🎉 initial commit

otthorn 3 years ago
commit 002f47dd15

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# Acknowledgements
Thank you to Keenen Crane for allowing the cow mesh model to be used freely in the public domain.
###### Source: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kmcrane/Projects/ModelRepository/

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
newmtl material_1
map_Kd cow_texture.png
# Test colors
Ka 1.000 1.000 1.000 # white
Kd 1.000 1.000 1.000 # white
Ks 0.000 0.000 0.000 # black
Ns 10.0

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@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
# Inspired from Pytorch3D NeRF Tutorial
# https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d/blob/master/docs/tutorials/fit_simple_neural_radiance_field.ipynb
# Created on 2021-02-22
import os
import sys
import time
import json
import glob
import torch
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
# Data structures and functions for rendering
from pytorch3d.structures import Volumes
from pytorch3d.transforms import so3_exponential_map
from pytorch3d.renderer import (
# add path for demo utils functions
from utils.plot_image_grid import image_grid
from utils.generate_cow_renders import generate_cow_renders
# Intialize CUDA gpu
device = torch.device("cuda:0")
# Generate dataset
target_cameras, target_images, target_silhouettes = \
generate_cow_renders(num_views=40, azimuth_range=180)
print(f'Generated {len(target_images)} images/silhouettes/cameras.')
# Intitialize the implicit rendered
# render_size describes the size of both sides of the
# rendered images in pixels. Since an advantage of
# Neural Radiance Fields are high quality renders
# with a significant amount of details, we render
# the implicit function at double the size of
# target images.
render_size = target_images.shape[1] * 2
# Our rendered scene is centered around (0,0,0)
# and is enclosed inside a bounding box
# whose side is roughly equal to 3.0 (world units).
volume_extent_world = 3.0
# 1) Instantiate the raysamplers.
# Here, NDCGridRaysampler generates a rectangular image
# grid of rays whose coordinates follow the PyTorch3d
# coordinate conventions.
raysampler_grid = NDCGridRaysampler(
# MonteCarloRaysampler generates a random subset
# of `n_rays_per_image` rays emitted from the image plane.
raysampler_mc = MonteCarloRaysampler(
min_x = -1.0,
max_x = 1.0,
min_y = -1.0,
max_y = 1.0,
# 2) Instantiate the raymarcher.
# Here, we use the standard EmissionAbsorptionRaymarcher
# which marches along each ray in order to render
# the ray into a single 3D color vector
# and an opacity scalar.
raymarcher = EmissionAbsorptionRaymarcher()
# Finally, instantiate the implicit renders
# for both raysamplers.
renderer_grid = ImplicitRenderer(
raysampler=raysampler_grid, raymarcher=raymarcher,
renderer_mc = ImplicitRenderer(
raysampler=raysampler_mc, raymarcher=raymarcher,
# Define the NeRF model
class HarmonicEmbedding(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_harmonic_functions=60, omega0=0.1):
Given an input tensor `x` of shape [minibatch, ... , dim],
the harmonic embedding layer converts each feature
in `x` into a series of harmonic features `embedding`
as follows:
embedding[..., i*dim:(i+1)*dim] = [
sin(x[..., i]),
sin(2*x[..., i]),
sin(4*x[..., i]),
sin(2**self.n_harmonic_functions * x[..., i]),
cos(x[..., i]),
cos(2*x[..., i]),
cos(4*x[..., i]),
cos(2**self.n_harmonic_functions * x[..., i])
Note that `x` is also premultiplied by `omega0` before
evaluting the harmonic functions.
omega0 * (2.0 ** torch.arange(n_harmonic_functions)),
def forward(self, x):
x: tensor of shape [..., dim]
embedding: a harmonic embedding of `x`
of shape [..., n_harmonic_functions * dim * 2]
embed = (x[..., None] * self.frequencies).view(*x.shape[:-1], -1)
return torch.cat((embed.sin(), embed.cos()), dim=-1)
class NeuralRadianceField(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_harmonic_functions=60, n_hidden_neurons=256):
n_harmonic_functions: The number of harmonic functions
used to form the harmonic embedding of each point.
n_hidden_neurons: The number of hidden units in the
fully connected layers of the MLPs of the model.
