341 lines
11 KiB
341 lines
11 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Test custom MI commands implemented in Python.
load_lib gdb-python.exp
load_lib mi-support.exp
set MIFLAGS "-i=mi"
if {[mi_gdb_start]} {
if {[lsearch -exact [mi_get_features] python] < 0} {
unsupported "python support is disabled"
return -1
mi_gdb_test "set python print-stack full" \
".*\\^done" \
"set python print-stack full"
mi_gdb_test "source ${srcdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}.py" \
".*\\^done" \
"load python file"
mi_gdb_test "python pycmd1('-pycmd')" \
".*\\^done" \
"define -pycmd MI command"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd int" \
"\\^done,result=\"42\"" \
"-pycmd int"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd str" \
"\\^done,result=\"Hello world!\"" \
"-pycmd str"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd ary" \
"\\^done,result=\\\[\"Hello\",\"42\"\\\]" \
"-pycmd ary"
set re_order1 "\\^done,result={hello=\"world\",times=\"42\"}"
set re_order2 "\\^done,result={times=\"42\",hello=\"world\"}"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd dct" \
"($re_order1|$re_order2)" \
"-pycmd dct"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd bk1" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: non-string object used as key: Bad Key\"" \
"-pycmd bk1"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd bk2" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: non-string object used as key: 1\"" \
"-pycmd bk2"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd bk3" \
[multi_line \
"&\"TypeError: __repr__ returned non-string \\(type BadKey\\)..\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: __repr__ returned non-string \\(type BadKey\\)\""] \
"-pycmd bk3"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd tpl" \
"\\^done,result=\\\[\"42\",\"Hello\"\\\]" \
"-pycmd tpl"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd itr" \
"\\^done,result=\\\[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"\\\]" \
"-pycmd itr"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd nn1" \
"\\^done" \
"-pycmd nn1"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd nn2" \
"\\^done,result=\\\[\"None\"\\\]" \
"-pycmd nn2"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd bogus" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Invalid parameter: bogus\"" \
"-pycmd bogus"
# Check that the top-level result from 'invoke' must be a dictionary.
foreach test_name { nd1 nd2 nd3 } {
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd ${test_name}" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: Result from invoke must be a dictionary\""
# Check for invalid strings in the result.
foreach test_desc { {ik1 "xxx yyy"} {ik2 "xxx yyy"} {ik3 "xxx\\+yyy"} \
{ik4 "xxx\\.yyy"} {ik5 "123xxxyyy"} } {
lassign $test_desc name pattern
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd ${name}" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: Invalid key in MI result: ${pattern}\""
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd empty_key" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: Invalid empty key in MI result\""
# Check that a dash ('-') can be used in a key name.
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd dash-key" \
# With this argument the command raises a gdb.GdbError with no message
# string. GDB considers this a bug in the user program, so prints a
# backtrace, and a generic error message.
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd exp" \
[multi_line ".*&\"Traceback \\(most recent call last\\):..\"" \
"&\"\[^\r\n\]+${testfile}.py\[^\r\n\]+\"" \
"&\"\[^\r\n\]+raise gdb.GdbError\\(\\)..\"" \
"&\"gdb.GdbError..\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python\\.\""] \
"-pycmd exp"
mi_gdb_test "python pycmd2('-pycmd')" \
".*\\^done" \
"redefine -pycmd MI command from CLI command"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd str" \
"\\^done,result=\"Ciao!\"" \
"-pycmd str - redefined from CLI"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd int" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Invalid parameter: int\"" \
"-pycmd int - redefined from CLI"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd new" \
"\\^done" \
"Define new command -pycmd-new MI command from Python MI command"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd red" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Command redefined but we failing anyway\"" \
"redefine -pycmd MI command from Python MI command"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd int" \
"\\^done,result=\"42\"" \
"-pycmd int - redefined from MI"
mi_gdb_test "-pycmd-new int" \
"\\^done,result=\"42\"" \
"-pycmd-new int - defined from MI"
mi_gdb_test "python pycmd1('')" \
".*&\"ValueError: MI command name is empty\\...\".*\\^error,msg=\"Error while executing Python code\\.\"" \
"empty MI command name"
mi_gdb_test "python pycmd1('-')" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"&\"ValueError: MI command name does not start with '-' followed by at least one letter or digit\\...\"" \
"&\"Error while executing Python code\\...\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error while executing Python code\\.\""] \
"invalid MI command name"
mi_gdb_test "python pycmd1('-bad-character-@')" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"&\"ValueError: MI command name contains invalid character: @\\...\"" \
"&\"Error while executing Python code\\...\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error while executing Python code\\.\""] \
"invalid character in MI command name"
mi_gdb_test "python cmd=pycmd1('-abc')" \
".*\\^done" \
