
!$acc data copyout (b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} "" { target { ! openacc_host_selected } } .-2 }
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 24
!$acc data copyout (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
!$acc parallel present (a(1:N)) present (b(1:N))
do i = 1, N
b(i) = a(i)
end do
!$acc end parallel
!$acc end data
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 25
!$acc end data
!$acc end data
do i = 1, N
if (b(1) .ne. 18.0) STOP 26
end do
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 27
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .FALSE.) STOP 28
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 29
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (zero == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 30
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (zero == 1)
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (one == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .FALSE.) STOP 31
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (one == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 32
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (one == 0)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 33
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (one == 0)
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (one == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .FALSE.) STOP 34
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (one == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 35
a(:) = 4.0
!$acc kernels copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
exp = 5.0
exp = 4.0
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 36
end do
a(:) = 16.0
!$acc kernels if (0 == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 17.0) STOP 37
end do
a(:) = 8.0
!$acc kernels copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (one == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
exp = 9.0
exp = 8.0
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 38
end do
a(:) = 22.0
!$acc kernels if (zero == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 23.0) STOP 39
end do
a(:) = 16.0
!$acc kernels copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (.TRUE.) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
exp = 17.0;
exp = 16.0;
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 40
end do
a(:) = 76.0
!$acc kernels if (.FALSE.) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 77.0) STOP 41
end do
a(:) = 22.0
nn = 1
!$acc kernels copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (nn == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
exp = 23.0;
exp = 22.0;
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 42
end do
a(:) = 18.0
nn = 0
!$acc kernels if (nn == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 19.0) STOP 43
end do
a(:) = 49.0
nn = 1
!$acc kernels copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if ((nn + nn) > 0) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
exp = 50.0
exp = 49.0
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 44
end do
a(:) = 38.0
nn = 0;
!$acc kernels copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if ((nn + nn) > 0) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 39.0) STOP 45
end do
a(:) = 91.0
!$acc kernels copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (-2 > 0) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 92.0) STOP 46
end do
a(:) = 43.0
!$acc kernels copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (one == 1) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
exp = 44.0
exp = 43.0
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. exp) STOP 47
end do
a(:) = 87.0
!$acc kernels if (one == 0) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
! { dg-note {variable 'C\.[0-9]+' declared in block potentially has improper OpenACC privatization level: 'const_decl'} "TODO" { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_host) .eqv. .TRUE.) then
b(i) = a(i) + 1
b(i) = a(i)
end if
end do
!$acc end kernels
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 88.0) STOP 48
end do
a(:) = 3.0
b(:) = 9.0
exp = 0.0
exp2 = 0.0
call acc_copyin (a, sizeof (a))
call acc_copyin (b, sizeof (b))
exp = 3.0;
exp2 = 9.0;
!$acc update device (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
a(:) = 0.0
b(:) = 0.0
!$acc update host (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
do i = 1, N
if (a(i) .ne. exp) STOP 49
if (b(i) .ne. exp2) STOP 50
end do
a(:) = 6.0
b(:) = 12.0
!$acc update device (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
a(:) = 0.0
b(:) = 0.0
!$acc update host (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
do i = 1, N
if (a(i) .ne. exp) STOP 51
if (b(i) .ne. exp2) STOP 52
end do
a(:) = 26.0
b(:) = 21.0
!$acc update device (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
a(:) = 0.0
b(:) = 0.0
!$acc update host (a(1:N), b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
do i = 1, N
if (a(i) .ne. 0.0) STOP 53
if (b(i) .ne. 0.0) STOP 54
end do
call acc_copyout (a, sizeof (a))
call acc_copyout (b, sizeof (b))
a(:) = 4.0
b(:) = 0.0
!$acc data copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
!$acc kernels present (a(1:N)) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
b(i) = a(i)
end do
!$acc end kernels
!$acc end data
do i = 1, N
if (b(i) .ne. 4.0) STOP 55
end do
a(:) = 8.0
b(:) = 1.0
!$acc data copyin (a(1:N)) copyout (b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} "" { target { ! openacc_host_selected } } .-1 }
if (acc_is_present (a) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 56
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 57
!$acc end data
a(:) = 18.0
b(:) = 21.0
!$acc data copyin (a(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} "" { target { ! openacc_host_selected } } .-2 }
if (acc_is_present (a) .eqv. .FALSE.) STOP 58
!$acc data copyout (b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} "" { target { ! openacc_host_selected } } .-2 }
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 59
!$acc data copyout (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
! { dg-note {variable 'parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
!$acc kernels present (a(1:N)) present (b(1:N)) ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] }
! { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute }
! { dg-note {variable 'i' already made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } */
! { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} "" { target *-*-* } .+1 }
do i = 1, N
b(i) = a(i)
end do
!$acc end kernels
!$acc end data
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 60
!$acc end data
!$acc end data
do i = 1, N
if (b(1) .ne. 18.0) STOP 61
end do
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 62
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (0 == 1)
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .FALSE.) STOP 63
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (1 == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 64
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (zero == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 65
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (zero == 1)
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (one == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .FALSE.) STOP 66
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (one == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 67
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (one == 0)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 68
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (one == 0)
!$acc enter data copyin (b(1:N)) if (one == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .FALSE.) STOP 69
!$acc exit data delete (b(1:N)) if (one == 1)
if (acc_is_present (b) .eqv. .TRUE.) STOP 70
end program main