Centralisation des journaux (pas encore Elastic) #40

Manually merged
jeltz merged 24 commits from logs-first-phase into master 2024-07-01 01:55:28 +02:00
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jeltz added 22 commits 2021-03-12 10:23:04 +01:00
A call to sendLogsToRemote for logs received through RELP/UDP has
been added (to send them to Logstash/Redis/…), so common.conf's prefix
must be lower than collector.conf's.

Note: future "third-party" config files will also call sendLogsToRemote
and thus will also have to use a prefix higher than 10.
Logrotate is not used because I didn't found an easy way to configure it
to handle the compression/deletion of log files already rotated by
rsyslog (it is probably possible, but I found the script to be easier).
I still don't understand why it increased the size of the firewall logs
by a factor of 5 to 10, but we don't really need structured logs from
systemd-journald and the author seems to discourage it's use, so I will
not investigate further.
jeltz manually merged commit 11578494ec into master 2021-03-30 07:52:13 +02:00
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Reference: aurore/ansible#40
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