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2023-03-06 14:48:14 +01:00
* parse configuration options
* Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2017
* License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
* Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/internal/parseoptions.d)
module core.internal.parseoptions;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.stdc.ctype;
import core.stdc.string;
import core.vararg;
import core.internal.traits : externDFunc, hasUDA;
@nogc nothrow:
extern extern(C) string[] rt_args() @system;
extern extern(C) __gshared bool rt_envvars_enabled;
extern extern(C) __gshared bool rt_cmdline_enabled;
extern extern(C) __gshared string[] rt_options;
alias rt_configCallBack = string delegate(string) @nogc nothrow;
alias fn_configOption = string function(string opt, scope rt_configCallBack dg, bool reverse) @nogc nothrow;
alias rt_configOption = externDFunc!("rt.config.rt_configOption", fn_configOption);
/// UDA for field treated as memory value
struct MemVal {}
* initialize members of struct CFG from rt_config options
* options will be read from the environment, the command line or embedded
* into the executable as configured (see rt.config)
* fields of the struct are populated by parseOptions().
bool initConfigOptions(CFG)(ref CFG cfg, string cfgname)
string parse(string opt) @nogc nothrow
if (!parseOptions(cfg, opt))
return "err";
return null; // continue processing
string s = rt_configOption(cfgname, &parse, true);
return s is null;
* initialize members of struct CFG from a string of sub-options.
* fields of the struct are populated by listing them as space separated
* sub-options <field-name>:value, e.g. "precise:1 profile:1"
* supported field value types:
* - strings (without spaces)
* - integer types (positive values only)
* - bool
* - float
* If the struct has a member "help" it is called if it is found as a sub-option.
* If the struct has a member "errorName", is used as the name reported in error
* messages. Otherwise the struct name is used.
bool parseOptions(CFG)(ref CFG cfg, string opt)
static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, CFG, "errorName"))))
string errName = cfg.errorName;
string errName = CFG.stringof;
opt = skip!isspace(opt);
while (opt.length)
auto tail = find!(c => c == ':' || c == '=' || c == ' ')(opt);
auto name = opt[0 .. $ - tail.length];
static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, CFG, "help"))))
if (name == "help")
version (CoreUnittest) {} else;
opt = skip!isspace(tail);
if (tail.length <= 1 || tail[0] == ' ')
return optError("Missing argument for", name, errName);
tail = tail[1 .. $];
switch (name)
static foreach (field; __traits(allMembers, CFG))
static if (!is(typeof(__traits(getMember, cfg, field)) == function))
case field:
bool r;
static if (hasUDA!(__traits(getMember, cfg, field), MemVal))
r = parse(name, tail, __traits(getMember, cfg, field), errName, true);
r = parse(name, tail, __traits(getMember, cfg, field), errName);
if (!r)
return false;
return optError("Unknown", name, errName);
opt = skip!isspace(tail);
return true;
Parses an individual option `optname` value from a provided string `str`.
The option type is given by the type `T` of the field `res` to which the parsed
value will be written too.
In case of an error, `errName` will be used to display an error message and
the failure of the parsing will be indicated by a falsy return value.
For boolean values, '0/n/N' (false) or '1/y/Y' (true) are accepted.
optname = name of the option to parse
str = raw string to parse the option value from
res = reference to the resulting data field that the option should be parsed too
errName = full-text name of the option which should be displayed in case of errors
Returns: `false` if a parsing error happened.
bool rt_parseOption(T)(const(char)[] optname, ref inout(char)[] str, ref T res, const(char)[] errName)
return parse(optname, str, res, errName);
bool optError(const scope char[] msg, const scope char[] name, const(char)[] errName)
version (CoreUnittest) if (inUnittest) return false;
fprintf(stderr, "%.*s %.*s option '%.*s'.\n",
cast(int)msg.length, msg.ptr,
cast(int)errName.length, errName.ptr,
cast(int)name.length, name.ptr);
return false;
inout(char)[] skip(alias pred)(inout(char)[] str)
return find!(c => !pred(c))(str);
inout(char)[] find(alias pred)(inout(char)[] str)
foreach (i; 0 .. str.length)
if (pred(str[i])) return str[i .. $];
return null;
bool parse(T : size_t)(const(char)[] optname, ref inout(char)[] str, ref T res, const(char)[] errName, bool mayHaveSuffix = false)
in { assert(str.length); }
size_t i, v;
auto tail = find!(c => c == ' ')(str);
size_t len = str.length - tail.length;
import core.checkedint : mulu;
bool overflowed;
for (; i < len; i++)
char c = str[i];
if (isdigit(c))
v = 10 * v + c - '0';
else // non-digit
if (mayHaveSuffix && i == len-1) // suffix
switch (c)
case 'G':
v = mulu(v, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, overflowed);
case 'M':
v = mulu(v, 1024 * 1024, overflowed);
case 'K':
v = mulu(v, 1024, overflowed);
case 'B':
return parseError("value with unit type M, K or B", optname, str, "with suffix");
if (overflowed)
return overflowedError(optname, str);
else // unexpected non-digit character
i = 0;
if (!i)
return parseError("a number", optname, str, errName);
if (mayHaveSuffix && isdigit(str[len-1]))
// No suffix found, default to megabytes
v = mulu(v, 1024 * 1024, overflowed);
if (overflowed)
return overflowedError(optname, str);
if (v > res.max)
return parseError("a number " ~ T.max.stringof ~ " or below", optname, str[0 .. i], errName);
str = str[i .. $];
res = cast(T) v;
return true;
bool parse(const(char)[] optname, ref inout(char)[] str, ref bool res, const(char)[] errName)
in { assert(str.length); }
if (str[0] == '1' || str[0] == 'y' || str[0] == 'Y')
res = true;
else if (str[0] == '0' || str[0] == 'n' || str[0] == 'N')
res = false;
return parseError("'0/n/N' or '1/y/Y'", optname, str, errName);
str = str[1 .. $];
return true;
bool parse(const(char)[] optname, ref inout(char)[] str, ref float res, const(char)[] errName)
in { assert(str.length); }
// % uint f %n \0
char[1 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 1] fmt=void;
// specify max-width
immutable n = snprintf(fmt.ptr, fmt.length, "%%%uf%%n", cast(uint)str.length);
assert(n > 4 && n < fmt.length);
int nscanned;
version (CRuntime_DigitalMars)
/* Older sscanf's in snn.lib can write to its first argument, causing a crash
* if the string is in readonly memory. Recent updates to DMD
* put string literals in readonly memory.