# The harmonic embedding layer converts input 3D coordinates
# to a representation that is more suitable for
# processing with a deep neural network.
self.harmonic_embedding = HarmonicEmbedding(n_harmonic_functions)
# The dimension of the harmonic embedding.
embedding_dim = n_harmonic_functions * 2 * 3
# self.mlp is a simple 2-layer multi-layer perceptron
# which converts the input per-point harmonic embeddings
# to a latent representation.
# Not that we use Softplus activations instead of ReLU.
self.mlp = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(embedding_dim, n_hidden_neurons),
torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden_neurons, n_hidden_neurons),
# Given features predicted by self.mlp, self.color_layer
# is responsible for predicting a 3-D per-point vector
# that represents the RGB color of the point.
self.color_layer = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden_neurons + embedding_dim, n_hidden_neurons),
torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden_neurons, 3),
# To ensure that the colors correctly range between [0-1],
# the layer is terminated with a sigmoid layer.
# The density layer converts the features of self.mlp
# to a 1D density value representing the raw opacity
# of each point.
self.density_layer = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden_neurons, 1),
# Sofplus activation ensures that the raw opacity
# is a non-negative number.
# We set the bias of the density layer to -1.5
# in order to initialize the opacities of the
# ray points to values close to 0.
# This is a crucial detail for ensuring convergence
# of the model.
self.density_layer[0].bias.data[0] = -1.5
def _get_densities(self, features):
This function takes `features` predicted by `self.mlp`
and converts them to `raw_densities` with `self.density_layer`.
`raw_densities` are later mapped to [0-1] range with
1 - inverse exponential of `raw_densities`.
raw_densities = self.density_layer(features)
return 1 - (-raw_densities).exp()
def _get_colors(self, features, rays_directions):
This function takes per-point `features` predicted by `self.mlp`
and evaluates the color model in order to attach to each
point a 3D vector of its RGB color.
In order to represent viewpoint dependent effects,
before evaluating `self.color_layer`, `NeuralRadianceField`
concatenates to the `features` a harmonic embedding
of `ray_directions`, which are per-point directions
of point rays expressed as 3D l2-normalized vectors
in world coordinates.
spatial_size = features.shape[:-1]
# Normalize the ray_directions to unit l2 norm.
rays_directions_normed = torch.nn.functional.normalize(
rays_directions, dim=-1
# Obtain the harmonic embedding of the normalized ray directions.
rays_embedding = self.harmonic_embedding(
# Expand the ray directions tensor so that its spatial size
# is equal to the size of features.
rays_embedding_expand = rays_embedding[..., None, :].expand(
*spatial_size, rays_embedding.shape[-1]
# Concatenate ray direction embeddings with
# features and evaluate the color model.
color_layer_input = torch.cat(
(features, rays_embedding_expand),
return self.color_layer(color_layer_input)
def forward(
ray_bundle: RayBundle,
The forward function accepts the parametrizations of
3D points sampled along projection rays. The forward
pass is responsible for attaching a 3D vector
and a 1D scalar representing the point's
RGB color and opacity respectively.
ray_bundle: A RayBundle object containing the following variables:
origins: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)` denoting the
origins of the sampling rays in world coords.
directions: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)`
containing the direction vectors of sampling rays in world coords.
lengths: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray)`
containing the lengths at which the rays are sampled.
rays_densities: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 1)`
denoting the opacitiy of each ray point.
rays_colors: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 3)`
denoting the color of each ray point.
# We first convert the ray parametrizations to world
# coordinates with `ray_bundle_to_ray_points`.
rays_points_world = ray_bundle_to_ray_points(ray_bundle)
# rays_points_world.shape = [minibatch x ... x 3]
# For each 3D world coordinate, we obtain its harmonic embedding.
embeds = self.harmonic_embedding(
# embeds.shape = [minibatch x ... x self.n_harmonic_functions*6]
# self.mlp maps each harmonic embedding to a latent feature space.
features = self.mlp(embeds)
# features.shape = [minibatch x ... x n_hidden_neurons]
# Finally, given the per-point features,
# execute the density and color branches.
rays_densities = self._get_densities(features)
# rays_densities.shape = [minibatch x ... x 1]
rays_colors = self._get_colors(features, ray_bundle.directions)
# rays_colors.shape = [minibatch x ... x 3]
return rays_densities, rays_colors
def batched_forward(
ray_bundle: RayBundle,
n_batches: int = 16,
This function is used to allow for memory efficient processing
of input rays. The input rays are first split to `n_batches`
chunks and passed through the `self.forward` function one at a time
in a for loop. Combined with disabling Pytorch gradient caching
(`torch.no_grad()`), this allows for rendering large batches
of rays that do not all fit into GPU memory in a single forward pass.