"create command -abc, stored in a python variable"
mi_gdb_test "python print(cmd.name)" \
".*\r\n~\"-abc\\\\n\"\r\n\\^done" \
"print the name of the stored mi command"
mi_gdb_test "python print(cmd.installed)" \
".*\r\n~\"True\\\\n\"\r\n\\^done" \
"print the installed status of the stored mi command"
mi_gdb_test "-abc str" \
"\\^done,result=\"Hello world!\"" \
"-abc str"
mi_gdb_test "python cmd.installed = False" \
".*\\^done" \
"uninstall the mi command"
mi_gdb_test "-abc str" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Undefined MI command: abc\",code=\"undefined-command\"" \
"-abc str, but now the command is gone"
mi_gdb_test "python cmd.installed = True" \
".*\\^done" \
"re-install the mi command"
mi_gdb_test "-abc str" \
"\\^done,result=\"Hello world!\"" \
"-abc str, the command is back again"
mi_gdb_test "python other=pycmd2('-abc')" \
".*\\^done" \
"create another command called -abc, stored in a separate python variable"
mi_gdb_test "python print(other.installed)" \
".*\r\n~\"True\\\\n\"\r\n\\^done" \
"print the installed status of the other stored mi command"
mi_gdb_test "python print(cmd.installed)" \
".*\r\n~\"False\\\\n\"\r\n\\^done" \
"print the installed status of the original stored mi command"
mi_gdb_test "-abc str" \
"\\^done,result=\"Ciao!\"" \
"-abc str, when the other command is in place"
mi_gdb_test "python cmd.installed = True" \
".*\\^done" \
"re-install the original mi command"
mi_gdb_test "-abc str" \
"\\^done,result=\"Hello world!\"" \
"-abc str, the original command is back again"
mi_gdb_test "python print(other.installed)" \
".*\r\n~\"False\\\\n\"\r\n\\^done" \
"the other command is now not installed"
mi_gdb_test "python print(cmd.installed)" \
".*\r\n~\"True\\\\n\"\r\n\\^done" \
"the original command is now installed"
mi_gdb_test "python aa = pycmd3('-aa', 'message one', 'xxx')" \
".*\\^done" \
"created a new -aa command"
mi_gdb_test "-aa" \
".*\\^done,xxx={msg=\"message one\"}" \
"call the -aa command"
mi_gdb_test "python aa.__init__('-aa', 'message two', 'yyy')" \
".*\\^done" \
"reinitialise -aa command with a new message"
mi_gdb_test "-aa" \
".*\\^done,yyy={msg=\"message two\"}" \
"call the -aa command, get the new message"
mi_gdb_test "python aa.__init__('-bb', 'message three', 'zzz')" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"&\"ValueError: can't reinitialize object with a different command name..\"" \
"&\"Error while executing Python code\\...\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error while executing Python code\\.\""] \
"attempt to reinitialise aa variable to a new command name"
mi_gdb_test "-aa" \
".*\\^done,yyy={msg=\"message two\"}" \
"check the aa object has not changed after failed initialization"
mi_gdb_test "python aa.installed = False" \
".*\\^done" \
"uninstall the -aa command"
mi_gdb_test "python aa.__init__('-bb', 'message three', 'zzz')" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"&\"ValueError: can't reinitialize object with a different command name..\"" \
"&\"Error while executing Python code\\...\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error while executing Python code\\.\""] \
"attempt to reinitialise aa variable to a new command name while uninstalled"
mi_gdb_test "python aa.__init__('-aa', 'message three', 'zzz')" \
".*\\^done" \
"reinitialise -aa command with a new message while uninstalled"
mi_gdb_test "python aa.installed = True" \
".*\\^done" \
"install the -aa command"
mi_gdb_test "-aa" \
".*\\^done,zzz={msg=\"message three\"}" \
"call the -aa command looking for message three"
# Try to register a command object that is missing an invoke method.
# This is accepted, but will give an error when the user tries to run
# the command.
mi_gdb_test "python no_invoke('-no-invoke')" ".*\\^done" \
"attempt to register command with no invoke method"
mi_gdb_test "-no-invoke" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"&\"AttributeError: 'no_invoke' object has no attribute 'invoke'..\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: 'no_invoke' object has no attribute 'invoke'\""] \
"execute -no-invoke command, which is missing the invoke method"
# Register a command, then delete its invoke method. What is the user thinking!!
mi_gdb_test "python setattr(no_invoke, 'invoke', free_invoke)" ".*\\^done"
mi_gdb_test "python cmd = no_invoke('-hello')" ".*\\^done"
mi_gdb_test "-hello" ".*\\^done,result=\\\[\\\]" \
"execute no_invoke command, while it still has an invoke attribute"
mi_gdb_test "python delattr(no_invoke, 'invoke')" ".*\\^done"
mi_gdb_test "-hello" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"&\"AttributeError: 'no_invoke' object has no attribute 'invoke'..\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: 'no_invoke' object has no attribute 'invoke'\""] \
"execute -hello command, that had its invoke method removed"
mi_gdb_test "python cmd.invoke = 'string'" ".*\\^done"
mi_gdb_test "-hello" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"&\"TypeError: 'str' object is not callable..\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error occurred in Python: 'str' object is not callable\""] \
"execute command with invoke set to a string"
# Try to create a new MI command that uses the name of a builtin MI command.
mi_gdb_test "python cmd = pycmd2('-data-disassemble')" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"&\"RuntimeError: unable to add command, name is already in use..\"" \
"&\"Error while executing Python code\\...\"" \
"\\^error,msg=\"Error while executing Python code\\.\""] \
"try to register a command that replaces -data-disassemble"
mi_gdb_test "python run_exception_tests()" \
[multi_line \
".*" \
"~\"PASS..\"" \