#!/bin/bash # Compress pdf using Ghostscript function usage { echo "usage: pdf-optimize [options] input.pdf" echo " "; echo " -o | --output : output filename"; echo " -q | --quiet : run quietly"; echo " -v | --verbose : run verbosly"; echo " -y | --yes-to-replace : yes to replace existing files"; echo " -h | --help : print this message"; echo " "; echo "If no output path is specified, given input.pdf as input will output input_compressed.pdf" } function arg_parse { # if no argument is given print help if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then usage; exit; fi # positional arguments args=() while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case "$1" in -o | --output ) output_path="$2"; shift;; -q | --quiet ) quiet=1;; -v | --verbose ) verbose=1;; -y | --yes-to-replace ) replace=1;; -h | --help ) usage; exit;; * ) args+=("$1") esac shift done # restore positional argument set -- "${args[@]}" # only the first one should be used input_path="${args[0]}" # add default output path if none is given if [[ -z "$output_path" ]]; then output_path="${input_path%.*}_compressed.pdf"; fi # check if the output file already exists before writting to it if [[ -f "$output_path" && "$replace" == 0 ]]; then yes_or_no "$output_path already exists, do you want to replace it?" || exit 1; fi # check if the input file exists if [[ ! -f "$input_path" ]]; then echo "$input_path does not exist." echo "Aborting"; exit 1; fi } function yes_or_no { read -p "$* [y/N]: " ans case "$ans" in [yY] | [yY]es ) return 0;; * ) echo "Aborting"; return 1;; esac } function run { arg_parse "$@"; # print general information if [[ "$quiet" != 1 ]]; then echo "Compressing from ${bold}$input_path${normal} into \ ${bold}$output_path${normal}." fi # run the compression using ghostscript if [[ "$verbose" != 1 ]]; then ghostscript -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \ -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress \ -dNOPAUSE \ -dQUIET \ -dBATCH \ -sOutputFile=$output_path \ $input_path else echo "input_path=$input_path"; echo "output_path=$output_path"; echo "quiet=$quiet"; echo "verbose=$verbose"; echo "replace=$replace"; echo " "; ghostscript -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \ -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress \ -dNOPAUSE \ -dBATCH \ -sOutputFile=$output_path \ $input_path fi # catching errors if [[ "$?" != 0 ]]; then echo "Something went wrong with ghostscript."; echo "Aborting."; exit 1; fi # compute the compresion rate if [[ "$quiet" != 1 ]]; then compute_compression; fi } function compute_compression { input_size=`du "$input_path" | cut -f1` output_size=`du "$output_path" | cut -f1` percentage=`echo "scale=1;$output_size / $input_size * 100" | bc -l` input_size_h=`du -h "$input_path" | cut -f1` output_size_h=`du -h "$output_path" | cut -f1` echo "Size reduced from ${bold}$input_size_h${normal} to ${bold}$output_size_h${normal} [$percentage %]" } # font settings bold=$(tput bold) normal=$(tput sgr0) # default values quiet=0; # do not be quiet verbose=0; # do not be verbose replace=0; # do not replace existing files # execute main function run "$@";