In our case, batched_forward is used to export a fully-sized render
of the radiance field for visualisation purposes.
ray_bundle: A RayBundle object containing the following variables:
origins: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)` denoting the
origins of the sampling rays in world coords.
directions: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)`
containing the direction vectors of sampling rays in world coords.
lengths: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray)`
containing the lengths at which the rays are sampled.
n_batches: Specifies the number of batches the input rays are split into.
The larger the number of batches, the smaller the memory footprint
and the lower the processing speed.
rays_densities: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 1)`
denoting the opacitiy of each ray point.
rays_colors: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 3)`
denoting the color of each ray point.
# Parse out shapes needed for tensor reshaping in this function.
n_pts_per_ray = ray_bundle.lengths.shape[-1]
spatial_size = [*ray_bundle.origins.shape[:-1], n_pts_per_ray]
# Split the rays to `n_batches` batches.
tot_samples = ray_bundle.origins.shape[:-1].numel()
batches = torch.chunk(torch.arange(tot_samples), n_batches)
# For each batch, execute the standard forward pass.
batch_outputs = [
origins=ray_bundle.origins.view(-1, 3)[batch_idx],
directions=ray_bundle.directions.view(-1, 3)[batch_idx],
lengths=ray_bundle.lengths.view(-1, n_pts_per_ray)[batch_idx],
) for batch_idx in batches
# Concatenate the per-batch rays_densities and rays_colors
# and reshape according to the sizes of the inputs.
rays_densities, rays_colors = [
[batch_output[output_i] for batch_output in batch_outputs], dim=0
).view(*spatial_size, -1) for output_i in (0, 1)
return rays_densities, rays_colors
# Helper functions
def huber(x, y, scaling=0.1):
A helper function for evaluating the smooth L1 (huber) loss
between the rendered silhouettes and colors.
diff_sq = (x - y) ** 2
loss = ((1 + diff_sq / (scaling**2)).clamp(1e-4).sqrt() - 1) * float(scaling)
return loss
def sample_images_at_mc_locs(target_images, sampled_rays_xy):
Given a set of Monte Carlo pixel locations `sampled_rays_xy`,
this method samples the tensor `target_images` at the
respective 2D locations.
This function is used in order to extract the colors from
ground truth images that correspond to the colors
rendered using `MonteCarloRaysampler`.
ba = target_images.shape[0]
dim = target_images.shape[-1]
spatial_size = sampled_rays_xy.shape[1:-1]
# In order to sample target_images, we utilize
# the grid_sample function which implements a
# bilinear image sampler.
# Note that we have to invert the sign of the
# sampled ray positions to convert the NDC xy locations
# of the MonteCarloRaysampler to the coordinate
# convention of grid_sample.
images_sampled = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(
target_images.permute(0, 3, 1, 2),
-sampled_rays_xy.view(ba, -1, 1, 2), # note the sign inversion
return images_sampled.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).view(
ba, *spatial_size, dim
def show_full_render(
neural_radiance_field, camera,
target_image, target_silhouette,
loss_history_color, loss_history_sil,
This is a helper function for visualizing the
intermediate results of the learning.
Since the `NeuralRadianceField` suffers from
a large memory footprint, which does not allow to
render the full image grid in a single forward pass,
we utilize the `NeuralRadianceField.batched_forward`
function in combination with disabling the gradient caching.
This chunks the set of emitted rays to batches and
evaluates the implicit function on one-batch at a time
to prevent GPU memory overflow.
