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2023-03-06 14:48:14 +01:00
# Copyright 2017-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# This file implements some simple data structures in Tcl.
# A namespace/commands to support a stack.
# To create a stack, call ::Stack::new, recording the returned object ID
# for future calls to manipulate the stack object.
# Example:
# set sid [::Stack::new]
# stack push $sid a
# stack push $sid b
# stack empty $sid; # returns false
# stack pop $sid; # returns "b"
# stack pop $sid; # returns "a"
# stack pop $sid; # errors with "stack is empty"
# stack delete $sid1
namespace eval ::Stack {
# A counter used to create object IDs
variable num_ 0
# An array holding all object lists, indexed by object ID.
variable data_
# Create a new stack object, returning its object ID.
proc new {} {
variable num_
variable data_
set oid [incr num_]
set data_($oid) [list]
return $oid
# Delete the given stack ID.
proc delete {oid} {
variable data_
error_if $oid
unset data_($oid)
# Returns whether the given stack is empty.
proc empty {oid} {
variable data_
error_if $oid
return [expr {[llength $data_($oid)] == 0}]
# Push ELEM onto the stack given by OID.
proc push {oid elem} {
variable data_
error_if $oid
lappend data_($oid) $elem
# Return and pop the top element on OID. It is an error to pop
# an empty stack.
proc pop {oid} {
variable data_
error_if $oid
if {[llength $data_($oid)] == 0} {
::error "stack is empty"
set elem [lindex $data_($oid) end]
set data_($oid) [lreplace $data_($oid) end end]
return $elem
# Returns the depth of a given ID.
proc length {oid} {
variable data_
error_if $oid
return [llength $data_($oid)]
# Error handler for invalid object IDs.
proc error_if {oid} {
variable data_
if {![info exists data_($oid)]} {
::error "object ID $oid does not exist"
# Export procs to be used.
namespace export empty push pop new delete length error_if
# Create an ensemble command to use instead of requiring users
# to type namespace proc names.
namespace ensemble create -command ::stack
# A namespace/commands to support a queue.
# To create a queue, call ::Queue::new, recording the returned queue ID
# for future calls to manipulate the queue object.
# Example:
# set qid [::Queue::new]
# queue push $qid a
# queue push $qid b
# queue empty $qid; # returns false
# queue pop $qid; # returns "a"
# queue pop $qid; # returns "b"
# queue pop $qid; # errors with "queue is empty"
# queue delete $qid
namespace eval ::Queue {
# Remove and return the oldest element in the queue given by OID.
# It is an error to pop an empty queue.
proc pop {oid} {
variable ::Stack::data_
error_if $oid
if {[llength $data_($oid)] == 0} {
error "queue is empty"
set elem [lindex $data_($oid) 0]
set data_($oid) [lreplace $data_($oid) 0 0]
return $elem
# "Unpush" ELEM back to the head of the queue given by QID.
proc unpush {oid elem} {
variable ::Stack::data_
error_if $oid
set data_($oid) [linsert $data_($oid) 0 $elem]
# Re-use some common routines from the Stack implementation.
namespace import ::Stack::create ::Stack::new ::Stack::empty \
::Stack::delete ::Stack::push ::Stack::length ::Stack::error_if
# Export procs to be used.
namespace export new empty push pop new delete length error_if unpush
# Create an ensemble command to use instead of requiring users
# to type namespace proc names.
namespace ensemble create -command ::queue