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The ansible files for the pains-perdus infra.

Deploy a playbook

ansible-playbook playbook.yml

Add --check to do a dry run

Edit the vault

ansible-vault edit group_vars/all/vault

with the edditor defined in the env varible $EDITOR and the password of the vault in the file .vault_password (Carefull not to commit it!!!)

SSH key whith passphrase

To avoid entering the passphrase of the ssh key for each host, we have to use an ssh-agent. The ssh-agent with xonsh does not really works, so in my case I have to use ansible and the agent inside a sh process:

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ansible all -m ping # or whatever you want to do with ansible

Vault managment

To use multiple vaults with multiple password, we use vault id. The mapping vault-id@password-file is done in ansible.cfg under [defaults] in vault_identity_list: vault_identity_list = main_vault@.main_vault_password , user_vault@.user_vault_password

To create a new vault with an id and password registered in ansible.cfg: ansible-vault create --encrypt-vault-id user_vault group_vars/all/user_vault

User managment

The user managment role allows to manage user.

Especially, it generate the described users on each hosts.

The password are stored in the variables in there hash form. The script can give you the hash of a password.