# Prevent gradient caching.
with torch.no_grad():
# Render using the grid renderer and the
# batched_forward function of neural_radiance_field.
rendered_image_silhouette, _ = renderer_grid(
# Split the rendering result to a silhouette render
# and the image render.
rendered_image, rendered_silhouette = (
rendered_image_silhouette[0].split([3, 1], dim=-1)
# Generate plots.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(15, 10))
ax = ax.ravel()
clamp_and_detach = lambda x: x.clamp(0.0, 1.0).cpu().detach().numpy()
ax[0].plot(list(range(len(loss_history_color))), loss_history_color, linewidth=1)
ax[2].imshow(clamp_and_detach(rendered_silhouette[..., 0]))
ax[3].plot(list(range(len(loss_history_sil))), loss_history_sil, linewidth=1)
for ax_, title_ in zip(
"loss color", "rendered image", "rendered silhouette",
"loss silhouette", "target image", "target silhouette",
if not title_.startswith('loss'):
fig.canvas.draw(); fig.show()
return fig
# Fit the radiance field
# First move all relevant variables to the correct device.
renderer_grid = renderer_grid.to(device)
renderer_mc = renderer_mc.to(device)
target_cameras = target_cameras.to(device)
target_images = target_images.to(device)
target_silhouettes = target_silhouettes.to(device)
# Set the seed for reproducibility
# Instantiate the radiance field model.
neural_radiance_field = NeuralRadianceField().to(device)
# Instantiate the Adam optimizer. We set its master learning rate to 1e-3.
lr = 1e-3
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(neural_radiance_field.parameters(), lr=lr)
# We sample 6 random cameras in a minibatch. Each camera
# emits raysampler_mc.n_pts_per_image rays.
batch_size = 6
# 3000 iterations take ~20 min on a Tesla M40 and lead to
# reasonably sharp results. However, for the best possible
# results, we recommend setting n_iter=20000.
n_iter = 3000
# Init the loss history buffers.
loss_history_color, loss_history_sil = [], []
# The main optimization loop.
for iteration in range(n_iter):
# In case we reached the last 75% of iterations,
# decrease the learning rate of the optimizer 10-fold.
if iteration == round(n_iter * 0.75):
print('Decreasing LR 10-fold ...')
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
neural_radiance_field.parameters(), lr=lr * 0.1
# Zero the optimizer gradient.
# Sample random batch indices.
batch_idx = torch.randperm(len(target_cameras))[:batch_size]
# Sample the minibatch of cameras.
batch_cameras = FoVPerspectiveCameras(
R = target_cameras.R[batch_idx],
T = target_cameras.T[batch_idx],
znear = target_cameras.znear[batch_idx],
zfar = target_cameras.zfar[batch_idx],
aspect_ratio = target_cameras.aspect_ratio[batch_idx],
fov = target_cameras.fov[batch_idx],
device = device,
# Evaluate the nerf model.
rendered_images_silhouettes, sampled_rays = renderer_mc(
rendered_images, rendered_silhouettes = (
rendered_images_silhouettes.split([3, 1], dim=-1)
# Compute the silhoutte error as the mean huber
# loss between the predicted masks and the
# sampled target silhouettes.
silhouettes_at_rays = sample_images_at_mc_locs(
target_silhouettes[batch_idx, ..., None],
sil_err = huber(
# Compute the color error as the mean huber
# loss between the rendered colors and the
# sampled target images.
colors_at_rays = sample_images_at_mc_locs(
color_err = huber(
# The optimization loss is a simple
# sum of the color and silhouette errors.
loss = color_err + sil_err
# Log the loss history.
# Every 10 iterations, print the current values of the losses.
if iteration % 10 == 0:
f'Iteration {iteration:05d}:'
+ f' loss color = {float(color_err):1.2e}'
+ f' loss silhouette = {float(sil_err):1.2e}'
# Take the optimization step.
# Visualize the full renders every 100 iterations.
if iteration % 100 == 0:
show_idx = torch.randperm(len(target_cameras))[:1]
R = target_cameras.R[show_idx],
T = target_cameras.T[show_idx],
znear = target_cameras.znear[show_idx],
zfar = target_cameras.zfar[show_idx],
aspect_ratio = target_cameras.aspect_ratio[show_idx],
fov = target_cameras.fov[show_idx],
device = device,
# Visualizing the optimized neural radiance field
def generate_rotating_nerf(neural_radiance_field, n_frames = 50):
logRs = torch.zeros(n_frames, 3, device=device)
logRs[:, 1] = torch.linspace(-3.14, 3.14, n_frames, device=device)
Rs = so3_exponential_map(logRs)
Ts = torch.zeros(n_frames, 3, device=device)
Ts[:, 2] = 2.7
frames = []
print('Rendering rotating NeRF ...')
