352 lines
5.8 KiB
352 lines
5.8 KiB
# Support macros for the Hitachi H8 assembly test cases.
; Set up a minimal machine state
.macro start
.equ h8300, 0
.equ h8300h, 1
.equ h8300s, 2
.equ h8sx, 3
.if (sim_cpu == h8300s)
.if (sim_cpu == h8300h)
.if (sim_cpu == h8sx)
.align 2
.global _start
jmp _main
.align 2
.global pass_str
.global fail_str
.global ok_str
.global pass_loc
.global fail_loc
.global ok_loc
.ascii "pass\n"
.ascii "fail\n"
.ascii "ok\n"
.word pass_str
.long pass_str
.word fail_str
.long fail_str
.word ok_str
.long ok_str
.global _write_and_exit
;ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
;Integer arguments have to be zero extended.
.if (sim_cpu)
#if __INT_MAX__ == 32767
extu.l er0
jsr @@0xc7
mov #0, r0
jmp _exit
.global _exit
mov.b r0l, r0h
mov.w #0xdead, r1
mov.w #0xbeef, r2
.global _main
; Exit with an exit code
.macro exit code
mov.w #\code, r0
jmp _exit
; Output "pass\n"
.macro pass
mov.w #0, r0 ; fd == stdout
.if (sim_cpu == h8300)
mov.w #pass_str, r1 ; buf == "pass\n"
mov.w #5, r2 ; len == 5
mov.l #pass_str, er1 ; buf == "pass\n"
mov.l #5, er2 ; len == 5
jmp _write_and_exit
; Output "fail\n"
.macro fail
mov.w #0, r0 ; fd == stdout
.if (sim_cpu == h8300)
mov.w #fail_str, r1 ; buf == "fail\n"
mov.w #5, r2 ; len == 5
mov.l #fail_str, er1 ; buf == "fail\n"
mov.l #5, er2 ; len == 5
jmp _write_and_exit
; Load an 8-bit immediate value into a general register
; (reg must be r0l - r7l or r0h - r7h)
.macro mvi_h_gr8 val reg
mov.b #\val, \reg
; Load a 16-bit immediate value into a general register
; (reg must be r0 - r7)
.macro mvi_h_gr16 val reg
mov.w #\val, \reg
; Load a 32-bit immediate value into a general register
; (reg must be er0 - er7)
.macro mvi_h_gr32 val reg
mov.l #\val, \reg
; Test the value of an 8-bit immediate against a general register
; (reg must be r0l - r7l or r0h - r7h)
.macro test_h_gr8 val reg
cmp.b #\val, \reg
beq .Ltest_gr8\@
; Test the value of a 16-bit immediate against a general register
; (reg must be r0 - r7)
.macro test_h_gr16 val reg h=h l=l
.if (sim_cpu == h8300)
test_h_gr8 (\val >> 8) \reg\h
test_h_gr8 (\val & 0xff) \reg\l
cmp.w #\val, \reg
beq .Ltest_gr16\@
; Test the value of a 32-bit immediate against a general register
; (reg must be er0 - er7)
.macro test_h_gr32 val reg
cmp.l #\val, \reg
beq .Ltest_gr32\@
; Set a general register to the fixed pattern 'a5a5a5a5'
.macro set_gr_a5a5 reg
.if (sim_cpu == 0)
; h8300
mov.w #0xa5a5, r\reg
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er\reg
; Set all general registers to the fixed pattern 'a5a5a5a5'
.macro set_grs_a5a5
.if (sim_cpu == 0)
; h8300
mov.w #0xa5a5, r0
mov.w #0xa5a5, r1
mov.w #0xa5a5, r2
mov.w #0xa5a5, r3
mov.w #0xa5a5, r4
mov.w #0xa5a5, r5
mov.w #0xa5a5, r6
mov.w #0xa5a5, r7
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er0
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er1
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er2
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er3
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er4
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er5
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er6
mov.l #0xa5a5a5a5, er7
; Test that a general register contains the fixed pattern 'a5a5a5a5'
.macro test_gr_a5a5 reg
.if (sim_cpu == 0)
; h8300
test_h_gr16 0xa5a5 r\reg
test_h_gr32 0xa5a5a5a5 er\reg
; Test that all general regs contain the fixed pattern 'a5a5a5a5'
.macro test_grs_a5a5
test_gr_a5a5 0
test_gr_a5a5 1
test_gr_a5a5 2
test_gr_a5a5 3
test_gr_a5a5 4
test_gr_a5a5 5
test_gr_a5a5 6
test_gr_a5a5 7
; Set condition code register to an explicit value
.macro set_ccr val
ldc #\val, ccr
; Set all condition code flags to zero
.macro set_ccr_zero
ldc #0, ccr
; Set carry flag true
.macro set_carry_flag
orc #1, ccr
; Clear carry flag
.macro clear_carry_flag
andc 0xfe, ccr
; Set zero flag true
.macro set_zero_flag
orc #4, ccr
; Clear zero flag
.macro clear_zero_flag
andc 0xfb, ccr
; Set neg flag true
.macro set_neg_flag
orc #8, ccr
; Clear neg flag
.macro clear_neg_flag
andc 0xf7, ccr
; Test that carry flag is clear
.macro test_carry_clear
bcc .Lcc\@
fail ; carry flag not clear
; Test that carry flag is set
.macro test_carry_set
bcs .Lcs\@
fail ; carry flag not clear
; Test that overflow flag is clear
.macro test_ovf_clear
bvc .Lvc\@
fail ; overflow flag not clear
; Test that overflow flag is set
.macro test_ovf_set
bvs .Lvs\@
fail ; overflow flag not clear
; Test that zero flag is clear
.macro test_zero_clear
bne .Lne\@
fail ; zero flag not clear
; Test that zero flag is set
.macro test_zero_set
beq .Leq\@
fail ; zero flag not clear
; Test that neg flag is clear
.macro test_neg_clear
bpl .Lneg\@
fail ; negative flag not clear
; Test that neg flag is set
.macro test_neg_set
bmi .Lneg\@
fail ; negative flag not clear
; Test ccr against an explicit value
.macro test_ccr val
tccr\@: .byte 0
mov.b r0l, @tccr\@
stc ccr, r0l
cmp.b #\val, r0l
bne .Ltcc\@
mov.b @tccr\@, r0l
; Test that all (accessable) condition codes are clear
.macro test_cc_clear
; leaves H, I, U, and UI untested
; Compare memory, fail if not equal (h8sx only, len > 0).
.macro memcmp src dst len
mov.l #\src, er5
mov.l #\dst, er6
mov.l #\len, er4
cmp.b @er5+, @er6+
beq .Lmemcmp2_\@
dec.l #1, er4
bne .Lmemcmp_\@