* Although sscanf has been fixed,
* this workaround is here so it still works with the older snn.lib.
// Create mutable copy of str
const length = str.length;
char* mptr = cast(char*)malloc(length + 1);
memcpy(mptr, str.ptr, length);
mptr[length] = 0;
const result = sscanf(mptr, fmt.ptr, &res, &nscanned);
if (result < 1)
return parseError("a float", optname, str, errName);
if (sscanf(str.ptr, fmt.ptr, &res, &nscanned) < 1)
return parseError("a float", optname, str, errName);
str = str[nscanned .. $];
return true;
bool parse(const(char)[] optname, ref inout(char)[] str, ref inout(char)[] res, const(char)[] errName)
in { assert(str.length); }
auto tail = str.find!(c => c == ' ');
res = str[0 .. $ - tail.length];
if (!res.length)
return parseError("an identifier", optname, str, errName);
str = tail;
return true;
bool parseError(const scope char[] exp, const scope char[] opt, const scope char[] got, const(char)[] errName)
version (CoreUnittest) if (inUnittest) return false;
fprintf(stderr, "Expecting %.*s as argument for %.*s option '%.*s', got '%.*s' instead.\n",
cast(int)exp.length, exp.ptr,
cast(int)errName.length, errName.ptr,
cast(int)opt.length, opt.ptr,
cast(int)got.length, got.ptr);
return false;
bool overflowedError(const scope char[] opt, const scope char[] got)
version (CoreUnittest) if (inUnittest) return false;
fprintf(stderr, "Argument for %.*s option '%.*s' is too big.\n",
cast(int)opt.length, opt.ptr,
cast(int)got.length, got.ptr);
return false;
size_t min(size_t a, size_t b) { return a <= b ? a : b; }
version (CoreUnittest) __gshared bool inUnittest;
inUnittest = true;
scope (exit) inUnittest = false;
static struct Config
bool disable; // start disabled
ubyte profile; // enable profiling with summary when terminating program
string gc = "conservative"; // select gc implementation conservative|manual
@MemVal size_t initReserve; // initial reserve (bytes)
@MemVal size_t minPoolSize = 1 << 20; // initial and minimum pool size (bytes)
float heapSizeFactor = 2.0; // heap size to used memory ratio
@nogc nothrow:
void help();
string errorName() @nogc nothrow { return "GC"; }
Config conf;
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:y") && conf.disable);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:n") && !conf.disable);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:Y") && conf.disable);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:N") && !conf.disable);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:1") && conf.disable);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:0") && !conf.disable);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable=y") && conf.disable);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable=n") && !conf.disable);
assert(conf.parseOptions("profile=0") && conf.profile == 0);
assert(conf.parseOptions("profile=1") && conf.profile == 1);
assert(conf.parseOptions("profile=2") && conf.profile == 2);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:1 minPoolSize:16"));
assert(conf.minPoolSize == 1024 * 1024 * 16);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:1 minPoolSize:4096B"));
assert(conf.minPoolSize == 4096);
assert(conf.parseOptions("disable:1 minPoolSize:2K help"));
assert(conf.minPoolSize == 2048);
assert(conf.parseOptions("minPoolSize:3G help"));
assert(conf.minPoolSize == 1024UL * 1024 * 1024 * 3);
assert(!conf.parseOptions("minPoolSize:922337203685477G"), "size_t overflow");
assert(conf.heapSizeFactor == 3.1f);
assert(conf.parseOptions("heapSizeFactor:3.1234567890 disable:0"));
assert(conf.heapSizeFactor > 3.123f);
assert(conf.heapSizeFactor == 2.0f);
assert(conf.parseOptions("help profile:1"));
assert(conf.parseOptions("help profile:1 help"));
assert(conf.parseOptions("gc:manual") && conf.gc == "manual");
assert(conf.parseOptions("gc:my-gc~modified") && conf.gc == "my-gc~modified");
assert(conf.parseOptions("gc:conservative help profile:1") && conf.gc == "conservative" && conf.profile == 1);
// the config parse doesn't know all available GC names, so should accept unknown ones