for R, T in zip(tqdm(Rs), Ts):
camera = FoVPerspectiveCameras(
# Note that we again render with `NDCGridSampler`
# and the batched_forward function of neural_radiance_field.
)[0][..., :3]
return torch.cat(frames)
with torch.no_grad():
rotating_nerf_frames = generate_rotating_nerf(neural_radiance_field, n_frames=3*5)
image_grid(rotating_nerf_frames.clamp(0., 1.).cpu().numpy(), rows=3, cols=5, rgb=True, fill=True)

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
from .camera_visualization import get_camera_wireframe, plot_camera_scene, plot_cameras
from .plot_image_grid import image_grid

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa: F401 unused import
from pytorch3d.vis.plotly_vis import get_camera_wireframe
def plot_cameras(ax, cameras, color: str = "blue"):
Plots a set of `cameras` objects into the maplotlib axis `ax` with
color `color`.
cam_wires_canonical = get_camera_wireframe().cuda()[None]
cam_trans = cameras.get_world_to_view_transform().inverse()
cam_wires_trans = cam_trans.transform_points(cam_wires_canonical)
plot_handles = []
for wire in cam_wires_trans:
# the Z and Y axes are flipped intentionally here!
x_, z_, y_ = wire.detach().cpu().numpy().T.astype(float)
(h,) = ax.plot(x_, y_, z_, color=color, linewidth=0.3)
return plot_handles
def plot_camera_scene(cameras, cameras_gt, status: str):
Plots a set of predicted cameras `cameras` and their corresponding
ground truth locations `cameras_gt`. The plot is named with
a string passed inside the `status` argument.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection="3d")
handle_cam = plot_cameras(ax, cameras, color="#FF7D1E")
handle_cam_gt = plot_cameras(ax, cameras_gt, color="#812CE5")
plot_radius = 3
ax.set_xlim3d([-plot_radius, plot_radius])
ax.set_ylim3d([3 - plot_radius, 3 + plot_radius])
ax.set_zlim3d([-plot_radius, plot_radius])
labels_handles = {
"Estimated cameras": handle_cam[0],
"GT cameras": handle_cam_gt[0],
loc="upper center",
bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0),
return fig

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
# Util function for loading meshes
from pytorch3d.io import load_objs_as_meshes
from pytorch3d.renderer import (
# create the default data directory
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(current_dir, "..", "data", "cow_mesh")
def generate_cow_renders(
num_views: int = 40, data_dir: str = DATA_DIR, azimuth_range: float = 180
This function generates `num_views` renders of a cow mesh.
The renders are generated from viewpoints sampled at uniformly distributed
azimuth intervals. The elevation is kept constant so that the camera's
vertical position coincides with the equator.
For a more detailed explanation of this code, please refer to the
docs/tutorials/fit_textured_mesh.ipynb notebook.
num_views: The number of generated renders.
data_dir: The folder that contains the cow mesh files. If the cow mesh
files do not exist in the folder, this function will automatically
download them.
cameras: A batch of `num_views` `FoVPerspectiveCameras` from which the
images are rendered.
images: A tensor of shape `(num_views, height, width, 3)` containing
the rendered images.
silhouettes: A tensor of shape `(num_views, height, width)` containing
the rendered silhouettes.
# set the paths
# download the cow mesh if not done before
cow_mesh_files = [
os.path.join(data_dir, fl) for fl in ("cow.obj", "cow.mtl", "cow_texture.png")
if any(not os.path.isfile(f) for f in cow_mesh_files):
os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)
f"wget -P {data_dir} "
+ "https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/pytorch3d/data/cow_mesh/cow.obj"
f"wget -P {data_dir} "
+ "https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/pytorch3d/data/cow_mesh/cow.mtl"
f"wget -P {data_dir} "
+ "https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/pytorch3d/data/cow_mesh/cow_texture.png"
# Setup
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = torch.device("cuda:0")
device = torch.device("cpu")
# Load obj file
obj_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "cow.obj")
mesh = load_objs_as_meshes([obj_filename], device=device)
# We scale normalize and center the target mesh to fit in a sphere of radius 1
# centered at (0,0,0). (scale, center) will be used to bring the predicted mesh
# to its original center and scale. Note that normalizing the target mesh,
# speeds up the optimization but is not necessary!
verts = mesh.verts_packed()
N = verts.shape[0]
center = verts.mean(0)
scale = max((verts - center).abs().max(0)[0])
mesh.offset_verts_(-(center.expand(N, 3)))
mesh.scale_verts_((1.0 / float(scale)))
# Get a batch of viewing angles.
elev = torch.linspace(0, 0, num_views) # keep constant
azim = torch.linspace(-azimuth_range, azimuth_range, num_views) + 180.0
# Place a point light in front of the object. As mentioned above, the front of
# the cow is facing the -z direction.
lights = PointLights(device=device, location=[[0.0, 0.0, -3.0]])
# Initialize an OpenGL perspective camera that represents a batch of different
# viewing angles. All the cameras helper methods support mixed type inputs and
# broadcasting. So we can view the camera from the a distance of dist=2.7, and
# then specify elevation and azimuth angles for each viewpoint as tensors.
R, T = look_at_view_transform(dist=2.7, elev=elev, azim=azim)
cameras = FoVPerspectiveCameras(device=device, R=R, T=T)
# Define the settings for rasterization and shading. Here we set the output
# image to be of size 128X128. As we are rendering images for visualization
# purposes only we will set faces_per_pixel=1 and blur_radius=0.0. Refer to
# rasterize_meshes.py for explanations of these parameters. We also leave
# bin_size and max_faces_per_bin to their default values of None, which sets
# their values using huristics and ensures that the faster coarse-to-fine
# rasterization method is used. Refer to docs/notes/renderer.md for an
# explanation of the difference between naive and coarse-to-fine rasterization.
raster_settings = RasterizationSettings(
image_size=128, blur_radius=0.0, faces_per_pixel=1
# Create a phong renderer by composing a rasterizer and a shader. The textured
# phong shader will interpolate the texture uv coordinates for each vertex,
# sample from a texture image and apply the Phong lighting model
blend_params = BlendParams(sigma=1e-4, gamma=1e-4, background_color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
renderer = MeshRenderer(
rasterizer=MeshRasterizer(cameras=cameras, raster_settings=raster_settings),
device=device, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, blend_params=blend_params
# Create a batch of meshes by repeating the cow mesh and associated textures.
# Meshes has a useful `extend` method which allows us do this very easily.
# This also extends the textures.
meshes = mesh.extend(num_views)
# Render the cow mesh from each viewing angle
target_images = renderer(meshes, cameras=cameras, lights=lights)
# Rasterization settings for silhouette rendering
sigma = 1e-4
raster_settings_silhouette = RasterizationSettings(
image_size=128, blur_radius=np.log(1.0 / 1e-4 - 1.0) * sigma, faces_per_pixel=50
# Silhouette renderer
renderer_silhouette = MeshRenderer(
cameras=cameras, raster_settings=raster_settings_silhouette
# Render silhouette images. The 3rd channel of the rendering output is
# the alpha/silhouette channel
silhouette_images = renderer_silhouette(meshes, cameras=cameras, lights=lights)
# binary silhouettes
silhouette_binary = (silhouette_images[..., 3] > 1e-4).float()
return cameras, target_images[..., :3], silhouette_binary

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def image_grid(
fill: bool = True,
show_axes: bool = False,
rgb: bool = True,
A util function for plotting a grid of images.
images: (N, H, W, 4) array of RGBA images
rows: number of rows in the grid
cols: number of columns in the grid
fill: boolean indicating if the space between images should be filled
show_axes: boolean indicating if the axes of the plots should be visible
rgb: boolean, If True, only RGB channels are plotted.
If False, only the alpha channel is plotted.
if (rows is None) != (cols is None):
raise ValueError("Specify either both rows and cols or neither.")
if rows is None:
rows = len(images)
cols = 1
gridspec_kw = {"wspace": 0.0, "hspace": 0.0} if fill else {}
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(rows, cols, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, figsize=(15, 9))
bleed = 0
fig.subplots_adjust(left=bleed, bottom=bleed, right=(1 - bleed), top=(1 - bleed))
for ax, im in zip(axarr.ravel(), images):
if rgb:
# only render RGB channels
ax.imshow(im[..., :3])
# only render Alpha channel
ax.imshow(im[..., 3])
if not show_axes: